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Argo-Events Chart

This is a community maintained chart. It installs the argo-events application. This application comes packaged with:

  • Sensor Custom Resource Definition (See CRD Notes)
  • EventSource Custom Resource Definition (See CRD Notes)
  • EventBus Custom Resource Definition (See CRD Notes)
  • Sensor Controller Deployment
  • EventSource Controller Deployment
  • EventBus Controller Deployment
  • Service Account
  • Roles
  • Role Bindings
  • Cluster Roles
  • Cluster Role Bindings

To regenerate this document, from the root of this chart directory run:

docker run --rm --volume "$(pwd):/helm-docs" -u $(id -u) jnorwood/helm-docs:latest

Notes on CRD Installation

Some users would prefer to install the CRDs outside of the chart. You can disable the CRD installation of this chart by using --skip-crds when installing the chart.

You can install the CRDs manually from crds folder.


General parameters

Key Type Default Description
additionalSaNamespaces list [] Create service accounts in additional namespaces specified The SA will always be created in the release namespaces
additionalServiceAccountRules list (See values.yaml) Additional rules
createAggregateRoles bool true Create clusterroles that extend existing clusterroles to interact with argo-events CRDs. Only applies for cluster-wide installation (singleNamespace: true)
fullnameOverride string "" String to fully override "argo-events.fullname" template
imagePullPolicy string "Always" The image pull policy
imagePullSecrets list [] Secrets with credentials to pull images from a private registry
nameOverride string "" String to partially override "argo-events.fullname" template
registry string "" docker registry
securityContext object {"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":9731} Common PodSecurityContext for all controllers
serviceAccount string "argo-events-sa" ServiceAccount to use for running controller.
serviceAccountAnnotations object {} Annotations applied to created service account. Can be used to enable GKE workload identity, or other use-cases
singleNamespace bool true Whether to run in namespaced scope. Set singleNamespace to false to have the controllers listen on all namespaces. Otherwise the controllers will listen on the namespace where the chart is installed in.

Event Bus Controller

Key Type Default Description
eventbusController.affinity object {} Assign custom affinity rules to the event bus controller
eventbusController.containerSecurityContext object {} Event bus controller container-level security context
eventbusController.extraEnv list [] Additional environment variables to pass to event bus controller
eventbusController.image string "argoproj/argo-events" Repository to use for the event bus controller string "eventbus-controller" Event bus controller name
eventbusController.natsMetricsExporterImage string "natsio/prometheus-nats-exporter:0.8.0" NATS metrics exporter container image to use for the event bus
eventbusController.natsStreamingImage string "nats-streaming:0.22.1" NATS streaming container image to use for the event bus
eventbusController.nodeSelector object {} Node selector
eventbusController.podAnnotations object {} Annotations to be added to event bus controller pods
eventbusController.podLabels object {} Labels to be added to event event bus controller pods
eventbusController.priorityClassName string "" Priority class for the event bus controller
eventbusController.replicaCount int 1 The number of event bus controller pods to run
eventbusController.resources object {} Resource limits and requests for the event bus controller pods
eventbusController.tag string "" (default is the chart appVersion) Overrides the image tag
eventbusController.tolerations list [] Tolerations for use with node taints

Event Source Controller

Key Type Default Description
eventsourceController.affinity object {} Assign custom affinity rules to the event source controller
eventsourceController.containerSecurityContext object {} Event source controller container-level security context
eventsourceController.eventsourceImage string "argoproj/argo-events" Repository to use for the event source image
eventsourceController.extraEnv list [] Additional environment variables to pass to event source controller
eventsourceController.image string "argoproj/argo-events" Repository to use for the event source controller string "eventsource-controller" Event source controller name
eventsourceController.nodeSelector object {} Node selector
eventsourceController.podAnnotations object {} Annotations to be added to event source controller pods
eventsourceController.podLabels object {} Labels to be added to event source controller pods
eventsourceController.priorityClassName string "" Priority class for the event source controller
eventsourceController.replicaCount int 1 The number of event source controller pods to run
eventsourceController.resources object {} Resource limits and requests for the event source controller pods
eventsourceController.tag string "" (default is the chart appVersion) Overrides the image tag
eventsourceController.tolerations list [] Tolerations for use with node taints

Sensor Controller

Key Type Default Description
sensorController.affinity object {} Assign custom affinity rules to the sensor controller
sensorController.containerSecurityContext object {} Sensor controllers container-level security context
sensorController.extraEnv list [] Additional environment variables to pass to sensor controller
sensorController.image string "argoproj/argo-events" Repository to use for the sensor controller string "sensor-controller" Sensor controller name
sensorController.nodeSelector object {} Node selector
sensorController.podAnnotations object {} Annotations to be added to sensor controller pods
sensorController.podLabels object {} Labels to be added to sensor controller pods
sensorController.priorityClassName string "" Priority class for the sensor controller
sensorController.replicaCount int 1 The number of sensor controller pods to run
sensorController.resources object {} Resource limits and requests for the sensor controller pods
sensorController.sensorImage string "argoproj/argo-events" Repository to use for the sensor image
sensorController.tag string "" (default is the chart appVersion) Overrides the image tag
sensorController.tolerations list [] Tolerations for use with node taints

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs