Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2996404 by andrewmacpherson, Krzysztof Domański: Replace old keypress workaround in AjaxFormImageButtonTest
2019-03-04 17:08:15 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2808163 by amateescu, samuel.mortenson, dawehner: Support dynamic entity types in the EntityRevisionParamConverter
2019-03-04 16:47:25 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3028671 by Berdir: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated and already (almost) unused EntityManager methods
2019-03-04 15:20:14 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3035825 by plach, larowlan, amateescu, jhedstrom: Make it easier to set up the current_user service in kernel tests
2019-03-01 14:10:30 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3000057 by kim.pepper, andypost, claudiu.cristea, voleger, dww, Berdir, larowlan: Deprecate drupal_set_time_limit() and file_upload_max_size() and move to Environment component
2019-03-01 11:01:32 +00:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2975081 by alexpott, amateescu, larowlan, mtodor, catch: UpdatePathTestBase fails to re-initialize the test site (rebuild container, clear caches) after running the database updates
2019-03-01 06:44:06 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3025427 by Berdir, amateescu: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager->EntityTypeBundleInfo methods
2019-02-26 15:05:23 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3029336 by andypost: Properly deprecate check_url()
2019-02-26 14:58:32 +00:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #3033494 by alexpott, dww, tim.plunkett, larowlan: SiteConfigureForm can install the file module without the field module
2019-02-25 20:39:52 +10:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Revert "Issue #3033494 by alexpott, dww, tim.plunkett: SiteConfigureForm can install the file module without the field module"
This reverts commit 5d2bc24951 .
2019-02-25 20:38:58 +10:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #3033494 by alexpott, dww, tim.plunkett: SiteConfigureForm can install the file module without the field module
2019-02-25 19:56:16 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2946122 by mikelutz, heddn, tim.plunkett, phenaproxima, alexpott, joelpittet, MegaChriz, joachim, xjm: Deprecate ConfigurablePluginInterface and replace with an interface that doesn't extend DependentPluginInterface
2019-02-24 13:42:45 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3035318 by mpdonadio: `DateFormatter()` assumes 30 days per month, while February only has 28 days. Causes fails in tests
2019-02-24 09:42:10 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, alexpott, jibran, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, acbramley, Wim Leers, sun, xjm, YesCT, chx, tim.plunkett: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service (
2019-02-23 22:35:15 +00:00 |
Revert "Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, jibran, alexpott, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, Wim Leers, acbramley, YesCT, sun, tim.plunkett, chx: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service ("
This reverts commit 56be1a032e .
2019-02-23 13:09:49 -06:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, jibran, alexpott, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, Wim Leers, acbramley, YesCT, sun, tim.plunkett, chx: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service (
2019-02-23 13:45:05 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3029661 by Lendude, dawehner: Move BrowserTestBase tests out of modules/simpletest into /tests
2019-02-22 09:09:31 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3027745 by claudiu.cristea, idimopoulos, wengerk, alexpott: UniqueFieldConstraint doesn't work for entities with string IDs
2019-02-22 08:45:40 +00:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2981602 by jansete, Lendude, askibinski, alexpott, dawehner, slv_, Sam152: Add page objects integration to Nightwatch
2019-02-22 08:15:03 +02:00 |
Gábor Hojtsy
Revert "Issue #2937542 by alexpott, dawehner, Mile23, catch, mikelutz: Not setting the strict option of the Choice constraint to true is deprecated since Symfony 3.4 and will throw an exception in 4.0"
This reverts commit 030a9cefc2 .
2019-02-18 20:21:56 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3022399 by andypost, YurkinPark, Berdir: Move action_views_form_substitutions() out of actions module
2019-02-17 10:12:55 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3028656 by Berdir, martin107: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager listener methods
2019-02-17 09:56:22 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3023981 by Berdir, larowlan, alexpott, xjm, catch: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager->EntityRepository methods
2019-02-17 00:00:58 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3031580 by alexpott, Gábor Hojtsy, Lendude, catch, jibran, dawehner, Berdir: Undeprecate \Drupal\FunctionalTests\AssertLegacyTrait and \Drupal\KernelTests\AssertLegacyTrait in Drupal 8
2019-02-14 12:17:39 +00:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #3030501 by alexpott, Gábor Hojtsy, Berdir: [Symfony 4] Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\ReverseProxyMiddleware calls Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::setTrustedHeaderName() which does not exist
2019-02-14 19:02:31 +10:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3004642 by amateescu, plach: Deprecate SqlContentEntityStorageSchemaConverter in favor of the new API provided by EntityTypeListenerInterface::onFieldableEntityTypeUpdate()
2019-02-13 14:24:08 +00:00 |
Francesco Placella
Issue #3031479 follow-up by amateescu, mondrake: Replaced numeric index names with regular names in the test coverage.
2019-02-13 14:37:26 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2572605 by Gábor Hojtsy, slasher13, Jo Fitzgerald, alexpott, andypost, Cottser, skyredwang, mfernea, joelpittet, jibran, larowlan, aleevas, Wim Leers, lauriii, catch, Berdir: Make Drupal 8 optionally working with Twig 2, while keeping its dependency on Twig 1
2019-02-13 11:36:49 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Revert "Issue #3031577 by alexpott: \Drupal\Tests\Listeners\DeprecationListenerTrait::getSkippedDeprecations() does not work in unit tests"
This reverts commit c52175dd4b .
2019-02-13 11:06:56 +00:00 |
Francesco Placella
Issue #3031479 by amateescu, jibran, mondrake: TaxonomyVocabularyHierarchyUpdateTest::testTaxonomyUpdateParents() is prone to breaking on PostgreSQL
2019-02-13 10:15:31 +01:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #3031577 by alexpott: \Drupal\Tests\Listeners\DeprecationListenerTrait::getSkippedDeprecations() does not work in unit tests
2019-02-13 14:35:28 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #1883744 by hchonov, tim.plunkett, borisson_, xjm, tstoeckler, joachim: Convert Entity to EntityBase for consistency with ContentEntityBase and ConfigEntityBase
2019-02-10 08:17:04 +00:00 |
Issue #3020352 by tedbow, Wim Leers, tim.plunkett, xjm, andrewmacpherson, lauriii, phenaproxima, alwaysworking: Create a new AnnounceCommand to call Drupal.announce on an AjaxResponse
2019-02-05 16:20:19 -06:00 |
Revert "Issue #2946122 by mikelutz, heddn, tim.plunkett, phenaproxima, alexpott, MegaChriz, joachim: Deprecate ConfigurablePluginInterface and replace with an interface that doesn't extend DependentPluginInterface"
This reverts commit b1f49624db .
2019-02-05 15:08:23 -06:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3029373 by effulgentsia, Wim Leers, catch: PageCache::getCacheId() sometimes uses different cache IDs during get and set, causing unnecessary cache misses for some requests
2019-02-05 12:25:01 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2723593 by alexpott, Jo Fitzgerald, daffie, JacobSanford, rajeshwari10, chishah92, Saviktor, marvin_B8, valthebald, Mile23, Berdir: Properly deprecate entity_load() and friends
2019-02-05 12:08:32 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3030359 by Mile23: FileSystemDeprecationTest in the wrong place since it's a kernel test
2019-02-04 12:33:38 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3028657 by alexpott, Berdir: Properly deprecate entity_load_multiple()
2019-02-04 12:29:50 +00:00 |
Issue #3025867 by tim.plunkett, Kristen Pol, phenaproxima, alexpott, xjm, andypost: Provide a classed object for TempStore metadata
2019-02-03 11:57:11 -05:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2443165 by davidwbarratt, amateescu, HOG, kostyashupenko, yched, Berdir, andypost, alexpott, tstoeckler, xjm: Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface\ContentEntityStorageBase::doCreate() assumes that the bundle is a string
2019-02-02 22:25:27 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2849074 by decafdennis, alexpott, zuuperman, AdamPS, sagesolutions, tucho, xjm: SiteConfigureForm overrides value from install profile
2019-02-02 12:43:03 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2984782 by amateescu, plach, catch, jibran, kristiaanvandeneynde: Add an API for converting entity type schemas to (non-)revisionable/(non-)translatable, with or without data
2019-02-01 13:26:39 +00:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2937542 by alexpott, dawehner, Mile23, catch, mikelutz: Not setting the strict option of the Choice constraint to true is deprecated since Symfony 3.4 and will throw an exception in 4.0
2019-01-31 20:42:39 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2215857 by michielnugter, Lendude, gmercer, tim.plunkett, cferthorney, marabak, olli, ericmulder1980, TwoD, sanduhrs, stella, dww, nod_: Behaviors get attached to removed forms
2019-01-31 01:02:35 +00:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2725259 by sardara, andrewmacpherson, claudiu.cristea, tedbow, alwaysworking, droplet, techmsi, kwoxer, xjm, alexpott, lauriii, catch, cilefen, Cottser: [regression] Table Drag handles no longer respond to up/down arrow keys
2019-01-29 13:21:28 +02:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Revert "Issue #2725259 by sardara, andrewmacpherson, claudiu.cristea, tedbow, alwaysworking, droplet, techmsi, kwoxer, xjm, alexpott, @catch, @cilefen, @Cottser, @lauriii: [regression] Table Drag handles no longer respond to up/down arrow keys"
This reverts commit 735aacac9c .
2019-01-29 13:20:03 +02:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2725259 by sardara, andrewmacpherson, claudiu.cristea, tedbow, alwaysworking, droplet, techmsi, kwoxer, xjm, alexpott, @catch, @cilefen, @Cottser, @lauriii: [regression] Table Drag handles no longer respond to up/down arrow keys
2019-01-29 13:15:45 +02:00 |
Issue #2937073 by tim.plunkett, Saviktor, tedbow: Improve robustness of FieldBlockTest
2019-01-28 17:54:09 -06:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3024452 by kfritsche, hchonov, alexpott: DatabaseStorageExpirable:setWithExpireIfNotExists is not respecting expired
2019-01-28 22:27:59 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2932909 by Mile23, Lendude, dawehner, alexpott: Convert web tests to browser tests for Simpletest module
2019-01-28 08:45:58 +00:00 |
Francesco Placella
Issue #3026290 by amateescu, plach, mradcliffe, jibran: PostgreSQL constraints are still not renamed properly on table renames
2019-01-27 16:30:34 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2995150 by msankhala, tim.plunkett: Command examples in core/tests/ are confusing and not executable
2019-01-27 00:20:05 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3023799 by Berdir, alexpott, tim.plunkett, larowlan: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager::clearCachedDefinitions() method
2019-01-26 14:52:11 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2946122 by mikelutz, heddn, tim.plunkett, phenaproxima, alexpott, MegaChriz, joachim: Deprecate ConfigurablePluginInterface and replace with an interface that doesn't extend DependentPluginInterface
2019-01-26 12:42:37 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Revert "Issue #3026414 by alexpott, Fabianx: Add tests for PharExtensionInterceptor for invocation from a CLI command"
This reverts commit 25c8f251e3 .
2019-01-24 22:54:53 +00:00 |
Issue #3026414 by alexpott, Fabianx: Add tests for PharExtensionInterceptor for invocation from a CLI command
2019-01-24 10:58:14 -08:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3015886 by bircher, alexpott, Upchuk: Add an in-memory config storage
2019-01-24 11:19:49 +00:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #3027872 by catch: [symfony 4] The default value of the "$secure" and "$samesite" arguments of "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie::__construct"'s constructor will change
2019-01-24 20:37:04 +10:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2961861 by alexpott, Berdir: Remove usage of WriteCheckSessionHandler
2019-01-24 11:07:29 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2981870 by Lendude, alexpott: Duplicate BrokenSetUpTest for BrowserTestBase
2019-01-23 23:40:47 +00:00 |
Issue #3020301 by catch, Mile23, xjm, alexpott: Remove composer integration PHP version test (rely on DrupalCI PHP version runs instead)
2019-01-22 10:25:50 -08:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3026043 by Berdir: ConfigEntityBase::__sleep() serializes plugin instances if they were not previously initialized
2019-01-22 10:21:20 +00:00 |
SA-CORE-2019-002 by greggles, cashwilliams, EclipseGc, larowlan, samuel.mortenson, alexpott, tedbow, effulgentsia, Fabianx, xjm, mlhess
(cherry picked from commit fe32f7790e )
2019-01-15 11:43:08 -06:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3015992 by Krzysztof Domański, alexpott, larowlan: Not affecting spacing in PhpTransliterationTest
2019-01-13 22:34:54 +00:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #3000677 by catch, Shane Birley, featherbelly, alexpott: Fatal error after upgrade to 8.6x [due to regression in extension system]
2019-01-12 12:14:50 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2955457 by pfrenssen, Chewie, unrealauk, alexpott, Pol: ConfigFactory static cache gets polluted with data from config overrides
2019-01-11 20:56:12 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3024259 by Pol, alexpott: [PHP 7.3] Fix EnvironmentTest::providerTestCheckMemoryLimit() notice
2019-01-08 12:10:21 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3023402 by alexpott: \Drupal\Tests\Component\Datetime\DateTimePlusTest fails on latest PHP7.3 build
2019-01-02 14:28:39 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3019030 by Upchuk: Ensure loadMultipleRevisions() returns the revisions in the same order as the passed IDs
2019-01-02 12:01:56 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3001997 by Krzysztof Domański, scott_euser, alexpott: Transliteration a string containing an unknown character (e.g. 0x80) is not valid
2019-01-02 10:28:53 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3008446 by alexpott, jcnventura, fenstrat, quietone, voleger, andypost: Complete the deprecation of format_date()
2019-01-01 19:15:24 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3021458 by kim.pepper, voleger: Properly deprecate drupal_move_uploaded_file()
2018-12-23 18:46:15 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3019834 by Berdir, alexpott: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated url/link EntityInterface methods
2018-12-23 14:30:20 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3020536 by catch, sjerdo, Wim Leers, alexpott: ControllerResolver::getArguments() is removed in Symfony 4 and ControllerResolver no longer implements ArgumentResolverInterface
2018-12-23 11:15:39 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2984072 by vijaycs85, Lendude, ApacheEx, dawehner: System: Convert ErrorHandlerTest to phpunit
2018-12-18 20:53:03 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3019706 by hchonov, alexpott, sheanhoxie, jibran, dawehner: Functional JS Tests are broken if XDEBUG_CONFIG is set as an env variable
2018-12-18 20:47:50 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Revert "Issue #3019706 by hchonov, jibran: Functional JS Tests are broken if XDEBUG_CONFIG is set as an env variable"
This reverts commit 6248e44d08 .
2018-12-18 17:50:19 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3020964 by alexpott: Empty collection config CRUD operations are inconsistent across the backend
2018-12-18 17:04:01 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3019706 by hchonov, jibran: Functional JS Tests are broken if XDEBUG_CONFIG is set as an env variable
2018-12-18 16:14:49 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2869426 by Wim Leers, dawehner, tstoeckler, alexpott, Berdir, larowlan: EntityResource should add _entity_access requirement to REST routes
2018-12-18 16:10:14 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Revert "Issue #2620304 by kim.pepper, andypost, phenaproxima, alexpott: htaccess functions should be a service"
This reverts commit 56ccba066c .
2018-12-18 14:53:43 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2815379 by andypost, jibran, naveenvalecha, tim.plunkett: Move message, goto, and email action plugins to Drupal\Core\Action
2018-12-18 09:43:20 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3020165 by alexpott: Dependency objects can be optimised for serialisation
2018-12-18 09:39:51 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2620304 by kim.pepper, andypost, phenaproxima, alexpott: htaccess functions should be a service
2018-12-18 09:37:49 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3020157 by alexpott: ActiveTheme objects and cache contain way too much information
2018-12-18 09:32:35 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2701829 by alexpott, andypost, Soul88, Graber, EduardoMadrid, dawehner, Berdir, jibran, pingwin4eg, httang12: Extension objects should not implement \Serializable
2018-12-18 09:29:50 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2949021 by tim.plunkett, Wim Leers: Deprecate schema fallback in ConfigEntityType::getPropertiesToExport
2018-12-15 21:29:27 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3020550 by catch: Passing commands as a string to Process is deprecated in Symfony 4
2018-12-14 22:23:44 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3020579 by catch: TypeError: Argument 3 passed to Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterResponseEvent::__construct() must be of the type integer, string given [Symfony 4]
2018-12-14 22:20:28 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3002164 by Wim Leers, mpdonadio: DateTimeIso8601::getDateTime() does not specify the storage timezone when constructing DrupalDateTime object
2018-12-13 18:46:24 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2998462 by AndyF, Baysaa, Siavash, tim.plunkett, millionleaves, fatmarker: Error adding Content Type Selection criteria or Context
2018-12-07 15:07:19 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2594425 by Sam152, gapple, naveenvalecha, dubcanada, Nitesh Pawar, Fonski, bircher, Eric115, ricovandevin, pameeela, mishradileep, juusechec, dawehner, jibran, xjm, ifrik, swentel, kim.pepper, Wim Leers, acbramley, 4aficiona2, yoroy, alexpott, ckaotik, andypost, FeyP: Add the option in system menu block to "Expand all items in this tree"
2018-12-07 12:01:11 +01:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #77245 by drpal, tedbow, nod_, phenaproxima, Wim Leers, googletorp, rteijeiro, vineet.osscube, tim.plunkett, idflood, joelpittet, pk188, lauriii, BarisW, lokapujya, chr.fritsch, droplet, andrewmacpherson, dmsmidt, dawehner, alexpott, jessebeach, NickWilde, DuaelFr, Cottser, seutje, samuel.mortenson: Provide a common API for displaying JavaScript messages
2018-12-05 20:29:18 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3016840 by tim.plunkett, EclipseGc, alexpott: When an invalid plugin ID is requested, include valid ones in the exception message
2018-12-01 10:49:12 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3017105 by alexpott: Deprecate system_list_reset()
2018-11-30 10:48:27 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3016968 by alexpott: Remove weight public property from theme extensions
2018-11-30 10:48:17 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3016458 by tim.plunkett, xjm: ContextHandler should use setContext() not setContextValue()
2018-11-30 09:34:29 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2659940 by almaudoh, alexpott, phenaproxima, Jo Fitzgerald, markcarver, oriol_e9g, dawehner, dsnopek, jibran, larowlan: Extension System, Part III: ThemeExtensionList and ThemeEngineExtensionList
2018-11-29 12:15:17 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3014949 by tim.plunkett: Deprecate 'context' on Block and Condition plugin annotations in favor of 'context_definitions'
2018-11-29 00:01:35 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3015691 by hchonov, mondrake: entityQueryAggregate queries cannot be executed more than once
2018-11-28 11:56:45 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Revert "Issue #3015691 by mondrake: entityQueryAggregate queries cannot be executed more than once"
This reverts commit 77accaed60 .
2018-11-28 11:56:16 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3015691 by mondrake: entityQueryAggregate queries cannot be executed more than once
2018-11-28 11:55:16 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2993271 by bircher, Upchuk: Remove unused ConfigManager dependency in StorageComparer
2018-11-28 11:51:39 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2830239 by cebasqueira, imalabya, spitzialist, th_tushar, monta, benjifisher, faline, alexpott: Several URLs point to Drupal 7 documentation pages instead of Drupal 8
2018-11-28 11:48:58 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Revert "Issue #3000630 by scott_euser, Krzysztof Domański, APolitsin, vijaycs85, longwave: Transliteration causes 2 capital letters at the beginning of a word"
This reverts commit bb7fb6a3dd .
2018-11-24 00:24:09 +00:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #3001201 by voleger, andypost, goodboy: Convert functions to a static class
2018-11-22 18:40:04 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2936032 by gambry, nlisgo, alexpott, cwells, cilefen, Darvanen, DamienGR: Sites named with special characters cannot send mail
2018-11-21 10:19:04 +00:00 |
Francesco Placella
Issue #2799987 by jonathanshaw, oriol_e9g, Jo Fitzgerald, mpdonadio, GoZ, Mixologic, harsha012, jhedstrom: Datetime and Datelist element's timezone handling is fragile, buggy and wrongly documented
2018-11-20 23:45:37 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3014851 by tim.plunkett: ContextAwarePluginBase::setContextValue() should delegate to ::setContext()
2018-11-20 16:01:43 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2928888 by amateescu, hchonov, timmillwood, Berdir, larowlan: Add a hook_entity_preload() for modules that need to load a different revision than the default one
2018-11-20 13:49:20 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3004456 by mikelutz, phenaproxima, alexpott, heddn, maxocub, quietone: Add a weighting option to MigrateField plugin's definition and lower weight of deprecated 'date' plugin so it isn't used
2018-11-20 12:29:18 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2895315 by nielsstampe, Krzysztof Domański: Danish characters are not translated correctly with transliteration
2018-11-20 12:03:12 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3000630 by scott_euser, Krzysztof Domański, APolitsin, vijaycs85, longwave: Transliteration causes 2 capital letters at the beginning of a word
2018-11-20 11:58:15 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3008950 by mikelutz, quietone: Move MigrateField Plugins out of Core Library
2018-11-19 16:41:00 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3001398 by mondrake, Krzysztof Domański, alexpott, voleger, neclimdul, longwave, dawehner, goodboy: format_size() fixes
2018-11-19 09:55:34 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3008490 by Lendude, jibran, jhodgdon: Update \Drupal\Tests\UiHelperTrait::drupalPostForm docblock to match BrowserTestBase version
2018-11-18 23:51:19 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2986887 by hchonov, tstoeckler, amateescu, alexpott: Impossible entity query with condition on revision metadata keys
2018-11-18 23:07:32 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2672950 by Vj,, Krzysztof Domański, elandirayan, Rijidij, amateescu, shahgm, larowlan: Notice: Undefined index: #default_value in Drupal\Core\Datetime\Element\Datetime::valueCallback() (line 103
2018-11-18 22:51:14 +00:00 |
Gábor Hojtsy
Issue #2982626 by phenaproxima, tim.plunkett, EclipseGc: ContextAwarePluginBase is incompatible with ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface
2018-11-16 11:48:57 -05:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3000671 by axel.rutz, surbz, msankhala, goodboy, dawehner: Frontpage with query parameter results in "Page not found"
2018-11-16 13:25:40 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3014011 by amateescu, andypost: Remove a couple of workarounds from DefaultConfigTest and ModuleHandlerTest
2018-11-16 12:30:04 +00:00 |
Francesco Placella
Issue #2935932 by Sam152, dwkitchen, jibran, amateescu, kiamlaluno, tstoeckler, joachim: Add a FieldDefinition class for defining bundle fields in code
2018-11-15 10:40:18 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2809531 by Lendude, martin107, larowlan: Convert AJAX part of \Drupal\system\Tests\Ajax\FormValuesTest::testSimpleAjaxFormValue to JavascriptTestBase
2018-11-15 08:18:35 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3006086 by amateescu, Wim Leers, alexpott, jibran, andypost, dawehner, catch, Berdir: update.php should not process path aliases
2018-11-14 15:04:34 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2959370 by dawehner, Lendude, alexpott: View with user/% path breaks login/logout
2018-11-14 12:00:06 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2342699 by Beakerboy, david_garcia, alexpott, madhavvyas, Nitesh Sethia, mradcliffe, plach, rakshith.thotada, ruloweb, deepakaryan1988, Berdir, rbrenton: SqlContentEntityStorage tries to update identity/serial values by default
2018-11-13 11:32:26 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2755401 by alexpott, naveenvalecha, bonus, Xano, cilefen, dawehner, mohit_aghera, markdorison, david_garcia: Upgrade EmailValidator to 2.x
2018-11-08 16:48:31 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2982183 by phenaproxima, neclimdul: Follow-up Conflict between TypedDataManager and TypedConfigManager in ConfigEntityAdapter
2018-11-08 14:37:10 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3002522 by andypost, Matthijs, tim.plunkett, wizonesolutions: Calling StatusMessages::renderMessages() with a returns a faulty render array
2018-11-08 14:14:15 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3008431 by tim.plunkett, phenaproxima, Wim Leers: A context object for a specific entity type will not match a generic requirement for any entity
2018-11-08 09:45:04 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2856362 by bpresles, Surian, WamFlying: Drupal install fail on Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 (pxc_strict_mode enforced)
2018-11-08 09:40:10 +00:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #3008772 by andypost, tim.plunkett: Layout definition defined in YAML is not translated
2018-11-08 19:26:59 +10:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2961688 by alexpott, martin107, longwave, Berdir, larowlan: Fix "Using UTF-8 route patterns without setting the "utf8" option" deprecation
2018-11-08 19:24:57 +10:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2809529 by Lendude, martin107: Convert AJAX part of \Drupal\system\Tests\Ajax\ElementValidationTest::testAjaxElementValidation to JavascriptTestBase
2018-11-08 19:12:25 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2986735 by tim.plunkett: PHP 5 test fix
2018-11-06 16:31:37 +00:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2995570 by lauriii, jrockowitz, drpal, aaronbauman: #states breaks when OR is used
2018-11-06 17:38:46 +02:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2989734 by alexpott, andypost, mikelutz, tacituseu: PHP 7.3 compatibility
2018-11-06 11:24:44 +00:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2986735 by phenaproxima, Berdir, tim.plunkett, MegaChriz: Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\Context needs DependencySerializationTrait
2018-11-06 13:02:14 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2982183 by tim.plunkett, phenaproxima, Berdir, Wim Leers, agentrickard: Conflict between TypedDataManager and TypedConfigManager in ConfigEntityAdapter
2018-11-05 14:32:32 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3004428 by mikelutz, alexpott, Mile23: Remove references to i18nVariable, CommentType, CommentVariable and CommentVariablePerCommentType from the global deprecation listener list
2018-10-26 23:58:52 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2897408 by cburschka, gapple, xjm, effulgentsia: Remove IE9 support from CssCollectionRenderer and provide it in contrib instead
2018-10-26 13:15:59 +01:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #3002604 by tstoeckler: Improve debuggability of update failures in UpdatePathTestBase
2018-10-26 18:50:03 +10:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #3001979 by alexpott: \Drupal\Core\Config\FileStorage::getAllCollectionNames() should work when the directory does not exist
2018-10-26 18:38:06 +10:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #3002279 by alexpott: Xdebug in InstallerTestBase
2018-10-26 15:30:05 +10:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2677532 by alexpott, Mile23, kim.pepper, dawehner, andypost, Eric_A, xjm, Mixologic, larowlan, phenaproxima, markcarver, borisson_: Move drupal_check_incompatibility() functionality to a new Dependency class and Version component
2018-10-22 15:21:49 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2309731 by bendeguz.csirmaz, phenaproxima, alexpott: drupal_check_profile() does not invoke the profile's hook_requirements()
2018-10-19 22:51:28 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2575105 by Berdir, catch, amateescu: Use cache collector for state (revert)
2018-10-19 21:27:57 +01:00 |
Lee Rowlands
SA-CORE-2018-006 by alexpott, attilatilman, bkosborne, catch, bonus, Wim Leers, Sam152, Berdir, Damien Tournoud, Dave Reid, Kova101, David_Rothstein, dawehner, dsnopek, samuel.mortenson, stefan.r, tedbow, xjm, timmillwood, pwolanin, njbooher, dyates, effulgentsia, klausi, mlhess, larowlan
2018-10-18 08:46:04 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2987340 by msankhala, Chi: Document or remove $expectedLogSeverity and $expectedLogMessage properties from KernelTestBase
2018-10-12 22:57:48 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2286235 by andypost, longwave, ericduran, alexpott, voleger, catch: Deprecate db_ignore_replica() and convert it to service
2018-10-12 22:34:25 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2624770 by 20th, Jo Fitzgerald, claudiu.cristea, Berdir, mohit1604, amateescu, Sutharsan, derheap, Saviktor, Mile23, dawehner, kristiaanvandeneynde, alexpott: Use more specific entity.manager services in
2018-10-12 13:24:32 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2566619 by claudiu.cristea, marvin_B8, andypost, alvar0hurtad0, Mile23, joshi.rohit100, joelpittet, dawehner, catch: Deprecate drupal_http_header_attributes()
2018-10-08 15:54:51 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2566619 by claudiu.cristea, marvin_B8, andypost, alvar0hurtad0, Mile23, joshi.rohit100, dawehner, joelpittet: Deprecate drupal_http_header_attributes()
2018-10-08 12:28:07 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2787871 by alexpott, yogeshmpawar, Insasse, Prashant.c, catch, hass: Properly deprecate getUserName() and use getAccountName() instead
2018-10-08 11:24:56 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3003361 by alexpott, Berdir: Fix deprecation notice for 2670454
2018-10-05 14:03:49 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3001846 by wengerk, Krzysztof Domański, longwave, mondrake: Refactor KernelTests/Core/Common/SizeTest
2018-10-05 12:44:39 +01:00 |
Issue #2919795 by tim.plunkett, tedbow, dead_arm, webchick, alexpott, xjm: Add visual hints that Layout Builder work is in tempstore and will not be lost, or take effect until saved
2018-10-04 14:01:29 -07:00 |
Alex Pott
Revert "Issue #2919795 by tim.plunkett, dead_arm, tedbow: Add visual hints that Layout Builder work is in tempstore and will not be lost, or take effect until saved"
This reverts commit 5781cdba29 .
2018-10-04 13:39:37 +01:00 |
Issue #2919795 by tim.plunkett, dead_arm, tedbow: Add visual hints that Layout Builder work is in tempstore and will not be lost, or take effect until saved
2018-10-03 14:17:58 -07:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2722237 by webflo, dawehner, borisson_, drunken monkey, Wim Leers: "Local actions" block doesn't take cache data of route access information into account
2018-10-01 17:36:09 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2886547 by naveenvalecha, Mile23, longwave, impalash, Lendude, dawehner, Mixologic, xjm, borisson_, catch: Add trigger_error to deprecated TestBase base classes/traits that have none, reference CR
2018-10-01 15:40:09 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3003298 by Mile23: Fix "Adding or retrieving messages prior to the container being initialized was deprecated in Drupal 8.5.0 and this functionality will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0." deprecation error
2018-10-01 12:44:20 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2625554 by Xano, googletorp, longwave, borisson_, dawehner, tim.plunkett, alexpott, twistor: getInstance() fatals on almost all plugin managers
2018-10-01 12:15:30 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3002935 by Mile23, tim.plunkett, Berdir: Document that DeprecationListenerTrait::getSkippedDeprecations() should not be expanded for new deprecations
2018-10-01 09:40:59 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #3001800 by Mile23, Berdir, amateescu, larowlan: Fix "The revision_user revision metadata key is not set." and friends
2018-09-27 17:04:20 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2686409 by mpdonadio, pjonckiere, claudiu.cristea, darrick, xSDx, bceyssens, tamasd, Ismail Cherri, joelpittet, dawehner, AdamPS, jhedstrom, JaceRider: Time Ago summary does not render on Manage Display for Timestamp and Datetime fields
2018-09-27 16:25:39 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2867042 by jgrunert, jhodgdon, rakesh.gectcr, dawehner, jazzdrive3, alexpott, Loparev: Running any tests which extended from BrowserTestBase getting permission denied
2018-09-27 16:01:04 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #3001619 by Mile23: Fix "AssertLegacyTrait::getAllOptions() is scheduled for removal in Drupal 9.0.0. Use $element->findAll(\'xpath\', \'option\') instead." deprecation error
2018-09-25 16:37:22 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2809535 by Lendude, alexpott, martin107, dawehner, borisson_: Convert AJAX part of \Drupal\system\Tests\Ajax\MultiFormTest to JavascriptTestBase
2018-09-25 10:58:00 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2809535 by Lendude, martin107, dawehner, borisson_, alexpott: Convert AJAX part of \Drupal\system\Tests\Ajax\MultiFormTest to JavascriptTestBase
2018-09-24 13:25:16 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2873684 by voleger, longwave, jeetendrakumar, andypost, mondrake, catch: Replace all calls to db_select, which is deprecated
2018-09-21 14:01:49 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2996789 by Mile23, Lendude, longwave, dawehner: Deprecate Drupal\field\Tests\EntityReference\EntityReferenceTestTrait
2018-09-21 13:05:21 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2829185 by vaplas, Jo Fitzgerald, anmolgoyal74, chipway, gaurav.kapoor, mark_fullmer, amit.drupal, cilefen, longwave, xjm, wturrell, anavarre: Fix spelling errors in Drupal core comments
2018-09-20 17:12:38 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2922487 by Wim Leers, Jo Fitzgerald, Berdir, tedbow, borisson_, dawehner, alexpott: Follow-up for #2910211: fix all deprecation warnings
2018-09-20 15:47:52 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2874640 by martin107, Lendude, Utkarsh_Mishra, NickWilde, alexpott: Convert DialogTest to a FunctionalJavascript test
2018-09-20 09:45:36 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2994398 by tim.plunkett, phenaproxima, vmilic, Berdir, Wim Leers, tedbow, bradjones1: Not properly clearing EntityFieldManager's fieldMap leads to fatals, often after migration or bundle creation
2018-09-19 19:27:59 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2838351 by Leon Kessler, LaravZ, Eyal Shalev, andypost: Links with no path get active class on front page
2018-09-19 18:49:03 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2986334 by amateescu, alexpott: Add a way to enforce an empty result set for a database condition query
2018-09-19 14:12:24 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2860341 by heddn, juampynr, seanB, RumyanaRuseva, ephod, stephsem23: PrivateTempStore->getOwner Attempts to access possibly unset Request Session
2018-09-19 14:04:28 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2872603 by vaplas, Lendude, m1r1k, Jo Fitzgerald, borisson_, alexpott, martin107: Drupal\system\Tests\Ajax\CommandsTest break in unit and FunctionalJavascriptTests
2018-09-19 09:51:57 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2996560 by petiar, mondrake, andypost: MySql Schema::renameTable is wrongly returning a value
2018-09-18 13:51:23 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2848808 by voleger, gaurav.kapoor, andypost, Vidushi Mehta, sidharthap: Replace all calls to db_find_tables, which is deprecated
2018-09-18 13:20:17 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2853118 by voleger, Jo Fitzgerald, Pavan B S, yogeshmpawar, hgunicamp, pk188, andypost, jeetendrakumar, longwave, gaurav.kapoor, RenatoG, daffie, mondrake, dhruveshdtripathi, catch, alexpott, xjm: Replace all calls to db_insert, which is deprecated
2018-09-18 13:15:20 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2881981 by foxtrotcharlie, Vidushi Mehta, vakulrai, Mile23, larowlan, dawehner, heddn: Mitigate Extension dependency on DRUPAL_ROOT
2018-09-18 11:41:15 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2850037 by voleger, shashikant_chauhan, gaurav.kapoor, MerryHamster, xjm: Replace all calls to db_like(), which is deprecated
2018-09-18 10:56:18 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2999586 by interX, andypost, mondrake: Properly deprecate db_add_index
2018-09-18 10:00:56 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2999678 by andypost: Properly deprecate db_field_exists
2018-09-17 11:49:33 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2142107 by drunken monkey, gilsbert, David_Rothstein, mondrake, Kristi Wachter: Complex cloned query dependent on __toString() call
2018-09-17 11:37:28 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2999588 by mondrake, longwave, voleger: Properly deprecate db_index_exists
2018-09-17 11:05:56 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2999612 by voleger, andypost: Properly deprecate db_query_range
2018-09-17 10:46:02 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2938951 by tstoeckler, amateescu, alexpott: The primary key is not correctly re-created when updating the storage definition of an identifier field
2018-09-14 14:15:38 +02:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2996441 by andypost, longwave: Replace all calls to db_query_temporary, which is deprecated
2018-09-14 08:40:42 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2986560 by kaythay, catch, mpdonadio: UnroutedUrlAssembler sorts Query params in buildExternalUrl()
2018-09-13 16:37:23 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2997771 by martin107, longwave: GetResponseForExceptionEvent: Prepare for Drupal9
2018-09-13 16:21:01 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2992580 by Vj, Arez, andypost, jhedstrom: Custom callbacks doesn't work
2018-09-13 16:16:41 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2996432 by andypost: Replace all calls to db_truncate, which is deprecated
2018-09-13 16:14:03 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2670454 by Lendude, daffie, alexpott: Deprecate BC layer for #2670360
2018-09-13 16:05:35 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2993663 by mondrake, andypost: Deprecate Schema::fieldSetDefault and Schema::fieldSetNoDefault, they're not used
2018-09-13 15:59:44 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2988152 by slootjes, tim.plunkett: Allow invokable services as controllers
2018-09-12 14:29:48 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2912363 by tim.plunkett, pwolanin: LocalTaskDefault/LocalActionDefault ignore parameters when raw parameters are not present
2018-09-12 14:01:41 +02:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2990776 by tstoeckler, chr.fritsch: Remove config-editing parts from standard_install() in favor of exported configuration
2018-09-11 13:01:49 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2970052 by martin107, marcel66, Mile23, longwave, dawehner, borisson_, alexpott, catch: Fix "assertNoPattern() is deprecated and scheduled for removal in Drupal 9.0.0. Use $this->assertSession()->responseNotMatches($pattern) instead"
2018-09-11 11:41:53 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2948700 by vaplas, martin107: Casting $text value to string in responseContains/responseNotContains methods
2018-09-03 12:55:16 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2994955 by andypost, mondrake: Followup to #2848952 - fix DatabaseLegacyTest::testDbMerge
2018-08-31 22:11:51 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2996436 by andypost: Follow-up to fix DatabaseLegacyTest::testDbRenameTable
2018-08-31 22:11:35 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2850033 by andypost, jeetendrakumar, Sharique, pk188, piggito, voleger, gaurav.kapoor, yogeshmpawar, xjm: Replace all calls to db_delete, which is deprecated
2018-08-31 10:15:01 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2970831 by alexpott, martin107, catch, huascarmc, Mile23: Fix "AssertLegacyTrait::getRawContent() is scheduled for removal in Drupal 9.0.0. Use $this->getSession()->getPage()->getContent() instead.
2018-08-31 10:09:18 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2994694 by mitrpaka, hardik.p, Vidushi Mehta, Hardik Rawal, mondrake, longwave: Properly deprecate db_driver, db_escape_field, db_escape_table, db_rename_table, db_drop_index, db_drop_unique_key, db_add_unique_key, db_drop_primary_key, db_add_primary_key
2018-08-31 10:05:49 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2848137 by gaurav.kapoor, voleger, hgunicamp, andypost, shashikant_chauhan, brahmjeet789, pk188, cilefen, daffie: Replace all calls to db_update, which is deprecated
2018-08-28 20:41:58 +09:00 |
Issue #2992017 by tim.plunkett, neclimdul, tedbow, johndevman: \Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\EntityContextDefinition::getSampleValues() needlessly generates full sample entities
2018-08-25 13:19:54 -04:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2978067 by msankhala: EntityAdapter should have a getEntity method
2018-08-25 12:53:17 +10:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2985786 by alexpott: Document that UpdatePathTestBase tests need to be in the legacy group
2018-08-24 15:55:40 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2894261 by alexpott, Berdir, Sam152, deepakaryan1988, larowlan, andypost: Deprecated service entity.manager needs to be replaced with entity_type.manager in ContentEntityForm
2018-08-24 15:23:48 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2848815 by mondrake, voleger, gaurav.kapoor, jeetendrakumar, Sharique, vidhatanand, techtud, cilefen, andypost: Replace all calls to db_next_id, which is deprecated
2018-08-24 09:49:34 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2848952 by voleger, andypost, mondrake, jeetendrakumar, pk188, hgunicamp, piggito, JayKandari, daffie, shashikant_chauhan, xjm, cilefen, chiranjeeb, Pavan B S: Replace all calls to db_merge(), which is deprecated
2018-08-24 09:21:59 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2994561 by andypost: Properly deprecate db_create_table
2018-08-23 21:13:10 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2994556 by mondrake: Properly deprecate db_and, db_condition, db_or, db_xor
2018-08-23 21:05:52 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2993577 by mondrake, voleger, andypost: Properly deprecate db_add_field, db_drop_field, db_field_names
2018-08-23 14:31:16 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2848821 by voleger, harsha012, vidhatanand, Sharique, alexpott, mondrake: Replace all calls to db_close, which is deprecated
2018-08-22 20:56:09 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2848820 by jeetendrakumar, andypost, mondrake, vidhatanand: Replace all calls to db_transaction, which is deprecated
2018-08-22 09:35:38 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2600154 by alexpott, Cottser, joelpittet, mfernea, slasher13, vaplas, aleevas, Jo Fitzgerald, skyredwang: Update our Twig code to be ready for Twig 2.x
2018-08-21 17:18:11 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2820179 by andypost, mondrake, darkdim, piggito, ieguskiza, daffie: Replace usages of deprecated method db_change_field()
2018-08-21 12:52:43 +09:00 |
Revert "Issue #2822382 by voleger, pfrenssen, erozqba, RytoEX, borisson_, sidharthap, Jo Fitzgerald, shashikant_chauhan: Make every property protected on classes extending BrowserTestBase and KernelTestBase"
This reverts commit 69501f3062 .
2018-08-16 18:12:22 -05:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2991542 by mondrake, voleger: Introduce a DatabaseLegacyTest class for deprecation testing
2018-08-15 22:39:37 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2822382 by voleger, pfrenssen, erozqba, RytoEX, borisson_, sidharthap, Jo Fitzgerald, shashikant_chauhan: Make every property protected on classes extending BrowserTestBase and KernelTestBase
2018-08-15 19:55:23 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2991080 by alexpott: Remove skipped deprecations no longer triggered by tests
2018-08-13 22:20:29 +09:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2937853 by idebr, mfernea, SherFengChong, alexpott, borisson_: Fix 'Drupal.Formatting.MultipleStatementAlignment' coding standard
2018-08-13 11:13:36 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2893029 by phenaproxima, Sam152, tim.plunkett, alexpott, a.dmitriiev, dawehner, Berdir: EntityType objects cannot be reliably serialized without DependencySerializationTrait
2018-08-10 22:48:55 +01:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2981652 by ApacheEx, corbacho, drpal, dawehner, xjm, alexpott, lauriii: Format core JavaScript using recently add Prettier
2018-08-09 18:49:18 +03:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2991001 by pasan.gamage, jibran: Fix TemporaryTableMapping deprecation message
2018-08-09 11:06:36 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Revert "Issue #2893029 by phenaproxima, Sam152, tim.plunkett, dawehner, a.dmitriiev, Berdir: StringTranslationTrait consumers cannot be reliably serialized without DependencySerializationTrait"
This reverts commit f4e81e0506 .
2018-08-08 09:57:20 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2961285 by pavlosdan, hchonov, borisson_: Entity query condition count is faulty
2018-08-07 15:48:44 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2893029 by phenaproxima, Sam152, tim.plunkett, dawehner, a.dmitriiev, Berdir: StringTranslationTrait consumers cannot be reliably serialized without DependencySerializationTrait
2018-08-07 14:49:42 +01:00 |
Francesco Placella
Issue #2987124 by alexpott, mondrake: Functional tests don't use SIMPLETEST_DB environmental variable as expected
2018-08-07 12:09:45 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2848817 by voleger, andypost, hgunicamp, JacobSanford, techtud, alexpott, vidhatanand, Sharique, JayKandari, kiamlaluno, cilefen, borisson_: Replace all calls to db_table_exists, which is deprecated
2018-08-06 10:41:05 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2983603 by alexpott: Move menu_ui_menu_* entity hook implementations to the Menu entity
2018-07-31 20:19:53 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2966523 by alexpott, blakemorgan, almaudoh, gapple, Mixologic, amateescu, bojanz: MySQL 8 Support
2018-07-31 13:17:30 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2976335 by alexpott, Erik Frèrejean, HenrikBak, andypost: Use Zend-Feed's standalone extension managers to prevent sites breaking
2018-07-30 20:50:51 +09:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2942314 by Lendude: Move JavascriptGetDrupalSettingsTest, BrowserWithJavascriptTest out of simpletest module
2018-07-30 12:01:13 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2809521 by martin107, Lendude, vaplas: Convert AJAX part of \Drupal\system\Tests\Ajax\AjaxInGroupTest to WebDriverTestBase
2018-07-30 11:36:40 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2987856 by voleger, mondrake, alexpott: Followup: Update Schema test
2018-07-30 11:20:50 +01:00 |
Francesco Placella
Issue #2960136 by amateescu, tstoeckler, vijaycs85: Add the ability to use a prefix for all the tables in a table mapping
2018-07-27 11:42:37 +02:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2826021 by hchonov, Berdir, mkalkbrenner, plach, james.williams, tstoeckler: FieldItemList::equals is sufficient from the storage perspective but not for code checking for changes
2018-07-26 14:45:21 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2987009 by alexpott: Remove unnecessary space in queries generated by Select::__toString()
2018-07-25 15:42:16 +09:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2969053 by alexpott, tim.plunkett, Pere Orga, cashwilliams, Jasu_M, David_Rothstein, Heine, drumm, larowlan, pwolanin, xjm, dsnopek, dawehner, mlhess, quicksketch: Add unit tests for SA002 and SA004
2018-07-25 14:00:18 +09:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2863262 by Lendude, vaplas, Jo Fitzgerald, dawehner, alexpott: Bootstrap: Convert system functional tests to phpunit
2018-07-25 05:02:32 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2848479 by voleger, yogeshmpawar, marvin_B8, gaurav.kapoor, hgunicamp, mondrake, daffie, alexpott, xjm, cilefen: Replace all calls to db_drop_table, which is deprecated
2018-07-24 14:57:22 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2809517 by martin107, Lendude: Convert AJAX part of \Drupal\system\Tests\Ajax\AjaxFormCacheTest to WebDriverTestBase
2018-07-22 13:51:10 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2973879 by jibran, lauriii, drpal, samuel.mortenson, dawehner, Wim Leers: Add login/logout Nightwatch commands (and a Drupal "login" command to allow for that)
2018-07-21 14:47:25 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2986901 by gabesullice, alexpott: Followup for #2666392: ConfigEntityTypeInterface::getPropertiesToExport no longer returns NULL, throws exception instead
2018-07-20 19:39:13 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2952634 by Sut3kh, alexpott, Rob C, jibran: LegacyMessenger::deleteByType does not delete anything
2018-07-16 10:08:24 +01:00 |
Gábor Hojtsy
Issue #2975754 by Berdir, plach, alexpott, hchonov, mkalkbrenner, tstoeckler, webchick: Add hooks to act on a new revision being created
2018-07-16 10:20:58 +02:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2976244 by Sam152, amateescu, Berdir: The BaseFieldOverride entity fails to normalize default values into the "array keyed by delta" format in the same way BaseFieldDefinition does when a callback is specified
2018-07-14 08:15:53 +10:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2666392 by alexpott, webflo, xaqrox, Boobaa, dawehner, Berdir: Unable to revert third party settings via config import
2018-07-13 14:11:18 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2932462 by phenaproxima, japerry, tim.plunkett: Add EntityContextDefinition for the 80% use case
2018-07-13 13:26:50 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2973791 by alexpott, martin107, mairi, volkerk: Fix deprecation messages related to deprecated comment Action plugins
2018-07-12 13:01:47 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2616724 follow-up by alexpott: Warn when trying to create a database table with a NOT NULL => FALSE primary key
2018-07-11 15:11:41 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2980670 by follow-up alexpott: Install a site from config if the config directory is set in settings.php
2018-07-11 14:06:11 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2616724 by amateescu, daffie: Warn when trying to create a database table with a NOT NULL => FALSE primary key
2018-07-11 13:34:17 +01:00 |
Gábor Hojtsy
Issue #2980670 by alexpott, bircher, marcvangend, webchick, jibran, Gábor Hojtsy, benjifisher, smaz: Install a site from config if the config directory is set in settings.php
2018-07-11 11:15:42 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2605284 by mondrake, david_garcia, GoZ, Jo Fitzgerald, alexpott, Pradnya Pingat, daffie, dawehner, amateescu, David Strauss, larowlan: Testing framework does not work with contributed database drivers
2018-07-10 15:13:08 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2983504 by ApacheEx, Lendude, Tessa Bakker: Add a way to easily set the cookies in a request done using the Guzzle client
2018-07-08 21:44:03 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2983382 by ApacheEx, drpal: JS codestyle: spaced-comment
2018-07-06 15:26:31 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2973227 by jibran, benjy, alexpott, Mile23, Sam152, vaplas, larowlan: Move UI helper functions from BTB into the traits
2018-07-06 15:10:47 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2503263 by jhedstrom, fgm, cilefen: Config import validation needs to provide error messages
2018-07-06 13:22:33 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2958228 by tstoeckler, alexpott: HTML output recording does not work for InstallerTestBase tests
2018-07-06 09:19:26 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2982983 by svetoslav.dragoev, John Cook: Batch Builder tests in the wrong location
2018-07-05 20:29:27 +01:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #736066 by droplet, drpal, vaplas, dmsmidt, effulgentsia, nod_, tic2000, tim.plunkett, lauriii, casey, morsok, idebr, alexpott, yched, tedbow, GuyPaddock, drintios, edurenye, dtamajon, adinac, VinayLondhe, ajalan065, hrmoller, ericduran, piyuesh23, andreyks, roborew, Wim Leers, lokapujya, samuel.mortenson, Dries, DuaelFr, OnkelTem, manu manu, khiminrm, Greg Boggs, SKAUGHT, itsekhmistro, fubhy, SpadXIII, s.messaris, zviryatko: ajax.js insert command sometimes wraps content in a div, potentially producing invalid HTML and other bugs
2018-07-04 19:59:57 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2942900 by Mixologic, vaplas, jibran, dawehner, Lendude, martin107, alexpott, tedbow, tacituseu, tstoeckler, heddn: Convert JavascriptTestBase Tests to use DrupalSelenium2Driver
2018-07-04 15:36:57 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2557299 by alexpott, Manuel Garcia, borisson_, phenaproxima, swentel, Berdir, larowlan, mbovan, martin107, LKS90, segi, tim.plunkett, giancarlosotelo: Any AJAX call disregards machine name verification when AJAX is used and leads to a fatal error
2018-07-04 12:48:07 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Revert "Issue #2942900 by Mixologic, vaplas, jibran, Lendude, martin107, alexpott, dawehner, tedbow, tacituseu, tstoeckler, heddn: Convert JavascriptTestBase Tests to use DrupalSelenium2Driver"
This reverts commit f55d974612 .
2018-07-04 08:20:33 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2942900 by Mixologic, vaplas, jibran, Lendude, martin107, alexpott, dawehner, tedbow, tacituseu, tstoeckler, heddn: Convert JavascriptTestBase Tests to use DrupalSelenium2Driver
2018-07-04 08:16:25 +01:00 |
Francesco Placella
Issue #2981220 by amateescu, jibran, tstoeckler: SqlContentEntityStorage should use the table names provided by its table mapping
2018-07-03 23:57:14 +02:00 |
Francesco Placella
Issue #2960046 by amateescu, tstoeckler: Allow the table mapping to be instantiated with a custom entity type definition
2018-07-03 23:54:05 +02:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2976103 by amateescu, catch, tstoeckler, alexpott: Make it possible to retrieve all the last installed entity type definitions at once from the update manager
2018-06-29 15:13:38 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Revert "Issue #2976103 by amateescu, tstoeckler, alexpott: Make it possible to retrieve all the last installed entity type definitions at once from the update manager"
This reverts commit 246e95d4f5 .
2018-06-29 12:50:13 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2976103 by amateescu, tstoeckler, alexpott: Make it possible to retrieve all the last installed entity type definitions at once from the update manager
2018-06-28 23:02:16 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2976356 by phenaproxima, amateescu, Sam152: Add a validation constraint to check if an entity has a field
2018-06-28 22:55:38 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2835989 by gwagroves, Jo Fitzgerald, alexpott: DatabaseQueue::numberOfItems should return an integer
2018-06-26 10:26:25 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2975328 by alexpott, Gábor Hojtsy, borisson_: Install profile in settings.php and mismatch check makes re-installs of Drupal hard
2018-06-25 20:12:22 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2946419 by vaplas, Lendude, Mile23: Entity: Convert system functional tests to phpunit
2018-06-25 13:51:30 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2581557 by dawehner, mxh, xjm, sorabh.v6, JeroenT: Add ltrim($path, '/') in drupalGet method
2018-06-25 12:01:36 +01:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2961822 by phenaproxima, tim.plunkett: Support object-based plugin definitions in ContextHandler
2018-06-25 13:37:08 +10:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2973509 by claudiu.cristea, tahirmus, alexpott: Image media source uses FileSystem class instead of FileSystemInterface for type hinting
2018-06-21 23:24:05 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2875679 by mondrake, daffie: BasicSyntaxTest::testConcatFields fails with contrib driver
2018-06-21 22:59:09 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2940203 by almaudoh, dawehner: Use dedicated Exception classes for extension system
2018-06-21 22:51:20 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2788777 by alexpott, bircher, jribeiro, Eli-T, mpotter, douggreen, GoZ, DamienMcKenna, Dane Powell, jibran, szeidler, Alumei, andypost, dawehner, johndevman: Allow a site-specific profile to be installed from existing config
2018-06-20 19:03:54 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2979944 by alexpott: Remove t() usage in Drupal\Core\Validation
2018-06-19 11:37:56 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2887411 by vaplas, naveenvalecha, larowlan, dawehner, Lendude, borisson_: Add $form_html_id to drupalPostForm in BrowserTestBase and convert SearchAdvancedSearchFormTest from WTB to BTB
2018-06-17 14:51:28 +01:00 |
Issue #2407859 by vaplas, lauriii, vprocessor, drpal, jwilson3, sidharthap, aprogs, finnsky: Allow theming throbber element
2018-06-15 09:11:46 -07:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2978848 by claudiu.cristea, amateescu: EntityReferenceFieldItemList::referencedEntities() doesn't work for computed fields
2018-06-13 09:10:02 +01:00 |
Gábor Hojtsy
Issue #1818574 by tim.plunkett, alexpott, tedbow, dawehner, EclipseGc, fago, Wim Leers, andypost, Berdir, xjm, yched, catch, jibran, effulgentsia: Support config entities in typed data EntityAdapter
2018-06-08 14:18:59 +02:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2521956 by Berdir, Fabianx, effulgentsia, andypost, lauriii, seanB, Wim Leers, Upchuk: Missing contexts prevent caching of block access
2018-06-08 12:30:33 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2976493 by tstoeckler, daffie: Creating a table with an explicitly empty primary key is broken on PostgreSQL
2018-06-08 11:15:08 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2928710 by borisson_, dawehner, idebr: Eliminate usages of \Drupal::root() in tests
2018-06-07 21:55:18 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2974722 by tstoeckler, daffie, amateescu, alexpott, mondrake: Fix dropping of columns in a composite primary key on MariaDB >=10.2.8 and make it consistent across database drivers
2018-06-06 15:40:42 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2881522 by mondrake, tstoeckler, daffie, alexpott, amateescu, catch: Add a Schema::findPrimaryKeyColumns method to remove database specific logic from test
2018-06-05 19:33:53 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2911498 by Mile23, mfernea, alexpott, dawehner, catch: Make TestServiceProvider more readable (cleanup)
2018-06-04 12:44:47 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2405241 by philipnorton42, jibran, dawehner, andrewmacpherson: Add helpful exception message in CustomAccessCheck
2018-06-03 08:33:32 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2955383 by Wim Leers, borisson_, dawehner: List available representations in 406 responses
2018-06-02 17:40:15 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2911915 by vaplas, Mile23, Wim Leers, dawehner, Lendude, nlisgo, mpdonadio: Add getHttpClient() to BrowserTestBase
2018-06-02 16:54:14 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2966969 by tim.plunkett, msankhala, alexpott: Trigger a warning whenever the "Broken" block plugin is instantiated
2018-06-02 15:44:14 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2976593 by drpal, justafish, dawehner: Prefix Nightwatch commands with a "drupal" namespace
2018-06-01 09:27:51 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #1596472 by catch, amateescu, claudiu.cristea, Berdir, Mile23, Sam152, pounard, fago, alexpott, fubhy, hchonov: Replace hard coded static cache of entities with cache backends
2018-05-31 12:07:30 +02:00 |
Gábor Hojtsy
Issue #2916781 by timmillwood, tedbow, drpal, lauriii, Adita, andrewmacpherson, yoroy, amateescu, borisson_, ckrina: Allow off-canvas dialog to be rendered at the top of the page
2018-05-29 18:12:49 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2974553 by Mixologic, justafish, drpal, dawehner: Nightwatch testing fails to save console logs for some tests
2018-05-24 23:00:33 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2969902 by mihai11, Jo Fitzgerald, amateescu, alexpott: Fix "MigrateCckFieldInterface is deprecated in Drupal 8.3.x and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.x. Use \Drupal\migrate_drupal\Annotation\MigrateField instead." deprecation message
2018-05-22 09:45:28 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2841651 by Berdir: Config save resets overridden configuration too late
2018-05-21 12:35:06 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2955685 by Wim Leers, dawehner, mpdonadio, alexpott, borisson_: Unrouted URLs cannot have have overridden query or fragments
2018-05-18 11:13:12 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2858184 by tstoeckler, alexpott, amateescu: Adding NOT NULL to base fields with multiple columns is broken
2018-05-18 09:25:02 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2973347 by Wim Leers: EntityCreateAccessCheck should provide a useful error message when no bundle is specified
2018-05-18 09:22:53 +01:00 |
Francesco Placella
Issue #2580265 by FeyP, jcisio, s_leu, Berdir, tstoeckler: entity query nested conditions must use LEFT joins when any of the parent condition groups is using OR
2018-05-17 17:12:38 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2973299 by tstoeckler: Add the label of the entity type to the error message when there are outstanding entity changes in UpdatePathTestBase
2018-05-17 13:24:40 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2968519 by alexpott, amateescu, martin107: The entity.query service is essentially deprecated because it relies on \Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryFactory which is
2018-05-17 13:18:31 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2972992 by alexpott: Handle Mink deprecations
2018-05-17 13:14:29 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2971375 by cspitzlay: Fix "does not exists" in comments and test error messages
2018-05-17 11:41:17 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2969806 by mihai11, Jo Fitzgerald: Fix "CckFile is deprecated in Drupal 8.3.x and will be be removed before Drupal 9.0.x. Use \Drupal\file\Plugin\migrate\process\d6\FieldFile instead." deprecation message
2018-05-17 11:24:12 +01:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2938035 by Wim Leers, alexpott: When PATCHing a field is disallowed, no reason is given for *why* this happens
2018-05-16 11:30:32 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2910883 by vaplas, ShawnB, Wim Leers: Move all entity type REST tests to the providing modules
2018-05-15 12:37:57 +01:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2926120 by idebr, zaporylie, borisson_: @var tag must not end with a full stop
2018-05-15 06:49:38 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2822470 by Kazanir, Yogesh Pawar, markcarver, joelpittet, dawehner, xjm, larowlan: Unified cache key & template class handling for Twig templates
2018-05-14 12:20:27 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2765609 by c31ck, gnuget, hgoto, Yogesh Pawar, weboide, alexpott: #plain_text doesn't render empty-like values (e.g. 0 and "0")
2018-05-14 09:47:42 +01:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2972003 by alexpott: Verify that the file name matches the ID when installing configuration
2018-05-14 09:28:54 +10:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2854543 by Wim Leers, polynya, dawehner, mpdonadio, gabesullice, larowlan, klausi: NegotiationMiddleware calls $request->setRequestFormat('html') when there is no _format request parameter, but shouldn't
2018-05-12 08:20:15 +10:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2961691 by alexpott, Berdir, timmillwood, idebr: Change SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER back to strict
2018-05-11 15:20:00 +01:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #1507896 by b0unty, tuutti, Jeff Burnz, LewisNyman, tameeshb, realityloop, cbanman, umarzaffer, manumilou, mgifford, mducharme, oakulm, lauriii, alexpott, joelpittet, MaskyS, markcarver, xjm: Allow theme developers to add the default logo filename to the theme's .info.yml
2018-05-11 12:54:22 +03:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2937888 by dhruveshdtripathi, idebr, RoSk0, mohit1604, mfernea, borisson_: Fix 'Drupal.Commenting.DocComment.LongNotCapital' coding standard
2018-05-11 10:46:46 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2572613 by Malevi4, idebr, pfrenssen, Mile23, RajeevK: Fix 'Drupal.Array.Array.CommaLastItem' coding standard
2018-05-11 10:40:33 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2901730 by mfernea, ankitjain28may, idebr: Fix 'Squiz.WhiteSpace.FunctionSpacing' coding standard
2018-05-11 10:26:36 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2832083 by rbayliss, pounard, alexpott, dawehner: ThemeRegistryLoader::findTemplate() breaks Twig_Loader_Filesystem signature
2018-05-11 10:16:02 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2912169 by alexpott, tobiberlin, Berdir, dawehner, grahamC: Inject the argument resolver into HttpKernel::__construct
2018-05-09 12:47:01 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2963521 by alexpott, idebr: Remove usages of assertNoCacheTag as it is deprecated
2018-05-09 11:31:36 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2968541 by vokidas, borisson_: ActiveLinkResponseFilter fails to set active link with query in non-alphabetical order
2018-05-09 08:51:54 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2849669 by alexpott, pwolanin, Munavijayalakshmi, dawehner: Fix \Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode() because of the Symfony mbstring polyfill
2018-05-08 21:55:21 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2969757 by marcel66, amateescu, alexpott: Fix "The Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\process\Iterator is deprecated in Drupal 8.4.x and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Instead, use Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\process\SubProcess"
2018-05-08 10:47:13 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2924338 by hchonov, cburschka, RoSk0, asherry, Wim Leers: Entity::uriRelationships() throws exceptions if an URL cannot be generated because of missing mandatory parameters
2018-05-07 22:51:58 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2594669 by Wim Leers, borisson_, catch, dawehner: LibraryDependencyResolver::getMinimalRepresentativeSubset() accepts a set as the input but doesn't complain if it's not actually a set
2018-05-07 21:11:35 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2971012 by Wim Leers, borisson_: ContentTypeHeaderMatcher should not run for DELETE requests
2018-05-07 17:16:26 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2869825 by justafish, dawehner, alexpott, martin107, jibran, Lendude, Mixologic, michielnugter, droplet, drpal, lauriii, effulgentsia, mglaman: Leverage JS for JS testing (using nightwatch)
2018-05-07 13:31:07 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2935255 by Jo Fitzgerald, kim.pepper, voleger, alexpott, martin107, jibran, catch: Remove all usages of drupal_get_message and drupal_set_message in core lib
2018-05-07 11:08:12 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2970026 by digdanlow: Fix "Passing a Session object to the ExpectationException constructor is deprecated as of Mink 1.7. Pass the driver instead."
2018-05-05 22:42:41 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2969807 by jmikii: Fix "LinkField is deprecated in Drupal 8.3.x and will be be removed before Drupal 9.0.x. Use \Drupal\link\Plugin\migrate\field\d7\LinkField instead." deprecation message
2018-05-05 22:39:55 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2969549 by marcel66, martin107: Fix "The $published parameter is deprecated since version 8.3.x and will be removed in 9.0.0." deprecation
2018-05-05 22:36:51 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2969972 by mihai11: Fix "The Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term::getVocabularyId method is deprecated since version 8.4.0 and will be removed before 9.0.0. Use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term::bundle() instead to get the vocabulary ID." deprecation message
2018-05-05 22:09:44 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2969738 by alexpott: testQuickStartCommand failing on PHP5
2018-05-05 10:57:47 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2752961 by dawehner, Wim Leers, Jo Fitzgerald, chr.fritsch, bradjones1, anavarre, greg.1.anderson, Berdir, moshe weitzman, alexpott, bkosborne, Crell, msonnabaum, joelpittet, catch, deviantintegral, lauriii, cilefen, effulgentsia, xjm: No reliable method exists for clearing the Twig cache
2018-05-05 01:28:31 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Revert "Issue #2752961 by dawehner, Wim Leers, Jo Fitzgerald, bradjones1, chr.fritsch, greg.1.anderson, anavarre, Berdir, moshe weitzman, bkosborne, alexpott, Crell, catch, msonnabaum, lauriii, joelpittet, deviantintegral, cilefen, effulgentsia, xjm: No reliable method exists for clearing the Twig cache"
This reverts commit ada497ac26 .
2018-05-05 01:19:42 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2752961 by dawehner, Wim Leers, Jo Fitzgerald, bradjones1, chr.fritsch, greg.1.anderson, anavarre, Berdir, moshe weitzman, bkosborne, alexpott, Crell, catch, msonnabaum, lauriii, joelpittet, deviantintegral, cilefen, effulgentsia, xjm: No reliable method exists for clearing the Twig cache
2018-05-04 11:26:10 +01:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2911319 by alexpott, dawehner, mglaman, mradcliffe, heddn, pbirk, danquah, maxstarkenburg, geerlingguy, vaplas, Chelsee, ressa, Chi, jonathanshaw, Mile23, andypost, larowlan, phenaproxima, droffats, kim.pepper, scotty, dsnopek, cashwilliams, borisson_, Mixologic, gerzenstl, David Radcliffe: Provide a single command to install & run Drupal
2018-05-04 08:36:08 +10:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2952888 by alexpott, dawehner, phenaproxima: Allow install profiles to require modules
2018-05-04 08:16:58 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2428753 by borisson_, daffie, dawehner, franksj: Do not allow PHPUnit tests to test an interface
2018-05-03 22:46:49 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2938970 by MerryHamster, surbz, msankhala, alexpott, Jo Fitzgerald, Yasiru Nilan, Manuel Garcia, ZeiP, boaloysius, xjm, wturrell, tameeshb, darrenwh, ritzz: Replace drupal_render() in @param, @return, @see, @link, etc
2018-05-03 17:58:24 +01:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2894261 by alexpott, Berdir, deepakaryan1988, andypost: Deprecated service entity.manager needs to be replaced with entity_type.manager in ContentEntityForm
2018-05-03 09:30:57 +10:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Revert "Issue #2594669 by Wim Leers, borisson_, dawehner, catch: LibraryDependencyResolver::getMinimalRepresentativeSubset() accepts a set as the input but doesn't complain if it's not actually a set"
This reverts commit 60c25e5d3b .
2018-05-02 15:51:06 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2594669 by Wim Leers, borisson_, dawehner, catch: LibraryDependencyResolver::getMinimalRepresentativeSubset() accepts a set as the input but doesn't complain if it's not actually a set
2018-05-02 14:01:06 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2958429 by alexpott: Properly deprecate SafeMarkup::format()
2018-05-01 16:14:09 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2960981 by jtriguero, benjifisher: Change getConnectionID to getConnectionId in kernel tests
2018-05-01 10:18:39 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2935256 by Jo Fitzgerald, voleger, kim.pepper, ibustos, Yogesh Pawar, catch, jibran: Remove all usages of drupal_get_message and drupal_set_message in modules
2018-05-01 10:15:07 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2961986 by Sam152, Berdir, tstoeckler: The ContentEntityBase entity key cache is purged incorrectly when two keys exist for one field
2018-04-30 15:43:54 +01:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2949177 by tim.plunkett, samuel.mortenson, mark_fullmer, tedbow, EclipseGc, andypost: Introduce a service that returns filtered plugin definitions
2018-04-30 19:18:43 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2776605 by chr.fritsch, phenaproxima, dawehner: Make it possible to specify a destination after the installation for distributions
2018-04-26 13:54:48 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2937543 by alexpott, Berdir, larowlan: Using the Yaml::PARSE_KEYS_AS_STRINGS flag is deprecated since Symfony 3.4 as it will be removed in 4.0
2018-04-19 13:31:30 +01:00 |
Lauri Eskola
Issue #2959276 by alexpott: Twig_Node::getLine() is deprecated
2018-04-17 13:11:25 +03:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2953385 by mondrake, voleger: Add a $connection property to DatabaseTestBase kernel test class to be used by extending classes
2018-04-13 11:59:10 +01:00 |
Francesco Placella
Issue #2916018 by amateescu, plach, Berdir, tstoeckler: Allow the table mapping to be initialized from outside the storage
2018-04-11 23:35:26 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2960214 by webflo: TestSiteApplicationTest fails on sites with long base path
2018-04-11 21:57:11 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2949351 by alexpott, Lendude, tim.plunkett, dawehner: Add a helper class to make updating configuration simple
2018-04-11 13:41:26 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2906229 by mpdonadio, wengerk, colan, gambry, Sutharsan, joelstein, Manuel Garcia, catch, marcvangend: Add DateTimePlus::getPhpDateTime() for situations that require a DateTimeInterface
2018-04-10 09:47:57 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2958407 by alexpott: Properly deprecate SafeMarkup::isSafe, SafeMarkup::checkPlain and the SafeMarkup class
2018-04-06 12:45:50 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2925689 by alexpott: ConfigValidation class contains code that is brittle and changing for every addition
2018-04-06 12:35:57 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2939491 by hchonov, slasher13, alexpott, dawehner: Prevent memory leak and inconsistent entity references when serializing entity storages
2018-04-06 10:43:37 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2958785 by abramm: ContextDefinition isSatisfiedBy() check fails for context using inherited class
2018-04-06 09:33:57 +01:00 |
Lee Rowlands
Issue #2926633 by alexpott, dawehner, Mile23, mglaman, Wim Leers, jibran, larowlan, Lendude, Berdir: Provide a script to install a Drupal testsite
2018-04-06 08:50:12 +10:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2869916 by johndevman, tstoeckler, borisson_, larowlan: SiteConfigureForm ignores 'skip_permissions_hardening' setting
2018-04-04 14:57:59 +02:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2932606 by jibran, mpdonadio, alexpott, catch: Use PHPUnit 6 for PHP 7.0 / 7.1 testing
2018-04-03 12:41:33 +01:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2951242 by alexpott, amateescu, bmunslow, Berdir, greg606, donaldp: Allow BaseFieldDefinition::setInitialValueFromField() to set a default value - this fixes issues with block_content_update_8400()
2018-04-03 12:40:04 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2839089 by hchonov, anmolgoyal74, leolando.tan, arunkumark, tstoeckler: $storage->load()->getTranslation('non-default')->getTranslation('default') initializes three entity objects instead of only two
2018-04-03 12:56:08 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2952962 by tim.plunkett, sureshcj, JordiK, Madis, cilefen: Block visibility setting tab for Roles not showing
2018-04-02 15:56:56 +02:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2743931 by aaronbauman, gambry, harsha012, joachim, acbramley, rackberg, koryp, DedMoroz, akalam, Yogesh Pawar, alexpott, alexej_d, larowlan, stefan.r, unstatu, sathish.redcrackle: Saving to the private tempstore doesn't start a session for anonymous users
2018-03-30 11:37:18 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2257231 by drumm, Sebastien @Actualys, Jody Lynn: file_url_transform_relative() should escape $http_host
2018-03-29 17:16:28 +01:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2938053 by Wim Leers, alexpott: AccessResult::orIf() fails to retain the reason if both operands are neutral or forbidden, but the first contains a reason and the second one does not
2018-03-21 09:00:34 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2949965 by alexpott, Lendude: \Drupal::classResolver() could be more helpful
2018-03-20 11:47:25 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2948276 by alexpott: Improve debugability of JavascriptTestBase tests
2018-03-20 11:20:26 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2877030 by c.nish2k3, martin107, gaurav.kapoor, Mile23, dawehner: Remove stale deprecated code
2018-03-19 13:20:22 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2868273 by mondrake, borisson_: Missing a test for table TRUNCATE while in transaction
2018-03-15 17:14:52 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2913901 by jhedstrom: Non-helpful error when BrowserTestBase::clickLink doesn't find the link
2018-03-14 23:58:31 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2687711 by chriscohen, anavarre: Drupal PHPUnit tests currently NEED the profiles directory to exist
2018-03-13 13:36:06 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #565220 followup by alexpott: Fix Weight form element behavior
2018-03-08 23:48:04 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2941494 by jhedstrom, Lendude: Deprecate SystemConfigFormTestBase and create kernel test version
2018-03-08 23:21:59 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2949619 by plach: Removed revision translations may reappear when creating a new revision
2018-03-05 11:56:57 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2935193 by Sutharsan, alexpott: Fix broken exceptions in Gettext component
2018-03-03 13:47:09 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2945306 by alexpott, dawehner: The new ModuleList in 8.6.x can discover modules in tests the previous code could not
2018-03-02 11:14:42 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #565220 by voleger, Yogesh Pawar, gpk, alexpott: Fix Weight form element behavior
2018-03-01 10:14:13 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2788087 by alexpott, dawehner, shafiqhossain: Drupal 8: You have requested a non-existent service "router.route_provider.old"
2018-02-28 14:46:09 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2947351 by amateescu, hchonov: DefaultTableMapping does not return the revision table name for multi-valued base fields
2018-02-27 22:57:43 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2907728 by Lendude, vaplas, dawehner, jibran, alexpott, Mile23: Installer: Convert system functional tests to phpunit
2018-02-26 16:56:46 +00:00 |
Nathaniel Catchpole
Issue #2848812 by harsha012, gaurav.kapoor, Yogesh Pawar, Sharique, techtud, JayKandari, alexpott: Replace all calls to db_set_active, which is deprecated
2018-02-22 10:16:55 +00:00 |
Issue #2941062 by plach, Wim Leers: EntityUntranslatableFieldsConstraintValidator always allows changes in default revisions
2018-02-21 21:30:54 -08:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2907169 by Mile23, Jo Fitzgerald: Break KernelTestBase dependency on Simpletest, deprecate stub BC traits
2018-02-18 16:05:51 +00:00 |
Alex Pott
Issue #2661542 by Mile23, Mixologic: Isolate Drupal\Tests\Component\Plugin\DefaultFactoryTest from core test module
2018-02-16 11:02:47 +00:00 |