`CPUCFSQuotaPeriod` Feature Gate is set from the flag name `CustomCPUCFSQuotaPeriod` per [`kube_features.go#163`](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/pkg/features/kube_features.go#L163)
This PR updates the docs to suit.
In some respects it would be tidier to remove `Custom` prefix from `kube_features.go` so that the Feature Gate naming maps 1:1.
Happy to close this PR and do PR to remove 'Custom' prefix instead.
Added a step under the sections that guide the user to install the binary using curl on the OS. This is the same format maintained by the other section on this page.
* Add Setting up the OWNERS files section
* Update OWNERS_ALIASES patch
* Replace owners.md link with go.k8s.io/owners
* Replace github.com/kubernetes link with git.k8s.io
* Update OWNERS_ALIASES to use git.k8s.io link
* Sort patch diff in alphabetical order
* Specify clearly what teams should be added
* Remove the passive voice
* Complete alphabetical order phrase
* How You Can Help Localize Kubernetes Docs
Minor edits
Minor edits
Publish for 25 Apr
One typo
* Update 2019-04-25-latest-on-localization.md
* Update and rename 2019-04-25-latest-on-localization.md to 2019-04-26-latest-on-localization.md
* Translate declarative config for Bahasa Indonesia
* Fix typos and untranslated sentences from previous commit for declarative-config for Bahasa Indonesia
* Add _index.md to object-management-kubectl translations for Bahasa Indonesia
* Delete all pods matching the egrep pattern
* replace egrep with awk to delete pods by a pattern
* Update content/en/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet.md
Co-Authored-By: ismailyenigul <ismailyenigul@gmail.com>
I thought this organization would give the users a better idea of what method to select based on the OS they use.
Initially, I was a wee bit confused when I saw how to Install kubectl binary with curl on the Mac OS and then another section on how to install Kubectl on the Mac OS.
Now, I moved the content under the $subject to the respective OS section.
P.S: I am still in the process of testing out the steps. :)
* Add translations for Ingress Controllers for Bahasa Indonesia
* Replace html tag italic with md syntax for Ingress Controller in Bahasa.
* Address typo and stuff for Ingress Controller translation to Bahasa Indonesia.
* Remove emphasis in title for Ingress Controller translation for Bahasa.
* Replace "obyek" with "objek".
* Fix minor typo and formatting.
* Blog post: Hardware Accelerated Crypto...
This adds a story of Hardware Accelerated SSL/TLS Termination
in Ingress Controllers using Kubernetes Device Plugins and RuntimeClass.
Signed-off-by: Mikko Ylinen <mikko.ylinen@intel.com>
* Update Hardware-Accelerated-SSLTLS-Termination-in-Ingress-Controllers-using-Kubernetes-Device-Plugins-and-RuntimeClass.md
* Rename Hardware-Accelerated-SSLTLS-Termination-in-Ingress-Controllers-using-Kubernetes-Device-Plugins-and-RuntimeClass.md to 2019-04-23-Hardware-Accelerated-SSLTLS-Termination-in-Ingress-Controllers-using-Kubernetes-Device-Plugins-and-RuntimeClass.md
* Rename 2019-04-23-Hardware-Accelerated-SSLTLS-Termination-in-Ingress-Controllers-using-Kubernetes-Device-Plugins-and-RuntimeClass.md to 2019-04-24-Hardware-Accelerated-SSLTLS-Termination-in-Ingress-Controllers-using-Kubernetes-Device-Plugins-and-RuntimeClass.md
* menambahkan page pod overview
* finishing pod overview translate
* fix typo
* Change some words with suggest from reviewer
* fix typo and other for Pod Overview
* fix formatting issue
* Translate ingress for Bahasa Indonesia.
* Using markdown instead of html tag. Add `_index.md` in concepts.
* Remove italic md syntax from services-networking title in Bahasa.
* Replace all html italic tag in feature-state and Ingress for Bahasa.
* Address review for typo and paraprashing the content for Kubernetes in Bahasa.
* Fix nitty gritty Ingress translation for Bahasa Indonesia.
* Rebase from master
* Fix trailing . after inbound.