--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
* align MPS2_M0 FVP target with other MPS2 targets
* moved memory_zones.h
* chnage the flash_api.c where referencing the old memory_zones
* modify mbed_rtx.h to use the memory_zones definations as INITIAL_SP
* all linker scripts reference the definitions from memory_zones.h
* tool chains use predefined 1K as ISR Stack size
* ARM Complier 5 and GCC will auto calculated heap size
* IAR use predefined 2MiB as heap size
* added memory_zones.h
* all linker scripts reference the definitions from memory_zones.h
* tool chains use predefined 1K as ISR Stack size
* ARM Complier 5 and GCC will auto calculated heap size
* IAR use predefined 2MiB as heap size
* added memory_zones.h
* all linker scripts reference the definitions from memory_zones.h
* tool chains use predefined 1K as ISR Stack size
* ARM Complier 5 and GCC will auto calculated heap size
* IAR use predefined 2MiB as heap size
* added memory_zones.h
* all linker scripts reference the definitions from memory_zones.h
* tool chains use predefined 1K as ISR Stack size
* ARM Complier 5 and GCC will auto calculated heap size
* IAR use predefined 2MiB as heap size
* added memory_zones.h
* all linker scripts reference the definitions from memory_zones.h
* tool chains use predefined 1K as ISR Stack size
* ARM Complier 5 and GCC will auto calculated heap size
* IAR use predefined 2MiB as heap size