- default value is the same as before patch
- system_stm32l4xx.c file is copied to family level with all other ST cube files
- specific clock configuration is now in a new file: system_clock.c (target level)
- nvic_addr.h file is now in TARGET_STM level
- default value is the same as before patch
- system_stm32l1xx.c file is copied to family level with all other ST cube files
- specific clock configuration is now in a new file: system_clock.c (target level)
- default value is the same as before patch
- system_stm32l0xx.c file is copied to family level with all other ST cube files
- specific clock configuration is now in a new file: system_clock.c (target level)
- default value is the same as before patch
- system_stm32f7xx.c file is copied to family level with all other ST cube files
- specific clock configuration is now in a new file: system_clock.c (target level)
- default value is the same as before patch
- system_stm32f3xx.c file is copied to family level with all other ST cube files
- specific clock configuration is now in a new file: system_clock.c (target level)
- default value is the same as before patch
- system_stm32f2xx.c file is copied to family level with all other ST cube files
- specific clock configuration is now in a new file: system_clock.c (target level)
- default value is the same as before patch
- system_stm32f1xx.c file is copied to family level with all other ST cube files
- specific clock configuration is now in a new file: system_clock.c (target level)
- default value is the same as before patch
- system_stm32f0xx.c file is copied to family level with all other ST cube files
- specific clock configuration is now in a new file: system_clock.c (target level)
The FlashIAP is supposed to have access to the full application
memory, so the address scope has been changed to encompass
the entire external flash.
The address translation has also been changed to reflect the memory
layout in the documentation:
Realtek Ameba1 Memory Layout: 5.1 Flash Memory
In this commit, the analogin_s structure is moved to commonn_objects.h file
to limit the duplicaion.
The ADC handle is moved from a global variable to a struct member of the
analogin object. This allows multiple ADC instances to work correctly.
Note that State needs to be explicitely set to HAL_ADC_STATE_RESET
because the object is not zero initialized.
TXE indicates that a byte can be written to UART register for sending,
while TC indicates that last byte was completely sent. So the TXE flag
can be used in case of interrupt based Serial communication, to allow
faster and efficient application buffer emptying.
Also TXE flag will be erased from the interrupt when writing to register.
In case there is nothing to write in the register, the application is
expected to disable the interrupt.
The RXNE flag is getting cleared when reading Data Register so it should
not be cleared here. Especially in case of high data rate, another byte of
data could have received during irq_handler call and clearing the flag
would read and discard this data which would be lost for application.
MAX32630FTHR gets BLE, uses timer peripheral 5 for HCI timing
libexactLE update for 610,620
Fixup hal_sleep and hal_deepsleep for 620
LEDn outputs now forced to open-drain
fire_interrupt function should be used for events in the past. As we have now
64bit timestamp, we can figure out what is in the past, and ask a target to invoke
an interrupt immediately. The previous attemps in the target HAL tickers were not ideal, as it can wrap around easily (16 or 32 bit counters). This new
functionality should solve this problem.
set_interrupt for tickers in HAL code should not handle anything but the next match interrupt. If it was in the past is handled by the upper layer.
It is possible that we are setting next event to the close future, so once it is set it is already in the past. Therefore we add a check after set interrupt to verify it is in future.
If it is not, we fire interrupt immediately. This results in
two events - first one immediate, correct one. The second one might be scheduled in far future (almost entire ticker range),
that should be discarded.
The specification for the fire_interrupts are:
- should set pending bit for the ticker interrupt (as soon as possible),
the event we are scheduling is already in the past, and we do not want to skip
any events
- no arguments are provided, neither return value, not needed
- ticker should be initialized prior calling this function (no need to check if it is already initialized)
All our targets provide this new functionality, removing old misleading if (timestamp is in the past) checks.
Depending on families, different HAL macros are defined to check the
state of serial interrupts. In several cases, we can find only 1 macro:
Checks whether the specified UART interrupt has occurred or not
But in F0, F3, F7, L0, L4 there are 2 different macros
Checks whether the specified UART interrupt has occurred or not
Checks whether the specified UART interrupt source is enabled.
In the later case, __HAL_UART_GET_IT_SOURCE was being used so far,
but actually needs to be replaced by __HAL_UART_GET_IT. Using the right
macro, we also check the proper flags accordingly.
1. With mbed OS 5, mbed_sdk_init() is ensured to call before C++ global object constructor.
2. Refine startup file with GCC_ARM toolchain related to this modification.
Some I2C devices require specific zero length read/write sequences which
the HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady() redirect interferes with. After Removing
these redirects, it was confirmed that zero length reads and writes
would both still work correctly for detecting presence/absence of an
I2C device on a bus.
The symbol Systick_Handler was defined as a weak symbol in us_ticker.c and
startup_nRF51822.s. While it work as expected when an application is compiled
from mbed OS source code it creates a duplicate symbol issue when mbed OS is
bundled as a library.
Do not ticker read in ISR, use reminder to schedule the next interrupt, this should make ticker much faster.
read - disable Timer0 while reading it, if ISR is pending just reread the time again via read() function
These 2 improvements should decrease time spent when reading/scheduling ticker
In case we've run through the entire GPIOs loop, withouth finding a
matching interrupt, we're in the case of a spurious interrupt, let's
raise an error to track it down.
When disabling GPIO irq, also the falling / rising edge settings need
to be reset (EXTI_RTSR and EXTI_FTSR registers).
If not reset, the same EXTI line can be later enabled again with a wrong
Rising / Falling configuration. This was especially seen and reported in
ci-test tests-api-interruptin on NUCLEO_F446RE target where DIO2=PA_10 and
DIO6=PB_10 were successively tested: as they are sharing the same EXTI_LINE
(EXTI_10), this resulted in calling the irq_handler with wrong
IRQ_FALL/IRQ_RAISE parameter and donothing being called in loop.
This commit completely rewrote flash_api.c in a few places so kicked out changes from Master and accepted the branch changes.
F429 + F439 : changes after code review
GetSector has been rewritten
- default value is the same as before patch
- system_stm32f4xx.c file is copied to family level with all other ST cube files
- specific clock configuration is now in a new file: system_clock.c
- nvic_addr.h file is now in TARGET_STM level, and can be used everywhere
Use serial-box of Nordic nRF5 SDK to share resource between
SPI and I2C.
SPI is allocated from highest hw instance number resource in order
to allocate as many I2C instances as possible.
With default sampling time, the MBED2 and CI test shield tests would fail
because the stabilization slope of ADC is relatively slow.
ERROR (out:0.8000) - (in:0.7407) = (0.0593)
ERROR (out:0.9000) - (in:0.8354) = (0.0646)
ERROR (out:1.0000) - (in:0.9289) = (0.0711)
This is related to the 10kOhms resistors used to connect Ain to
Aout mounted on the CI shileds, and internal capacitance of L0 targets.
If connecting Ain and Aout with wires, bypassing the resistors, the test
is passed. So we're increasing the sampling time to let the automated
ci shiled tests PASS.
OK (out:0.8000) - (in:0.7863) = (0.0137)
OK (out:0.9000) - (in:0.8869) = (0.0131)
OK (out:1.0000) - (in:0.9844) = (0.0156)
Moving some code in common to be able to manage several ADC instances,
or several channels of an instance.
The change involves:
- moving dac_s structure definition to common_object.h
- create TARGET_STM/analogout_api.c and move fully common analog_out
functions in there
- rename analogout_api.c of each target family into analogout_device.c
to keep platform specific code
- update analogout_device.c to rely on obj->handle and obj->channel
- align analogout_init function as much as possible between families in
analogout_device.c files
ADC1 channel2 and ADC2 of few targets only have an output switch and no
buffer. This switch needs to be enabled, and also the buffer can be enabled
in order to reduce the output impedance on output, and to drive external
loads directly without having to add an external operational amplifier.
This allows a proper handling of multiple instances. Also this commit
stores the channel in the HAL format so that it can be re-used more easily
and call to HAL are straightforward.
"FAMILY_STM32" has been creeated with all common features.
All STM32 devices can now inherit from it.
This will simplify readability and maintainability.
+ VBLUno51 board:
Nordic nRF51822
Bluetooth Low Energy
DAPLink interface
Arduino UNO pinout compatible
4 Power
+ Wiki: https://vngiotlab.github.io/vbluno/
+ Pass all test case in mbed test suite
Signed-off-by: iotvietmember <robotden@gmail.com>
1. Support CMSIS_VECTAB_VIRTUAL feature
2. Reduce the register sync waiting time in LP ticker
3. Adjust the stack and heap size in GCC and IAR toolchains
This commit implements a SPI mode which will offer better performance
thanks to usage of Lower Layer API which use fewer registers access,
at the cost of lower robustness (no error management).