* [STM32F4] Get PCLK1 clock and set initial CAN frequency
CAN bus opperates on APB1 peripheral clock due to that we need to get PCLK1 freq
in *can_frequency()* function to properly calculate CAN speed and reconfigure
BS1, BS2, SJW bits.
Also to fully communicate with other ST platform we set the initical CAN
frequency to 100kb/s to be able to work with the slowest platform which supports
CAN, which is NUCLEO_F303K8 (APB1 is 32MHz).
Change-Id: I10af3aa8d715dd61c9d1b216ef813193449fecbd
* [STM32F4] Fix for CAN2 interrupt index
CAN2 interrupt index was wrong leading to not properly registering interrupt.
Having this fix allow us to pass MBED_30 test.
Change-Id: I33f9ca7c81286f7746a8f8352619e213bdf9756a
With PR #1707 all STM32F4 targets with UART4 and UART5 are broken, a several typos in function definition.
Seems to be a bug in STM32Fcube HAL, not only in the (older) mbed versin but also in current version
* [STM32F1 F4] Fix#1705 MBED_37
The transmit data register needs to be flushed at the initialisation of
the uart.
In case previous transmission was interrupted by a uart init, uart may
contain a char that will be transmitted at the next start.
This is the case in MBED_37 test (serial_auto_nc_rx).
The MCU is writting {{start}}\n
At the moment of the \n the main program is handling 'new serial'. The
next time the main program is handling a printf, the previous \n is
still present in the uart->DR register and is transmitted.
This cannot happen anymore with this commit
* [STM32_F1] Fix#1705 MBED_37 by resetting the uart
This causing a warning in the rt_cmsis.c, as they use preprocessor
to redefine a type. A fix is to move the macro above, as it should not
change anything else. This should be removed, and use a cast, however I am
not fully familiar why they do this macro trick.
2 new macros were introduced to capture changes in the kernel. We used toolchains/__init__
script to capture those, which is not in the sync with actual sources. This fix introduces
those macros in the source, rather than a script.
We will further eliminate those macros to be used outside of RTX kernel (c++ API).
This enables the stack info methods to be supported for Cortex-M
targets. The rt_TypeDef required one small change - rename new structure
member as this is a reserved keyword in C++.
We need to ask for tid everytime we need to use tcb, do not expose internal
RTX details, we keep it within Thread.cpp file.
Cherry pick commit d587474778 -
"RTX: Support stacks larger than 64k"
This allows the latest version of the RTOS to run mbed client over
ethernet without crashing.
Thread - stack methods are not available for now, as tcb pointer was removed from
internal structure. To obtain it, we could get it from the kernel, but this should be
reconsidered. Either RTOS should provide it, or these methods will become deprecated.
Changes to the original kernel:
Cortex-M requires to define __CMSIS_OS_RTX, and __MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM. The macro __MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM
is mbed specific macro, to track changes to the kernel. This should keep us aware what has changed. For instance,
one breaking change was thread adding instances variable, which were not in mbed. This can be find as
it's protected via __MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM ifdef.
// added for mbed compatibility
// original RTX code
Startup for toolchains - mbed defines own stack pointer (set_main_stack()), therefore it should be called in the startup.
IAR added low level init calls and dynamic intialization to the IAR startup. All defined in RTX_CM_lib.h.
The timer thread has task id 0x01, main task 0x02. There are exception for main task not to check for
overflows. This is mbed specific, was reapplied from mbed code base.
IAR fixed SVC calls, this fix had to be reapplied (repo mbed PR 736 for more information).
There are 28 filter banks which are shared between CAN1 and CAN2. By default
they are divided in half:
* CAN1 -> 0 ... 13
* CAN2 -> 14 ... 27
that's why we need to decied which filter number has to be chosen.
Change-Id: If5f0da035c1435c61d4748b12d6617e9005cfd83
For some reason STACKHEAP block was placed in SRAM2 section which lead to
*Error[Lp011]: section placement failed - unable to allocate space for sections/
block* error. This patch modifies the STM32L4 linker script and places STACKHEAP
into SRAM1 section which was previously unused.
Change-Id: Ibe6ca52a9fe7af232a3eade2f6b1f2ce28c9bd49
Introducing the prescaler management allows a wider period range support,
from about 65ms before now up to about 32s. We're also introducing
asserts in case the period or prescaler is truncated as the HW registers
are 16 bits large.
* [STM32F4 STM32F7] Overwrite HAL_Delay to allow SD example
The weak function HAL_Delay is overwritten to use us ticker API.
The user can use stm32f[4/7]xx_hal_sd.c that calls
This will allow us to add an example detecting / writing / reading an SD
card on DISCO_F469NI and DISCO_F746NG
(cherry picked from commit d491e3cd8b)
Our UART doesn't have the ability to send a break, so we make the TX a GPIO and drive it low during the break_set() and then release it back to the UART in the break_clear().
The RPC call appended the method name to the output after the method
had already finished processing. It was unexpected for my use case,
and doesn't feel like the obvious thing to do. This could be appended
in the RPC method itself, instead.
The adding of the method to the output was first commited in commit
* * Base Commit for SAMG55J19. No errors and no implementations.
* * Added gpio files.
* * Added pinmap files.
* * Base commit for usticker implementation.
* * Added gcc_arm export functionality
* * added files for usticker.
* added template file for samd55j19
* * GPIO IRQ base commit.
* * updated with changes in gpio irq driver.
* * Reverted back unexpected commit in SAM0 gpio driver.
* * updated gpio_irq driver.
* * correction in gpio and gpio_irq drivers.
* added support for some test for gpio.
* * base commit for peripheralpins for usart.
* update in serial apis.
* * updated serial apis.
* * updated serial apis and test.
* * update serial apis for asynch apis.
* * updated peripheral pins for i2c and spi.
* added test support for serial flow control
* * Base commit for low power ticker implementation.
* * base commit for port apis.
* update in lp ticker apis.
* * Added test support for port.
* * base commit for sleep apis.
* * Base commit for spi.
* * updated with corrections in gpio irq.
* usticker file updated with latest source.
* * updated with corrections for unexpected board reset.
* updated gpio irq apis and added test for the same.
* * updated sleep api for deepsleep.
* * updated serial apis.
* Added uc_ticker and SPI api implementations
* Removed unused SPI pin map
* Updated review feedback
* * implemented lpticker with TC module.
* updated files for KnR Coding Statndard.
* updated serial and usticker apis.
* * Base commit for AnalogueIn apis.
* * RTC apis base commit without implementation.
* * Updated with corrections in lpticker implementations.
* * Added implementation for rtc apis.
* * updated with implementations for pwm.
* changed usticker from TC0 to TC1.
* Added I2C support
* * removed setvector usage from usticker and lpticker implementations
* added tests for SAMG55J19
* * Removed unwanted .o and .d files.
* Updated I2C files for KnR Coding Standards.
* Update for reducing compiler warnings in peripheralpins,c
* Updated with PWM free implementation.
* * Removed unwanted headers file inclusion.
* Compiler warning corrections in serial_api.c
* * Updated ADC with 16 bit mode initialization and code refinements.
* Updated PWM with code refinements.
* Updated I2C review feedback and fixed style
* Updated target name for SAMG55
* * Added Test Support for I2C with AT30TSE75X and Added Support for SAMG55J19 in atmelstudio project exporter
* * Added Test Support for I2C with AT30TSE75X and Added Support for SAMG55J19 in atmelstudio project exporter
* Used NVIC_SetVector for interrupt callback
* Removed Target macro define in test
* Updated test cases to have SAMG55 support
* * Updated with corrections in Serial and SPI asynchronous implementations.
* Updated deepsleep api implementation
* Merged LP_Ticker with latest code from mbed 3.0 repository.
* * updated with corrections in I2C Asynch implementation.
When a ticker is scheduled to run so fast that it is pending again
before the previous event has been processed then this next event
is processed (recursively) by calling into us_ticker_irq_handle().
This can lead to a stack overflow.
This patch prevents this recursion by replacing the call to
us_ticker_irq_handler() with a call to set the interrupt to pending
again. This allows the next timer event to be processed without
making the stack deeper.