For supporting tp CMSIS5/RTX5, I changed the start-up processing of 3 toolchains(ARMCC, GCC_ARM, IAR) and updated the register definition of PEACH specific.
In addition,
I changed the linker script files to implement the dynamic HEAP the same as Cortex-M targets.Since GR-PEACH's HEAP was a fixed area, I changed the label name(ZI_DATA to RW_IRAM1) and replaced the allocation of STACK/HEAP.
Set buffer for 1 sample in analogin_read_u16. Before it assumes the
buffer is set outside by the higher layer. Now it's temporarily
located on the stack since only the ADC value is returned.
Pending official update from STM, add memory barriers to the Ethernet
HAL code for the STM32F7xx family.
Cortex-M7 has a merging write buffer that is not automatically flushed
by accesses to devices, so without these DMBs, we sometimes lose synch
with the transmitter.
The DMBs are architecturally needed in every version of this HAL, but
adding just to the STM32F7 version for now to clear test, as the
problem has only been observed on Cortex-M7-based devices.
Filter numbers 14 to 27 are reserved for dual CAN configuration.
However, CAN3 operates in single CAN configuration according to the
reference manual).
CAN_2 and CAN_3 are enum and not #define and this causes compilation error with GCC_ARM
Instead put back the test of CAN_NUM (which are defined in can_device.h).
Ensure all instance memory blocks meet 4 byte alignment requirement
without relying on compiler's or liker's optional settings:
- gpioMemory[] for adi_gpio_Init()
- aRtcDevMem0[] for adi_rtc_Open()
- i2c_Mem[] or I2C_Mem[] for adi_i2c_Open()
- spi_Mem0[], spi_Mem1[], spi_Mem2[] or SPI_Mem[] for adi_spi_Open()
Add RSF synchro during init
Set a better WakeUp clock for long wake up period in order to stay in sleep mode
Use rtc_isenabled function before init as rtc_init is called at each set_time call
- Maintain compatible code for ARM 5 and ARM 6 while default alignment
settings differ.
- Instance memory containing memory pointers must be 4 byte aligned for
all compilers regardless compilers' settings.
- uint32_t is recommended to replace uint8_t for instance memory
declaration because uint32_t guarantee 4 byte alignment.
Based on the Mbed OS website the A3 is connected to "DAC", however there
is no define for DAC. In order to get the Realtek RTL8195AM to even compile
with mbed-os-example-client now, we must have the A3 defined - it is one of
the standard Arduine header pins. Therefore, setting it as NC.
A4-A5 are not connected either, so adding them as "NC" as well.
Realtek will hopefully push a proper fix sooner or later, if there is a
more meaningful define for the A3 pin. They do state however that the
A0-A3 pins are not GPIO capable anyway.
1. move ota region 1 from 0x00b000 to 0x040000
2. move ota region 2 from 0x0c0000 to 0x120000
3. refactor bootloader header as follows:
uint32_t tag;
uint32_t ver;
uint64_t timestamp;
uint32_t size;
uint8_t hash[32];
uint8_t campaign[16];
uint32_t crc32;
a. hash is the sha256 checksum of the payload.
b. crc32 is the crc32 checksum of headers from tag to campaign.
4. Call NVIC_SystemReset for soft reset.
Signed-off-by: Tony Wu <>
signals are lost. It was observed at last for tests-api-spi ci-test-shield's
This patch introduce usage of sdk5 origin implementation in which
sd_nvic_critical_region_enter/exit is calling each time critical region
is enter/exit. This fixes the issue.
Timer code was written based on integer multiple HF clock frequencies. EFR32 doesn't conform to that (38.4), and so the timestamp ticks were off by 1%. Enough to trip up some CI tests on TB_SENSE_12 (#5496)
- serial_init, serial_free and serial_baud function moved from serial_device.c (specific to each STM32 family) to serial_api.c (common STM32 file)
- default baudrate value was hardcoded to 9600
- Value is set now to MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD_RATE for other use
- UART init will not be stopped before calling serial_baud function
This patch handles the case of SPI slave mode without MISO (NC).
In case MISO is not connected, we consider that SPI will be configured in
3 wires mode (CLK / MOSI / CS, but no MISO). In this case, the MOSI line
is bi-directional : SPI_DIRECTION_1LINE.
But as this is not supported yet in slave mode, we force it to
SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES. In this case slave SPI will receive data on MOSI
but nothing will be sent back to master as MISO is not connected.
Old lp_ticker handles past event, but it has a bug with premature go-off.
The bug can re-produce on mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout/mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-lp_us_tickers (mbed-os commit: 9c1fd48529).
Because upper layer (mbed-os/hal/mbed_ticker_api.c) has handled past event, this code can be removed from lp_ticker.
The similar fix also applies to us_ticker.
Re-casting with tmp the uint8_t* pData pointer to uint16_t* brings a
memory corruption and typically can corrupt the size parameter. This
is fixed with this commit.
STM32 Internal ticket reference : 39116
Fixed issues raised from ARM PR review and removed the unsupported platform.
- Fixed an issue where the TRNG is read even though it may not be ready;
- Added configuration to ensure the buffering mode is disabled so only 8-bit bytes are generated;
- Moved the TRNG device handle into the trng_t structure.
Removed undefined spi slave related functions.
- Added error checking for trng_get_bytes function;
- Added curly brackets to single line conditions for some files;
- Changed rx and tx buffers in serial module as local variables;
- Removed some unused code and some minor formatting corrections;
- Minor i2c & spi updates for github pull request;
- Added function definition for spi_master_block_write.
Added default delay and sample times for the ADC during initialization.
- Added code to clear stack variable in trng_get_bytes upon exiting the
- Remove lp ticker functionality as the timer hardware does not satisfy
lp timer requirements.
Added a check for the STUCK bit before reading the RNG data register to ensure there are no hardware faults.
- Removed .mbedignore to work around some exporter issues;
- Added #includes to some of the driver data C files for them to build on their own.