- When user #1 creates an account (we can assume this happens only once), system.module's schema version is set to the latest availiable.
- system_get_files_database() now includes a 'schema_version' child of each file object.
- That new information is re-saved when Drupal re-populates the system table.
- An array of newly-enabled modules is built, module_list() is reloaded, and the schema versions of each newly-enabled module are set to the most recent availiable. If the schema version is already set (presumably from a previous installation) it is not changed.
If your module uses variable_get('file_directory_temp', ...) or
variable_get('file_directory_path', ...) please update it to use the new
A list of affected modules is available at http://drupal.org/node/26249#comment-54194.
Deprecates the primary_links module.
This patch was much needed. Thanks Richards!
NOTE: if some themers could investigate if there is room for improvement
with regard to theming, that would be awesome.
* Default form value
* Leftover debug function in form.inc
* PHP5 issue with comment date (I got this patch from another issue)
* Validation error fix (was calling legacy form validate)
* Lots o' warnings on comment preview
* Filter tips plus argument (gremlins. I swear this was not there.)
* Message to clear what's going on with system settings
* Non-freetagging taxonomies fixed
+ The contact.module was broken; a new patch for contact.module is needed.
+ Documentation is needed.
+ The most important modules need to be updated ASAP.
* adds a "feed settings" section to admin/settings where 2 new settings are introduced:
* number of items per feed
* default length of feed descriptions (title only, teaser, full)
* patches all of core to obey the above - including the new aggregator (out) feeds
* adds support for adding namespaces in _nodeapi('rss item') - which means things like iTunes RSS and yahoo's media rss can be implemented by the appropriate modules (i.e. audio.module)
* includes some additional info in the default node feed - specifically the element (links directly to comments) - and dc:creator - to show node author information.