==== Fixed Issues ====
==== Tech Notes ====
Adds a basic manual page for msm, required for packaging for some OS'es
==== Documentation Notes ====
==== Localization Notes ====
Might need translation at some point
==== Environment Notes ====
msm/man1/msm should be copied into the manual man1 directory
(/usr/local/share/man/man1) and mandb needs to be run after a package
==== Protocol Notes ====
Bug fix proposed for success wake-word recording.
Opt: Suggestion to change the save location of recording files as well.
Otherwise, the user could potentially get the permission denial.
-NeonGecko.com Inc
Add intent fallback system
==== Fixed Issues ====
NONE - replace with issue numbers, e.g. #123, #304
==== Tech Notes ====
NONE - explain new algorithms in detail, tool changes, etc.
==== Documentation Notes ====
The FallbackSkill needs to be documented in detail for skill creators.
==== Environment Notes ====
==== Protocol Notes ====
multi_utterance_intent_failure replaced with complete_intent_failure
==== Fixed Issues ====
==== Tech Notes ====
The criteria for excluding messages were inverted and excluded all
messages containing 'mycroft.audio.service'. This criteria has been
==== Documentation Notes ====
NONE - things like description of a new feature or notes on behavior
==== Localization Notes ====
NONE - point out new strings, functions needing international versions,
==== Environment Notes ====
NONE - new package requirements, new files being written to disk,
==== Protocol Notes ====
NONE - message types added or changed, new signals, etc.
Some exception code was attempting to use the LOGGER, but one had
not been created for this file. So when the exception occurred
it caused a crash.
NOTE: We need to standardize on log/LOG/LOGGER!
==== Fixed Issues ====
==== Tech Notes ====
The messagebus handler for "mycroft.stop" halts and exits if an
exception occurs in any methods that are registered to that name. The
handler executes the stop() method that's provided by the user and is
not verified. To ensure that other skills are unaffected exceptions in
the user provided method are caught.
==== Documentation Notes ====
NONE - things like description of a new feature or notes on behavior
==== Localization Notes ====
NONE - point out new strings, functions needing international versions,
==== Environment Notes ====
NONE - new package requirements, new files being written to disk,
==== Protocol Notes ====
NONE - message types added or changed, new signals, etc.
===Fixed issues ====
==== Tech Notes ====
Adds method clear_visimes() to voice playback thread to stop visime stream
instead of having visime stream check for signals.
==== Documentation Notes ====
NONE - things like description of a new feature or notes on behavior
==== Localization Notes ====
NONE - point out new strings, functions needing international versions,
==== Environment Notes ====
NONE - new package requirements, new files being written to disk,
==== Protocol Notes ====
NONE - message types added or changed, new signals, etc.
Add entry point to mycroft base setup. This allows setuptools to
include it in the build.
==== Fixed Issues ====
==== Tech Notes ====
NONE - explain new algorithms in detail, tool changes, etc.
==== Documentation Notes ====
NONE - description of a new feature or notes on behavior changes
==== Localization Notes ====
NONE - point to new strings, language specific functions, etc.
==== Environment Notes ====
NONE - new package requirements, new files being written to disk, etc.
==== Protocol Notes ====
NONE - message types added or changed, new signals, APIs, etc.
The commit template provides a developer with a structure to follow
for communicating with others on the mycroft-core project.
==== Tech Notes ====
Please use this template from here on!
==== Fixed Issues ====
==== Tech Notes ====
Separate multiple skills found error from no skill found error.
- Multiple skills found = Err 301
- No skill found = Err 302
Add audio service
==== Fixed Issues ====
==== Tech Notes ====
Adds a separate audio service process. This audio service handles queuing audio and adds the possibility to send audio to different backends (including mpg123, vlc, mopidy and chromecast)
TTS is moved from the clients to this process.
==== Documentation Notes ====
audio service skill API should be documented.
==== Localization Notes ====
==== Environment Notes ====
The audio service needs to be started together with the other parts of mycroft.
Ideally we should include vlc on the image to allow better control over the playback than mpg123/aplay allows
==== Protocol Notes ====
A bunch of audio control related message bus messages has been added:
mycroft.audio.service.play - start playing a playlist
mycroft.audio.service.pause - pause currently playing list
mycroft.audio.service.resume - resume paused playback
mycroft.audio.service.stop - stop playback
mycroft.audio.service.next - start playing next track
mycroft.audio.service.prev - start playing previous track
mycroft.audio.service.track_info - return information about the currently playing track
when the audio configuration option "pulseaudio" is set to mute running
audio streams will be muted while mycroft is speaking and while mycroft
is listening.