"\"'{{.minikube_addon}}' is not a valid minikube addon":"'{{.minikube_addon}}'은 유효한 minikube 애드온이 아닙니다",
"\"The '{{.minikube_addon}}' addon is disabled":"\"'{{.minikube_addon}}' 이 비활성화되었습니다",
"\"minikube cache\" will be deprecated in upcoming versions, please switch to \"minikube image load\"":"\"minikube cache\"는 추후 버전에서 사용 중단됩니다. \"minikube image load\"로 전환하세요",
"\"{{.context}}\" context has been updated to point to {{.hostname}}:{{.port}}":"\"{{.context}}\" 컨텍스트가 {{.hostname}}:{{.port}}로 갱신되었습니다",
"'{{.driver}}' driver reported an issue: {{.error}}":"'{{.driver}}' 드라이버가 문제를 보고했습니다: {{.error}}",
"'{{.profile}}' is not running":"'{{.profile}}' 이 실행되고 있지 않습니다",
"- \"minikube ssh\" to SSH into minikube's node.\n- \"minikube docker-env\" to point your docker-cli to the docker inside minikube.\n- \"minikube image\" to build images without docker.":"\n- \"minikube ssh\" 를 사용하여 minikube 의 노드에 SSH 로 접속합니다.\n- \"minikube docker-env\" 를 사용하여 docker-cli 를 minikube 내의 docker 로 지정합니다.\n- \"minikube image\" 를 사용하여 docker 없이 이미지를 빌드합니다.",
"- \"minikube ssh\" to SSH into minikube's node.\n- \"minikube image\" to build images without docker.":"\n- \"minikube ssh\" 를 사용하여 minikube 의 노드에 SSH 로 접속합니다.\n- \"minikube image\" 를 사용하여 docker 없이 이미지를 빌드합니다.",
"- \"minikube ssh\" to SSH into minikube's node.\n- \"minikube podman-env\" to point your podman-cli to the podman inside minikube.\n- \"minikube image\" to build images without docker.":"\n- \"minikube ssh\" 를 사용하여 minikube 의 노드에 SSH 로 접속합니다.\n- \"minikube podman-env\" 를 사용하여 podman-cli 를 minikube 내의 podman 으로 지정합니다.\n- \"minikube image\" 를 사용하여 docker 없이 이미지를 빌드합니다.",
"- Prune unused {{.driver_name}} images, volumes, networks and abandoned containers.\n\n\t\t\t\t{{.driver_name}} system prune --volumes":"사용하지 않는 {{.driver_name}} 이미지, 볼륨, 네트워크 및 버려진 컨테이너를 정리합니다.\n\n\t\t\t\t{{.driver_name}} system prune --volumes",
"--network flag is only valid with the docker/podman, KVM and Qemu drivers, it will be ignored":"--network 는 docker나 podman 에서만 유효합니다. KVM이나 Qemu 드라이버에서는 인자가 무시됩니다",
"--network with QEMU must be 'builtin' or 'socket_vmnet'":"QEMU 에서 --network 는 'builtin' 이나 'socket_vmnet' 이어야 합니다",
"--static-ip is only implemented on Docker and Podman drivers, flag will be ignored":"--static-ip 는 Docker와 Podman 드라이버에서만 구현되었습니다. 인자는 무시됩니다",
"--static-ip overrides --subnet, --subnet will be ignored":"--static-ip 는 --subnet 을 재정의하기 때문에, --subnet 은 무시됩니다",
"1) Recreate the cluster with Kubernetes {{.new}}, by running:\n\t \n\t\t minikube delete{{.profile}}\n\t\t minikube start{{.profile}} --kubernetes-version={{.prefix}}{{.new}}\n\t \n\t\t2) Create a second cluster with Kubernetes {{.new}}, by running:\n\t \n\t\t minikube start -p {{.suggestedName}} --kubernetes-version={{.prefix}}{{.new}}\n\t \n\t\t3) Use the existing cluster at version Kubernetes {{.old}}, by running:\n\t \n\t\t minikube start{{.profile}} --kubernetes-version={{.prefix}}{{.old}}\n\t\t":"1) 다음을 실행하여 Kubernetes {{.new}} 로 클러스터를 재생성합니다:\n\t \n\t\t minikube delete{{.profile}}\n\t\t minikube start{{.profile}} --kubernetes-version={{.prefix}}{{.new}}\n\t \n\t\t2) 다음을 실행하여 Kubernetes {{.new}} 로 두 번째 클러스터를 생성합니다:\n\t \n\t\t minikube start -p {{.suggestedName}} --kubernetes-version={{.prefix}}{{.new}}\n\t \n\t\t3) 다음을 실행하여 Kubernetes {{.old}} 버전의 기존 클러스터를 사용합니다:\n\t \n\t\t minikube start{{.profile}} --kubernetes-version={{.prefix}}{{.old}}\n\t\t",
"1. Click on \"Docker for Desktop\" menu icon\n\t\t\t2. Click \"Preferences\"\n\t\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t\t4. Increase \"CPUs\" slider bar to 2 or higher\n\t\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"":"1. \"Docker for Desktop\" 메뉴 아이콘을 클릭합니다\n\t\t\t2. \"Preferences\" 를 클릭합니다\n\t\t\t3. \"Resources\" 를 클릭합니다\n\t\t\t4. \"CPUs\" 슬라이더 바를 2 이상으로 늘립니다\n\t\t\t5. \"Apply \u0026 Restart\" 를 클릭합니다",
"1. Click on \"Docker for Desktop\" menu icon\n\t\t\t2. Click \"Preferences\"\n\t\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"":"1. \"Docker for Desktop\" 메뉴 아이콘을 클릭합니다\n\t\t\t2. \"Preferences\" 를 클릭합니다\n\t\t\t3. \"Resources\" 를 클릭합니다\n\t\t\t4. \"Memory\" 슬라이더 바를 {{.recommend}} 이상으로 늘립니다\n\t\t\t5. \"Apply \u0026 Restart\" 를 클릭합니다",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"CPUs\" slider bar to 2 or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"":"1. 시스템 트레이의 Docker 아이콘을 클릭하여 \"Docker Desktop\" 메뉴를 엽니다\n\t\t2. \"Settings\" 를 클릭합니다\n\t\t3. \"Resources\" 를 클릭합니다\n\t\t4. \"CPUs\" 슬라이더 바를 2 이상으로 늘립니다\n\t\t5. \"Apply \u0026 Restart\" 를 클릭합니다",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"":"1. 시스템 트레이의 Docker 아이콘을 클릭하여 \"Docker Desktop\" 메뉴를 엽니다\n\t\t2. \"Settings\" 를 클릭합니다\n\t\t3. \"Resources\" 를 클릭합니다\n\t\t4. \"Memory\" 슬라이더 바를 {{.recommend}} 이상으로 늘립니다\n\t\t5. \"Apply \u0026 Restart\" 를 클릭합니다",
"==\u003e Audit \u003c==":"==\u003e 감사 \u003c==",
"==\u003e Last Start \u003c==":"==\u003e 마지막 시작 \u003c==",
"A VPN or firewall is interfering with HTTP access to the minikube VM. Alternatively, try a different VM driver: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/":"VPN 또는 방화벽이 minikube VM에 대한 HTTP 액세스를 방해하고 있습니다. 또는 다른 VM 드라이버를 사용해 보십시오: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/",
"A firewall is blocking Docker the minikube VM from reaching the image repository. You may need to select --image-repository, or use a proxy.":"방화벽이 Docker의 minikube VM을 이미지 저장소에 연결하는 것을 차단하고 있습니다. --image-repository를 선택하거나 프록시를 사용해야 할 수도 있습니다.",
"A firewall is interfering with minikube's ability to make outgoing HTTPS requests. You may need to change the value of the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable.":"방화벽이 외부로 나가는 HTTPS 요청을 수행하는 minikube의 기능을 방해하고 있습니다. HTTPS_PROXY 환경 변수의 값을 변경해야 할 수도 있습니다.",
"A firewall is likely blocking minikube from reaching the internet. You may need to configure minikube to use a proxy.":"방화벽이 minikube의 인터넷 연결을 차단하고 있을 가능성이 높습니다. 프록시를 사용하려면 minikube를 구성해야 할 수도 있습니다.",
"A set of apiserver IP Addresses which are used in the generated certificate for kubernetes. This can be used if you want to make the apiserver available from outside the machine":"Kubernetes용으로 생성된 인증서에 사용되는 apiserver IP 주소 집합입니다. 머신 외부에서 apiserver를 사용할 수 있도록 하려는 경우에 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"A set of apiserver names which are used in the generated certificate for kubernetes. This can be used if you want to make the apiserver available from outside the machine":"Kubernetes용으로 생성된 인증서에 사용되는 apiserver 이름 집합입니다. 머신 외부에서 apiserver를 사용할 수 있도록 하려는 경우에 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for alpha/experimental features.":"alpha/experimental 기능에 대한 기능 게이트를 설명하는 key=value 쌍의 집합입니다.",
"Access to ports below 1024 may fail on Windows with OpenSSH clients older than v8.1. For more information, see: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/accessing/#access-to-ports-1024-on-windows-requires-root-permission":"v8.1 이전 OpenSSH 클라이언트를 사용하는 Windows에서는 1024 미만의 포트에 대한 액세스가 실패할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/accessing/#access-to-ports-1024-on-windows-requires-root-permission을 참조하세요",
"Adding a control-plane node is not yet supported, setting control-plane flag to false":"control-plane 노드를 추가하는 것은 아직 지원되지 않습니다. control-plane 플래그를 false로 설정합니다",
"Adding a control-plane node to a non-HA (non-multi-control plane) cluster is not currently supported. Please first delete the cluster and use 'minikube start --ha' to create new one.":"",
"After the addon is enabled, please run \"minikube tunnel\" and your ingress resources would be available at \"\"":"애드온이 활성화된 후 \"minikube tunnel\"을 실행하면 인그레스 리소스를 \"\"에서 사용할 수 있습니다",
"Allow pods to use your GPUs. Options include: [all,nvidia,amd] (Docker driver with Docker container-runtime only)":"pod 가 GPU를 사용할 수 있도록 허용합니다. 옵션은 다음과 같습니다: [all,nvidia,amd] (Docker 드라이버와 Docker 컨테이너 런타임만 해당)",
"Allow user prompts for more information":"추가 정보를 위해 사용자 프롬프트를 허용합니다",
"Alternative image repository to pull docker images from. This can be used when you have limited access to gcr.io. Set it to \"auto\" to let minikube decide one for you. For Chinese mainland users, you may use local gcr.io mirrors such as registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers":"도커 이미지를 가져올 대체 이미지 저장소입니다. gcr.io에 제한된 액세스 권한이 있는 경우 사용할 수 있습니다. \"auto\"로 설정하여 minikube가 대신 결정하도록 할 수 있습니다. 중국 본토 사용자는 registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers와 같은 로컬 gcr.io 미러를 사용할 수 있습니다",
"Alternatively you could install one of these drivers:":"또는 다음 드라이버 중 하나를 설치할 수 있습니다:",
"Amount of RAM allocated to the minikube VM (format: \u003cnumber\u003e[\u003cunit\u003e], where unit = b, k, m or g).":"minikube 가상 머신에 할당할 RAM 의 용량 (format: \u003cnumber\u003e[\u003cunit\u003e], where unit = b, k, m or g)",
"Another hypervisor, such as VirtualBox, is conflicting with KVM. Please stop the other hypervisor, or use --driver to switch to it.":"VirtualBox 와 같은 또 다른 하이퍼바이저가 KVM 과 충돌이 발생합니다. 다른 하이퍼바이저를 중단하거나 --driver 로 변경하세요",
"Another minikube instance is downloading dependencies... ":"다른 minikube 인스턴스가 종속성을 다운로드 중입니다...",
"Another program is using a file required by minikube. If you are using Hyper-V, try stopping the minikube VM from within the Hyper-V manager":"minikube 에 필요한 파일을 다른 프로그램이 사용하고 있습니다. Hyper-V 를 사용하고 있다면, Hyper-V 매니저에서 minikube VM 을 중지해보세요",
"Another tunnel process is already running, terminate the existing instance to start a new one":"다른 터널 프로세스가 이미 실행 중입니다. 새로운 터널 프로세스를 시작하려면 기존 인스턴스를 종료하세요",
"At least needs control plane nodes to enable addon":"에드온을 활성화하기 위해서는 적어도 컨트롤 플레인 노드가 필요합니다",
"Because you are using a Docker driver on {{.operating_system}}, the terminal needs to be open to run it.":"{{.operating_system}} 에서 Docker 드라이버를 사용하고 있기 때문에, 터미널을 열어야 실행할 수 있습니다",
"Block until the apiserver is servicing API requests":"apiserver 가 API 요청을 처리할 때까지 블록합니다",
"Booting up control plane ...":"컨트롤 플레인을 부팅하는 중 ...",
"Both driver={{.driver}} and vm-driver={{.vmd}} have been set.\n\n Since vm-driver is deprecated, minikube will default to driver={{.driver}}.\n\n If vm-driver is set in the global config, please run \"minikube config unset vm-driver\" to resolve this warning.\n\t\t\t":"driver={{.driver}} 와 vm-driver={{.vmd}} 가 모두 설정되었습니다.\n\n vm-driver 가 사용 중단되었으므로, minikube 는 driver={{.driver}} 로 기본값을 설정합니다.\n\n 전역 구성에서 vm-driver 가 설정된 경우, 이 경고를 해결하려면 \"minikube config unset vm-driver\" 를 실행하세요.\n\t\t\t",
"Bridge CNI is incompatible with multi-node clusters, use a different CNI":"Bridge CNI 는 다중 노드 클러스터와 호환되지 않습니다. 다른 CNI 를 사용하세요",
"Build a container image, using the container runtime.":"컨테이너 런타임을 사용하여 컨테이너 이미지를 빌드합니다",
"Build image on all nodes.":"모든 노드에서 이미지를 빌드합니다",
"CGroup allocation is not available in your environment, You might be running minikube in a nested container. Try running:\n\t\t\t\n\tminikube start --extra-config=kubelet.cgroups-per-qos=false --extra-config=kubelet.enforce-node-allocatable=\"\"\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t":"사용자 환경에서 CGroup 할당을 사용할 수 없습니다. minikube 를 중첩된 컨테이너에서 실행하고 있을 수 있습니다. 다음을 실행해보세요:\n\t\t\t\n\tminikube start --extra-config=kubelet.cgroups-per-qos=false --extra-config=kubelet.enforce-node-allocatable=\"\"\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t",
"CGroup allocation is not available in your environment. You might be running minikube in a nested container. Try running:\n\t\t\t\n\tminikube start --extra-config=kubelet.cgroups-per-qos=false --extra-config=kubelet.enforce-node-allocatable=\"\"\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t":"사용자 환경에서 CGroup 할당을 사용할 수 없습니다. minikube 를 중첩된 컨테이너에서 실행하고 있을 수 있습니다. 다음을 실행해보세요:\n\t\t\t\n\tminikube start --extra-config=kubelet.cgroups-per-qos=false --extra-config=kubelet.enforce-node-allocatable=\"\"\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t",
"CNI plug-in to use. Valid options: auto, bridge, calico, cilium, flannel, kindnet, or path to a CNI manifest (default: auto)":"사용할 CNI 플러그인입니다. 유효한 옵션은 다음과 같습니다: auto, bridge, calico, cilium, flannel, kindnet, 또는 CNI 매니페스트의 경로 (기본값: auto)",
"Changing the API server port of an existing minikube HA (multi-control plane) cluster is not currently supported. Please first delete the cluster.":"",
"Changing the HA (multi-control plane) mode of an existing minikube cluster is not currently supported. Please first delete the cluster and use 'minikube start --ha' to create new one.":"",
"Check if you have unnecessary pods running by running 'kubectl get po -A":"'kubectl get po -A' 를 실행하여 불필요한 pod 가 실행 중인지 확인하세요",
"Check output of 'journalctl -xeu kubelet', try passing --extra-config=kubelet.cgroup-driver=systemd to minikube start":"'journalctl -xeu kubelet' 의 출력을 확인하고, minikube start 에 --extra-config=kubelet.cgroup-driver=systemd 를 전달해보세요",
"Check that libvirt is setup properly":"libvirt 가 올바르게 설정되었는지 확인하세요",
"Check that minikube is running and that you have specified the correct namespace (-n flag) if required.":"minikube 가 실행 중인지 그리고 정확한 네임스페이스를 (-n 플래그로) 명시하였는지 확인하세요",
"Check that the provided apiserver flags are valid":"주어진 apiserver 플래그가 유효한지 확인하세요",
"Check your firewall rules for interference, and run 'virt-host-validate' to check for KVM configuration issues. If you are running minikube within a VM, consider using --driver=none":"방화벽 규칙의 간섭을 확인하고 'virt-host-validate'를 실행하여 KVM 구성 문제를 확인하십시오. VM 내에서 minikube를 실행하는 경우 --driver=none 사용을 고려하세요",
"Choose a smaller value for --memory, such as 2000":"--memory에 대해 2000과 같이 더 작은 값을 선택하세요",
"ChromeOS is missing the kernel support necessary for running Kubernetes":"ChromeOS 에는 Kubernetes 를 실행하기 위해 필요한 커널 지원이 누락되어 있습니다",
"Cluster was created without any CNI, adding a node to it might cause broken networking.":"CNI 없이 클러스터가 생성되었으므로, 클러스터에 노드를 추가하면 네트워킹이 중단될 수 있습니다",
"Configure a default route on this Linux host, or use another --driver that does not require it":"이 Linux 호스트에 대한 기본 경로를 구성하거나, 이를 필요로하지 않는 다른 --driver 를 사용하세요",
"Configure an external network switch following the official documentation, then add `--hyperv-virtual-switch=\u003cswitch-name\u003e` to `minikube start`":"공식 문서를 따라 외부 네트워크 스위치를 구성한 다음 `minikube start`에 `--hyperv-virtual-switch=\u003cswitch-name\u003e`를 추가하세요",
"Configure environment to use minikube's Podman service":"minikube 의 Podman 서비스를 사용하도록 환경을 구성합니다",
"Configures the addon w/ADDON_NAME within minikube (example: minikube addons configure registry-creds). For a list of available addons use: minikube addons list":"minikube 내에서 애드온 w/ADDON_NAME 을 구성합니다 (예시: minikube addons configure registry-creds). 사용 가능한 애드온 목록은 다음과 같습니다: minikube addons list",
"Configuring {{.name}} (Container Networking Interface) ...":"{{.name}} (Container Networking Interface) 를 구성하는 중 ...",
"Confirm that you have a working internet connection and that your VM has not run out of resources by using: 'minikube logs'":"'minikube logs' 를 사용하여 인터넷 연결이 작동하는지 그리고 VM 이 리소스를 모두 사용하지 않았는지 확인하세요",
"Confirm that you have supplied the correct value to --hyperv-virtual-switch using the 'Get-VMSwitch' command":"'Get-VMSwitch' 명령을 사용하여 --hyperv-virtual-switch 에 올바른 값을 제공했는지 확인하세요",
"Connect to LoadBalancer services":"로드밸런서 서비스에 연결합니다",
"Consider creating a cluster with larger memory size using `minikube start --memory SIZE_MB` ":"`minikube start --memory SIZE_MB` 를 사용하여 더 큰 메모리 크기의 클러스터를 생성하는 것을 고려하세요",
"Consider increasing Docker Desktop's memory size.":"Docker Desktop 의 메모리 크기를 늘리는 것을 고려하세요",
"Copy the specified file into minikube, it will be saved at path \u003ctarget file absolute path\u003e in your minikube.\nDefault target node controlplane and If \u003csource node name\u003e is omitted, It will trying to copy from host.\n\nExample Command : \"minikube cp a.txt /home/docker/b.txt\" +\n \"minikube cp a.txt minikube-m02:/home/docker/b.txt\"\n \"minikube cp minikube-m01:a.txt minikube-m02:/home/docker/b.txt\"":"",
"Could not find any GCP credentials. Either run `gcloud auth application-default login` or set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the path of your credentials file.":"",
"Creating {{.driver_name}} VM (CPUs={{.number_of_cpus}}, Memory={{.memory_size}}MB, Disk={{.disk_size}}MB) ...":"{{.driver_name}} VM (CPUs={{.number_of_cpus}}, Memory={{.memory_size}}MB, Disk={{.disk_size}}MB) 를 생성하는 중 ...",
"Creating {{.driver_name}} {{.machine_type}} (CPUs={{if not .number_of_cpus}}no-limit{{else}}{{.number_of_cpus}}{{end}}, Memory={{if not .memory_size}}no-limit{{else}}{{.memory_size}}MB{{end}}) ...":"",
"Deletes a local Kubernetes cluster":"로컬 쿠버네티스 클러스터를 삭제합니다",
"Deletes a local Kubernetes cluster. This command deletes the VM, and removes all\nassociated files.":"로컬 쿠버네티스 클러스터를 삭제합니다. 해당 명령어는 가상 머신을 삭제하고 모든 관련 파일을 삭제합니다",
"Deletes a local kubernetes cluster. This command deletes the VM, and removes all\nassociated files.":"로컬 쿠버네티스 클러스터를 삭제합니다. 해당 명령어는 가상 머신을 삭제하고 모든 관련 파일을 삭제합니다",
"Disable checking for the availability of hardware virtualization before the vm is started (virtualbox driver only)":"가상 머신 시작 전 하드웨어 가상화 지원 여부 확인 작업을 비활성화합니다 (virtualbox 드라이버 한정)",
"Disables the addon w/ADDON_NAME within minikube (example: minikube addons disable dashboard). For a list of available addons use: minikube addons list ":"",
"Done! kubectl is now configured to use \"{{.name}}\" cluster and \"{{.ns}}\" namespace by default":"끝났습니다! kubectl이 \"{{.name}}\" 클러스터와 \"{{.ns}}\" 네임스페이스를 기본적으로 사용하도록 구성되었습니다.",
"Due to DNS issues your cluster may have problems starting and you may not be able to pull images\nMore details available at: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/drivers/qemu/#known-issues":"",
"Due to changes in macOS 13+ minikube doesn't currently support VirtualBox. You can use alternative drivers such as docker or {{.driver}}.\n https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/drivers/docker/\n https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/drivers/{{.driver}}/\n\n For more details on the issue see: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/15274\n":"",
"Ensure that CRI-O is installed and healthy: Run 'sudo systemctl start crio' and 'journalctl -u crio'. Alternatively, use --container-runtime=docker":"",
"Ensure that Docker is installed and healthy: Run 'sudo systemctl start docker' and 'journalctl -u docker'. Alternatively, select another value for --driver":"",
"Ensure that the required 'pids' cgroup is enabled on your host: grep pids /proc/cgroups":"",
"Ensure that the user listed in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf has access to your home directory":"",
"Ensure that you are a member of the appropriate libvirt group (remember to relogin for group changes to take effect!)":"",
"Ensure that your value for HTTPS_PROXY points to an HTTPS proxy rather than an HTTP proxy":"",
"Ensure the tmp directory path is writable to the current user.":"",
"Ensure you have at least 20GB of free disk space.":"",
"For an improved experience it's recommended to use Docker Engine instead of Docker Desktop.\nDocker Engine installation instructions: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/#server":"",
"Found docker, but the docker service isn't running. Try restarting the docker service.":"도커를 찾았으나 docker service 가 실행중이지 않습니다, docker service 를 다시 시작해주세요",
"Gets the status of a local Kubernetes cluster.\n\tExit status contains the status of minikube's VM, cluster and Kubernetes encoded on it's bits in this order from right to left.\n\tEg: 7 meaning: 1 (for minikube NOK) + 2 (for cluster NOK) + 4 (for Kubernetes NOK)":"",
"Go template format string for the cache list output. The format for Go templates can be found here: https://pkg.go.dev/text/template\nFor the list of accessible variables for the template, see the struct values here: https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/minikube/cmd/minikube/cmd#CacheListTemplate":"",
"Go template format string for the config view output. The format for Go templates can be found here: https://pkg.go.dev/text/template\nFor the list of accessible variables for the template, see the struct values here: https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/minikube/cmd/minikube/cmd/config#ConfigViewTemplate":"",
"Go template format string for the status output. The format for Go templates can be found here: https://pkg.go.dev/text/template\nFor the list accessible variables for the template, see the struct values here: https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/minikube/cmd/minikube/cmd#Status":"",
"Headlamp can display more detailed information when metrics-server is installed. To install it, run:\n\n\tminikube{{.profileArg}} addons enable metrics-server\n":"",
"Hyperkit networking is broken. Try disabling Internet Sharing: System Preference \u003e Sharing \u003e Internet Sharing. \nAlternatively, you can try upgrading to the latest hyperkit version, or using an alternate driver.":"",
"If the host has a firewall:\n\t\t\n\t\t1. Allow a port through the firewall\n\t\t2. Specify \"--port=\u003cport_number\u003e\" for \"minikube mount\"":"",
"Image was not built for the current minikube version. To resolve this you can delete and recreate your minikube cluster using the latest images. Expected minikube version: {{.imageMinikubeVersion}} -\u003e Actual minikube version: {{.minikubeVersion}}":"",
"It seems that you are running in GCE, which means authentication should work without the GCP Auth addon. If you would still like to authenticate using a credentials file, use the --force flag.":"",
"Kubernetes {{.new}} is now available. If you would like to upgrade, specify: --kubernetes-version={{.prefix}}{{.new}}":"이제 {{.new}} 버전의 쿠버네티스를 사용할 수 있습니다. 업그레이드를 원하신다면 다음과 같이 지정하세요: --kubernetes-version={{.prefix}}{{.new}}",
"Kubernetes {{.version}} is not supported by this release of minikube":"{{.version}} 버전의 쿠버네티스는 설치되어 있는 버전의 minikube에서 지원되지 않습니다.",
"Location of the VPNKit socket used for networking. If empty, disables Hyperkit VPNKitSock, if 'auto' uses Docker for Mac VPNKit connection, otherwise uses the specified VSock (hyperkit driver only)":"",
"Minikube is a CLI tool that provisions and manages single-node Kubernetes clusters optimized for development workflows.":"Minikube 는 개발용으로 최적화된 싱글 노드 쿠버네티스 클러스터 제공 및 관리 CLI 툴입니다",
"Minikube is a tool for managing local Kubernetes clusters.":"Minikube 는 로컬 쿠버네티스 클러스터 관리 툴입니다",
"No services were found in the '{{.namespace}}' namespace.\nYou may select another namespace by using 'minikube service --all -n \u003cnamespace\u003e'":"",
"Opens the addon w/ADDON_NAME within minikube (example: minikube addons open dashboard). For a list of available addons use: minikube addons list ":"",
"Outputs minikube shell completion for the given shell (bash, zsh, fish or powershell)\n\n\tThis depends on the bash-completion binary. Example installation instructions:\n\tOS X:\n\t\t$ brew install bash-completion\n\t\t$ source $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion\n\t\t$ minikube completion bash \u003e ~/.minikube-completion # for bash users\n\t\t$ minikube completion zsh \u003e ~/.minikube-completion # for zsh users\n\t\t$ source ~/.minikube-completion\n\t\t$ minikube completion fish \u003e ~/.config/fish/completions/minikube.fish # for fish users\n\tUbuntu:\n\t\t$ apt-get install bash-completion\n\t\t$ source /etc/bash_completion\n\t\t$ source \u003c(minikube completion bash) # for bash users\n\t\t$ source \u003c(minikube completion zsh) # for zsh users\n\t\t$ minikube completion fish \u003e ~/.config/fish/completions/minikube.fish # for fish users\n\n\tAdditionally, you may want to output the completion to a file and source in your .bashrc\n\n\tWindows:\n\t\t## Save completion code to a script and execute in the profile\n\t\tPS\u003e minikube completion powershell \u003e $HOME\\.minikube-completion.ps1\n\t\tPS\u003e Add-Content $PROFILE '. $HOME\\.minikube-completion.ps1'\n\n\t\t## Execute completion code in the profile\n\t\tPS\u003e Add-Content $PROFILE 'if (Get-Command minikube -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {\n\t\t minikube completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression\n\t\t }'\n\n\tNote for zsh users: [1] zsh completions are only supported in versions of zsh \u003e= 5.2\n\tNote for fish users: [2] please refer to this docs for more details https://fishshell.com/docs/current/#tab-completion\n":"",
"Path to the qemu firmware file. Defaults: For Linux, the default firmware location. For macOS, the brew installation location. For Windows, C:\\Program Files\\qemu\\share":"",
"Please specify the directory to be mounted: \n\tminikube mount \u003csource directory\u003e:\u003ctarget directory\u003e (example: \"/host-home:/vm-home\")":"",
"Please visit the following link for documentation around this: \n\thttps://help.github.com/en/packages/using-github-packages-with-your-projects-ecosystem/configuring-docker-for-use-with-github-packages#authenticating-to-github-packages\n":"",
"Preparing Kubernetes {{.k8sVersion}} on {{.runtime}} {{.runtimeVersion}} ...":"쿠버네티스 {{.k8sVersion}} 을 {{.runtime}} {{.runtimeVersion}} 런타임으로 설치하는 중",
"Provides instructions to point your terminal's docker-cli to the Docker Engine inside minikube. (Useful for building docker images directly inside minikube)":"",
"Provides instructions to point your terminal's docker-cli to the Docker Engine inside minikube. (Useful for building docker images directly inside minikube)\n\nFor example, you can do all docker operations such as docker build, docker run, and docker ps directly on the docker inside minikube.\n\nNote: You need the docker-cli to be installed on your machine.\ndocker-cli install instructions: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/tutorials/docker_desktop_replacement/#steps":"",
"Reinstall VirtualBox and reboot. Alternatively, try the kvm2 driver: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/reference/drivers/kvm2/":"",
"Reinstall VirtualBox and verify that it is not blocked: System Preferences -\u003e Security \u0026 Privacy -\u003e General -\u003e Some system software was blocked from loading":"",
"Run the Kubernetes client, download it if necessary. Remember -- after kubectl!\n\nThis will run the Kubernetes client (kubectl) with the same version as the cluster\n\nNormally it will download a binary matching the host operating system and architecture,\nbut optionally you can also run it directly on the control plane over the ssh connection.\nThis can be useful if you cannot run kubectl locally for some reason, like unsupported\nhost. Please be aware that when using --ssh all paths will apply to the remote machine.":"",
"Service '{{.service}}' was not found in '{{.namespace}}' namespace.\nYou may select another namespace by using 'minikube service {{.service}} -n \u003cnamespace\u003e'. Or list out all the services using 'minikube service list'":"",
"Set a static IP for the minikube cluster, the IP must be: private, IPv4, and the last octet must be between 2 and 254, for example (Docker and Podman drivers only)":"",
"Some dashboard features require the metrics-server addon. To enable all features please run:\n\n\tminikube{{.profileArg}} addons enable metrics-server\n":"",
"Sorry, the IP provided with the --listen-address flag is invalid: {{.listenAddr}}.":"",
"Sorry, the address provided with the --insecure-registry flag is invalid: {{.addr}}. Expected formats are: \u003cip\u003e[:\u003cport\u003e], \u003chostname\u003e[:\u003cport\u003e] or \u003cnetwork\u003e/\u003cnetmask\u003e":"",
"Specified Kubernetes version {{.specified}} is less than the oldest supported version: {{.oldest}}. Use `minikube config defaults kubernetes-version` for details.":"",
"Specified Kubernetes version {{.specified}} is newer than the newest supported version: {{.newest}}. Use `minikube config defaults kubernetes-version` for details.":"",
"Specifying extra disks is currently only supported for the following drivers: {{.supported_drivers}}. If you can contribute to add this feature, please create a PR.":"",
"Stops a local Kubernetes cluster. This command stops the underlying VM or container, but keeps user data intact. The cluster can be started again with the \"start\" command.":"",
"Subnet to be used on kic cluster. If left empty, minikube will choose subnet address, beginning from (docker and podman driver only)":"",
"The \"{{.driver_name}}\" driver requires root privileges. Please run minikube using 'sudo minikube --driver={{.driver_name}}'.":"\"{{.driver_name}}\" 드라이버는 root 권한으로 실행되어야 합니다. minikube 를 다음과 같이 실행하세요 'sudo minikube --driver={{.driver_name}}'",
"The \"{{.driver_name}}\" driver should not be used with root privileges.":"\"{{.driver_name}}\" 드라이버는 root 권한으로 실행되면 안 됩니다",
"The authoritative apiserver hostname for apiserver certificates and connectivity. This can be used if you want to make the apiserver available from outside the machine":"",
"The minikube {{.driver_name}} container exited unexpectedly.":"",
"The minimum required version for podman is \"{{.minVersion}}\". your version is \"{{.currentVersion}}\". minikube might not work. use at your own risk. To install latest version please see https://podman.io/getting-started/installation.html":"",
"The none driver with Kubernetes v1.24+ and the docker container-runtime requires cri-dockerd.\n\t\t\n\t\tPlease install cri-dockerd using these instructions:\n\n\t\thttps://github.com/Mirantis/cri-dockerd":"",
"The none driver with Kubernetes v1.24+ and the docker container-runtime requires dockerd.\n\t\t\n\t\tPlease install dockerd using these instructions:\n\n\t\thttps://docs.docker.com/engine/install/":"",
"The none driver with Kubernetes v1.24+ requires containernetworking-plugins.\n\n\t\tPlease install containernetworking-plugins using these instructions:\n\n\t\thttps://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/faq/#how-do-i-install-containernetworking-plugins-for-none-driver":"",
"The nvidia-gpu-device-plugin addon is deprecated and it's functionality is merged inside of nvidia-device-plugin addon. It will be removed in a future release. Please use the nvidia-device-plugin addon instead. For more details, visit: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/19114.":"",
"The requested memory allocation of {{.requested}}MiB does not leave room for system overhead (total system memory: {{.system_limit}}MiB). You may face stability issues.":"",
"The {{.addon}} addon is only supported with the KVM driver.\n\nFor GPU setup instructions see: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/tutorials/nvidia/":"",
"There are a couple ways to enable the required file sharing:\n1. Enable \"Use the WSL 2 based engine\" in Docker Desktop\nor\n2. Enable file sharing in Docker Desktop for the %s%s directory":"",
"This addon does not have an endpoint defined for the 'addons open' command.\nYou can add one by annotating a service with the label {{.labelName}}:{{.addonName}}":"",
"This can also be done automatically by setting the env var CHANGE_MINIKUBE_NONE_USER=true":"",
"This cluster was created before minikube v1.26.0 and doesn't have cri-docker installed. Please run 'minikube delete' and then start minikube again":"",
"To access Headlamp, use the following command:\n\n\tminikube{{.profileArg}} service headlamp -n headlamp\n":"",
"To access YAKD - Kubernetes Dashboard, wait for Pod to be ready and run the following command:\n\n\tminikube{{.profileArg}} service yakd-dashboard -n yakd-dashboard\n":"",
"To disable this notice, run: 'minikube config set WantUpdateNotification false'\n":"해당 알림을 비활성화하려면 다음 명령어를 실행하세요. 'minikube config set WantUpdateNotification false'",
"To set your Google Cloud project, run:\n\n\t\tgcloud config set project \u003cproject name\u003e\n\nor set the GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable.":"",
"Try one or more of the following to free up space on the device:\n\t\n\t\t\t1. Run \"docker system prune\" to remove unused Docker data (optionally with \"-a\")\n\t\t\t2. Increase the storage allocated to Docker for Desktop by clicking on:\n\t\t\t\tDocker icon \u003e Preferences \u003e Resources \u003e Disk Image Size\n\t\t\t3. Run \"minikube ssh -- docker system prune\" if using the Docker container runtime":"",
"Try one or more of the following to free up space on the device:\n\t\n\t\t\t1. Run \"sudo podman system prune\" to remove unused podman data\n\t\t\t2. Run \"minikube ssh -- docker system prune\" if using the Docker container runtime":"",
"Uninstalling Kubernetes {{.kubernetes_version}} using {{.bootstrapper_name}} ...":"{{.bootstrapper_name}} 를 사용하여 쿠버네티스 {{.kubernetes_version}} 를 제거하는 중 ...",
"Unmounting {{.path}} ...":"{{.path}} 를 마운트 해제하는 중 ...",
"Updating the running {{.driver_name}} \"{{.cluster}}\" {{.machine_type}} ...":"실행중인 {{.driver_name}} \"{{.cluster}}\" {{.machine_type}} 를 업데이트 하는 중 ...",
"Use native Golang SSH client (default true). Set to 'false' to use the command line 'ssh' command when accessing the docker machine. Useful for the machine drivers when they will not start with 'Waiting for SSH'.":"",
"Using the docker-env command with the containerd runtime is a highly experimental feature, please provide feedback or contribute to make it better":"",
"VirtualBox and Hyper-V are having a conflict. Use '--driver=hyperv' or disable Hyper-V using: 'bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off'":"",
"VirtualBox cannot create a network, probably because it conflicts with an existing network that minikube no longer knows about. Try running 'minikube delete'":"",
"VirtualBox is broken. Disable real-time anti-virus software, reboot, and reinstall VirtualBox if the problem continues.":"",
"VirtualBox is broken. Reinstall VirtualBox, reboot, and run 'minikube delete'.":"",
"VirtualBox is unable to find its network interface. Try upgrading to the latest release and rebooting.":"",
"Virtualization support is disabled on your computer. If you are running minikube within a VM, try '--driver=docker'. Otherwise, consult your systems BIOS manual for how to enable virtualization.":"",
"You are trying to run a windows .exe binary inside WSL. For better integration please use a Linux binary instead (Download at https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/.). Otherwise if you still want to do this, you can do it using --force":"",
"You can also use 'minikube kubectl -- get pods' to invoke a matching version":"맞는 버전의 kubectl 을 사용하기 위해서는 다음과 같이 사용 가능합니다. minikube kubectl -- get pods'",
"You have authenticated with a service account that does not have an associated JSON file. The GCP Auth addon requires credentials with a JSON file in order to continue.":"",
"You have selected \"virtualbox\" driver, but there are better options !\nFor better performance and support consider using a different driver: {{.drivers}}\n\nTo turn off this warning run:\n\n\t$ minikube config set WantVirtualBoxDriverWarning false\n\n\nTo learn more about on minikube drivers checkout https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/drivers/\nTo see benchmarks checkout https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/benchmarks/cpuusage/\n\n":"",
"You might be using an amd64 version of minikube on a Apple Silicon Mac, use the arm64 version of minikube instead":"Apple Silicon Mac에서 amd64 버전을 사용하고 있을 수 있습니다. arm64 버전의 minikube를 사용하십시오",
"Your firewall is blocking bootpd which is required for this configuration. The following commands will be executed to unblock bootpd:\n\n{{.commands}}\n":"",
"Your host does not support KVM virtualization. Ensure that qemu-kvm is installed, and run 'virt-host-validate' to debug the problem":"호스트가 KVM 가상화를 지원하지 않습니다. qemu-kvm 이 설치되었는지 확인 후, 문제 디버그를 위해 'virt-host-validate' 를 실행하세요",
"Your host does not support virtualization. If you are running minikube within a VM, try '--driver=docker'. Otherwise, enable virtualization in your BIOS":"호스트가 가상화를 지원하지 않습니다. 가상 머신 안에서 minikube 를 실행 중인 경우, '--driver=docker' 로 시도하세요. 그렇지 않다면, BIOS 에서 가상화를 활성화하세요",
"Your host does not support virtualization. If you are running minikube within a VM, try '--driver=none'. Otherwise, enable virtualization in your BIOS":"호스트가 가상화를 지원하지 않습니다. 가상 머신 안에서 minikube 를 실행 중인 경우, '--driver=none' 로 시도하세요. 그렇지 않다면, BIOS 에서 가상화를 활성화하세요",
"Your host is failing to route packets to the minikube VM. If you have VPN software, try turning it off or configuring it so that it does not re-route traffic to the VM IP. If not, check your VM environment routing options.":"",
"Your minikube config refers to an unsupported driver. Erase ~/.minikube, and try again.":"minikube config 가 미지원 드라이버를 참조하고 있습니다. ~/.minikube 를 제거한 후, 다시 시도하세요",
"Your minikube vm is not running, try minikube start.":"minikube 가상 머신이 실행 중이 아닙니다, minikube start 를 시도하세요",
"[WARNING] For full functionality, the 'csi-hostpath-driver' addon requires the 'volumesnapshots' addon to be enabled.\n\nYou can enable 'volumesnapshots' addon by running: 'minikube addons enable volumesnapshots'\n":"",
"if you want to create a profile you can by this command: minikube start -p {{.profile_name}}":"프로필을 생성하려면 다음 명령어를 입력하세요: minikube start -p {{.profile_name}}\"",
"kubeadm detected a TCP port conflict with another process: probably another local Kubernetes installation. Run lsof -p\u003cport\u003e to find the process and kill it":"",
"kubectl and minikube configuration will be stored in {{.home_folder}}":"kubectl 과 minikube 환경 정보는 {{.home_folder}} 에 저장될 것입니다",
"kubectl not found in PATH, but is required for the dashboard. Installation guide: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/":"kubectl 이 PATH 에 없습니다, 하지만 이는 대시보드에서 필요로 합니다. 설치 가이드:https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/",
"kubectl not found. If you need it, try: 'minikube kubectl -- get pods -A'":"kubectl 을 찾을 수 없습니다. 만약 필요하다면, 'minikube kubectl -- get pods -A'를 시도합니다.",
"minikube does not support the BTRFS storage driver yet, there is a workaround, add the following flag to your start command `--feature-gates=\"LocalStorageCapacityIsolation=false\"`":"",
"minikube is unable to connect to the VM: {{.error}}\n\n\tThis is likely due to one of two reasons:\n\n\t- VPN or firewall interference\n\t- {{.hypervisor}} network configuration issue\n\n\tSuggested workarounds:\n\n\t- Disable your local VPN or firewall software\n\t- Configure your local VPN or firewall to allow access to {{.ip}}\n\t- Restart or reinstall {{.hypervisor}}\n\t- Use an alternative --vm-driver\n\t- Use --force to override this connectivity check\n\t":"",
"profile sets the current minikube profile, or gets the current profile if no arguments are provided. This is used to run and manage multiple minikube instance. You can return to the default minikube profile by running `minikube profile default`":"",
"socket_vmnet was installed with an incorrect group, delete this cluster 'minikube delete' and update the group 'sudo chown root:$(id -ng) /var/run/socket_vmnet' and try again.":"",
"socket_vmnet was not found on the system, resolve by:\n\n\t\tOption 1) Installing socket_vmnet:\n\n\t\t https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/drivers/qemu/#networking\n\n\t\tOption 2) Using the user network:\n\n\t\t minikube start{{.profile}} --driver qemu --network user":"",
"tunnel creates a route to services deployed with type LoadBalancer and sets their Ingress to their ClusterIP. for a detailed example see https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/tasks/loadbalancer":"",
"{{.addon}} is an addon maintained by {{.maintainer}}. For any concerns contact minikube on GitHub.\nYou can view the list of minikube maintainers at: https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/blob/master/OWNERS":"",
"{{.addon}} is maintained by {{.maintainer}} for any concerns contact {{.verifiedMaintainer}} on GitHub.":"",
"{{.path}} is v{{.client_version}}, which may be incompatible with Kubernetes v{{.cluster_version}}.":"{{.path}} 의 버전은 v{{.client_version}} 이므로, 쿠버네티스 버전 v{{.cluster_version}} 과 호환되지 않을 수 있습니다",