1. move ota region 1 from 0x00b000 to 0x040000
2. move ota region 2 from 0x0c0000 to 0x120000
3. refactor bootloader header as follows:
uint32_t tag;
uint32_t ver;
uint64_t timestamp;
uint32_t size;
uint8_t hash[32];
uint8_t campaign[16];
uint32_t crc32;
a. hash is the sha256 checksum of the payload.
b. crc32 is the crc32 checksum of headers from tag to campaign.
4. Call NVIC_SystemReset for soft reset.
Signed-off-by: Tony Wu <tung7970@gmail.com>
Use TOOLCHAIN_PATHS to locate toolchain binaries for users might set
compiler paths, through mbed_settings.py, env vars, or system path.
Signed-off-by: Tony Wu <tonywu@realtek.com>
1. Rearrange SDRAM and SRAM layout. Move timing critical code to SRAM,
and the rest to SDRAM.
2. Add bootloader that's capable of FOTA over mbed cloud.
Signed-off-by: Tony Wu <tonywu@realtek.com>