==== Tech Notes ====
Setting the convert_rate enforces the output bitrate of the FLAC audio.
This requires update of speechrecognition (3.7.1) and PyAudio (0.2.11)
==== Environment Notes ====
PyAudio => 0.2.11
speechrecognition => 3.7.1
==== Tech Notes ====
Autoloading configuration in submodules is bad for testing purposes and
should be reduced. It takes time and adds the possibility of altering
the base conditions for the tests
- mycroft/skills/core: global configuration moved to main.py
- mycroft/messagebus/client/ws.py global config moved to __init__ of
- client/speech/mic.py global config moved to ResponsiveRecognizer
__init__() method
- client/enclosure/display_manager.py
- get_ipc_directory() called in methods where used
==== Tech Notes ====
Add a wait until skills have been loaded once before checking for
internet connection. If not an "I'm sorry I didn't catch that" may be
emitted since the pairing skill isn't loaded.
==== Tech Notes ====
- Sanity check Message in handle_add_context(), 'word' needs to be a
string before calling into the context manager.
- Sanity check Message in handle_remove_context(), make sure a context
keyword was received before trying to remove.
- Docstrings
- Suppress exceptions while injecting context
==== Tech Notes ====
Listens for 'mycroft.paired' and will unmute the mic when this occurs.
This was handled by the pairing skill but for clarity it should be
unmuted at the same place.
==== Tech Notes ====
Mute was previously a simple boolean meaning that if two parts of the
code wanted to mute it it would unmute the mic as soon as the first of
the two pieces of code wanted to unmute.
For example tts output will mute the mic and unmute it when the audio
output is complete. During first start up of a mark-1 the enclosure
mutes the mic and expects it to be muted until the pairing is complete.
This doesn't work. The mic get's unmuted as soon as the first sentence
has been spoken.
This counts the number of times mute is called and will not unmute until
as many unmute calls has been made.
==== Tech Notes ====
isSpeaking was lowered as soon a the tts had synthesized the audio and
not when the output finished. This commit moves the signal
raising/lowering to the tts instead of the 'mycroft.speak' handler.
==== Tech Notes ====
A single thread handling scheduled events. The skills interact with this
using the self.schedule_event() self.schedule_repeating_event
self.update_event() and self.remove_event().
This is an improvement over scheduledSkill since each skill creates
their own Thread and has to handle storing/restoring scheduled events
between starts.
All pending events are stored in a json file at shutdown for future
==== Documentation Notes ====
Needs to be documented
==== Protocol Notes ====
new messagebus event handlers:
- mycroft.scheduler.schedule_event
- mycroft.scheduler.remove_event
- mycroft.scheduler.update_event
==== Tech Notes ====
To ensure that the skills have the same id when loading the id was
replaced with a hash of the skill directory. (as long the skill isn't
renamed). This is useful for things like the event_scheduler where
skills are referenced using the skill id and has info being persistent
over restarts
==== Tech Notes
-Notification on dependency changes by comparing hashes of current requirements.txt and dev_setup script and last time the dev_setup.sh was run
- Update padatious to v0.2.2
make message parameter on intent handler optional
==== Tech Notes ====
intent handlers that don't use the message bus message no longer need to have the argument so a simple intent handler could be
def handle_yahoo(self):
==== Tech Notes ====
Skills weren't cleanly shutdown. This ensures that skills are shutdown more cleanly and that shutdown procedure will not be interrupted by broken shutdown methods.
Shutdown of reload thread fixed
Unused globals removed
==== Tech Notes ====
After an intent has been handled the settings will be stored if any changes are detected.
A force option was added to the .store method of the settings class which always writes the dict to disk even if no changes has been made. This is used during shutdown.
The mycroft.sh script uses the 'screen' command to run the various
processes that make up Mycroft Core. When they are stopped with
"./mycroft.sh stop", it was using the screen 'quit' command. This
ends the process abruptly, not allowing services to shutdown
This changes it to send a shutdown request first, equivalent of a
Ctrl-C. If the service doesn't shutdown after 2 seconds it is
then killed.
This specifically prevents issues where a skill expected and did
not receive a call to the shutdown() method.