Fix a calculation error in in powerdown_nvic preventing the last
group of 32 interrupts from getting powered down. The ARMv7m reference
manual states "the total number of interrupt lines is up
to (32*(INTLINESNUM+1)).".
Also rename isr_count to isr_groups_32 for clarity, since this is
actually the number of 32 interrupt groups.
Merged lwip 2.0.2 stable path 1 from
Patch allows lwip to do autonomous address configuration for prefixes
that are not on-link.
ad7cf16 Add David's IPv6 improvements to CHANGELOG
af9d783 Fix (bogus) MSVC 2010 warning about uninitialized variable usage in ip6.c It's wrong because the variables are initialized during first loop iteration due to best_addr == NULL
68358d7 nd6: cull destination cache on router removal
7323fa1 nd6: some work on basic RFC 4861 compliance
10eb2ca ip6: improve source address selection
6c06ecd ip6/nd6: route using on-link prefixes, not addresses
9f1714d nd6: improve router selection
2486b41 netif: more ip6 state changes invoke status callback
519d809 nd6: fix Duplicate Address Detection
9f3c6dd nd6: check link status before sending packets
8c761a2 nd6: improve address autoconfiguration support
UBLOX_ODIN_EVK_W2 is missing the abstract button definitions originally
introduced with PR
Fix two tab to spaces issues on the go as well.
Provide fix for pool buffer size: pool block size must be
a multiple of 4 bytes.
Add assertion to forbid creation of MemoryPool object with queue size equal to 0.
Update description of free() function. Add information about
statuses returned by this function.
It is required to enable AFIO clock before using __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_xy
macros, which was missing here. Without clocks enable, the remap
actually doesn't occur. This would possibly cause some PIOs (part of
PB_3, PB_4, PA_13, PA_14, PA_15) to not behave as expected.
In most cases AFIO clock was enabled in stm_pin_SetAFPin function, so
that this bug was not visible. But there were few cases left were
stm_pin_DisconnectDebug would be called first. A typical case was
with GCC_ARM in case a DigitalInOut variable is declared as global.
On F410RB, the size reserved to vectors with ARM toolchains was not properly
defined,which was not the case for other toolchains.
This would cause few tests to fail like EXAMPLE_1 with below error:
HOST: Unknown property: mbed assertation failed: _ptr == (T *)&_data, file: C:/github/mbed/BUILD/mbed/platform/SingletonPtr.h, line 91
Enabling SPI causes the clock to be output by default.
Most devices will not care about extra clock cycles, especially as long
as chip select is not active, nevertheless this may cause side issues
with other devices especially during init phase.
This was actually the case with a 3 wire device (LPS22HB sensor).
In case MISO is not passed at SPI init, then we consider a 3 wires SPI
configuration is requested, which corresponds to SPI_DIRECTION_1LINE
configuration parameter in STM32 HAL layer.
We're then handling this specific case of SPI_DIRECTION_1LINE,
in spi_master_write or spi_master_block_write, we call to HAL API
Functions 'serial_break_set' & 'serial_break_clear' wrongly removed during 'SERIAL_FC disabled, critical section API Updation' commit.
Due to this 'mbed compile' command for GCC_ARM tool fails to compile.