- System: the 404 setting instructions advise using 'node', this should be '' (redirecting the user to the front page without any message whatsoever is confusing)
+ Tidied up the profile configuration page: grouped form elements.
+ Tidied up the block configuration settings: removed hard-coded
+ Changed the profile API to return the preferred group name, and
changed the user module to group settings. Modules implementing
the _user hook will need to be udpated.
+ Removed register_form and register_validate for now.
To do this cleanly, I reorganised some bits of system.module: there is now a generic handler available for simple variable-get/set based configuration pages. Look at filter_admin() or system_view() for example usage.
(based on the patch by Goba)
Contributed themes and modules need to be updated:
- modules: status() is no more; use drupal_set_message() instead.
- themes: use drupal_get_message() to check for status messages and
visualize them.
Phase 2 of the menu system integration project. This unifies the interface
used by admin and non-admin pages, and deprecates the _page hook in favor of
explicit callbacks from menu(). Breadcrumbs, titles, and help text go away
as a result of this patch; they will return in the phase 3 patch, printed
by the theme.
- Translation fix: made the word 'permission' translatable in the system module' help text. Patch by Goba.
- Translation fix: the ping module's help text was translated twice. Patch by Goba.
1) As explained by Al, there is still a glitch with the 'create content'
2) The user module part of the patch did not apply due to Kjartan's earlier
are those that have the "bypass input data check" permission set. Should
address bug #2147.
- Improvement: simplified index.php and modules/admin.module.
- Bugfix: fixed broken links in bloggerapi documentation. Patch by Chris
Johnson. Fixes bug #2030.
- Bugfix: fixed the date shown on a book module preview. Reported as part
of bug #2097.
- Bugfix: fixed broken URL in the book module documentation.
==> This fix requires to run update.php!
- Bugfix: made sessions work without warnings when register_globals is turned off. The solution is to use $_SESSION instead of session_register(). This fixes critical bug #1797. Patch by Marco.
- Bugfix: sometimes error messages where being discarded when previewing a node. Patch by Craig Courtney.
- Bugfix: fixed charset problems. This fixes critical bug #1549. Patch '0023.charset.patch' by Al.
- Code improvements: removed some dead code from the comment module. Patch by Marco.
- Documentation improvements: polished the node module help texts and form descriptions. Patch '0019.node.module.help.patch' by Al.
- CSS improvements all over the map! Patch '0021.more.css.patch' by Al.
- GUI improvements: improved the position of Druplicon in the admin menu. Patch '0020.admin.logo.patch' by Al.
- GUI improvements: new logos for theme Marvin and theme UnConeD. Logos by Kristjan Jansen.
- GUI improvements: small changes to the output emitted by the profile module. Suggestions by Steven Wittens.
- GUI improvements: small fixes to Xtemplate. Patch '0022.xtemplate.css.patch' by Al.
- Some modules such as the buddy list module and the annotation module in the contributions repository are also using session_register(). They should be updated. We should setup a task on Drupal.
- There is code emitting '<div align="right">' which doesn't validate.
- Does our XML feeds validate with the charset changes?
- The forum module's SQL doesn't work properly on PostgreSQL.
- Fixed a typo in the MSSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski.
- Removed dependency on "register_globals = on"! Patches by Michael Frankowski.
+ Updated the patches to use $foo["bar"] instead of $foo['bar'].
+ Updated the INSTALL and CHANGELOG files as well.
- Tiny improvement to the "./scripts/code-clean.sh" script.
The following modules need updating:
* glossary module
* feed module (Breyten's version)
* mailhandler module
* notify module
* project module
* smileys module
* admin module
* style module
* taxonomy_dhtml module
To avoid unexpected problems menu_add() is deprecated (it will print an
error message when used) and menu() should be used instead.
- Removed all instances of '$user->nodes'.
- Committed Moshe's taxonomy patch - minus the node_compact_list() bit. It needs a bit more thought/work. This patch changes the links of taxonomy pages/feeds so update your custom code and themes accordingly!
Themes should now use "taxonomy_link("taxonomy terms", $node)" to get an array of taxonomy term links. The old construct is deprecated and should be changed.
// old theme blob:
if (function_exists("taxonomy_node_get_terms")) {
foreach (taxonomy_node_get_terms($node->nid) as $term) {
$terms[] = l($term->name, NULL, array(), "or=$term->tid");
// new theme blob:
if (module_exist("taxonomy")) {
$terms = taxonomy_link("taxonomy terms", $node);
// old URL:
// new URL:
- Changed cache API.
- Fixed caching bug in comment.module. Odd this hasn't been reported yet.
- Fixed caching bug in forum.module.
- Fixed caching bug in system.module.
- Fixed caching bug in block.module.
- Simplified caching support in forum.module thanks to improved cache API.
- Modules and themes now use the same functions to find and administer
- Modules can now be placed in sub-directories.
- Theme descriptions can no longer be edited. This will be handled by
Dries' theme_conf patch.
- Update required to keep old modules enabled.
- removed admin options for queue and comment module if the modules are not
- nodes are now auto promoted when queue module isn't enabled.
- moderation result block is now visible by the node author.
- fixed comment flat list view missing 1 comment.
- changed update.php around a bit.
* security check isn't in effect if the db hasn't been updated.
* instructions re-organized.
* fixed some minor updates.
- updated database.mysql done by UnConeD.
- changelog update.
- updated node modules not to cause errors when taxonomy module is disabled.
- added %date variable to user mail configuration.
- added hyperlinks to admin.php?mod=system (site configuration) for easy access.
- usual coding style and xhtml fixes.
+ Changed the db_query() API.
+ Wrapped all links in l(), lm(), la(), ..., drupal_url() functions.
+ XHTML-ified some HTML.
+ Wrapped a lot of text in the administrative pages in a t()
+ Replaced all $REQUEST_URI/$PATH_INFOs by request_uri().
+ Small bugfixes (eg. bug in book_export_html() and clean-ups (eg.
RSS code).
+ Fixed some bugs in the taxonomy module (eg. tree making bug), added
new functionality (eg. new APIs for use by other modules), included
Moshe's taxonomy extensions, and some documentation udpates.
+ ...
Committing Changes by Moshe Weitzman:
- admin_user_account(), user_edit(), and user_view() no longer have any
hard code for authentication modules. instead authentication modules
implement the _user hook.
- fixed a couple 'help' typos.
- linked the 'REGISTER' text in the login block to the register page.
this page now advertises DA better if site employs DA.
- admins may now edit everything about a user account (was a feature
- user #1 may now login immediately, in addition to receiving his
password via email.
Other changes:
- modules and themes are now enabled/disabled in the administrative /
settings / modules | themes pages. Requires SQL update and things must
be enabled before your site returns to normal. TODO: enable all
functionality. (For now just do UPDATE system SET status = 1;)
- removed $themes from conf.php.
- added a $theme->system() function where theme can specify settings.
All themes in the Drupal CVS have been updated to use this.
- added _system hook to modules. TODO: update modules to use this.
- changed strange use of sprintf to the usual strtr. The disadvantage of
sprintf is that it requires translations to keep the string order,
which may not be possible in all languages.
- an invalid/nonexisting theme in a user profile will now fallback to the
BaseTheme instead of crashing.
- added who is online block.
- made weblog module more configurable.
- users may now delete their own accounts (Feature #8)
- users may now request a password using email address *or* username.
formerly required both items to match an account which was onerous.
- the link to request a new password is now presented whenever a user
fails login.
- there is now a confirmation message after submitting edits to your
user information.
- error messages in user.module may now be stylized by themes.
- <hook>_form has a $param setting you can fill with form parameters.
- improved wording for a few config settings.
- fixed various non-coding standard things.
- Bugfix: the "Edit comments" part of the node administration pages did not
display the correct comments.
- Bugfix: somethimes, update in a book page would mess up the book.
- Improvement: when "node administrators" update a book page through the
"update this book page"-link (like regular users do), their update will
be subject to moderation.
- Improvement: made some intermediate changes to the filter mechanism. Needs
more work.
Example: set site_frontpage to "node" and site_frontpage_extra to
"$meta = 'news'" and only nodes with that meta tag will be displayed on
your main page.
This requires some internal knowledge of how the various modules work
and what settings can be passed to <module>_page() functions.
- fixed small glitch in comment_del()
- changed the API of the form() function. The first parameter, the
"action"-attribute in the <form>-tag has been made optional. By
default, it will be set to "$REQUEST_URI".
Why? Because in 98% of the cases we would do:
global $REQUEST_URI;
$form = form($REQUEST_URI, $form_content);
while we can do:
$form = form($form_content);
Update your modules (and sorry for the inconvenience)!
+ Made '$na' translatable on popular demand.
- node.module:
+ replaced a confusing configuration description, as suggested by
- statistics.module:
+ Added a 'most recent referers'-table sorted by timestamp.
- drupal.module:
+ Small update of the links.
- Fixed tiny quote problem in account.php.
- Fixed tiny bug in comment.inc.
- Fixed tiny bug in comment.module.
- Fixed tiny bug in meta.module.
- Simplified user_access() API.
- Rewrote link system: still needs fine-tuning and testing so don't
upgrade if you are running a production site. ;)
Updated all modules and themes to reflect this change. All other
themes and modules need updating too!
makes the ever-confusing "rehash modules" (see module.module) no
longer needed, hence making module.module redundant. :-)
- Removed module.module.
- Renamed conf.module to system.module, and added some information
about the available modules to system.module.
- Various small changes.