
18 KiB

Extend VolumePolicies to support more actions


Currently, the VolumePolicies feature which can be used to filter/handle volumes during backup only supports the skip action on matching conditions. Users need more actions to be supported.


The VolumePolicies feature was introduced in Velero 1.11 as a flexible way to handle volumes. The main agenda of introducing the VolumePolicies feature was to improve the overall user experience when performing backup operations for volume resources, the feature enables users to group volumes according the conditions (criteria) specified and also lets you specify the action that velero needs to take for these grouped volumes during the backup operation. The limitation being that currently VolumePolicies only supports skip as an action, We want to extend the action functionality to support more usable options like fs-backup (File system backup) and snapshot (VolumeSnapshots).


  • Extending the VolumePolicies to support more actions like fs-backup (File system backup) and snapshot (VolumeSnapshots).
  • Improve user experience when backing up Volumes via Velero


  • No changes to existing approaches to opt-in/opt-out annotations for volumes
  • No changes to existing VolumePolicies functionalities
  • No additions or implementations to support more granular actions like snapshot-csi and snapshot-datamover. These actions can be implemented as a future enhancement


Use-case 1:

  • A user wants to use snapshot (volumesnapshots) backup option for all the csi supported volumes and fs-backup for the rest of the volumes.
  • Currently, velero supports this use-case but the user experience is not that great.
  • The user will have to individually annotate the volume mounting pod with the annotation "" for fs-backup
  • This becomes cumbersome at scale.
  • Using VolumePolicies, the user can just specify 2 simple VolumePolicies like for csi supported volumes as snapshot action and rest can be backed upfs-backup action:
version: v1
  - conditions:
        - gp2
      type: snapshot
  - conditions: {}
      type: fs-backup

Use-case 2:

  • A user wants to use fs-backup for nfs volumes pertaining to a particular server
  • In such a scenario the user can just specify a VolumePolicy like:
version: v1
- conditions:
    type: fs-backup

High-Level Design

  • When the VolumePolicy action is set as fs-backup the backup workflow modifications would be:

  • When the VolumePolicy action is set as snapshot the backup workflow modifications would be:

Note: Snapshot action can either be a native snapshot or a csi snapshot, as is the case with the current flow where velero itself makes the decision based on the backup CR.

Detailed Design

  • Update VolumePolicy action type validation to account for fs-backup and snapshot as valid VolumePolicy actions.

  • Modifications needed for fs-backup action:

    • Now based on the specification of volume policy on backup request we will decide whether to go via legacy pod annotations approach or the newer volume policy based fs-backup action approach.
    • If there is a presence of volume policy(fs-backup/snapshot) on the backup request that matches as an action for a volume we use the newer volume policy approach to get the list of the volumes for fs-backup action
    • Else continue with the annotation based legacy approach workflow.
  • Modifications needed for snapshot action:

    • In the takePVSnapshot function we will check the PV fits the volume policy criteria and see if the associated action is snapshot
    • If it is not snapshot then we skip the further workflow and avoid taking the snapshot of the PV
    • Similarly, For csi snapshot of PVC object, we need to do similar changes in executeAction() function. we will check the PVC fits the volume policy criteria and see if the associated action is snapshot via csi plugin
    • If it is not snapshot then we skip the csi BIA execute action and avoid taking the snapshot of the PVC by not invoking the csi plugin action for the PVC


  • When we are using the VolumePolicy approach for backing up the volumes then the volume policy criteria and action need to be specific and explicit, there is no default behavior, if a volume matches fs-backup action then fs-backup method will be used for that volume and similarly if the volume matches the criteria for snapshot action then the snapshot workflow will be used for the volume backup.
  • Another thing to note is the workflow proposed in this design uses the legacy opt-in/opt-out approach as a fallback option. For instance, the user specifies a VolumePolicy but for a particular volume included in the backup there are no actions(fs-backup/snapshot) matching in the volume policy for that volume, in such a scenario the legacy approach will be used for backing up the particular volume.
  • The relation between the VolumePolicy and the backup's legacy parameter SnapshotVolumes:
    • The VolumePolicy's snapshot action matching for volume has higher priority. When there is a snapshot action matching for the selected volume, it will be backed by the snapshot way, no matter of the backup.Spec.SnapshotVolumes setting.
    • If there is no snapshot action matching the selected volume in the VolumePolicy, then the volume will be backed up by snapshot way, if the backup.Spec.SnapshotVolumes is not set to false.
  • The relation between the VolumePolicy and the backup's legacy filesystem opt-in/opt-out approach:
    • The VolumePolicy's fs-backup action matching for volume has higher priority. When there is a fs-backup action matching for the selected volume, it will be backed by the fs-backup way, no matter of the backup.Spec.DefaultVolumesToFsBackup setting and the pod's opt-in/opt-out annotation setting.
    • If there is no fs-backup action matching the selected volume in the VolumePolicy, then the volume will be backed up by the legacy opt-in/opt-out way.


  • The implementation should be included in velero 1.14

  • We will introduce a VolumeHelper interface. It will consist of two methods:

type VolumeHelper interface {
	ShouldPerformSnapshot(obj runtime.Unstructured, groupResource schema.GroupResource) (bool, error)
	ShouldPerformFSBackup(volume corev1api.Volume, pod corev1api.Pod) (bool, error)
  • The VolumeHelperImpl struct will implement the VolumeHelper interface and will consist of the functions that we will use through the backup workflow to accommodate volume policies for PVs and PVCs.
type volumeHelperImpl struct {
	volumePolicy             *resourcepolicies.Policies
	snapshotVolumes          *bool
	logger                   logrus.FieldLogger
	client                   crclient.Client
	defaultVolumesToFSBackup bool
	backupExcludePVC         bool

  • We will create an instance of the structure volumeHelperImpl in item_backupper.go
	itemBackupper := &itemBackupper{
		volumeHelperImpl: volumehelper.NewVolumeHelperImpl(


  • Regarding fs-backup action to decide whether to use legacy annotation based approach or volume policy based approach:
    • We will use the vh.ShouldPerformFSBackup() function from the volumehelper package
    • Functions involved in processing fs-backup volume policy action will somewhat look like:
func (v volumeHelperImpl) ShouldPerformFSBackup(volume corev1api.Volume, pod corev1api.Pod) (bool, error) {
	if !v.shouldIncludeVolumeInBackup(volume) {
		v.logger.Debugf("skip fs-backup action for pod %s's volume %s, due to not pass volume check.", pod.Namespace+"/"+pod.Name, volume.Name)
		return false, nil

	if v.volumePolicy != nil {
		pvc, err := kubeutil.GetPVCForPodVolume(&volume, &pod, v.client)
		if err != nil {
			v.logger.WithError(err).Errorf("fail to get PVC for pod %s", pod.Namespace+"/"+pod.Name)
			return false, err
		pv, err := kubeutil.GetPVForPVC(pvc, v.client)
		if err != nil {
			v.logger.WithError(err).Errorf("fail to get PV for PVC %s", pvc.Namespace+"/"+pvc.Name)
			return false, err

		action, err := v.volumePolicy.GetMatchAction(pv)
		if err != nil {
			v.logger.WithError(err).Errorf("fail to get VolumePolicy match action for PV %s", pv.Name)
			return false, err

		if action != nil {
			if action.Type == resourcepolicies.FSBackup {
				v.logger.Infof("Perform fs-backup action for volume %s of pod %s due to volume policy match",
					volume.Name, pod.Namespace+"/"+pod.Name)
				return true, nil
			} else {
				v.logger.Infof("Skip fs-backup action for volume %s for pod %s because the action type is %s",
					volume.Name, pod.Namespace+"/"+pod.Name, action.Type)
				return false, nil

	if v.shouldPerformFSBackupLegacy(volume, pod) {
		v.logger.Infof("Perform fs-backup action for volume %s of pod %s due to opt-in/out way",
			volume.Name, pod.Namespace+"/"+pod.Name)
		return true, nil
	} else {
		v.logger.Infof("Skip fs-backup action for volume %s of pod %s due to opt-in/out way",
			volume.Name, pod.Namespace+"/"+pod.Name)
		return false, nil
  • The main function from the above will be called when we encounter Pods during the backup workflow:
			for _, volume := range pod.Spec.Volumes {
				shouldDoFSBackup, err := ib.volumeHelperImpl.ShouldPerformFSBackup(volume, *pod)
				if err != nil {
					backupErrs = append(backupErrs, errors.WithStack(err))

Snapshot (PV)

  • Making sure that snapshot action is skipped for PVs that do not fit the volume policy criteria, for this we will use the vh.ShouldPerformSnapshot from the VolumeHelperImpl(vh) receiver.
func (v *volumeHelperImpl) ShouldPerformSnapshot(obj runtime.Unstructured, groupResource schema.GroupResource) (bool, error) {
	// check if volume policy exists and also check if the object(pv/pvc) fits a volume policy criteria and see if the associated action is snapshot
	// if it is not snapshot then skip the code path for snapshotting the PV/PVC
	pvc := new(corev1api.PersistentVolumeClaim)
	pv := new(corev1api.PersistentVolume)
	var err error

	if groupResource == kuberesource.PersistentVolumeClaims {
		if err = runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(obj.UnstructuredContent(), &pvc); err != nil {
			return false, err

		pv, err = kubeutil.GetPVForPVC(pvc, v.client)
		if err != nil {
			return false, err

	if groupResource == kuberesource.PersistentVolumes {
		if err = runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(obj.UnstructuredContent(), &pv); err != nil {
			return false, err

	if v.volumePolicy != nil {
		action, err := v.volumePolicy.GetMatchAction(pv)
		if err != nil {
			return false, err

		// If there is a match action, and the action type is snapshot, return true,
		// or the action type is not snapshot, then return false.
		// If there is no match action, go on to the next check.
		if action != nil {
			if action.Type == resourcepolicies.Snapshot {
				v.logger.Infof(fmt.Sprintf("performing snapshot action for pv %s", pv.Name))
				return true, nil
			} else {
				v.logger.Infof("Skip snapshot action for pv %s as the action type is %s", pv.Name, action.Type)
				return false, nil

		// If this PV is claimed, see if we've already taken a (pod volume backup)
	// snapshot of the contents of this PV. If so, don't take a snapshot.
	if pv.Spec.ClaimRef != nil {
		pods, err := podvolumeutil.GetPodsUsingPVC(
		if err != nil {
			v.logger.WithError(err).Errorf("fail to get pod for PV %s", pv.Name)
			return false, err

		for _, pod := range pods {
			for _, vol := range pod.Spec.Volumes {
				if vol.PersistentVolumeClaim != nil &&
					vol.PersistentVolumeClaim.ClaimName == pv.Spec.ClaimRef.Name &&
					v.shouldPerformFSBackupLegacy(vol, pod) {
					v.logger.Infof("Skipping snapshot of pv %s because it is backed up with PodVolumeBackup.", pv.Name)
					return false, nil

	if !boolptr.IsSetToFalse(v.snapshotVolumes) {
		// If the backup.Spec.SnapshotVolumes is not set, or set to true, then should take the snapshot.
		v.logger.Infof("performing snapshot action for pv %s as the snapshotVolumes is not set to false")
		return true, nil

	v.logger.Infof(fmt.Sprintf("skipping snapshot action for pv %s possibly due to no volume policy setting or snapshotVolumes is false", pv.Name))
	return false, nil
  • The function ShouldPerformSnapshot will be used as follows in takePVSnapshot function of the backup workflow:
	snapshotVolume, err := ib.volumeHelperImpl.ShouldPerformSnapshot(obj, kuberesource.PersistentVolumes)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if !snapshotVolume {
		log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("skipping volume snapshot for PV %s as it does not fit the volume policy criteria specified by the user for snapshot action", pv.Name))
		ib.trackSkippedPV(obj, kuberesource.PersistentVolumes, volumeSnapshotApproach, "does not satisfy the criteria for volume policy based snapshot action", log)
		return nil

Snapshot (PVC)

  • Making sure that snapshot action is skipped for PVCs that do not fit the volume policy criteria, for this we will again use the vh.ShouldPerformSnapshot from the VolumeHelperImpl(vh) receiver.
  • We will pass the VolumeHelperImpl(vh) instance in executeActions method so that it is available to use.

  • The above function will be used as follows in the executeActions function of backup workflow.
  • Considering the vSphere plugin doesn't support the VolumePolicy yet, don't use the VolumePolicy for vSphere plugin by now.
		if groupResource == kuberesource.PersistentVolumeClaims {
			if actionName == csiBIAPluginName {
				snapshotVolume, err := ib.volumeHelperImpl.ShouldPerformSnapshot(obj, kuberesource.PersistentVolumeClaims)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, itemFiles, errors.WithStack(err)

				if !snapshotVolume {
					log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("skipping csi volume snapshot for PVC %s as it does not fit the volume policy criteria specified by the user for snapshot action", namespace+"/"+name))
					ib.trackSkippedPV(obj, kuberesource.PersistentVolumeClaims, volumeSnapshotApproach, "does not satisfy the criteria for volume policy based snapshot action", log)

Future Implementation

It makes sense to add more specific actions in the future, once we deprecate the legacy opt-in/opt-out approach to keep things simple. Another point of note is, csi related action can be easier to implement once we decide to merge the csi plugin into main velero code flow. In the future, we envision the following actions that can be implemented:

  • snapshot-native: only use volume snapshotter (native cloud provider snapshots), do nothing if not present/not compatible
  • snapshot-csi: only use csi-plugin, don't use volume snapshotter(native cloud provider snapshots), don't use datamover even if snapshotMoveData is true
  • snapshot-datamover: only use csi with datamover, don't use volume snapshotter (native cloud provider snapshots), use datamover even if snapshotMoveData is false

Note: The above actions are just suggestions for future scope, we may not use/implement them as is. We could definitely merge these suggested actions as Snapshot actions and use volume policy parameters and criteria to segregate them instead of making the user explicitly supply the action names to such granular levels.

Handle backup of volumes by resources filters

Alternatives Considered

Same as the earlier design as this is an extension of the original VolumePolicies design