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Debugging Installation Issues docs


invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided

This typically means that no kubeconfig file can be found for the Velero client to use. Velero looks for a kubeconfig in the following locations:

  • the path specified by the --kubeconfig flag, if any
  • the path specified by the $KUBECONFIG environment variable, if any
  • ~/.kube/config

Backups or restores stuck in New phase

This means that the Velero controllers are not processing the backups/restores, which usually happens because the Velero server is not running. Check the pod description and logs for errors:

kubectl -n velero describe pods
kubectl -n velero logs deployment/velero


NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain

Using credentials

This means that the secret containing the AWS IAM user credentials for Velero has not been created/mounted properly into the Velero server pod. Ensure the following:

  • The cloud-credentials secret exists in the Velero server's namespace

  • The cloud-credentials secret has a single key, cloud, whose value is the contents of the credentials-velero file

  • The credentials-velero file is formatted properly and has the correct values:

    aws_access_key_id=<your AWS access key ID>
    aws_secret_access_key=<your AWS secret access key>
  • The cloud-credentials secret is defined as a volume for the Velero deployment

  • The cloud-credentials secret is being mounted into the Velero server pod at /credentials

Using kube2iam

This means that Velero can't read the content of the S3 bucket. Ensure the following:

  • There is a Trust Policy document allowing the role used by kube2iam to assume Velero's role, as stated in the AWS config documentation.
  • The new Velero role has all the permissions listed in the documentation regarding S3.


Failed to refresh the Token or adal: Refresh request failed

This means that the secrets containing the Azure service principal credentials for Velero has not been created/mounted properly into the Velero server pod. Ensure the following:

  • The cloud-credentials secret exists in the Velero server's namespace
  • The cloud-credentials secret has all of the expected keys and each one has the correct value (see setup instructions)
  • The cloud-credentials secret is defined as a volume for the Velero deployment
  • The cloud-credentials secret is being mounted into the Velero server pod at /credentials


open credentials/cloud: no such file or directory

This means that the secret containing the GCE service account credentials for Velero has not been created/mounted properly into the Velero server pod. Ensure the following:

  • The cloud-credentials secret exists in the Velero server's namespace
  • The cloud-credentials secret has a single key, cloud, whose value is the contents of the credentials-velero file
  • The cloud-credentials secret is defined as a volume for the Velero deployment
  • The cloud-credentials secret is being mounted into the Velero server pod at /credentials