- Added dummy data setup API to allow users to configure
the dummy data to be transferred.
- Added new APIs for half-duplex transfer function. Users
can send and receive data by one API in the polling/interrupt/EDMA way,
and they can choose either to transmit first or to receive first.
Additionally, the PCS pin can be configured as assert status in
transmission (between transmit and receive) by setting the
isPcsAssertInTransfer to true.
- Fix for MISRA issues
Signed-off-by: Mahesh Mahadevan <mahesh.mahadevan@nxp.com>
This allows to specify which hal version to use for each family.
It can also be used to modify the thread stack size.
Signed-off-by: Vincent Veron <vincent.veron@st.com>
This port is based on :
* CurryGuy ethernet branch :
* STM32 Cube example :
Applications/LwIP/LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS example
Signed-off-by: Vincent Veron <vincent.veron@st.com>
Fix SPI module index error in modidx_ns_tab table in CLK_SetModuleClock_S().
Need to update secure image for this bugfix.
This is also to fix FPGA CI test mbed_hal_fpga_ci_test_shield-spi/
SPI - init/free test all pins.
M451 series can classify by M45xD/M45xC and M45xG/M45xE. To support this
1. Create TARGET_M45xD_M45xC and TARGET_M45xG_M45xE targets.
2. Mark NUMAKER_PFM_M453 belongs to TARGET_M45xG_M45xE by 'extra_labels_add'
in targets.json.
3. Fix pin name table according to the classification.
4. Fix pinmap table according to the classification.
MOSI1/MISO1 are used in second bit of 2-bit transfer mode and cannot be used
for normal MOSI/MISO. Remove them from pinmap.
This is also to fix FPGA CI test mbed_hal_fpga_ci_test_shield-spi/
SPI - basic test.
Without free-up of peripheral pins, peripheral pins of the same peripheral may
share by multiple ports after port iteration, and this peripheral may fail with
pin interference.
In Nuvoton, only new-design chips support GPIO input pull-high/pull-low modes.
Targets not supporting this feature are listed below:
Fix logic error on replying NACK at the end of transfer.
This is also to fix FPGA CI test mbed_hal_fpga_ci_test_shield-i2c/
i2c - test single byte read i2c API.
Better IP initialization sequence:
1. Configure IP pins
2. Select IP clock source and then enable it
3. Reset the IP (SYS_ResetModule)
NOTE1: IP reset takes effect regardless of IP clock. So it doesn't matter if
IP clock enable is before IP reset.
NOTE2: Non-configured pins may disturb IP's state, so IP pinout first and then
IP reset.
NOTE3: IP reset at the end of IP initialization sequence can cover unexpected
Update includes allocating RAM region for code to enter
stop modes and execute this code in RAM, thus the flash
is idle and no prefetch is performed while entering stop
Signed-off-by: Mahesh Mahadevan <mahesh.mahadevan@nxp.com>
1. Use the updated API's provided by the SMC driver
2. Wait till debug UART has finished transmitting data
Signed-off-by: Mahesh Mahadevan <mahesh.mahadevan@nxp.com>
1. Update to handle 12-bit resolution
2. Properly handle the pin configuration
3. Update the pin setup to handle the ADC B channel
Signed-off-by: Mahesh Mahadevan <mahesh.mahadevan@nxp.com>
Originally, nu_delay_cycle_x4(...) is borrowed from mbed test code for delay
cycle. Currently, it is not used on Nuvoton targets. If delay cycle is needed,
use wait_ns(...) instead which has strict implementation and has passed tests.
The use of `gpio_irq_event` & `gpio_irq_handler` in `gpio_irq_s` creates
a circular dependency.
hal/gpio_irq_api.h needs
targets/TARGET_Cypress/TARGET_PSOC6_FUTURE/TARGET_CY8C63XX/device.h, that needs
targets/TARGET_Cypress/TARGET_PSOC6_FUTURE/objects.h, that again needs
hal/gpio_irq_api.h, before the types are defined.
Remove `#include "gpio_irq_api.h"` directive from objects.h and change
the types of `gpio_irq_s` members.
When STM32F746-DISCO board was being used in (unsupported) USBHost mode,
the communication was unreliable. Our investigation revealed that the
problem lied in redundant IN tokens that the host generated even though
it shouldn't. This could lead to endless high-frequency NAKs being
received from device, which caused watchdog reset as USBHost spent all
time in interrupt handlers.
In our application the clocks frequencies are:
* HCLK = 48 MHz
* APB1 = 6 MHz
* APB2 = 12 MHz
We have captured the raw USB High-Speed traffic using OpenVizsla.
Without this change, when USB MSD device connected to the system
responded to IN with NAK, there were excessive IN tokens generated about
667 ns after the NAK. With this commit the IN tokens are generated no
sooner than 10 us after the NAK.
The high frequency of the IN/NAK pairs is not the biggest problem.
The biggest problem is that the USB Host did continue to send the IN token
after DATA and ACK packets were received from device - *without* any request
from upper layer (USB MSD).
The USB MSD devices won't have extra data available on Bulk IN endpoint
after the expected data was received by Host. In such case IN/NAK cycle
time is only houndreds of nanoseconds, the MCU has no time for anything else.
The problem manifested not only on Bulk endpoints, but also during
Control transfers. Example correct scenario (when this fix is applied):
* SETUP stage
* SETUP [host -> address 0 endpoint 0]
* DATA0 [80 06 00 01 00 00 08 00] [CRC16: EB 94]
* DATA stage
* IN
... the IN/NAK repeated multiple time until device was ready
* IN
* DATA1 [12 01 10 02 00 00 00 40] [CRC16: 55 41]
* STATUS stage
Without this commit, in DATA stage, after the ACK was received, the host
did send extra IN to which device responded with STALL. On bus it was:
* DATA stage
* IN
* DATA1 [12 01 10 02 00 00 00 40] [CRC16: 55 41]
* IN
* IN
* STATUS stage
In the fault case the next SETUP was sent only after 510 ms, which
indicates timeout in upper layer.
With this commit the next SETUP is sent 120 us after the STATUS stage ACK.
- Fix assert when spi_master_block_write called with 0 size
- Fix assert when spi_format called before spi_frequency
- Simplify implementation of spi_master_write
- Simplify pointer arithmetic expressions in cyhal_spi_transfer and
- Fix I2C driver not honoring the frequency specified during init.
The IRQ disable was always disabling both rising
and falling edges of the interrupt thereby causing
failures in cases when one of the two should stay enabled.
Signed-off-by: Mahesh Mahadevan <mahesh.mahadevan@nxp.com>
1. Update the clock divider setting
2. ADC resolution is 12-bits, update the API return value
to return 16-bit result
3. Update IOMUX setup
Signed-off-by: Mahesh Mahadevan <mahesh.mahadevan@nxp.com>
This test requires total latency (tot = h/w + s/w) (wakeup from deepsleep) be
under 1ms. To check the issue, measure total latency on Nuvoton targets:
NANO130 42000 43000 42939
NUC472 42000 43000 42236
M453 42000 43000 43274
M487 42000 43000 42877
M2351 42000 43000 43213
Checking h/w spec, h/w latency (wakeup time from normal power-down mode) on
M487/M2351 is just 1us (n/a on other targets). S/W latency plays the major
part here.
S/W latency relies on system performance. On Nuvoton targets, 'LPTICKER_DELAY_TICKS'
possibly complicates the test. Anyway, to pass the test, add extra 1ms latency
(deep-sleep-latency) in targets.json for Nuvoton targets.
Since QSPi is not yet supported by base TARGET_PSOC6,
there is no need to remove the device label from
FUTURE targets that inherit from TARGET_PSOC6.
This will need to be reverted back once the QSPI support
is implemented for Cypress PSOC6 targets.
An extra start signal was observed on the bus which was
discovered by the FPGA test shield.
This is because the hardware sends out a transaction as soon
as a write to the START bit. Hence the write to the START
bit is delayed by using a flag.
Signed-off-by: Mahesh Mahadevan <mahesh.mahadevan@nxp.com>
According to comment in the implementation this target supports the
hardware flow control on UART1 peripheral.
This patch fixes build errors after adding DEVICE_SERIAL_FC guards to
After adding DEVICE_SERIAL_FC guards to serial_api.h
serial_set_flow_control is not available. In case of this
implementation, this function is a no-op and may be safely removed.
After adding DEVICE_SERIAL_FC guards to serial_api.h
serial_set_flow_control is not available. In case of this
implementation, this function is a no-op and may be safely removed.
On Nuvoton targets, lp_ticker_set_interrupt(...) needs around 3 lp-ticker
ticks to take effect. It may miss when current tick and match tick are very
close (see hal/LowPowerTickerWrapper.cpp). Enlarge LPTICKER_DELAY_TICKS to
4 from 3 to address this boundary case.
1. Add missing header file for mbed_mpu_manager_lock_ram_execution()/
mbed_mpu_manager_unlock_ram_execution() to avoid compile warning.
2. Locate delay_loop_code() on 16-byte boundary (sync to common version).
3. Optimize delay_loop macro (sync to common version).
Replace the prebuilt CM0+ HEX images with C files that provide the
variable cy_m0p_image placed to the combined ELF image with linker
script. This simplifies build flow of PSoC 6 application and improves
compatibility with IDE export targets. It is still possible to use
the custom prebuilt HEX images for PSA targets that remove CM0P_SLEEP
label and specify the `hex_filename` in targets.json.
Linker scripts are compatible with both scenarios.
Fix device management client compilation on MTB_STM_S2LP
./mbed-cloud-client/mbed-client-pal/Source/Port/Reference-Impl/OS_Specific/mbedOS/ROT/pal_plat_rot.cpp:67:5: error: 'DeviceKey' was not declared in this scope
DeviceKey &devkey = DeviceKey::get_instance();
-Enable MBED_SPLIT_HEAP for K64F and K66F
-Allow GCC_ARM toolchain to utilize remaining 64K memory area
-Make ARM toolchain to start memory filling from 64K region to leave
more space to bigger 192K region.
Watchdog is hardware driver. It interacts with HAL - provides wrapper to interact with the peripheral.
Provides basic functionality: start/stop, get timeout/max timeout.
It is automatically kicked by a timer, according to the timeout set in ctor.
For L0/L4/H7/F7/WB targets that have tickless enabled, remove the tickless from
us ticker and the delay ticks as the C++ wrapper layer is being removed
and replaced by the low layer handling.
For now, the few F4 targets with LPTIM are left with previous configuration
as test results are showing a few instabilities not yet understood.
LP TICKER mbed-os wrapper needs to be disabled as it introduces too much latencies.
LP TICKER wrapper has been disabled and we need to managed the HW constraints at low level:
- main HW constraint is that once the comparator has been programmed once,
driver cannot program it again before CMPOK HW flag is set, which takes about 3 30us cycles.
To make it even more complex, the driver also needs to cope with "LP ticker workaround"
See commit:
LP ticker workaround
There is an errata in LPTIM specification that explains that CMP Flag
condition is not an exact match (COUNTER = MATCH) but rather a
comparison (COUNTER >= MATCH).
Also the disable interrupt is more complete now:
- always check sleep manager status and restore it
- remove irq_handler as comparator is always programed and might get called
eventually when LP TICK is restarted
- reset delayed_prog
Also in set_interrupt, make sure interrupt does not fire early.
If needed, we decide to slightly delay the tick to cope with the HW limitation to
make sure it will fire as soon as HW is capable.
Functions are called under critical section as they may be called from
the IRQ handler now, not only from driver layer.
There is an errata in LPTIM specification that explains that CMP Flag
condition is not an exact match (COUNTER = MATCH) but rather a
comparison (COUNTER >= MATCH).
As a consequence the interrupt is firing early than expected when
programing a timestamp after the 0xFFFF wrap-around.
In order to
work-around this issue, we implement the below work-around.
In case timestamp is after the work-around, let's decide to program the
CMP value to 0xFFFF, which is the wrap-around value. There would anyway be
a wake-up at the time of wrap-around to let the OS update the system time.
When the wrap-around interrupt happen, OS will check the current time and
program again the timestamp to the proper value.
As the build tool in mbed-os 5.13 cannot appropriately deal with a segmented
bootloader when combining it with an application, this commit adjusts the
size reserved for interrupts (via the linker file) to avoid a bootloader
segmentation due to an unpopulated ROM area.
The microcontroller has a total of 60 vector interrupts + 16 exception
handlers. The allocated ROM flash for interrupts should be (60 + 16) x word
size in bytes = 76 x 4 = 304 = 0x130.
This commit changes the interrupt reserved space from 0x140 to 0x130.