Since according to the ticker requirements min acceptable counter size is 12 bits (low power timer) for which max count is 4095, then all test cases must be executed in this time window.
HAL ticker layer handles overflow and it is not handled in the target ticker drivers.
Low power ticker time counter is created based on RTC which is driven by 32KHz clock. Additional low power timer is used to generate interrupts.
We need to adapt driver to operate on ticks instead of us.
Perform the following updates:
- provide lp ticker configuration: 32KHz/32 bit counter.
- lp_ticker_init() routine disables lp ticker interrupts .
- adapt the driver functions to operate on ticks instead us.
- adapt comments.
- add us_ticker_free() routine.
The intention was to use ticker_overflow_delta equal to 0 for low power ticker tests and ticker_overflow_delta equal to 50 for high frequency ticker tests. Current implementation is invalid since for devices which provide LOW_POWER_TIMER feature delta is equal to 0 and for devices without this feature delta is equal 50.
Current version:
The function ticker_init resets the internal count and disables the ticker interrupt.
Proposed version:
The function ticker_init allows the ticker to keep counting and disables the ticker interrupt.
This is a result of the following discussion:
Since target specific ticker drivers are not ready also features which uses ticker in upper layers may not work correctly and tests for these features.
We need to disable also failing higher level ticker related tests (by adding check if DEVICE_USTICKER symbol is available and raise #error [NOT_SUPPORTED] if not).
I implemented the SLEEP feature for Rnesas mbed boards.
The mainly changing is here.
- hal_sleep()
To satisfy the mbed specificationm, I implemented this function newly by using "sleep" that is one of low power mode that is incorporated in our hardware(RZ_A1).
In the "sleep", peripheral and memory state are maintained, and the peripherals continue to work and can generate interrupts.
- hal_deepsleep()
To satisfy the mbed specificationm, I implemented this function newly by combined using "sleep" and "module standby" that is the low power mode that is incorporated in our hardware(RZ_A1).
The "module standby" is peripheral module's powerdown.
Also in case of our "module standby", it need to read register as dummy when access to each register.
These boards will be re-enabled when sleep driver for them is ready.
This operation is done by removing "SLEEP" feature from target's "device_has" list (in targets.json config file).
For NRF52_DK removing of "SLEEP" feature causes some timing issues which have influence on tests. In order to successfully disable this board we need to disable also related features like "USTICKER", "LOWPOERTIMER" and slightly modify ticker tests, so they will not be executed if usticker support is not available (by default all targets support us ticker).
Sleep - within 10us
Deepsleep - within 10ms
Note about mbed boards with interface, moved to lpc176x, as they are target related,
should be documented in the target documentation.
The tests will come as separate PR, to conform to this updates to sleep API.