--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
This fix avoid a long waiting loop in rtc_write function,
which was not acceptable in TICKLESS context.
Implementation comments added.
Global variable name has been updated for easier maintenance:
- LPTICKER_counter is the U32 continuous tick counter
- LPTICKER_RTC_time is the RTC time used to get the time difference
between rtc_read_lp() calls