This is a **community maintained** chart. It installs the [argo-events]( application. This application comes packaged with:
Some users would prefer to install the CRDs _outside_ of the chart. You can disable the CRD installation of this chart by using `--skip-crds` when installing the chart.
You can install the CRDs manually from `crds` folder.
## Values
### General parameters
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| additionalSaNamespaces | list | `[]` | Create service accounts in additional namespaces specified The SA will always be created in the release namespaces |
| additionalServiceAccountRules | list | (See [values.yaml]) | Additional rules |
| securityContext | object | `{"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":9731}` | Common PodSecurityContext for all controllers |
| serviceAccount | string | `"argo-events-sa"` | ServiceAccount to use for running controller. |
| serviceAccountAnnotations | object | `{}` | Annotations applied to created service account. Can be used to enable GKE workload identity, or other use-cases |
| singleNamespace | bool | `true` | Whether to run in namespaced scope. Set `singleNamespace` to false to have the controllers listen on all namespaces. Otherwise the controllers will listen on the namespace where the chart is installed in. |
### Event Bus Controller
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| eventbusController.affinity | object | `{}` | Assign custom [affinity] rules to the event bus controller |
| eventbusController.extraEnv | list | `[]` | Additional environment variables to pass to event bus controller |
| eventbusController.image | string | `"argoproj/argo-events"` | Repository to use for the event bus controller |
| | string | `"eventbus-controller"` | Event bus controller name |
| eventbusController.natsMetricsExporterImage | string | `"natsio/prometheus-nats-exporter:0.8.0"` | NATS metrics exporter container image to use for the event bus |
| eventbusController.natsStreamingImage | string | `"nats-streaming:0.22.1"` | NATS streaming container image to use for the event bus |