Few targets need more than just pending IRQ set. They include some flags to be
set that are checked in IRQ handler. This is the case for targets in this
This commit adds the UART driver and updates the UART HAL implementation
to use this driver.
It also removes legacy definitions.
Change-Id: Ie8e7a7bb64c763a2d97bc66d949fab3596736bbc
Signed-off-by: Avinash Mehta <avinash.mehta@arm.com>
This commit adds the SPI driver which is now called by the SPI HAL
It also removes legacy definitions.
Change-Id: Iadb20dda9dfa571db3de66c3a1ce45d80d8b81b6
Signed-off-by: Tamas Kaman <tamas.kaman@arm.com>
This commit adds the GPIO drivers. The HAL implementations
(gpio_api.c, gpio_irq_api.c, port_api.c) now call these drivers.
Legacy definitions have been removed.
Serial HAL implementation has been changed to compile at this stage.
Change-Id: Ib76a3186358f5029ed350da671132e8aa11194f7
Signed-off-by: Galanakis, Minos <minos.galanakis@arm.com>
The HAL implementation (us_ticker.c and lp_ticker.c) now calls function
in cmsdk_ticker.c file. This file contains the necessary logic to be
able to only use one hardware timer (CMSDK timer) per mbed ticker.
This commit also updates the timer driver and removes legacy definition.
Change-Id: If40413822832117f9b78f38d2cdda7847284b035
Signed-off-by: Galanakis, Minos <minos.galanakis@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Hugues de Valon <hugues.devalon@arm.com>
This patch changes the way data is put in the TX_DATA_PORT register when
sending packet over Ethernet.
When this driver is compiled with release compilation profile
(space optimization compiler options) with Arm compiler version 5,
the line:
SMSC9220->TX_DATA_PORT = *pktptr;
generates the assembly instruction to get the pktptr pointed value:
LDM r2!, {r3}
with pktptr = r2
However, the code does not prevent the pktptr value from being unaligned
(to a 32 bits boundary) in that zone and the LDM instruction causes a
HardFault if this is the case. When the compiler option is not activated
(debug and develop compilation profiles), the compiler generates LDR
instruction instead which does not cause a HardFault.
The ARM v7-M states page B3-601: "Unaligned load-store multiples and
word or halfword exclusive accesses always fault."
To face that problem, we check if the data pointer is aligned or not. If
it is, we apply the same algorithm than before. If not, a local variable
is created and we copy in it, byte per byte, the contents at the
unaligned pointer. However, it will impact performances adding 8
instructions (one LD and one ST for each copied byte).
Change-Id: I11f6e82ce5521960d2ecf499f718f76fec29c0b0
Signed-off-by: Hugues de Valon <hugues.devalon@arm.com>
fire_interrupt function should be used for events in the past. As we have now
64bit timestamp, we can figure out what is in the past, and ask a target to invoke
an interrupt immediately. The previous attemps in the target HAL tickers were not ideal, as it can wrap around easily (16 or 32 bit counters). This new
functionality should solve this problem.
set_interrupt for tickers in HAL code should not handle anything but the next match interrupt. If it was in the past is handled by the upper layer.
It is possible that we are setting next event to the close future, so once it is set it is already in the past. Therefore we add a check after set interrupt to verify it is in future.
If it is not, we fire interrupt immediately. This results in
two events - first one immediate, correct one. The second one might be scheduled in far future (almost entire ticker range),
that should be discarded.
The specification for the fire_interrupts are:
- should set pending bit for the ticker interrupt (as soon as possible),
the event we are scheduling is already in the past, and we do not want to skip
any events
- no arguments are provided, neither return value, not needed
- ticker should be initialized prior calling this function (no need to check if it is already initialized)
All our targets provide this new functionality, removing old misleading if (timestamp is in the past) checks.
This patch updates CMSDK_CM3DS.h to remove the
DMA peripheral memory map and defines, as
that peripheral is not present in the system.
In addition, some define names where updated
concerning rtc. RTC_api was updated accordingly.
This patch also updates SMM_MPS2 to align defines and
Signed-off-by: Marc Moreno <marc.morenoberengue@arm.com>
This patch implements pin_function and gpio_set
with some fixes in the PinNames.
The patch also updates the serial and spi
drivers to use the pin_function.
Signed-off-by: Marc Moreno <marc.morenoberengue@arm.com>
1. Add startup code and linker script for IAR and
GCC_ARM compilers.
2. Enable IAR and GCC_ARM compilers in targets.json.
Change-Id: I742a89ae73a4e5ede980a8af0821c3f0e5a461ef
Signed-off-by: Mate Toth-Pal <mate.toth-pal@arm.com>
Based on lwip_ethernetif.c skeleton file,
use init, receive and transfer
functionality of SMSC9220 Ethernet driver
for the lightweight IP stack.
Receive mechanism is interrupt driven.
HW buffer sizes:
Tx = 4608 bytes (MTU)
Rx = 10560 bytes
lwIP fine tuning:
Change-Id: I0ea95650c65fb32cafb5c2d3dde11420c61dba66
Signed-off-by: Gabor Kertesz <gabor.kertesz@arm.com>
- Creates new target in targets.json
- Creates device specific files under ARM_SSG/CM3DS_MPS2 directory
- Driver layer files under CM3DS_MPS2 are based on Beid target
- Device specific files under CM3DS_MPS2/device are based on CMSIS_5 and Beetle
Change-Id: I29ea7a7f42b11cf25b516cce4b9255ab828ca019
Signed-off-by: Tamas Kaman <Tamas.Kaman@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Marc Moreno <marc.morenoberengue@arm.com>
Restore cmsis_nvic (cmsis_nvic.c and cmsis_nvic.h) files for the
implementations which use a mechanism other than the VTOR to set
interrupts. These are vendor specific and were done for M0 devices
which do not have a VTOR.
Note - There were two cmsis_nvic files which did not use the VTOR that
which not restored in this patch. This is because these targets were
not M0 devices and could use the new unified implementation instead.
These files are:
Note - cmsis_nvic.c and cmsis_nvic.h were initial removed in
(and restored from) the commit:
b97ffe8fdc -
"CMSIS5: Replace target defined NVIC_Set/GetVector with CMSIS implementation"
There is an easy default implementation of spi_master_block_write that
just calls spi_master_write in a loop, so the default implementation
of spi_master_block_write has been added to all targets.
Affected boards: NRF51_DK, NRF52_DK, Beetle. This change is temporary and
will be overwritten by RTX update. It's necessary for the boards to pass
updated tests.
Add sleep/deepsleep functions to platform layer which are replacing HAL
functions with the same name, rename existing symbols in HAL layer
to hal_sleep/hal_deepsleep. This way sleep functions
are always available, even if target doesn't implement them, which makes
the code using sleep clearer. It also enables us to make decision on in
which builds (debug/release) the sleep will be enabled.
This patch updates DualTimer_DisableInterrupt to
disable the interrupt timers individually.
In addition, it updates lp_ticker accordingly.
Signed-off-by: Marc Moreno <marc.morenoberengue@arm.com>