Provide fix for pool buffer size: pool block size must be
a multiple of 4 bytes.
Add assertion to forbid creation of MemoryPool object with queue size equal to 0.
Update description of free() function. Add information about
statuses returned by this function.
It is required to enable AFIO clock before using __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_xy
macros, which was missing here. Without clocks enable, the remap
actually doesn't occur. This would possibly cause some PIOs (part of
PB_3, PB_4, PA_13, PA_14, PA_15) to not behave as expected.
In most cases AFIO clock was enabled in stm_pin_SetAFPin function, so
that this bug was not visible. But there were few cases left were
stm_pin_DisconnectDebug would be called first. A typical case was
with GCC_ARM in case a DigitalInOut variable is declared as global.
On F410RB, the size reserved to vectors with ARM toolchains was not properly
defined,which was not the case for other toolchains.
This would cause few tests to fail like EXAMPLE_1 with below error:
HOST: Unknown property: mbed assertation failed: _ptr == (T *)&_data, file: C:/github/mbed/BUILD/mbed/platform/SingletonPtr.h, line 91
Enabling SPI causes the clock to be output by default.
Most devices will not care about extra clock cycles, especially as long
as chip select is not active, nevertheless this may cause side issues
with other devices especially during init phase.
This was actually the case with a 3 wire device (LPS22HB sensor).
In case MISO is not passed at SPI init, then we consider a 3 wires SPI
configuration is requested, which corresponds to SPI_DIRECTION_1LINE
configuration parameter in STM32 HAL layer.
We're then handling this specific case of SPI_DIRECTION_1LINE,
in spi_master_write or spi_master_block_write, we call to HAL API
Functions 'serial_break_set' & 'serial_break_clear' wrongly removed during 'SERIAL_FC disabled, critical section API Updation' commit.
Due to this 'mbed compile' command for GCC_ARM tool fails to compile.
* ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded has been deprecated in favor of ppa:team-gcc-arm-embedded/ppa
* this also means switching from to 6-2017q2
target specific templates use a common template .cproject.tmpl and extend it by adding target information. This is necessary for the flash and debugging tools
project is read, but still fixes necessary:
- archticture is fixed entry, read from config
- linker options
- linker script file ?
- linker settings 'managed build' page causes error
- develop still not working