A peer device that sends a connection parameter update may get block if it doesn't receive a response.
This patch accept the peer request unconditionnally. At some point this event will be managed by the application.
Depending on the role and the current state of the local device; pairing cancelation should be made with a call to a specific function. Normally the Nordic stack would reject invalid calls if the device is not in the correct state; therefore it was assumed that it was possible to detect the state from sd errors. Unfortunatelly this is not true with the latest softdevices as some calls succeed even if the device is not in the right state.
To solve that issue cancelation looks at the current state of the device first to select the right function that will trigger the pairing cancellation.
Note: the call to sd_ble_gap_authenticate was missing in the previous algorithm
* gatts_enable_params.attr_tab_size
* gatts_enable_params.service_changed
* common_enable_params.vs_uuid_count
These settings control the range of functionality enabled in the softdevice as well as ram consumption.
In particular reducing these values is critical to enable usage of 16K nrf51 devices.
The soft device is not consistent as it is required to force the connection to a resolved resolvable address so it should be known if the target is an identity address.
The overload of Gap::connect that accept peer_address_t has been added and gap connection and advertising report process have been updated to exploit peer_address_t in a backward compatible fashion.
If new events are signaled during processing then they should be processed when processEvent is called again. The goal is to let other processing happen and not process sollely ble events.
This change has been forced by a change in latest softdevice that requires all key pointers to not be NULL unlike what is indicated in the documentation.
The unified NRF51 target and feature BLE directories have been
reorganized to follow the naming and directory structure of the
NRF52 implementation.
This reorganization does not include TARGET_MCU_NRF51822 and
derived targets.
This patch refines permission applied to characteristic and descriptors; instead of a single level of permission , each characteristic receives a permission for the read operation, one for the write operation and another one for the update operation.
As a consequence, updates are not sent if the link does not cover the update permission requirement.
Descriptors also benefits individually from read and write permission.
* Add NRF_SD_BLE_API_VERSION=5 macro to MCU_NRF52832 target
* Added initial Softdevice v5 API support for nRF5XPalGattClient.cpp
* Added initial Softdevice v5 API support for nRF5xGap.h
* Added initial Softdevice v5 API support for nRF5xGattServer.cpp
* Make sure the ah() hash function used by the security manager is declared with C linkage
* Removed 'ARM porting pending' checks in Nordic SDK
* Added BLE configuration to mbed_lib.json for NRF52x targets
* Migrated APIs and events model for Nordic SDK14.2 & SD API v5 in btle.cpp; adopted polling dispatch model
* Migrated APIs and events model for Nordic SDK14.2 & SD API v5 in nRF5xn.cpp
* Migrated APIs and events model for Nordic SDK14.2 & SD API v5 in nRF5xGap.cpp
* Added const qualifier to hwCallbacks's p_ble_evt parameter in nRF5xGattServer
* Add workaround to enable Radio Notification module from Nordic SDK
* Disabled SWI1 interrupt manually from SWI driver module
* Added missing include directive for "nrf_nvic.h" in ble_radio_notification.c
* Set correct number of custom UUIDs
* Adjust Softdevice RAM requirements for NRF52832/S132
* RAM settings for the application were adjusted as follow:
* Start: 0x20003800
* Size: 0xC800
* Adjust Softdevice RAM requirements for NRF52840/S140
* RAM settings for the application were adjusted as follow:
* Start: 0x20003700 (was 0x20003000)
* Size: 0xC900
* Added 3dBm as a permitted TX Power value for NRF52832
* Fix address type recovery in GAP
* Return min non-connectable adv interval compatible with infrastrcture's expectations