This is a major change to the system, needs more testing!
Committing Changes by Moshe Weitzman: - admin_user_account(), user_edit(), and user_view() no longer have any hard code for authentication modules. instead authentication modules implement the _user hook. - fixed a couple 'help' typos. - linked the 'REGISTER' text in the login block to the register page. this page now advertises DA better if site employs DA. - admins may now edit everything about a user account (was a feature request). - user #1 may now login immediately, in addition to receiving his password via email. Other changes: - modules and themes are now enabled/disabled in the administrative / settings / modules | themes pages. Requires SQL update and things must be enabled before your site returns to normal. TODO: enable all functionality. (For now just do UPDATE system SET status = 1;) - removed $themes from conf.php. - added a $theme->system() function where theme can specify settings. All themes in the Drupal CVS have been updated to use this. - added _system hook to modules. TODO: update modules to use this. - changed strange use of sprintf to the usual strtr. The disadvantage of sprintf is that it requires translations to keep the string order, which may not be possible in all languages. - an invalid/nonexisting theme in a user profile will now fallback to the BaseTheme instead of crashing.4.0.x
@ -21,22 +21,6 @@ $db_url = "mysql://drupal:drupal@localhost/drupal";
# If required, update PHP's include path to include your PEAR directory:
// ini_set("include_path", ".:/path/to/pear");
# Themes:
$themes = array("UnConeD" => array(
"Internet explorer, Netscape, Opera"),
"Marvin" => array(
"Internet explorer, Netscape, Opera"),
"Stone Age" => array(
"Internet explorer, Netscape, Opera, Lynx"),
"Goofy" => array(
"Internet explorer, Netscape, Opera"));
# Languages / translation / internationalization:
# The first language listed in this associative array will
@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
// initialize modules:
function module_init() {
@ -38,21 +42,13 @@ function module_list() {
static $list;
if (!$list) {
if ($handle = @opendir("modules")) {
$list = array();
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if (".module" == substr($file, -7)) {
$filename = substr($file, 0, -7);
$list[$filename] = $filename;
include "modules/$filename.module";
else {
$list = array();
$list = array("drupal" => "drupal", "system" => "system", "user" => "user", "watchdog" => "watchdog");
$result = db_query("SELECT name, filename FROM system WHERE type = 'module' AND status = '1' ORDER BY name");
while ($module = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$list[$module->name] = $module->name;
@include_once "modules/$module->filename";
return $list;
@ -109,4 +105,4 @@ function module_rehash($name) {
@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
// $Id$
* Basic theme
* @package theme system
class BaseTheme {
function system($field) {
$system["name"] = "I need a name o'wise one!";
$system["author"] = "What is your name master?";
$system["description"] = "What am I mighty one?";
return $system[$field];
function header($title = "") {
$output .= "<html><head><title>". variable_get(site_name, "drupal") ."</title></head><body>";
$output .= "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"4\" cellpadding=\"4\"><tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"170\">";
@ -68,18 +81,35 @@ class BaseTheme {
function theme_list() {
static $list;
if (!$list) {
$list = array();
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM system where type = 'theme' AND status = '1' ORDER BY name");
while ($theme = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$list[$theme->name] = $theme;
return $list;
function theme_init() {
global $user, $themes;
global $user;
if ($user->theme && file_exists($themes[$theme_name = $user->theme][0])) {
include_once $themes[$theme_name][0];
else {
include_once $themes[$theme_name = variable_get("theme_default", key($themes))][0];
$themes = theme_list();
$name = $user->theme ? $user->theme : variable_get("theme_default", 0);
if (is_object($themes[$name])) {
$theme_class = "Theme_$user->theme";
@$obj =& new $theme_class;
return $obj;
$theme_class = 'Theme_'. $theme_name;
return new $theme_class();
watchdog("warning", "No valid themes enabled.");
@$obj =& new BaseTheme;
return $obj;
function theme_blocks($region, &$theme) {
@ -5,8 +5,14 @@ include_once "includes/";
eval(variable_get("site_frontpage_extra", "") .";");
module_invoke(variable_get("site_frontpage", "node"), "page");
if (module_hook(variable_get("site_frontpage", "node"), "page")) {
eval(variable_get("site_frontpage_extra", "") .";");
module_invoke(variable_get("site_frontpage", "node"), "page");
else {
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ function blog_page_user($uid = 0, $date = 0, $all = 0) {
$output .= "<a href=\"module.php?mod=blog&op=view&id=$account->uid\" title=\"". t("Show recent blogs by this user") ."\">". t("show recent blogs") ."</a>";
$theme->box(sprintf(t("%s's blog"), $account->name), $output);
$theme->box(strtr(t("%u's blog"), array("%u" => $account->name)), $output);
function blog_page_last() {
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ function blog_link($type, $node = 0, $main) {
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=node&op=edit&id=$node->nid\" title=\"". t("Edit this blog entry.") ."\">". t("edit this blog") ."</a>";
else {
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=blog&op=view&id=$node->uid\" title=\"". sprintf(t("Read %s's latest blog entries."), $node->name) ."\">". sprintf(t("%s's blog"), $node->name) ."</a>";
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=blog&op=view&id=$node->uid\" title=\"". strtr(t("Read %u's latest blog entries."), array("%u" => $node->name)) ."\">". strtr(t("%u's blog"), array("%u", $node->name)) ."</a>";
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ function blog_page_user($uid = 0, $date = 0, $all = 0) {
$output .= "<a href=\"module.php?mod=blog&op=view&id=$account->uid\" title=\"". t("Show recent blogs by this user") ."\">". t("show recent blogs") ."</a>";
$theme->box(sprintf(t("%s's blog"), $account->name), $output);
$theme->box(strtr(t("%u's blog"), array("%u" => $account->name)), $output);
function blog_page_last() {
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ function blog_link($type, $node = 0, $main) {
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=node&op=edit&id=$node->nid\" title=\"". t("Edit this blog entry.") ."\">". t("edit this blog") ."</a>";
else {
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=blog&op=view&id=$node->uid\" title=\"". sprintf(t("Read %s's latest blog entries."), $node->name) ."\">". sprintf(t("%s's blog"), $node->name) ."</a>";
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=blog&op=view&id=$node->uid\" title=\"". strtr(t("Read %u's latest blog entries."), array("%u" => $node->name)) ."\">". strtr(t("%u's blog"), array("%u", $node->name)) ."</a>";
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ function book_view($node, $main = 0) {
$output .= " <tr><td colspan=\"3\">$location</td></tr>";
$output .= " <tr><td colspan=\"3\"><hr /></td></tr>";
$output .= " <tr><td colspan=\"3\"><b><big>". check_output($node->title) ."</big></b>". ($node->body ? "<br /><small><i>". sprintf(t("Last updated by %s on %s"), format_name($node), format_date($node->created)) ."</i></small> " : "") ."</td></tr>";
$output .= " <tr><td colspan=\"3\"><b><big>". check_output($node->title) ."</big></b>". ($node->body ? "<br /><small><i>". strtr(t("Last updated by %u on %d"), array("%u" => format_name($node), "%d" => format_date($node->created))) ."</i></small> " : "") ."</td></tr>";
if ($node->body) {
@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ function book_admin_view_line($node, $depth = 0) {
$output .= " <td><div style=\"padding-left: ". (25 * $depth) ."px;\"><a href=\"node.php?id=$node->nid\">". check_output($node->title) ."</a></div></td>";
$output .= " <td align=\"center\">$revision</td>";
$output .= " <td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=node&op=edit&id=$node->nid\">". t("edit node") ."</td>";
//TODO: get this link to work. Must pass $nid along so it is received by book_node_link()
//TODO: get this link to work. Must pass $nid along so it is received by book_node_link()
//$output .= " <td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=book&nid=$node->nid&op=Edit+book+outline\">". t("edit book outline") ."</td>";
$output .= " <td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=node&op=delete&id=$node->nid\">". t("delete node") ."</td>";
$output .= "</tr>";
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ function book_admin_view($nid, $depth = 0) {
$output .= "<h3>". check_output($node->title) ."</h3>";
$output .= "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">";
//TODO: change colspan below to 3 after adding new link in book_admin_view_line()
//TODO: change colspan below to 3 after adding new link in book_admin_view_line()
$output .= " <tr><th>title</th><th>rev</th><th colspan=\"2\">operations</th></tr>";
$output .= book_admin_view_line($node);
$output .= book_admin_view_book($nid);
@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ function book_admin() {
$links = book_admin_links();
print "<small>". implode(" · ", $links) ."</small><hr />";
switch ($op) {
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ function book_admin() {
function book_help() {
<p>The Collaborative Book is a magnificient mechanism for organizing content authored by many users.
You may use it to organize a Manual (e.g. <a href="">Drupal Handbook</a>),
to <a href="#faq">maintain an FAQ</a>, or to manage any outline-like content. Books can have
@ -792,6 +792,6 @@ geeky possibilities there.</li>
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ function book_view($node, $main = 0) {
$output .= " <tr><td colspan=\"3\">$location</td></tr>";
$output .= " <tr><td colspan=\"3\"><hr /></td></tr>";
$output .= " <tr><td colspan=\"3\"><b><big>". check_output($node->title) ."</big></b>". ($node->body ? "<br /><small><i>". sprintf(t("Last updated by %s on %s"), format_name($node), format_date($node->created)) ."</i></small> " : "") ."</td></tr>";
$output .= " <tr><td colspan=\"3\"><b><big>". check_output($node->title) ."</big></b>". ($node->body ? "<br /><small><i>". strtr(t("Last updated by %u on %d"), array("%u" => format_name($node), "%d" => format_date($node->created))) ."</i></small> " : "") ."</td></tr>";
if ($node->body) {
@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ function book_admin_view_line($node, $depth = 0) {
$output .= " <td><div style=\"padding-left: ". (25 * $depth) ."px;\"><a href=\"node.php?id=$node->nid\">". check_output($node->title) ."</a></div></td>";
$output .= " <td align=\"center\">$revision</td>";
$output .= " <td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=node&op=edit&id=$node->nid\">". t("edit node") ."</td>";
//TODO: get this link to work. Must pass $nid along so it is received by book_node_link()
//TODO: get this link to work. Must pass $nid along so it is received by book_node_link()
//$output .= " <td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=book&nid=$node->nid&op=Edit+book+outline\">". t("edit book outline") ."</td>";
$output .= " <td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=node&op=delete&id=$node->nid\">". t("delete node") ."</td>";
$output .= "</tr>";
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ function book_admin_view($nid, $depth = 0) {
$output .= "<h3>". check_output($node->title) ."</h3>";
$output .= "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">";
//TODO: change colspan below to 3 after adding new link in book_admin_view_line()
//TODO: change colspan below to 3 after adding new link in book_admin_view_line()
$output .= " <tr><th>title</th><th>rev</th><th colspan=\"2\">operations</th></tr>";
$output .= book_admin_view_line($node);
$output .= book_admin_view_book($nid);
@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ function book_admin() {
$links = book_admin_links();
print "<small>". implode(" · ", $links) ."</small><hr />";
switch ($op) {
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ function book_admin() {
function book_help() {
<p>The Collaborative Book is a magnificient mechanism for organizing content authored by many users.
You may use it to organize a Manual (e.g. <a href="">Drupal Handbook</a>),
to <a href="#faq">maintain an FAQ</a>, or to manage any outline-like content. Books can have
@ -792,6 +792,6 @@ geeky possibilities there.</li>
@ -110,8 +110,9 @@ function drupal_auth($username, $password, $server) {
$message = new xmlrpcmsg("drupal.login", array(new xmlrpcval($username, "string"), new xmlrpcval($password, "string")));
// TODO remove hard coded Port 80
// TODO manage server/path such that HTTP_HOST/xml.rpc.php is not assumed
$client = new xmlrpc_client("/xmlrpc.php", $server, 80);
$result = $client->send($message, 5);
if ($result && !$result->faultCode()) {
$value = $result->value();
@ -131,11 +132,29 @@ function drupal_page() {
function drupal_auth_help() {
$site = variable_get("site_name", "this web site");
$output = "
<p><a href=\"\">Drupal</a> is the name of the software which powers %s. There are Drupal websites all over the world, and many of them share their registration databases so that users may freely login to any Drupal site using a single <b>Drupal ID</b>.</p>
<p>So please feel free to login to your account here at %s with a username from another Drupal site. The format of a Drupal ID is similar to an email address: <b>username</b>@<i>server</i>. An example of valid Drupal ID is <b>mwlily</b><i></i>.</p>";
$output = "<p><a href=\"\">Drupal</a> is the name of the software which powers %s. There are Drupal websites all over the world, and many of them share their registration databases so that users may freely login to any Drupal site using a single <b>Drupal ID</b>.</p>\n";
$output .= "<p>So please feel free to login to your account here at %s with a username from another Drupal site. The format of a Drupal ID is similar to an email address: <b>username</b>@<i>server</i>. An example of valid Drupal ID is <b>mwlily</b><i></i>.</p>";
return sprintf(t($output), $site, $site);
return strtr(t($output), array("%s" => "<i>$site</i>"));
function drupal_user($type, $edit, $user) {
global $HTTP_HOST;
$module = "drupal";
$name = module_invoke($module, "info", "name");
switch ($type) {
case "view_private":
$result = user_get_authname($user, $module);
if ($result) {
$output .= form_item("$name ID", $result);
else {
// TODO: use a variation of path_uri() instead of $HTTP_HOST below
$output .= form_item("$name ID", "$user->name@$HTTP_HOST");
return $output;
@ -110,8 +110,9 @@ function drupal_auth($username, $password, $server) {
$message = new xmlrpcmsg("drupal.login", array(new xmlrpcval($username, "string"), new xmlrpcval($password, "string")));
// TODO remove hard coded Port 80
// TODO manage server/path such that HTTP_HOST/xml.rpc.php is not assumed
$client = new xmlrpc_client("/xmlrpc.php", $server, 80);
$result = $client->send($message, 5);
if ($result && !$result->faultCode()) {
$value = $result->value();
@ -131,11 +132,29 @@ function drupal_page() {
function drupal_auth_help() {
$site = variable_get("site_name", "this web site");
$output = "
<p><a href=\"\">Drupal</a> is the name of the software which powers %s. There are Drupal websites all over the world, and many of them share their registration databases so that users may freely login to any Drupal site using a single <b>Drupal ID</b>.</p>
<p>So please feel free to login to your account here at %s with a username from another Drupal site. The format of a Drupal ID is similar to an email address: <b>username</b>@<i>server</i>. An example of valid Drupal ID is <b>mwlily</b><i></i>.</p>";
$output = "<p><a href=\"\">Drupal</a> is the name of the software which powers %s. There are Drupal websites all over the world, and many of them share their registration databases so that users may freely login to any Drupal site using a single <b>Drupal ID</b>.</p>\n";
$output .= "<p>So please feel free to login to your account here at %s with a username from another Drupal site. The format of a Drupal ID is similar to an email address: <b>username</b>@<i>server</i>. An example of valid Drupal ID is <b>mwlily</b><i></i>.</p>";
return sprintf(t($output), $site, $site);
return strtr(t($output), array("%s" => "<i>$site</i>"));
function drupal_user($type, $edit, $user) {
global $HTTP_HOST;
$module = "drupal";
$name = module_invoke($module, "info", "name");
switch ($type) {
case "view_private":
$result = user_get_authname($user, $module);
if ($result) {
$output .= form_item("$name ID", $result);
else {
// TODO: use a variation of path_uri() instead of $HTTP_HOST below
$output .= form_item("$name ID", "$user->name@$HTTP_HOST");
return $output;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function jabber_info($field = 0) {
function startElement($parser, $name, $attributes) {
function jabber_start($parser, $name, $attributes) {
global $jabber;
if ($attributes["ID"]) {
@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ function startElement($parser, $name, $attributes) {
function endElement($parser, $name) {
function jabber_end($parser, $name) {
function characterData($parser, $data) {
function jabber_data($parser, $data) {
global $jabber;
$jabber["data"] = $data;
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ function jabber_auth($username, $password, $server) {
if ($session) {
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement");
xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData");
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "jabber_start", "jabber_end");
xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "jabber_data");
** Switch the given socket descriptor '$session' to non-blocking mode:
@ -153,7 +153,24 @@ function jabber_auth_help() {
<p>You may login to %s using a <b>Jabber ID</b>. The format of a Jabber ID is the same as an email address: <b>name</b><i>@server</i> An example of valid Jabber ID is <b>mwlily</b><i></i>.</p>
<p>Jabber is an <a href=\"\">open source</a> instant messaging system designed to give the power of choice and freedom back to the users of instant messaging. By creating an extensible and powerful server and protocol, Jabber has succeeded in this goal. Not only does Jabber allow its users to use (and create) clients for numerous platforms, but it allows people to communicate to whomever they want in the way which is most convenient for them.</p>";
return sprintf(t($output), $site);
return strtr(t($output), array("%s" => "<i>$site</i>"));
function jabber_user($type, $edit, $user) {
$module = "jabber";
$name = module_invoke($module, "info", "name");
switch ($type) {
case "view_private":
$result = user_get_authname($user, $module);
$output .= form_item("$name ID", $result);
return $output;
case "edit_form":
$result = user_get_authname($user, $module);
$output .= form_textfield("$name ID", "authname_" . $module, $result, 30, 55, strtr(t("You may login to %s using a valid %id."), array("%s" => variable_get("site_name", "this web site"), "%id" => "<a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=help#$module\">$name ID</a>"), ""));
return $output;
case "edit_validate":
return user_validate_authmap($user, $edit["authname_$module"], $module);
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ function node_admin_edit($node) {
$output .= "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">";
$output .= " <tr><th>older revisions</th><th colspan=\"3\">operations</th></tr>";
foreach ($node->revisions as $key => $revision) {
$output .= " <tr><td>". sprintf(t("revision #%d revised by %s on %s"), $key, format_name(user_load(array("uid" => $revision["uid"]))), format_date($revision["timestamp"], "small")) . ($revision["history"] ? "<br /><small>". $revision["history"] ."</small>" : "") ."</td><td><a href=\"node.php?id=$node->nid&revision=$key\">". t("view revision") ."</a></td><td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=node&op=rollback+revision&id=$node->nid&revision=$key\">". t("rollback revision") ."</a></td><td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=node&op=delete+revision&id=$node->nid&revision=$key\">". t("delete revision") ."</a></td></tr>";
$output .= " <tr><td>". strtr(t("revision #%r revised by %u on %d"), array("%r" => $key, "%u" => format_name(user_load(array("uid" => $revision["uid"]))), "%d" => format_date($revision["timestamp"], "small"))) . ($revision["history"] ? "<br /><small>". $revision["history"] ."</small>" : "") ."</td><td><a href=\"node.php?id=$node->nid&revision=$key\">". t("view revision") ."</a></td><td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=node&op=rollback+revision&id=$node->nid&revision=$key\">". t("rollback revision") ."</a></td><td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=node&op=delete+revision&id=$node->nid&revision=$key\">". t("delete revision") ."</a></td></tr>";
$output .= "</table>";
@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ function node_validate($node, &$error) {
$node->uid = $account->uid;
else {
$error["name"] = "<div style=\"color: red;\">". sprintf(t("The name '%s' does not exist."), $node->name) ."</div>";
$error["name"] = "<div style=\"color: red;\">". strtr(t("The name '%u' does not exist."), array ("%u" => $node->name)) ."</div>";
@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ function node_add($type) {
foreach (module_list() as $name) {
if (module_hook($name, "node") && node_access("create", array("type" => $name))) {
$output .= "<li>";
$output .= " <a href=\"module.php?mod=node&op=add&type=$name\" title=\"". sprintf(t("Add a new %s."), module_invoke($name, "node", "name")) ."\">". module_invoke($name, "node", "name") ."</a>";
$output .= " <a href=\"module.php?mod=node&op=add&type=$name\" title=\"". strtr(t("Add a new %s."), module_invoke($name, "node", "name")) ."\">". module_invoke($name, "node", "name") ."</a>";
$output .= " <div style=\"margin-left: 20px;\">". module_invoke($name, "node", "description") ."</div>";
$output .= "</li>";
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ function node_admin_edit($node) {
$output .= "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">";
$output .= " <tr><th>older revisions</th><th colspan=\"3\">operations</th></tr>";
foreach ($node->revisions as $key => $revision) {
$output .= " <tr><td>". sprintf(t("revision #%d revised by %s on %s"), $key, format_name(user_load(array("uid" => $revision["uid"]))), format_date($revision["timestamp"], "small")) . ($revision["history"] ? "<br /><small>". $revision["history"] ."</small>" : "") ."</td><td><a href=\"node.php?id=$node->nid&revision=$key\">". t("view revision") ."</a></td><td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=node&op=rollback+revision&id=$node->nid&revision=$key\">". t("rollback revision") ."</a></td><td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=node&op=delete+revision&id=$node->nid&revision=$key\">". t("delete revision") ."</a></td></tr>";
$output .= " <tr><td>". strtr(t("revision #%r revised by %u on %d"), array("%r" => $key, "%u" => format_name(user_load(array("uid" => $revision["uid"]))), "%d" => format_date($revision["timestamp"], "small"))) . ($revision["history"] ? "<br /><small>". $revision["history"] ."</small>" : "") ."</td><td><a href=\"node.php?id=$node->nid&revision=$key\">". t("view revision") ."</a></td><td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=node&op=rollback+revision&id=$node->nid&revision=$key\">". t("rollback revision") ."</a></td><td><a href=\"admin.php?mod=node&op=delete+revision&id=$node->nid&revision=$key\">". t("delete revision") ."</a></td></tr>";
$output .= "</table>";
@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ function node_validate($node, &$error) {
$node->uid = $account->uid;
else {
$error["name"] = "<div style=\"color: red;\">". sprintf(t("The name '%s' does not exist."), $node->name) ."</div>";
$error["name"] = "<div style=\"color: red;\">". strtr(t("The name '%u' does not exist."), array ("%u" => $node->name)) ."</div>";
@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ function node_add($type) {
foreach (module_list() as $name) {
if (module_hook($name, "node") && node_access("create", array("type" => $name))) {
$output .= "<li>";
$output .= " <a href=\"module.php?mod=node&op=add&type=$name\" title=\"". sprintf(t("Add a new %s."), module_invoke($name, "node", "name")) ."\">". module_invoke($name, "node", "name") ."</a>";
$output .= " <a href=\"module.php?mod=node&op=add&type=$name\" title=\"". strtr(t("Add a new %s."), module_invoke($name, "node", "name")) ."\">". module_invoke($name, "node", "name") ."</a>";
$output .= " <div style=\"margin-left: 20px;\">". module_invoke($name, "node", "description") ."</div>";
$output .= "</li>";
@ -32,11 +32,15 @@ function system_link($type) {
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=system\">settings and filters</a>";
/*if ($type == "admin" && user_access("administer modules and themes")) {
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&op=modules\">modules and themes</a>";
return $links ? $links : array();
function system_view_options() {
global $conf, $cmodes, $corder, $themes;
global $conf, $cmodes, $corder;
// general settings:
$output .= "<h3>General settings</h3>\n";
$output .= form_textfield("Name", "site_name", variable_get("site_name", "drupal"), 55, 55, "The name of this website.");
@ -66,14 +70,14 @@ function system_view_options() {
// comment settings:
$output .= "<h3>Comment settings</h3>\n";
$output .= form_select("Default display mode", "default_comment_mode", $conf[default_comment_mode], $cmodes, "The default mode in which comments are displayed.");
$output .= form_select("Default display order", "default_comment_order", $conf[default_comment_order], $corder, "The default order in which comments are displayed.");
$output .= form_select("Default display mode", "default_comment_mode", $conf["default_comment_mode"], $cmodes, "The default mode in which comments are displayed.");
$output .= form_select("Default display order", "default_comment_order", $conf["default_comment_order"], $corder, "The default order in which comments are displayed.");
for ($count = -1; $count < 6; $count++) $threshold[$count] = "Filter - $count";
$output .= "<hr />\n";
// layout settings:
$output .= "<h3>Layout settings</h3>\n";
foreach ($themes as $key=>$value) $options .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$key\"". (variable_get("theme_default", key($themes)) == $key ? " SELECTED" : "") .">$key</OPTION>\n";
foreach (theme_list() as $key=>$value) $options .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$key\"". (variable_get("theme_default", 0) == $key ? " SELECTED" : "") .">$key</OPTION>\n";
$output .= form_item("Default theme", "<SELECT NAME=\"edit[theme_default]\">$options</SELECT>", "The default theme as seen by visitors or anonymous users.");
$output .= "<hr />\n";
@ -127,31 +131,138 @@ function system_view($type) {
return form($form);
* Module configuration
* @author Kjartan Mannes
* @group system.module
* @return string module list
function system_modules() {
$output .= "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">\n";
$output .= " <tr><th>module</th><th colspan=\"2\">operations</th></tr>\n";
foreach (module_list() as $name) {
$output .= " <tr><td>$name</td><td>". (module_hook($name, "page") ? "<a href=\"module.php?mod=$name\">view</a>" : " ") ."</td><td>". (module_hook($name, "admin") ? "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=$name\">admin</a>" : " ") ."</td></tr>\n";
$result = db_query("SELECT name, status FROM system WHERE type = 'module'");
$status = array();
while ($module = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$status[$module->name] = $module->status;
$output .= "</table>\n";
db_query("DELETE FROM system WHERE type = 'module'");
return $output;
if ($handle = @opendir("modules")) {
$modules = array();
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if (".module" == substr($file, -7)) {
$name = substr($file, 0, -7);
$modules[$name] = array("filename" => "$file", "status" => $status[$name]);
$required = array("user", "drupal", "system", "watchdog");
$output .= "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">\n";
$output .= " <tr><th>module</th><th>description</th><th>status</th><th colspan=\"2\">operations</th></tr>\n";
foreach ($modules as $name => $module) {
$output .= " <tr><td>$name</td><td>". check_output(module_invoke($name, "system", "description")) ."</td><td>". (in_array($name, $required) ? "Enabled" : form_select("", "status][$name", $module["status"], array(t("Disabled"), t("Enabled")))) ."</td><td>". (module_hook($name, "page") ? "<a href=\"module.php?mod=$name\">view</a>" : " ") ."</td><td>". (module_hook($name, "admin") ? "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=$name\">admin</a>" : " ") ."</td></tr>\n";
if (!in_array($name, $required)) {
db_query("INSERT INTO system SET name = '$name', type = 'module', filename = '$module[filename]', status = '$module[status]'");
$output .= "</table><br />\n";
$output .= form_submit("Save module settings");
return form($output);
* Theme configuration
* This function handles the Drupal themes and lets the site administrator enable or disable them as they wish.
* @author Kjartan Mannes
* @package system.module
* @return string theme list
function system_themes() {
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM system WHERE type = 'theme' ORDER BY filename");
$status = array();
while ($theme = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$_themes[$theme->name] = $theme;
if ($handle = @opendir("themes")) {
$themes = array();
while ($dir = readdir($handle)) {
if (!substr_count($dir, ".") && is_dir("themes/$dir")) {
if ($handle2 = @opendir("themes/$dir")) {
while ($file = readdir($handle2)) {
if (".theme" == substr($file, -6)) {
$name = substr($file, 0, -6);
$_theme = "theme_$name";
if (class_exists($_theme)) {
$_theme =& new $_theme;
$_themes[$name]->filename = "themes/$dir/$file";
if (method_exists($_theme, "system")) {
$_themes[$name]->displayname = $_theme->system("name");
$_themes[$name]->author = $_theme->system("author");
if (empty($_themes[$name]->description)) {
$_themes[$name]->description = $_theme->system("description");
$themes[$name] = $_themes[$name];
db_query("DELETE FROM system WHERE type = 'theme'");
$output .= "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">\n";
$output .= " <tr><th>theme</th><th>name</th><th>description</th><th>author</th><th>status</th></tr>\n";
foreach ($themes as $name => $theme) {
$output .= " <tr><td>$name</td><td>$theme->displayname</td><td>". form_textfield("", "$name][description", $theme->description, 40, 255)."</td><td>$theme->author</td><td>". form_select("", "$name][status", $theme->status, array(t("Disabled"), t("Enabled"))) ."</td></tr>\n";
db_query("INSERT INTO system SET name = '$name', type = 'theme', filename = '$theme->filename', status = '$theme->status', description = '$theme->description'");
$output .= "</table><br />\n";
$output .= form_submit("Save theme settings");
return form($output);
function system_admin() {
global $edit, $op, $type;
if (user_access("administer settings and filters")) {
print "<small><a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&type=options\">site settings</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&type=filter\">content filters</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&op=modules\">modules</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&op=help\">help</a></small><hr />\n";
print "<small><a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&type=options\">site settings</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&type=filter\">content filters</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&op=modules\">modules</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&op=themes\">themes</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&op=help\">help</a></small><hr />\n";
switch ($op) {
case "help":
case "Save module settings":
foreach ($edit["status"] as $name => $status) {
db_query("UPDATE system SET status = '$status' WHERE name = '$name'");
case "modules":
print system_modules();
case "Save theme settings":
foreach ($edit as $name => $settings) {
db_query("UPDATE system SET status = '". check_query($settings["status"]) ."', description = '". check_query($settings["description"]) ."' WHERE name = '$name'");
case "themes":
print system_themes();
case "Reset to defaults":
print status(system_default($edit));
print system_view($type);
@ -32,11 +32,15 @@ function system_link($type) {
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=system\">settings and filters</a>";
/*if ($type == "admin" && user_access("administer modules and themes")) {
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&op=modules\">modules and themes</a>";
return $links ? $links : array();
function system_view_options() {
global $conf, $cmodes, $corder, $themes;
global $conf, $cmodes, $corder;
// general settings:
$output .= "<h3>General settings</h3>\n";
$output .= form_textfield("Name", "site_name", variable_get("site_name", "drupal"), 55, 55, "The name of this website.");
@ -66,14 +70,14 @@ function system_view_options() {
// comment settings:
$output .= "<h3>Comment settings</h3>\n";
$output .= form_select("Default display mode", "default_comment_mode", $conf[default_comment_mode], $cmodes, "The default mode in which comments are displayed.");
$output .= form_select("Default display order", "default_comment_order", $conf[default_comment_order], $corder, "The default order in which comments are displayed.");
$output .= form_select("Default display mode", "default_comment_mode", $conf["default_comment_mode"], $cmodes, "The default mode in which comments are displayed.");
$output .= form_select("Default display order", "default_comment_order", $conf["default_comment_order"], $corder, "The default order in which comments are displayed.");
for ($count = -1; $count < 6; $count++) $threshold[$count] = "Filter - $count";
$output .= "<hr />\n";
// layout settings:
$output .= "<h3>Layout settings</h3>\n";
foreach ($themes as $key=>$value) $options .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$key\"". (variable_get("theme_default", key($themes)) == $key ? " SELECTED" : "") .">$key</OPTION>\n";
foreach (theme_list() as $key=>$value) $options .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$key\"". (variable_get("theme_default", 0) == $key ? " SELECTED" : "") .">$key</OPTION>\n";
$output .= form_item("Default theme", "<SELECT NAME=\"edit[theme_default]\">$options</SELECT>", "The default theme as seen by visitors or anonymous users.");
$output .= "<hr />\n";
@ -127,31 +131,138 @@ function system_view($type) {
return form($form);
* Module configuration
* @author Kjartan Mannes
* @group system.module
* @return string module list
function system_modules() {
$output .= "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">\n";
$output .= " <tr><th>module</th><th colspan=\"2\">operations</th></tr>\n";
foreach (module_list() as $name) {
$output .= " <tr><td>$name</td><td>". (module_hook($name, "page") ? "<a href=\"module.php?mod=$name\">view</a>" : " ") ."</td><td>". (module_hook($name, "admin") ? "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=$name\">admin</a>" : " ") ."</td></tr>\n";
$result = db_query("SELECT name, status FROM system WHERE type = 'module'");
$status = array();
while ($module = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$status[$module->name] = $module->status;
$output .= "</table>\n";
db_query("DELETE FROM system WHERE type = 'module'");
return $output;
if ($handle = @opendir("modules")) {
$modules = array();
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if (".module" == substr($file, -7)) {
$name = substr($file, 0, -7);
$modules[$name] = array("filename" => "$file", "status" => $status[$name]);
$required = array("user", "drupal", "system", "watchdog");
$output .= "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">\n";
$output .= " <tr><th>module</th><th>description</th><th>status</th><th colspan=\"2\">operations</th></tr>\n";
foreach ($modules as $name => $module) {
$output .= " <tr><td>$name</td><td>". check_output(module_invoke($name, "system", "description")) ."</td><td>". (in_array($name, $required) ? "Enabled" : form_select("", "status][$name", $module["status"], array(t("Disabled"), t("Enabled")))) ."</td><td>". (module_hook($name, "page") ? "<a href=\"module.php?mod=$name\">view</a>" : " ") ."</td><td>". (module_hook($name, "admin") ? "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=$name\">admin</a>" : " ") ."</td></tr>\n";
if (!in_array($name, $required)) {
db_query("INSERT INTO system SET name = '$name', type = 'module', filename = '$module[filename]', status = '$module[status]'");
$output .= "</table><br />\n";
$output .= form_submit("Save module settings");
return form($output);
* Theme configuration
* This function handles the Drupal themes and lets the site administrator enable or disable them as they wish.
* @author Kjartan Mannes
* @package system.module
* @return string theme list
function system_themes() {
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM system WHERE type = 'theme' ORDER BY filename");
$status = array();
while ($theme = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$_themes[$theme->name] = $theme;
if ($handle = @opendir("themes")) {
$themes = array();
while ($dir = readdir($handle)) {
if (!substr_count($dir, ".") && is_dir("themes/$dir")) {
if ($handle2 = @opendir("themes/$dir")) {
while ($file = readdir($handle2)) {
if (".theme" == substr($file, -6)) {
$name = substr($file, 0, -6);
$_theme = "theme_$name";
if (class_exists($_theme)) {
$_theme =& new $_theme;
$_themes[$name]->filename = "themes/$dir/$file";
if (method_exists($_theme, "system")) {
$_themes[$name]->displayname = $_theme->system("name");
$_themes[$name]->author = $_theme->system("author");
if (empty($_themes[$name]->description)) {
$_themes[$name]->description = $_theme->system("description");
$themes[$name] = $_themes[$name];
db_query("DELETE FROM system WHERE type = 'theme'");
$output .= "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">\n";
$output .= " <tr><th>theme</th><th>name</th><th>description</th><th>author</th><th>status</th></tr>\n";
foreach ($themes as $name => $theme) {
$output .= " <tr><td>$name</td><td>$theme->displayname</td><td>". form_textfield("", "$name][description", $theme->description, 40, 255)."</td><td>$theme->author</td><td>". form_select("", "$name][status", $theme->status, array(t("Disabled"), t("Enabled"))) ."</td></tr>\n";
db_query("INSERT INTO system SET name = '$name', type = 'theme', filename = '$theme->filename', status = '$theme->status', description = '$theme->description'");
$output .= "</table><br />\n";
$output .= form_submit("Save theme settings");
return form($output);
function system_admin() {
global $edit, $op, $type;
if (user_access("administer settings and filters")) {
print "<small><a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&type=options\">site settings</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&type=filter\">content filters</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&op=modules\">modules</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&op=help\">help</a></small><hr />\n";
print "<small><a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&type=options\">site settings</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&type=filter\">content filters</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&op=modules\">modules</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&op=themes\">themes</a> | <a href=\"admin.php?mod=system&op=help\">help</a></small><hr />\n";
switch ($op) {
case "help":
case "Save module settings":
foreach ($edit["status"] as $name => $status) {
db_query("UPDATE system SET status = '$status' WHERE name = '$name'");
case "modules":
print system_modules();
case "Save theme settings":
foreach ($edit as $name => $settings) {
db_query("UPDATE system SET status = '". check_query($settings["status"]) ."', description = '". check_query($settings["description"]) ."' WHERE name = '$name'");
case "themes":
print system_themes();
case "Reset to defaults":
print status(system_default($edit));
print system_view($type);
@ -187,16 +187,12 @@ function user_validate_mail($mail) {
function user_validate_authmaps($account, $edit) {
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "auth")) {
$result = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) from authmap WHERE uid != '$account->uid' && authname = '". $edit["authname_$module"] . "'");
if (db_result($result) > 0) {
$info = module_invoke($module, "info");
return sprintf(t("The %s ID %s is already taken."), ucfirst($info["name"]), "<i>". $edit["authname_$module"] ."</i>");
function user_validate_authmap($account, $authname, $module) {
$result = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) from authmap WHERE uid != '$account->uid' && authname = '$authname'");
if (db_result($result) > 0) {
$name = module_invoke($module, "info", "name");
return strtr(t("The %u ID %s is already taken."), array("%u" => ucfirst($name), "%s" => "<i>$authname</i>"));
function user_password($min_length = 6) {
@ -240,7 +236,6 @@ function user_access($string) {
function user_mail($mail, $subject, $message, $header) {
// print "<pre>subject: $subject<hr />header: $header<hr />$message</pre>";
if (variable_get("smtp_library", "") && file_exists(variable_get("smtp_library", ""))) {
include_once variable_get("smtp_library", "");
return user_mail_wrapper($mail, $subject, $message, $header);
@ -321,7 +316,7 @@ function user_help() {
reports which help you manage your users. The following pages are available:</p>
<h4>add new user</h4>
<p>If your site blocks is completely private, and doesn't allow registration for
<p>If your site is completely private, and doesn't allow registration for
any old web user (see <a href="#settings">Settings</a> for this feature), then
you'll need to add new users manually. This web page allows any administrator
to register a new user.</p>
@ -433,8 +428,13 @@ roles:
<h3><br />
User Preferences</h3>
<p>Coming soonish.</p>
User Preferences and Profile</h3>
<p>Drupal comes with a set of user preferences and profile which a user may edit by
clicking on the user account link. Of course, a user must be logged into reach those pages.
There, users will find a page for changing their preferred timezone, language, username, email address, password, theme, signature, homepage, and <a href="#da">distributed authentication</a> names.
Changes made here take effect immediately. Also, administrators may make profile and preferences changes in the Admin Center on behalf of their users.</p>
<p>Module developers are provided several hooks for adding custom fields to the user view/edit pages. These hooks are described in the Developer section of the <A href="">Drupal Handbook</a>. For an example, see the <code>jabber_user()</code> function in <i>/modules/jabber.module</i>.
@ -475,9 +475,13 @@ function user_block() {
$output .= "<b>". t("Password") .":</b><br /><input name=\"edit[pass]\" size=\"15\" type=\"password\" /><br />\n";
$output .= "<input name=\"edit[remember_me]\" type=\"checkbox\" />". t("Remember me") ."<br />\n";
$output .= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"". t("Log in") ."\" /><br />\n";
if (variable_get("account_register", 1)) $output .= " <a href=\"module.php?mod=user\" title=\"". t("Create a new user account.") ."\">". t("REGISTER") ."</a>\n";
$output .= "</form>\n";
$output .= "</div>\n";
if (variable_get("account_register", 1)) {
$output .= "» <a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=register\" title=\"". t("Create a new user account.") ."\">". t("Register") ."</a>\n";
$output .= "<br \>» <a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=password\" title=\"". t("Request new password via e-mail") . "\">" . t("New password") . "</a><br />";
$output .= "</form>\n";
$block[1]["content"] = $output;
@ -513,7 +517,7 @@ function user_link($type) {
if ($type == "menu.settings") {
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=edit\" title=\"". t("View and edit your account information.") ."\">". t("account settings") ."</a>";
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=edit\" title=\"". t("View and edit your account information.") ."\">". t("edit account") ."</a>";
if ($type == "menu.misc") {
@ -553,20 +557,25 @@ function user_xmlrpc() {
/*** Authentication methods ************************************************/
function user_get_authmaps($account = NULL, $authname = NULL) {
function user_get_authname($account, $module) {
** Called by authentication modules in order to edit/view their authmap information.
$result = db_query("SELECT authname FROM authmap WHERE uid = '$account->uid' && module = '$module'");
return db_result($result);
function user_get_authmaps($authname = NULL) {
** Accepts an user object, $account, or an DA name and returns an
** associtive array of modules and DA names.
** associtive array of modules and DA names. Called at external login.
if (!$account) { //called at external login
$result = db_query("SELECT authname, module FROM authmap WHERE authname = '$authname'");
else { //called from user_edit, user_view,, admin_user_edit
$result = db_query("SELECT authname, module FROM authmap WHERE uid = '$account->uid'");
$result = db_query("SELECT authname, module FROM authmap WHERE authname = '$authname'");
if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($authmap = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$authmaps[$authmap->module] = $authmap->authname;
@ -624,7 +633,7 @@ function user_help_da() {
on logging into %s in the same manner, and he will always be logged into the
same account.</p>";
$output = sprintf(t($output), $site, $site, $site, $site, $site, $site);
$output = strtr(t($output), array("%s" => $site));
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "auth")) {
@ -659,7 +668,7 @@ function user_login($edit = array()) {
if (user_deny("user", $edit["name"])) {
$error = sprintf(t("The name '%s' has been denied access."), $edit["name"]);
$error = strtr(t("The name '%s' has been denied access."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if ($edit["name"] && $edit["pass"]) {
@ -687,13 +696,13 @@ function user_login($edit = array()) {
** When possible, determine corrosponding external auth source. Invoke source, and login user if successful:
if (!$user && $server && $result = user_get_authmaps("", "$name@$server")) {
if (!$user && $server && $result = user_get_authmaps("$name@$server")) {
if (module_invoke(key($result), "auth", $name, $pass, $server)) {
$user = user_external_load("$name@$server");
watchdog("user", "external load: $name@$server, module: " . key($result));
else {
$error = sprintf(t("Invalid password for %s."), "<i>$name@$server</i>");
$error = strtr(t("Invalid password for %s."), array("%s" => "<i>$name@$server</i>"));
@ -746,7 +755,7 @@ function user_login($edit = array()) {
else {
if (!$error) {
$error = sprintf(t("Sorry. Unrecognized username or password. Have you %sforgotten your password%s?"),"<a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=password\">","</a>");
$error = sprintf(t("Sorry. Unrecognized username or password. Have you %sforgotten your password%s?"), "<a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=password\">", "</a>");
if ($server) {
watchdog("user", "failed login for '$name@$server': $error");
@ -769,9 +778,12 @@ function user_login($edit = array()) {
** Display login form:
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $edit["name"], 20, 64, sprintf(t("Enter your %s username, or an ID from one of our affiliates: %s."), variable_get("site_name", "local"), implode(", ", user_auth_help_links())));
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $edit["name"], 20, 64, strtr(t("Enter your %s username, or an ID from one of our affiliates: %a."), array("%s" => variable_get("site_name", "local"), "%a" => implode(", ", user_auth_help_links()))));
$output .= form_password(t("Password"), "pass", $pass, 20, 64, t("Enter the password that accompanies your username."));
$output .= form_checkbox(t("Remember me"), "remember_me", 1, 0, 0);
$output .= form_submit(t("Log in"));
$output .= "<p>» <a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=password\">" . t("E-mail new password") . "</a><br />";
$output .= "» <a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=register\">" . t("Create new account") . "</a></p>";
return form($output);
@ -801,12 +813,12 @@ function user_logout() {
function user_pass($edit = array()) {
if ($edit["name"]) {
$account = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE name = '". check_input($edit["name"]) . "'"));
if (!$account) $error = sprintf(t("Sorry. The username <i>%s</i> is not recognized."), $edit["name"]);
$account = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT uid, name, mail FROM users WHERE name = '". check_input($edit["name"]) . "'"));
if (!$account) $error = strtr(t("Sorry. The username <i>%s</i> is not recognized."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if ($edit["mail"]) {
$account = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE mail = '". check_input($edit["mail"]) ."'"));
if (!$account) $error = sprintf(t("Sorry. The e-mail address <i>%s</i> is not recognized."), $edit["mail"]);
$account = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT uid, name, mail FROM users WHERE mail = '". check_input($edit["mail"]) ."'"));
if (!$account) $error = strtr(t("Sorry. The e-mail address <i>%s</i> is not recognized."), array("%s" => $edit["mail"]));
if ($account) {
@ -823,14 +835,19 @@ function user_pass($edit = array()) {
** Mail new password:
user_mail($edit["mail"], t("user account details"), sprintf(t("%s,\n\nyou requested us to e-mail you a new password for your account at %s. You can now login using the following username and password:\n\n username: %s\n password: %s\n\n\n-- %s team"), $edit["name"], variable_get("site_name", "drupal"), $edit["name"], $pass, variable_get("site_name", "drupal")), "From: $from\nReply-to: $from\nX-Mailer: Drupal\nReturn-path: $from\nErrors-to: $from");
global $HTTP_HOST;
$variables = array("%username" => $account->name, "%site" => variable_get("site_name", "drupal"), "%password" => $pass, "%uri" => path_uri(), "%uri_brief" => $HTTP_HOST, "%mailto" => $account->mail);
$subject = strtr(variable_get("user_mail_pass_subject", t("Replacement login information for %username at %site")), $variables);
$body = strtr(variable_get("user_mail_pass_body", t("%username,\n\nHere is your new password for %site. You may now login to %urlmodule.php?mod=login using the following username and password:\n\nusername: %username\npassword: %password\n\nAfter logging in, you may wish to change your password at %pathmodule.php?mod=user&op=edit\n\nYour new %site membership also enables to you to login to other Drupal powered web sites (e.g. without registering. Just use the following Drupal ID and password:\n\nDrupal ID: %username@%uri_brief\npassword: %password\n\n\n-- %site team")), $variables);
$headers = "From: $from\nReply-to: $from\nX-Mailer: Drupal\nReturn-path: $from\nErrors-to: $from";
user_mail($account->mail, $subject, $body, $headers);
watchdog("user", "mail password: '". $edit["name"] ."' <". $edit["mail"] .">");
watchdog("user", "mail password: '". $account->name ."' <". $account->mail .">");
return t("Your password and further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.");
else {
// Display error message if necessary.
if ($error) {
$output .= "<p><span style=\"color: red;\" class=\"error\">". check_output($error) ."</span></p>";
@ -840,16 +857,27 @@ function user_pass($edit = array()) {
** Display form:
$output .= sprintf(t("%sEnter your username %sor%s your email address.%s"), "<p>", "<b><i>", "</i></b>", "</p>");
$output .= "<p>". sprintf(t("Enter your username %sor%s your email address."), "<b><i>", "</i></b>") ."</p>";
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $edit["name"], 30, 64);
$output .= form_textfield(t("E-mail address"), "mail", $edit["mail"], 30, 64);
$output .= form_submit(t("E-mail new password"));
$output .= "<p>» <a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=login\">" . t("Log in") . "</a><br />";
$output .= "» <a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=register\">" . t("Create new account") . "</a></p>";
return form($output);
function user_register($edit = array()) {
global $user;
** If we are already logged on, go to the user page instead.
if ($user->uid) {
if ($edit["name"] && $edit["mail"]) {
if ($error = user_validate_name($edit["name"])) {
@ -859,16 +887,16 @@ function user_register($edit = array()) {
// do nothing
else if (user_deny("user", $edit["name"])) {
$error = sprintf(t("The name '%s' has been denied access."), $edit["name"]);
$error = strtr(t("The name '%s' has been denied access."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if (user_deny("mail", $edit["mail"])) {
$error = sprintf(t("The e-mail address '%s' has been denied access."), $edit["mail"]);
$error = strtr(t("The e-mail address '%s' has been denied access."), array("%s" => $edit["mail"]));
else if (db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER('". $edit["name"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), $edit["name"]);
$error = strtr(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if (db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT mail FROM users WHERE LOWER(mail) = LOWER('". $edit["mail"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), $edit["mail"]);
$error = strtr(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["mail"]));
else if (variable_get("user_register", 1) == 0) {
$error = t("Public registrations have been disabled by the site administrator.");
@ -899,52 +927,64 @@ function user_register($edit = array()) {
$from = variable_get("site_mail", ini_get("sendmail_from"));
$pass = user_password();
// create new user account, noting whether administrator approval is required
if (variable_get("user_register", 1) == 1) {
** Create new user account, no administrator approval required:
user_save("", array_merge(array("name" => $edit["name"], "pass" => $pass, "init" => $edit["mail"], "mail" => $edit["mail"], "role" => "authenticated user", "status" => 1), $data));
user_mail($edit["mail"], t("user account details"), sprintf(t("%s,\n\nsomoneone signed up for a user account on %s and supplied this e-mail address as their contact. If it wasn't you, just ignore this mail but if it was you, you can now login using the following username and password:\n\n username: %s\n password: %s\n\n\n-- %s team"), $edit["name"], variable_get("site_name", "drupal"), $edit["name"], $pass, variable_get("site_name", "drupal")), "From: $from\nReply-to: $from\nX-Mailer: Drupal\nReturn-path: $from\nErrors-to: $from");
$user = user_save("", array_merge(array("name" => $edit["name"], "pass" => $pass, "init" => $edit["mail"], "mail" => $edit["mail"], "role" => "authenticated user", "status" => 1), $data));
else {
** Create new user account, administrator approval required:
user_save("", array_merge(array("name" => $edit["name"], "pass" => $pass, "init" => $edit["mail"], "mail" => $edit["mail"], "role" => "authenticated user", "status" => 0), $data));
user_mail($edit["mail"], t("user account details"), sprintf(t("%s,\n\nsomoneone signed up for a user account on %s and supplied this e-mail address as their contact. If it wasn't you, just ignore this mail but if it was you, you can login as soon a site administrator approved your request using the following username and password:\n\n username: %s\n password: %s\n\n\n-- %s team"), $edit["name"], variable_get("site_name", "drupal"), $edit["name"], $pass, variable_get("site_name", "drupal")), "From: $from\nReply-to: $from\nX-Mailer: Drupal\nReturn-path: $from\nErrors-to: $from");
$user = user_save("", array_merge(array("name" => $edit["name"], "pass" => $pass, "init" => $edit["mail"], "mail" => $edit["mail"], "role" => "authenticated user", "status" => 0), $data));
return t("Your password and further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.");
$variables = array("%username" => $edit["name"], "%site" => variable_get("site_name", "drupal"), "%password" => $pass, "%uri" => path_uri(), "%uri_brief" => $HTTP_HOST, "%mailto" => $edit["mail"]);
//the first user may login immediately, and receives a customized welcome email.
if ($user->uid == 1) {
user_mail($edit["mail"], strtr(t("drupal user account details for %s"), array("%s" => $edit["name"])), strtr(t("%username,\n\nYou may now login to %uri using the following username and password:\n\n username: %username\n password: %password\n\nAfter logging in, you may wish to visit the following pages:\n\nAdministration: %uriadmin.php\nEdit user account: %utimodule.php?mod=user&op=edit\n\n--drupal"), $variables), "From: $from\nReply-to: $from\nX-Mailer: Drupal\nReturn-path: $from\nErrors-to: $from");
// This should not be t()'ed. No point as its only shown once in the sites lifetime, and it would be bad to store the password
$output .= "<p>Welcome to Drupal. You are user #1, which gives you full and immediate access. All future registrants will receive their passwords via email, so please configure your email settings using the Administration pages.</p><p> Your password is <b>$pass</b>. You may change your password on the next page.</p><p>Please login below.</p>";
$output .= form_hidden("name", $user->name);
$output .= form_hidden("pass", $pass);
$output .= form_submit(t("Log in"));
return form($output);
else {
global $HTTP_HOST;
$subject = strtr(variable_get("user_mail_welcome_subject", t("User account details for %username at %site")), $variables);
$body = strtr(variable_get("user_mail_welcome_body", t("%username,\n\nnThank you for registering at %site. You may now login to %urlmodule.php?mod=login using the following username and password:\n\nusername: %username\npassword: %password\n\nAfter logging in, you may wish to change your password at %urimodule.php?mod=user&op=edit\n\nYour new %site membership also enables to you to login to other Drupal powered web sites (e.g. without registering. Just use the following Drupal ID and password:\n\nDrupal ID: %username@%uri_brief\npassword: %password\n\n\n-- %site team")), $variables);
user_mail($edit["mail"], $subject, $body, "From: $from\nReply-to: $from\nX-Mailer: Drupal\nReturn-path: $from\nErrors-to: $from");
return t("Your password and further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.");
else {
if ($error) {
$output .= "<p><span style=\"color: red;\" class=\"error\">". check_output($error) ."</span></p>";
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $edit["name"], 30, 64, t("Your full name or your prefered username: only letters, numbers and spaces are allowed."));
$output .= form_textfield(t("E-mail address"), "mail", $edit["mail"], 30, 64, t("Your e-mail address: a password and instructions will be sent to this e-mail address so make sure it is accurate."));
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "user")) {
$output .= module_invoke($module, "user", "register_form", $edit, $user);
$output .= form_submit(t("Create new account"));
return form($output);
// display the registration form
$affiliates = user_auth_help_links();
if (array_count_values($affiliates) > 1) {
$affiliates = implode(", ", $affiliates);
$output .= "<p>" . strtr(t("Note: If you have an account with one of our affiliates (%s), you may <a href=\"\module.php?mod=user&op=login\">login now</a> instead of registering."), array("%s" => $affiliates)) ."</p>";
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $edit["name"], 30, 64, t("Your full name or your prefered username: only letters, numbers and spaces are allowed."));
$output .= form_textfield(t("E-mail address"), "mail", $edit["mail"], 30, 64, t("A password and instructions will be sent to this e-mail address, so make sure it is accurate."));
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "user")) {
$output .= module_invoke($module, "user", "register_form", $edit, $user);
$output .= form_submit(t("Create new account"));
return form($output);
function user_delete() {
global $edit, $user;
if ($edit["confirm"]) {
watchdog(user,"$user->name deactivated her own account.");
watchdog(user,"$user->name deactivated her own account.");
db_query("UPDATE users SET mail = 'deleted', status='0' WHERE uid = '$user->uid'");
$output .= t("Your account has been deactivated.");
@ -958,7 +998,7 @@ function user_delete() {
function user_edit($edit = array()) {
global $HTTP_HOST, $themes, $user, $languages;
global $themes, $user, $languages;
if ($user->uid) {
if ($edit["name"]) {
@ -969,13 +1009,10 @@ function user_edit($edit = array()) {
// do nothing
else if (db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE uid != '$user->uid' AND LOWER(name) = LOWER('". $edit["name"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), $edit["name"]);
$error = strtr(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if ($edit["mail"] && db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE uid != '$user->uid' AND LOWER(mail) = LOWER('". $edit["mail"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), $edit["mail"]);
else if ($error = user_validate_authmaps($user, $edit)) {
// do nothing
$error = strtr(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["mail"]));
else if ($user->uid) {
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
@ -1014,7 +1051,7 @@ function user_edit($edit = array()) {
$user = user_save($user, array_merge($edit, $data));
$output .= sprintf(t("Your user information changes have been saved."), "<p><b>", "</b></p>");
$output .= t("Your user information changes have been saved.");
@ -1026,13 +1063,6 @@ function user_edit($edit = array()) {
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $user->name, 30, 55, t("Your full name or your prefered username: only letters, numbers and spaces are allowed."));
$output .= form_textfield(t("E-mail address"), "mail", $user->mail, 30, 55, t("Insert a valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail."));
$result = user_get_authmaps($user);
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if ($module != "drupal" && module_hook($module, "auth")) {
$output .= form_textfield(module_invoke($module, "info", "name") . " ID", "authname_" . $module, $result[$module], 30, 55, sprintf(t("You may login to %s using a valid %s."), variable_get("site_name", "this web site"), "<a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=help#$module\">". module_invoke($module, "info", "name") ." ID</a>", ""));
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "user")) {
$output .= module_invoke($module, "user", "edit_form", $edit, $user);
@ -1040,7 +1070,9 @@ function user_edit($edit = array()) {
$output .= form_textfield(t("Homepage"), "homepage", $user->homepage, 30, 55, t("Optional") .". ". t("Make sure you enter a fully qualified URL: remember to include \"http://\"."));
foreach ($themes as $key => $value) $options .= "<option value=\"$key\"". (($user->theme == $key) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") .">$key - $value[1]</option>\n";
foreach (theme_list() as $key => $value) {
$options .= "$value[type]<option value=\"$key\"". (($user->theme == $key) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") .">$key - $value->description</option>\n";
$output .= form_item(t("Theme"), "<select name=\"edit[theme]\">$options</select>", t("Selecting a different theme will change the look and feel of the site."));
for ($zone = -43200; $zone <= 46800; $zone += 3600) $zones[$zone] = date("l, F dS, Y - h:i A", time() - date("Z") + $zone) ." (GMT ". $zone / 3600 .")";
$output .= form_select(t("Timezone"), "timezone", $user->timezone, $zones, t("Select what time you currently have and your timezone settings will be set appropriate."));
@ -1048,7 +1080,7 @@ function user_edit($edit = array()) {
$output .= form_textarea(t("Signature"), "signature", $user->signature, 70, 3, t("Your signature will be publicly displayed at the end of your comments.") ."<br />". t("Allowed HTML tags") .": ". htmlspecialchars(variable_get("allowed_html", "")));
$output .= form_item(t("Password"), "<input type=\"password\" name=\"edit[pass1]\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"24\" /> <input type=\"password\" name=\"edit[pass2]\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"24\" />", t("Enter your new password twice if you want to change your current password or leave it blank if you are happy with your current password."));
$output .= form_submit(t("Save user information"));
$output = form($output);
@ -1064,7 +1096,7 @@ function user_menu() {
function user_view($uid = 0) {
global $theme, $user, $HTTP_HOST;
global $theme, $user;
if (!$uid) {
$uid = $user->uid;
@ -1073,17 +1105,6 @@ function user_view($uid = 0) {
if ($user->uid && $user->uid == $uid) {
$output .= form_item(t("Name"), check_output("$user->name ($user->init)"));
$output .= form_item(t("E-mail address"), check_output($user->mail));
$result = user_get_authmaps($user);
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "auth")) {
if ($module != "drupal") {
$output .= form_item(module_invoke($module, "info", "name") . " ID", check_output($result[$module]));
else {
$output .= form_item(module_invoke($module, "info", "name") . " ID", check_output($user->name) . "@$HTTP_HOST");
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "user")) {
@ -1134,8 +1155,9 @@ function user_page() {
case t("Create new account"):
case "register":
$output = user_register($edit);
$theme->box(t("Create new account"), user_register($edit));
$theme->box(t("Create new account"), $output);
case t("Log in"):
@ -1145,7 +1167,7 @@ function user_page() {
$theme->box(t("Log in"), $output);
case t("Delete account"):
case t("Delete account"):
case t("delete");
$output = user_delete();
@ -1153,7 +1175,7 @@ function user_page() {
$theme->box(t("Delete account"), $output);
case t("Save user information"):
case t("Save user information"):
case "edit":
$output = user_edit($edit);
@ -1184,6 +1206,10 @@ function user_page() {
function user_conf_options() {
$output .= form_select("Public registrations", "user_register", variable_get("user_register", 1), array("Only site administrators can create new user accounts.", "Visitors can create accounts and no administrator approval is required.", "Visitors can create accounts but administrator approval is required."));
$output .= form_textfield("Password words", "user_password", variable_get("user_password", "foo,bar,guy,neo,tux,moo,sun,asm,dot,god,axe,geek,nerd,fish,hack,star,mice,warp,moon,hero,cola,girl,fish,java,perl,boss,dark,sith,jedi,drop,mojo"), 55, 256, "A comma separated list of short words that can be concatenated to generate human-readable passwords.");
$output .= form_textfield("Welcome e-mail subject", "user_mail_welcome_subject", variable_get("user_mail_welcome_subject", t("User account details for %username at %site")), 80, 180, "Customize the Subject of your welcome email, which is sent to new members upon registering. Available variables are: %username, %site, %password, %uri, %uri_brief, %mailto");
$output .= form_textarea("Welcome e-mail body", "user_mail_welcome_body", variable_get("user_mail_welcome_body", t("%username,\n\nnThank you for registering at %site. You may now login to %urlmodule.php?mod=login using the following username and password:\n\nusername: %username\npassword: %password\n\nAfter logging in, you may wish to change your password at %pathmodule.php?mod=user&op=edit\n\nYour new %site membership also enables to you to login to other Drupal powered web sites (e.g. without registering. Just use the following Drupal ID and password:\n\nDrupal ID: %username@%uri_brief\npassword: %password\n\n\n-- %site team")), 70, 10, "Customize the Body of the welcome email, which is sent to new members upon registering. Available variables are: %username, %site, %password, %uri, %uri_brief, %mailto");
$output .= form_textfield("Forgotten password e-mail subject", "user_mail_pass_subject", variable_get("user_mail_pass_subject", t("Replacement login information for %username at %site")), 80, 180, "Customize the Subject of your Forgotten Password email. Available variables are: %username, %site, %password, %uri, %uri_brief, %mailto");
$output .= form_textarea("Forgotten password e-mail body", "user_mail_pass_body", variable_get("user_mail_pass_body", t("%username,\n\nHere is your new password for %site. You may now login to %urlmodule.php?mod=login using the following username and password:\n\nusername: %username\npassword: %password\n\nAfter logging in, you may wish to change your password at %pathmodule.php?mod=user&op=edit\n\nYour new %site membership also enables to you to login to other Drupal powered web sites (e.g. without registering. Just use the following Drupal ID and password:\n\nDrupal ID: %username@%uri_brief\npassword: %password\n\n\n-- %site team")), 70, 10, "Customize the Body of the Forgotten Password email. Available variables are: %username, %site, %password, %uri, %uri_brief, %mailto");
return $output;
@ -1224,10 +1250,10 @@ function user_admin_create($edit = array()) {
// do nothing
else if (db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER('". $edit["name"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), $edit["name"]);
$error = strtr(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if (db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT mail FROM users WHERE LOWER(mail) = LOWER('". $edit["mail"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), $edit["mail"]);
$error = strtr(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["mail"]));
else {
$success = 1;
@ -1317,10 +1343,12 @@ function user_admin_access($edit = array()) {
function user_roles() {
function user_roles($membersonly = 0) {
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM role ORDER BY name");
while ($role = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$roles[$role->name] = $role->name;
if (!$membersonly || ($membersonly && $role->name != "anonymous user")) {
$roles[$role->name] = $role->name;
return $roles;
@ -1431,12 +1459,43 @@ function user_admin_role($edit = array()) {
function user_admin_edit($edit = array()) {
global $op, $id, $HTTP_HOST;
global $op, $id, $themes;
if ($account = user_load(array("uid" => $id))) {
if ($op == "Save account") {
$account = user_save($account, $edit);
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "user")) {
$result = module_invoke($module, "user", "edit_validate", $edit, $account);
if (is_array($result)) {
$data = array_merge($data, $result);
elseif (is_string($result)) {
$error = $result;
// TODO: this display/edit/validate should be moved to a new profile.module implementing the _user hooks
if ($error = user_validate_name($edit["name"])) {
// do nothing
else if ($error = user_validate_mail($edit["mail"])) {
// do nothing
else if (db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE uid != '$account->uid' AND LOWER(name) = LOWER('". $edit["name"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = strtr(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if ($edit["mail"] && db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE uid != '$account->uid' AND LOWER(mail) = LOWER('". $edit["mail"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = strtr(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["mail"]));
if (!$error) {
$account = user_save($account, $edit);
$output .= "<p><span style=\"font-style: italic; font-weight: bold\" class=\"status\">" . t("Your user information changes have been saved.") . "</span></p>";
else {
$output .= "<p><span style=\"color: red;\" class=\"error\">". check_output($error) ."</span></p>";
else if ($op == "Delete account") {
if ($edit["status"] == 0) {
@ -1449,38 +1508,37 @@ function user_admin_edit($edit = array()) {
if (!$output) {
** Display user form:
** Display user form:
$output .= form_item("User ID", check_output($account->uid));
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $account->name, 30, 55, t("Your full name or your prefered username: only letters, numbers and spaces are allowed."));
$output .= form_textfield(t("E-mail address"), "mail", $account->mail, 30, 55, t("Insert a valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail."));
$output .= form_item("User ID", check_output($account->uid));
$output .= form_item(t("Name"), check_output("$account->name ($account->init)"));
$output .= form_item(t("E-mail address"), format_email($account->mail));
$result = user_get_authmaps($account);
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "auth")) {
if ($module != "drupal") {
$output .= form_item(module_invoke($module, "info", "name") . " ID", check_output($result[$module]));
else {
$output .= form_item(module_invoke($module, "info", "name") . " ID", check_output($account->name) ."@$HTTP_HOST");
$output .= form_item(t("Theme"), check_output("$account->theme"));
$output .= form_select("Status", "status", $account->status, array("blocked", "active"));
$output .= form_select("Role", "role", $account->role, user_roles());
$output .= form_submit("Save account");
$output .= form_submit("Delete account");
$output = form($output);
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "user")) {
$output .= module_invoke($module, "user", "edit_form", $edit, $account);
$output .= form_textfield(t("Homepage"), "homepage", $account->homepage, 30, 55, t("Optional") .". ". t("Make sure you enter a fully qualified URL: remember to include \"http://\"."));
foreach ($themes as $key => $value) $options .= "<option value=\"$key\"". (($account->theme == $key) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") .">$key - $value[1]</option>\n";
$output .= form_item(t("Theme"), "<select name=\"edit[theme]\">$options</select>", t("Selecting a different theme will change the look and feel of the site."));
for ($zone = -43200; $zone <= 46800; $zone += 3600) $zones[$zone] = date("l, F dS, Y - h:i A", time() - date("Z") + $zone) ." (GMT ". $zone / 3600 .")";
$output .= form_select(t("Timezone"), "timezone", $account->timezone, $zones, t("Select what time you currently have and your timezone settings will be set appropriate."));
$output .= form_select(t("Language"), "language", $account->language, $languages, t("Selecting a different language will change the language of the site."));
$output .= form_textarea(t("Signature"), "signature", $account->signature, 70, 3, t("Your signature will be publicly displayed at the end of your comments.") ."<br />". t("Allowed HTML tags") .": ". htmlspecialchars(variable_get("allowed_html", "")));
$output .= form_select("Status", "status", $account->status, array("blocked", "active"));
$output .= form_select("Role", "role", $account->role, user_roles(1));
$output .= form_submit("Save account");
$output .= form_submit("Delete account");
$output = form($output);
else {
$output = "no such user";
@ -1491,7 +1549,10 @@ function user_admin_edit($edit = array()) {
function user_admin_account() {
global $query;
$queries = array(array("ORDER BY timestamp DESC", "active users"), array("ORDER BY uid DESC", "new users"), array("WHERE status = 0 ORDER BY uid DESC", "blocked users"), array("WHERE role != 'authenticated user' ORDER BY uid DESC", "non-regular users"));
$queries = array(array("ORDER BY timestamp DESC", "active users"), array("ORDER BY uid DESC", "new users"), array("WHERE status = 0 ORDER BY uid DESC", "blocked users"));
foreach (user_roles(1) as $key => $value) {
$queries[] = array("WHERE role = '$value' ORDER BY uid DESC", $value . "s");
$result = db_query("SELECT uid, name, timestamp FROM users ". $queries[$query ? $query : 0][0] ." LIMIT 50");
@ -1520,7 +1581,6 @@ function admin_access_init() {
if (!$role) db_query("INSERT INTO role (name) VALUES ('authenticated user')");
function user_admin() {
global $edit, $id, $op, $user;
@ -1543,7 +1603,6 @@ function user_admin() {
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=user&op=permission\">user permissions</a>";
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=user&op=search\">search account</a>";
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=user&op=settings\">settings</a>";
// $links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=user&op=info\">auth modules</a>";
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=user&op=help\">help</a>";
print "<small>". implode(" · ", $links) ."</small><hr />";
@ -187,16 +187,12 @@ function user_validate_mail($mail) {
function user_validate_authmaps($account, $edit) {
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "auth")) {
$result = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) from authmap WHERE uid != '$account->uid' && authname = '". $edit["authname_$module"] . "'");
if (db_result($result) > 0) {
$info = module_invoke($module, "info");
return sprintf(t("The %s ID %s is already taken."), ucfirst($info["name"]), "<i>". $edit["authname_$module"] ."</i>");
function user_validate_authmap($account, $authname, $module) {
$result = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) from authmap WHERE uid != '$account->uid' && authname = '$authname'");
if (db_result($result) > 0) {
$name = module_invoke($module, "info", "name");
return strtr(t("The %u ID %s is already taken."), array("%u" => ucfirst($name), "%s" => "<i>$authname</i>"));
function user_password($min_length = 6) {
@ -240,7 +236,6 @@ function user_access($string) {
function user_mail($mail, $subject, $message, $header) {
// print "<pre>subject: $subject<hr />header: $header<hr />$message</pre>";
if (variable_get("smtp_library", "") && file_exists(variable_get("smtp_library", ""))) {
include_once variable_get("smtp_library", "");
return user_mail_wrapper($mail, $subject, $message, $header);
@ -321,7 +316,7 @@ function user_help() {
reports which help you manage your users. The following pages are available:</p>
<h4>add new user</h4>
<p>If your site blocks is completely private, and doesn't allow registration for
<p>If your site is completely private, and doesn't allow registration for
any old web user (see <a href="#settings">Settings</a> for this feature), then
you'll need to add new users manually. This web page allows any administrator
to register a new user.</p>
@ -433,8 +428,13 @@ roles:
<h3><br />
User Preferences</h3>
<p>Coming soonish.</p>
User Preferences and Profile</h3>
<p>Drupal comes with a set of user preferences and profile which a user may edit by
clicking on the user account link. Of course, a user must be logged into reach those pages.
There, users will find a page for changing their preferred timezone, language, username, email address, password, theme, signature, homepage, and <a href="#da">distributed authentication</a> names.
Changes made here take effect immediately. Also, administrators may make profile and preferences changes in the Admin Center on behalf of their users.</p>
<p>Module developers are provided several hooks for adding custom fields to the user view/edit pages. These hooks are described in the Developer section of the <A href="">Drupal Handbook</a>. For an example, see the <code>jabber_user()</code> function in <i>/modules/jabber.module</i>.
@ -475,9 +475,13 @@ function user_block() {
$output .= "<b>". t("Password") .":</b><br /><input name=\"edit[pass]\" size=\"15\" type=\"password\" /><br />\n";
$output .= "<input name=\"edit[remember_me]\" type=\"checkbox\" />". t("Remember me") ."<br />\n";
$output .= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"". t("Log in") ."\" /><br />\n";
if (variable_get("account_register", 1)) $output .= " <a href=\"module.php?mod=user\" title=\"". t("Create a new user account.") ."\">". t("REGISTER") ."</a>\n";
$output .= "</form>\n";
$output .= "</div>\n";
if (variable_get("account_register", 1)) {
$output .= "» <a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=register\" title=\"". t("Create a new user account.") ."\">". t("Register") ."</a>\n";
$output .= "<br \>» <a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=password\" title=\"". t("Request new password via e-mail") . "\">" . t("New password") . "</a><br />";
$output .= "</form>\n";
$block[1]["content"] = $output;
@ -513,7 +517,7 @@ function user_link($type) {
if ($type == "menu.settings") {
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=edit\" title=\"". t("View and edit your account information.") ."\">". t("account settings") ."</a>";
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=edit\" title=\"". t("View and edit your account information.") ."\">". t("edit account") ."</a>";
if ($type == "menu.misc") {
@ -553,20 +557,25 @@ function user_xmlrpc() {
/*** Authentication methods ************************************************/
function user_get_authmaps($account = NULL, $authname = NULL) {
function user_get_authname($account, $module) {
** Called by authentication modules in order to edit/view their authmap information.
$result = db_query("SELECT authname FROM authmap WHERE uid = '$account->uid' && module = '$module'");
return db_result($result);
function user_get_authmaps($authname = NULL) {
** Accepts an user object, $account, or an DA name and returns an
** associtive array of modules and DA names.
** associtive array of modules and DA names. Called at external login.
if (!$account) { //called at external login
$result = db_query("SELECT authname, module FROM authmap WHERE authname = '$authname'");
else { //called from user_edit, user_view,, admin_user_edit
$result = db_query("SELECT authname, module FROM authmap WHERE uid = '$account->uid'");
$result = db_query("SELECT authname, module FROM authmap WHERE authname = '$authname'");
if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($authmap = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$authmaps[$authmap->module] = $authmap->authname;
@ -624,7 +633,7 @@ function user_help_da() {
on logging into %s in the same manner, and he will always be logged into the
same account.</p>";
$output = sprintf(t($output), $site, $site, $site, $site, $site, $site);
$output = strtr(t($output), array("%s" => $site));
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "auth")) {
@ -659,7 +668,7 @@ function user_login($edit = array()) {
if (user_deny("user", $edit["name"])) {
$error = sprintf(t("The name '%s' has been denied access."), $edit["name"]);
$error = strtr(t("The name '%s' has been denied access."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if ($edit["name"] && $edit["pass"]) {
@ -687,13 +696,13 @@ function user_login($edit = array()) {
** When possible, determine corrosponding external auth source. Invoke source, and login user if successful:
if (!$user && $server && $result = user_get_authmaps("", "$name@$server")) {
if (!$user && $server && $result = user_get_authmaps("$name@$server")) {
if (module_invoke(key($result), "auth", $name, $pass, $server)) {
$user = user_external_load("$name@$server");
watchdog("user", "external load: $name@$server, module: " . key($result));
else {
$error = sprintf(t("Invalid password for %s."), "<i>$name@$server</i>");
$error = strtr(t("Invalid password for %s."), array("%s" => "<i>$name@$server</i>"));
@ -746,7 +755,7 @@ function user_login($edit = array()) {
else {
if (!$error) {
$error = sprintf(t("Sorry. Unrecognized username or password. Have you %sforgotten your password%s?"),"<a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=password\">","</a>");
$error = sprintf(t("Sorry. Unrecognized username or password. Have you %sforgotten your password%s?"), "<a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=password\">", "</a>");
if ($server) {
watchdog("user", "failed login for '$name@$server': $error");
@ -769,9 +778,12 @@ function user_login($edit = array()) {
** Display login form:
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $edit["name"], 20, 64, sprintf(t("Enter your %s username, or an ID from one of our affiliates: %s."), variable_get("site_name", "local"), implode(", ", user_auth_help_links())));
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $edit["name"], 20, 64, strtr(t("Enter your %s username, or an ID from one of our affiliates: %a."), array("%s" => variable_get("site_name", "local"), "%a" => implode(", ", user_auth_help_links()))));
$output .= form_password(t("Password"), "pass", $pass, 20, 64, t("Enter the password that accompanies your username."));
$output .= form_checkbox(t("Remember me"), "remember_me", 1, 0, 0);
$output .= form_submit(t("Log in"));
$output .= "<p>» <a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=password\">" . t("E-mail new password") . "</a><br />";
$output .= "» <a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=register\">" . t("Create new account") . "</a></p>";
return form($output);
@ -801,12 +813,12 @@ function user_logout() {
function user_pass($edit = array()) {
if ($edit["name"]) {
$account = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE name = '". check_input($edit["name"]) . "'"));
if (!$account) $error = sprintf(t("Sorry. The username <i>%s</i> is not recognized."), $edit["name"]);
$account = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT uid, name, mail FROM users WHERE name = '". check_input($edit["name"]) . "'"));
if (!$account) $error = strtr(t("Sorry. The username <i>%s</i> is not recognized."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if ($edit["mail"]) {
$account = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE mail = '". check_input($edit["mail"]) ."'"));
if (!$account) $error = sprintf(t("Sorry. The e-mail address <i>%s</i> is not recognized."), $edit["mail"]);
$account = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT uid, name, mail FROM users WHERE mail = '". check_input($edit["mail"]) ."'"));
if (!$account) $error = strtr(t("Sorry. The e-mail address <i>%s</i> is not recognized."), array("%s" => $edit["mail"]));
if ($account) {
@ -823,14 +835,19 @@ function user_pass($edit = array()) {
** Mail new password:
user_mail($edit["mail"], t("user account details"), sprintf(t("%s,\n\nyou requested us to e-mail you a new password for your account at %s. You can now login using the following username and password:\n\n username: %s\n password: %s\n\n\n-- %s team"), $edit["name"], variable_get("site_name", "drupal"), $edit["name"], $pass, variable_get("site_name", "drupal")), "From: $from\nReply-to: $from\nX-Mailer: Drupal\nReturn-path: $from\nErrors-to: $from");
global $HTTP_HOST;
$variables = array("%username" => $account->name, "%site" => variable_get("site_name", "drupal"), "%password" => $pass, "%uri" => path_uri(), "%uri_brief" => $HTTP_HOST, "%mailto" => $account->mail);
$subject = strtr(variable_get("user_mail_pass_subject", t("Replacement login information for %username at %site")), $variables);
$body = strtr(variable_get("user_mail_pass_body", t("%username,\n\nHere is your new password for %site. You may now login to %urlmodule.php?mod=login using the following username and password:\n\nusername: %username\npassword: %password\n\nAfter logging in, you may wish to change your password at %pathmodule.php?mod=user&op=edit\n\nYour new %site membership also enables to you to login to other Drupal powered web sites (e.g. without registering. Just use the following Drupal ID and password:\n\nDrupal ID: %username@%uri_brief\npassword: %password\n\n\n-- %site team")), $variables);
$headers = "From: $from\nReply-to: $from\nX-Mailer: Drupal\nReturn-path: $from\nErrors-to: $from";
user_mail($account->mail, $subject, $body, $headers);
watchdog("user", "mail password: '". $edit["name"] ."' <". $edit["mail"] .">");
watchdog("user", "mail password: '". $account->name ."' <". $account->mail .">");
return t("Your password and further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.");
else {
// Display error message if necessary.
if ($error) {
$output .= "<p><span style=\"color: red;\" class=\"error\">". check_output($error) ."</span></p>";
@ -840,16 +857,27 @@ function user_pass($edit = array()) {
** Display form:
$output .= sprintf(t("%sEnter your username %sor%s your email address.%s"), "<p>", "<b><i>", "</i></b>", "</p>");
$output .= "<p>". sprintf(t("Enter your username %sor%s your email address."), "<b><i>", "</i></b>") ."</p>";
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $edit["name"], 30, 64);
$output .= form_textfield(t("E-mail address"), "mail", $edit["mail"], 30, 64);
$output .= form_submit(t("E-mail new password"));
$output .= "<p>» <a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=login\">" . t("Log in") . "</a><br />";
$output .= "» <a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=register\">" . t("Create new account") . "</a></p>";
return form($output);
function user_register($edit = array()) {
global $user;
** If we are already logged on, go to the user page instead.
if ($user->uid) {
if ($edit["name"] && $edit["mail"]) {
if ($error = user_validate_name($edit["name"])) {
@ -859,16 +887,16 @@ function user_register($edit = array()) {
// do nothing
else if (user_deny("user", $edit["name"])) {
$error = sprintf(t("The name '%s' has been denied access."), $edit["name"]);
$error = strtr(t("The name '%s' has been denied access."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if (user_deny("mail", $edit["mail"])) {
$error = sprintf(t("The e-mail address '%s' has been denied access."), $edit["mail"]);
$error = strtr(t("The e-mail address '%s' has been denied access."), array("%s" => $edit["mail"]));
else if (db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER('". $edit["name"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), $edit["name"]);
$error = strtr(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if (db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT mail FROM users WHERE LOWER(mail) = LOWER('". $edit["mail"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), $edit["mail"]);
$error = strtr(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["mail"]));
else if (variable_get("user_register", 1) == 0) {
$error = t("Public registrations have been disabled by the site administrator.");
@ -899,52 +927,64 @@ function user_register($edit = array()) {
$from = variable_get("site_mail", ini_get("sendmail_from"));
$pass = user_password();
// create new user account, noting whether administrator approval is required
if (variable_get("user_register", 1) == 1) {
** Create new user account, no administrator approval required:
user_save("", array_merge(array("name" => $edit["name"], "pass" => $pass, "init" => $edit["mail"], "mail" => $edit["mail"], "role" => "authenticated user", "status" => 1), $data));
user_mail($edit["mail"], t("user account details"), sprintf(t("%s,\n\nsomoneone signed up for a user account on %s and supplied this e-mail address as their contact. If it wasn't you, just ignore this mail but if it was you, you can now login using the following username and password:\n\n username: %s\n password: %s\n\n\n-- %s team"), $edit["name"], variable_get("site_name", "drupal"), $edit["name"], $pass, variable_get("site_name", "drupal")), "From: $from\nReply-to: $from\nX-Mailer: Drupal\nReturn-path: $from\nErrors-to: $from");
$user = user_save("", array_merge(array("name" => $edit["name"], "pass" => $pass, "init" => $edit["mail"], "mail" => $edit["mail"], "role" => "authenticated user", "status" => 1), $data));
else {
** Create new user account, administrator approval required:
user_save("", array_merge(array("name" => $edit["name"], "pass" => $pass, "init" => $edit["mail"], "mail" => $edit["mail"], "role" => "authenticated user", "status" => 0), $data));
user_mail($edit["mail"], t("user account details"), sprintf(t("%s,\n\nsomoneone signed up for a user account on %s and supplied this e-mail address as their contact. If it wasn't you, just ignore this mail but if it was you, you can login as soon a site administrator approved your request using the following username and password:\n\n username: %s\n password: %s\n\n\n-- %s team"), $edit["name"], variable_get("site_name", "drupal"), $edit["name"], $pass, variable_get("site_name", "drupal")), "From: $from\nReply-to: $from\nX-Mailer: Drupal\nReturn-path: $from\nErrors-to: $from");
$user = user_save("", array_merge(array("name" => $edit["name"], "pass" => $pass, "init" => $edit["mail"], "mail" => $edit["mail"], "role" => "authenticated user", "status" => 0), $data));
return t("Your password and further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.");
$variables = array("%username" => $edit["name"], "%site" => variable_get("site_name", "drupal"), "%password" => $pass, "%uri" => path_uri(), "%uri_brief" => $HTTP_HOST, "%mailto" => $edit["mail"]);
//the first user may login immediately, and receives a customized welcome email.
if ($user->uid == 1) {
user_mail($edit["mail"], strtr(t("drupal user account details for %s"), array("%s" => $edit["name"])), strtr(t("%username,\n\nYou may now login to %uri using the following username and password:\n\n username: %username\n password: %password\n\nAfter logging in, you may wish to visit the following pages:\n\nAdministration: %uriadmin.php\nEdit user account: %utimodule.php?mod=user&op=edit\n\n--drupal"), $variables), "From: $from\nReply-to: $from\nX-Mailer: Drupal\nReturn-path: $from\nErrors-to: $from");
// This should not be t()'ed. No point as its only shown once in the sites lifetime, and it would be bad to store the password
$output .= "<p>Welcome to Drupal. You are user #1, which gives you full and immediate access. All future registrants will receive their passwords via email, so please configure your email settings using the Administration pages.</p><p> Your password is <b>$pass</b>. You may change your password on the next page.</p><p>Please login below.</p>";
$output .= form_hidden("name", $user->name);
$output .= form_hidden("pass", $pass);
$output .= form_submit(t("Log in"));
return form($output);
else {
global $HTTP_HOST;
$subject = strtr(variable_get("user_mail_welcome_subject", t("User account details for %username at %site")), $variables);
$body = strtr(variable_get("user_mail_welcome_body", t("%username,\n\nnThank you for registering at %site. You may now login to %urlmodule.php?mod=login using the following username and password:\n\nusername: %username\npassword: %password\n\nAfter logging in, you may wish to change your password at %urimodule.php?mod=user&op=edit\n\nYour new %site membership also enables to you to login to other Drupal powered web sites (e.g. without registering. Just use the following Drupal ID and password:\n\nDrupal ID: %username@%uri_brief\npassword: %password\n\n\n-- %site team")), $variables);
user_mail($edit["mail"], $subject, $body, "From: $from\nReply-to: $from\nX-Mailer: Drupal\nReturn-path: $from\nErrors-to: $from");
return t("Your password and further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.");
else {
if ($error) {
$output .= "<p><span style=\"color: red;\" class=\"error\">". check_output($error) ."</span></p>";
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $edit["name"], 30, 64, t("Your full name or your prefered username: only letters, numbers and spaces are allowed."));
$output .= form_textfield(t("E-mail address"), "mail", $edit["mail"], 30, 64, t("Your e-mail address: a password and instructions will be sent to this e-mail address so make sure it is accurate."));
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "user")) {
$output .= module_invoke($module, "user", "register_form", $edit, $user);
$output .= form_submit(t("Create new account"));
return form($output);
// display the registration form
$affiliates = user_auth_help_links();
if (array_count_values($affiliates) > 1) {
$affiliates = implode(", ", $affiliates);
$output .= "<p>" . strtr(t("Note: If you have an account with one of our affiliates (%s), you may <a href=\"\module.php?mod=user&op=login\">login now</a> instead of registering."), array("%s" => $affiliates)) ."</p>";
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $edit["name"], 30, 64, t("Your full name or your prefered username: only letters, numbers and spaces are allowed."));
$output .= form_textfield(t("E-mail address"), "mail", $edit["mail"], 30, 64, t("A password and instructions will be sent to this e-mail address, so make sure it is accurate."));
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "user")) {
$output .= module_invoke($module, "user", "register_form", $edit, $user);
$output .= form_submit(t("Create new account"));
return form($output);
function user_delete() {
global $edit, $user;
if ($edit["confirm"]) {
watchdog(user,"$user->name deactivated her own account.");
watchdog(user,"$user->name deactivated her own account.");
db_query("UPDATE users SET mail = 'deleted', status='0' WHERE uid = '$user->uid'");
$output .= t("Your account has been deactivated.");
@ -958,7 +998,7 @@ function user_delete() {
function user_edit($edit = array()) {
global $HTTP_HOST, $themes, $user, $languages;
global $themes, $user, $languages;
if ($user->uid) {
if ($edit["name"]) {
@ -969,13 +1009,10 @@ function user_edit($edit = array()) {
// do nothing
else if (db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE uid != '$user->uid' AND LOWER(name) = LOWER('". $edit["name"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), $edit["name"]);
$error = strtr(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if ($edit["mail"] && db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE uid != '$user->uid' AND LOWER(mail) = LOWER('". $edit["mail"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), $edit["mail"]);
else if ($error = user_validate_authmaps($user, $edit)) {
// do nothing
$error = strtr(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["mail"]));
else if ($user->uid) {
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
@ -1014,7 +1051,7 @@ function user_edit($edit = array()) {
$user = user_save($user, array_merge($edit, $data));
$output .= sprintf(t("Your user information changes have been saved."), "<p><b>", "</b></p>");
$output .= t("Your user information changes have been saved.");
@ -1026,13 +1063,6 @@ function user_edit($edit = array()) {
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $user->name, 30, 55, t("Your full name or your prefered username: only letters, numbers and spaces are allowed."));
$output .= form_textfield(t("E-mail address"), "mail", $user->mail, 30, 55, t("Insert a valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail."));
$result = user_get_authmaps($user);
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if ($module != "drupal" && module_hook($module, "auth")) {
$output .= form_textfield(module_invoke($module, "info", "name") . " ID", "authname_" . $module, $result[$module], 30, 55, sprintf(t("You may login to %s using a valid %s."), variable_get("site_name", "this web site"), "<a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=help#$module\">". module_invoke($module, "info", "name") ." ID</a>", ""));
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "user")) {
$output .= module_invoke($module, "user", "edit_form", $edit, $user);
@ -1040,7 +1070,9 @@ function user_edit($edit = array()) {
$output .= form_textfield(t("Homepage"), "homepage", $user->homepage, 30, 55, t("Optional") .". ". t("Make sure you enter a fully qualified URL: remember to include \"http://\"."));
foreach ($themes as $key => $value) $options .= "<option value=\"$key\"". (($user->theme == $key) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") .">$key - $value[1]</option>\n";
foreach (theme_list() as $key => $value) {
$options .= "$value[type]<option value=\"$key\"". (($user->theme == $key) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") .">$key - $value->description</option>\n";
$output .= form_item(t("Theme"), "<select name=\"edit[theme]\">$options</select>", t("Selecting a different theme will change the look and feel of the site."));
for ($zone = -43200; $zone <= 46800; $zone += 3600) $zones[$zone] = date("l, F dS, Y - h:i A", time() - date("Z") + $zone) ." (GMT ". $zone / 3600 .")";
$output .= form_select(t("Timezone"), "timezone", $user->timezone, $zones, t("Select what time you currently have and your timezone settings will be set appropriate."));
@ -1048,7 +1080,7 @@ function user_edit($edit = array()) {
$output .= form_textarea(t("Signature"), "signature", $user->signature, 70, 3, t("Your signature will be publicly displayed at the end of your comments.") ."<br />". t("Allowed HTML tags") .": ". htmlspecialchars(variable_get("allowed_html", "")));
$output .= form_item(t("Password"), "<input type=\"password\" name=\"edit[pass1]\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"24\" /> <input type=\"password\" name=\"edit[pass2]\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"24\" />", t("Enter your new password twice if you want to change your current password or leave it blank if you are happy with your current password."));
$output .= form_submit(t("Save user information"));
$output = form($output);
@ -1064,7 +1096,7 @@ function user_menu() {
function user_view($uid = 0) {
global $theme, $user, $HTTP_HOST;
global $theme, $user;
if (!$uid) {
$uid = $user->uid;
@ -1073,17 +1105,6 @@ function user_view($uid = 0) {
if ($user->uid && $user->uid == $uid) {
$output .= form_item(t("Name"), check_output("$user->name ($user->init)"));
$output .= form_item(t("E-mail address"), check_output($user->mail));
$result = user_get_authmaps($user);
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "auth")) {
if ($module != "drupal") {
$output .= form_item(module_invoke($module, "info", "name") . " ID", check_output($result[$module]));
else {
$output .= form_item(module_invoke($module, "info", "name") . " ID", check_output($user->name) . "@$HTTP_HOST");
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "user")) {
@ -1134,8 +1155,9 @@ function user_page() {
case t("Create new account"):
case "register":
$output = user_register($edit);
$theme->box(t("Create new account"), user_register($edit));
$theme->box(t("Create new account"), $output);
case t("Log in"):
@ -1145,7 +1167,7 @@ function user_page() {
$theme->box(t("Log in"), $output);
case t("Delete account"):
case t("Delete account"):
case t("delete");
$output = user_delete();
@ -1153,7 +1175,7 @@ function user_page() {
$theme->box(t("Delete account"), $output);
case t("Save user information"):
case t("Save user information"):
case "edit":
$output = user_edit($edit);
@ -1184,6 +1206,10 @@ function user_page() {
function user_conf_options() {
$output .= form_select("Public registrations", "user_register", variable_get("user_register", 1), array("Only site administrators can create new user accounts.", "Visitors can create accounts and no administrator approval is required.", "Visitors can create accounts but administrator approval is required."));
$output .= form_textfield("Password words", "user_password", variable_get("user_password", "foo,bar,guy,neo,tux,moo,sun,asm,dot,god,axe,geek,nerd,fish,hack,star,mice,warp,moon,hero,cola,girl,fish,java,perl,boss,dark,sith,jedi,drop,mojo"), 55, 256, "A comma separated list of short words that can be concatenated to generate human-readable passwords.");
$output .= form_textfield("Welcome e-mail subject", "user_mail_welcome_subject", variable_get("user_mail_welcome_subject", t("User account details for %username at %site")), 80, 180, "Customize the Subject of your welcome email, which is sent to new members upon registering. Available variables are: %username, %site, %password, %uri, %uri_brief, %mailto");
$output .= form_textarea("Welcome e-mail body", "user_mail_welcome_body", variable_get("user_mail_welcome_body", t("%username,\n\nnThank you for registering at %site. You may now login to %urlmodule.php?mod=login using the following username and password:\n\nusername: %username\npassword: %password\n\nAfter logging in, you may wish to change your password at %pathmodule.php?mod=user&op=edit\n\nYour new %site membership also enables to you to login to other Drupal powered web sites (e.g. without registering. Just use the following Drupal ID and password:\n\nDrupal ID: %username@%uri_brief\npassword: %password\n\n\n-- %site team")), 70, 10, "Customize the Body of the welcome email, which is sent to new members upon registering. Available variables are: %username, %site, %password, %uri, %uri_brief, %mailto");
$output .= form_textfield("Forgotten password e-mail subject", "user_mail_pass_subject", variable_get("user_mail_pass_subject", t("Replacement login information for %username at %site")), 80, 180, "Customize the Subject of your Forgotten Password email. Available variables are: %username, %site, %password, %uri, %uri_brief, %mailto");
$output .= form_textarea("Forgotten password e-mail body", "user_mail_pass_body", variable_get("user_mail_pass_body", t("%username,\n\nHere is your new password for %site. You may now login to %urlmodule.php?mod=login using the following username and password:\n\nusername: %username\npassword: %password\n\nAfter logging in, you may wish to change your password at %pathmodule.php?mod=user&op=edit\n\nYour new %site membership also enables to you to login to other Drupal powered web sites (e.g. without registering. Just use the following Drupal ID and password:\n\nDrupal ID: %username@%uri_brief\npassword: %password\n\n\n-- %site team")), 70, 10, "Customize the Body of the Forgotten Password email. Available variables are: %username, %site, %password, %uri, %uri_brief, %mailto");
return $output;
@ -1224,10 +1250,10 @@ function user_admin_create($edit = array()) {
// do nothing
else if (db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER('". $edit["name"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), $edit["name"]);
$error = strtr(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if (db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT mail FROM users WHERE LOWER(mail) = LOWER('". $edit["mail"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = sprintf(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), $edit["mail"]);
$error = strtr(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["mail"]));
else {
$success = 1;
@ -1317,10 +1343,12 @@ function user_admin_access($edit = array()) {
function user_roles() {
function user_roles($membersonly = 0) {
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM role ORDER BY name");
while ($role = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$roles[$role->name] = $role->name;
if (!$membersonly || ($membersonly && $role->name != "anonymous user")) {
$roles[$role->name] = $role->name;
return $roles;
@ -1431,12 +1459,43 @@ function user_admin_role($edit = array()) {
function user_admin_edit($edit = array()) {
global $op, $id, $HTTP_HOST;
global $op, $id, $themes;
if ($account = user_load(array("uid" => $id))) {
if ($op == "Save account") {
$account = user_save($account, $edit);
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "user")) {
$result = module_invoke($module, "user", "edit_validate", $edit, $account);
if (is_array($result)) {
$data = array_merge($data, $result);
elseif (is_string($result)) {
$error = $result;
// TODO: this display/edit/validate should be moved to a new profile.module implementing the _user hooks
if ($error = user_validate_name($edit["name"])) {
// do nothing
else if ($error = user_validate_mail($edit["mail"])) {
// do nothing
else if (db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE uid != '$account->uid' AND LOWER(name) = LOWER('". $edit["name"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = strtr(t("The name '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["name"]));
else if ($edit["mail"] && db_num_rows(db_query("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE uid != '$account->uid' AND LOWER(mail) = LOWER('". $edit["mail"] ."')")) > 0) {
$error = strtr(t("The e-mail address '%s' is already taken."), array("%s" => $edit["mail"]));
if (!$error) {
$account = user_save($account, $edit);
$output .= "<p><span style=\"font-style: italic; font-weight: bold\" class=\"status\">" . t("Your user information changes have been saved.") . "</span></p>";
else {
$output .= "<p><span style=\"color: red;\" class=\"error\">". check_output($error) ."</span></p>";
else if ($op == "Delete account") {
if ($edit["status"] == 0) {
@ -1449,38 +1508,37 @@ function user_admin_edit($edit = array()) {
if (!$output) {
** Display user form:
** Display user form:
$output .= form_item("User ID", check_output($account->uid));
$output .= form_textfield(t("Username"), "name", $account->name, 30, 55, t("Your full name or your prefered username: only letters, numbers and spaces are allowed."));
$output .= form_textfield(t("E-mail address"), "mail", $account->mail, 30, 55, t("Insert a valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail."));
$output .= form_item("User ID", check_output($account->uid));
$output .= form_item(t("Name"), check_output("$account->name ($account->init)"));
$output .= form_item(t("E-mail address"), format_email($account->mail));
$result = user_get_authmaps($account);
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "auth")) {
if ($module != "drupal") {
$output .= form_item(module_invoke($module, "info", "name") . " ID", check_output($result[$module]));
else {
$output .= form_item(module_invoke($module, "info", "name") . " ID", check_output($account->name) ."@$HTTP_HOST");
$output .= form_item(t("Theme"), check_output("$account->theme"));
$output .= form_select("Status", "status", $account->status, array("blocked", "active"));
$output .= form_select("Role", "role", $account->role, user_roles());
$output .= form_submit("Save account");
$output .= form_submit("Delete account");
$output = form($output);
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
if (module_hook($module, "user")) {
$output .= module_invoke($module, "user", "edit_form", $edit, $account);
$output .= form_textfield(t("Homepage"), "homepage", $account->homepage, 30, 55, t("Optional") .". ". t("Make sure you enter a fully qualified URL: remember to include \"http://\"."));
foreach ($themes as $key => $value) $options .= "<option value=\"$key\"". (($account->theme == $key) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") .">$key - $value[1]</option>\n";
$output .= form_item(t("Theme"), "<select name=\"edit[theme]\">$options</select>", t("Selecting a different theme will change the look and feel of the site."));
for ($zone = -43200; $zone <= 46800; $zone += 3600) $zones[$zone] = date("l, F dS, Y - h:i A", time() - date("Z") + $zone) ." (GMT ". $zone / 3600 .")";
$output .= form_select(t("Timezone"), "timezone", $account->timezone, $zones, t("Select what time you currently have and your timezone settings will be set appropriate."));
$output .= form_select(t("Language"), "language", $account->language, $languages, t("Selecting a different language will change the language of the site."));
$output .= form_textarea(t("Signature"), "signature", $account->signature, 70, 3, t("Your signature will be publicly displayed at the end of your comments.") ."<br />". t("Allowed HTML tags") .": ". htmlspecialchars(variable_get("allowed_html", "")));
$output .= form_select("Status", "status", $account->status, array("blocked", "active"));
$output .= form_select("Role", "role", $account->role, user_roles(1));
$output .= form_submit("Save account");
$output .= form_submit("Delete account");
$output = form($output);
else {
$output = "no such user";
@ -1491,7 +1549,10 @@ function user_admin_edit($edit = array()) {
function user_admin_account() {
global $query;
$queries = array(array("ORDER BY timestamp DESC", "active users"), array("ORDER BY uid DESC", "new users"), array("WHERE status = 0 ORDER BY uid DESC", "blocked users"), array("WHERE role != 'authenticated user' ORDER BY uid DESC", "non-regular users"));
$queries = array(array("ORDER BY timestamp DESC", "active users"), array("ORDER BY uid DESC", "new users"), array("WHERE status = 0 ORDER BY uid DESC", "blocked users"));
foreach (user_roles(1) as $key => $value) {
$queries[] = array("WHERE role = '$value' ORDER BY uid DESC", $value . "s");
$result = db_query("SELECT uid, name, timestamp FROM users ". $queries[$query ? $query : 0][0] ." LIMIT 50");
@ -1520,7 +1581,6 @@ function admin_access_init() {
if (!$role) db_query("INSERT INTO role (name) VALUES ('authenticated user')");
function user_admin() {
global $edit, $id, $op, $user;
@ -1543,7 +1603,6 @@ function user_admin() {
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=user&op=permission\">user permissions</a>";
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=user&op=search\">search account</a>";
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=user&op=settings\">settings</a>";
// $links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=user&op=info\">auth modules</a>";
$links[] = "<a href=\"admin.php?mod=user&op=help\">help</a>";
print "<small>". implode(" · ", $links) ."</small><hr />";
@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
// $Id$
class Theme_example extends BaseTheme {
class Theme_example extends BaseTheme {
function system($field) {
$system["name"] = "Stone Age";
$system["author"] = "Dries Buytaerts";
$system["description"] = "Internet explorer, Netscape, Opera, Lynx";
return $system[$field];
@ -17,6 +17,14 @@
var $foreground = "#000000";
var $background = "#FFFFFF";
function system($field) {
$system["name"] = "Goofy";
$system["author"] = "Steven Wittens";
$system["description"] = "Internet explorer, Netscape, Opera";
return $system[$field];
function header($title = "") {
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
@ -18,6 +18,14 @@
var $foreground = "#000000";
var $background = "#EAEAEA";
function system($field) {
$system["name"] = "Marvin";
$system["author"] = "Dries Buytaerts";
$system["description"] = "Internet explorer, Netscape, Opera";
return $system[$field];
function header($title = "") {
@ -37,6 +37,14 @@
var $bgcolor3 = "#D7D7D7";
var $fgcolor3 = "#000000";
function system($field) {
$system["name"] = "UnConeD";
$system["author"] = "Steven Wittens";
$system["description"] = "Internet explorer, Netscape, Opera";
return $system[$field];
function header($title = "") {
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ if (!get_cfg_var("safe_mode")) {
// Define the various updates in an array("date : comment" => "function");
$mysql_updates = array(
"2001-10-10" => "update_1",
"2001-10-12 : Pearification" => "update_2",
"2001-10-12 : pearification" => "update_2",
"2001-10-14" => "update_3",
"2001-10-16" => "update_4",
"2001-10-17" => "update_5",
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $mysql_updates = array(
"2001-11-01" => "update_7",
"2001-11-02" => "update_8",
"2001-11-04" => "update_9",
"2001-11-17: distributed authentication" => "update_10",
"2001-11-17 : distributed authentication" => "update_10",
"2001-12-01" => "update_11",
"2001-12-06" => "update_12",
"2001-12-09" => "update_13",
@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ $mysql_updates = array(
"2002-01-30" => "update_21",
"2002-02-19" => "update_22",
"2002-03-05" => "update_23",
"2002-04-08" => "update_24"
"2002-04-08" => "update_24",
"2002-03-11 : modules/themes web config" => "update_25"
// Update functions
@ -345,6 +346,14 @@ function update_24() {
update_sql("UPDATE site SET threshold = '50';");
function update_25() {
update_sql("CREATE TABLE `system` (filename varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', type varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', description varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', status int(2) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (filename));");
update_sql("REPLACE system SET name = 'drupal', type = 'module', filename = 'drupal.module', status = '1';");
update_sql("REPLACE system SET name = 'system', type = 'module', filename = 'system.module', status = '1';");
update_sql("REPLACE system SET name = 'user', type = 'module', filename = 'user.module', status = '1';");
update_sql("REPLACE system SET name = 'watchdog', type = 'module', filename = 'watchdog.module', status = '1';");
** System functions
Reference in New Issue