Revert deprecation of FlashIAPBlockDevice 2 argument constructor has this was a breaking change. This follows a similar change in the external flashiap-driver repo.
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
Set the ISR stack to be 1KB.
Set the heap size to 3KB(2KB + overhead + spare) so that atleast 2KB free ram is
available for testing.
With dynamic heap size, explicit size is not required. IAR 7.8 supports
static heap, hence the change is needed in IAR linker files.
This fix avoid a long waiting loop in rtc_write function,
which was not acceptable in TICKLESS context.
Implementation comments added.
Global variable name has been updated for easier maintenance:
- LPTICKER_counter is the U32 continuous tick counter
- LPTICKER_RTC_time is the RTC time used to get the time difference
between rtc_read_lp() calls
While investigating the RX issue on NRF52_DK after SDK 14 updates,
it is observed that the RX FIFO doesn't get filled up, when the
flow control is disabled. Hence the readable never returns true.
If using Serial interface, the stdio file handles (0, 1, 2) get opened.
This results in configuring the flow control for STDIO, and it is observed
that the RX FIFO gets filled.
However, if RawSerial is used, the STDIO file handles
don't get opened. During the debug process it was observed that if the
flow control is configured once and then set to disabled, RX worked
as expected.
Alternative to this approach is that user application specifically
enables flow control as done in mbed's Greentea test suite. See
See step 14 for _initio's description.
See test code to reproduce the issue and test fix here:
The change in behavior with NRF52's UART RX is documented here. #6891
This change is a fix for the above issue.
Currently the return value of flash_get_page_size() is 1 since the min size per one writing is 1 byte by Flash spec.
However, I noticed that this value causes a enormous write time When writing large data such as FW update.
So I revised this value to 8 byte by considering the writing time, memory alignment and memory hole.
Need to ensure the transmission has been started before sending a STOP condition.
Issue found on the NUCLEO_H743ZI due certainly to the high-speed clock used.
But this is normally needed also on all STM32 devices using the I2C peripheral version 2.
For both implementation, RTC and LPTIM, there is some delay in the
set_interrupt function due to HW constraints.
Value has been set to 4 for STM32L0,
because SystemClock is slower than other families.
When both tickless and LPTICKER_DELAY_TICKS are enabled some ST
devices randomly get stuck sleeping forever. This is because the
wake up time passed to the rtc is ignored if the previous match is
about to occur. This causes the device to get stuck in sleep.
This patch prevents matches from getting dropped by the rtc by
deactivating the rtc wake up timer before setting a new value.
Events leading up to this failure for the RTC:
-1st call to lp_ticker_set_interrupt
-delay until ticker interrupt is about to fire
-2nd call to lp_ticker_set_interrupt
-interrupt for 1st call fires and match time for 2nd call is dropped
-LowPowerTickerWrapper gets ticker interrupt but treats it as a
spurious interrupt and drops it since it comes in too early
-device enters sleep without a wakeup source and locks up
1, edit "targets.json" to let "REALTEK_RTL8195AM" target inherit from "MCU_RTL8195A"
2, change file structures for folder "Target_Realtek"
3, add "PeripheralPins.h" and "PeripheralPins.c"
Date is managed only by SW
within CUBE functions HAL_RTC_GetDate and HAL_RTC_SetDate.
They are then replaced by functions that saved counters in HW registers.
RTC_ReadTimeCounter and RTC_WriteTimeCounter are then added to the ST API.
Used SystemCoreClock
Serial fuart:
SERIAL_5 & SERIAL_3 have same CTS pin (PA7), only function register is different (4 & 2).
pinmap_peripheral() will always return first match from the map.
Hence changed as, if SERIAL_5 is used, then pinmap_peripheral() should return SERIAL_5 (function register 2 to be set).
MTU2(Multi function Timer pulse Unit 2) can create the low freaquency.
Currently GR-LYCHEE uses MTU2 channel 3 for LPTicker, but I noticed that a part of it is used by another function.
Thus, I changed MTU2 channel number for LPTicker to 2.
I changed _page_program() func because "buf" which is an argument of data_send() for writing must be a RAM address in order to operate in SPI mode.
(ex: if it is ROM table data, writing will be failure.)
Also, I changed the period of interrupt disable/enable at _page_program() func and _sector_erase() func because lock period is too long.
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
TB_SENSE_12 would have been left behind by the changes in #7778. This commit implements the changes in mbed to allow targets to provide a default network interface for Silicon Labs targets.
To enable the feature US_TICKER, file is newly implemented with Timer B, which has proper clock prescale and free running after match interrupt.
Old us_ticker driver file (Timer A) is producing up to 100us tolerance, which causes to fail US_TICKER feature.
Hence, changed the peripheral ticker A to B.
Use the `mbed_sdk_inited` flag to correct the `HAL_GetTick()` behavior
after waking up from deep sleep mode. `ticker_read_us()` must not be
used to read us_ticker timestamp after waking up until the us_ticker
context is restored. More detailed description in issue #8117.
1. Add Pin defines for missing PWM pins
2. Update the hal to account for the number of PWM instances
3. Fix the register reload policy
4. Configure the XBAR to put the PWM fault inputs in inactive state
Signed-off-by: Mahesh Mahadevan <>
Replace wait_us with nu_busy_wait_us in lp_ticker since wait_us is not allowed in sleep test
which would suspend us ticker layer on which wait_us relies. nu_busy_wait_us is implemented
by calling us ticker HAL API directly rather than relying on us ticker layer.
If us_ticker/lp_ticker is scheduled and then the interrupt is disabled, the originally scheduled
interrupt may still become pending. If this occurs, then an interrupt will fire twice on the next
call to us_ticker_set_interrupt/lp_ticker_set_interrupt - once immediately and then a second time
at the appropriate time.
This patch prevents the first interrupt by clearing interrupts in
us_ticker_set_interrupt/lp_ticker_set_interrupt before calling NVIC_EnableIRQ.
There are scenarios where putc is called within a critical section, e.g
to log ASSERTs in early initialization code. The interrupts being
disabled here prevents the handlers for the UARTE from executing.
This breaks the tx_in_progress flag based approach. The tx_in_progress
never gets reset. Poll on the TXDRDY instead.
It can be recreated with a simple program as shown here:
*************** Current Behavior ****************
++ MbedOS Error Info ++
Error Status: 0x80FF0100 Code: 256 Module: 255
Error Message: F
************** With Fix *************************
++ MbedOS Error Info ++
Error Status: 0x80FF0100 Code: 256 Module: 255
Error Message: Fatal Run-time error
Location: 0x2C0A9
Error Value: 0x0
Current Thread: Id: 0x20005520 Entry: 0x30EBF StackSize: 0x1000 StackMem: 0x20004520 SP: 0x20005490
For more info, visit:
-- MbedOS Error Info --
nrf failure at .\main.cpp:22
Add the target config option "boot-stack-size" which is passed to the
linker as the define "MBED_BOOT_STACK_SIZE" so the linker can
adjust the stack accordingly. On mbed 2 the boot stack becomes the
main stack after boot. On mbed 5 the boot stack becomes the
ISR stack after boot. Because of these different uses the stack size
for mbed 2 is set to 4K by default while on mbed 5 it is set to 1k.
Additionally, the NRF5X family requires a larger interrupt stack size
due to the softdevice so the size is increased to 2k on mbed 5 builds.
Depending on initial size allocated on STM32L4 devices with
TWO_RAM_REGIONS set a crash may occur. This is because there is a
mismatch between the size newlib is expecting and the size actually
returned by _sbrk. This is because the STM32L4 implementation of _sbrk
is performing alignment internally.
This patch fixes this problem by removing the code in __wrap__sbrk
which performs the alignment.