1. Foreign keys listed twice
The label for Exclusion constraint was set to 'Foreign keys'. fixed it.
2. Trigger function, Unique constraint, Primary key should be in title case
3. if user click outside of Preferences window it disappear (it should not disappear)
set preference alertify dialog option closableByDimmer to false.
4. Columns node settings listed twice
Override the register_preferences method in Columns CatalogObjectColumnsModule class
because there are two types of columns node, catalogs columns and tables columns.
so the settings for table columns should also work for catalog columns. Thats why we are not showing preference option for catalogs column node.
Ashesh fixed this issue.
are clicked without selecting any tree node. it gives error in browser
console panel.
Because the node passed is undefined. and check is missing. This is now
fixed by adding check for node passed.
This doesn't actually work - there seems to be something funky about
the way the runtime renders mfizz icons on Windows.
This reverts commit 5bbaf7841e.
As we convert the binary password to string during storing the
connection information, we also need to convert it back to byte-arrays
during restoring the connections.
Hence - decode the passowrd using 'utf-8' encoding during storing the
connection information, and encode it during restoring the connections.
When not using qtLiteral, it was result into an error - "unknown
error displayed when modify comments which may special characters on
Materialized view".
* Do not need to translate an empty string. (that results into the
translation header inclusion in the javacript module).
* String.prototype.StartsWith is not an well received function, it has
not been available in the QWebkit for linux.
The following node module script will be loaded, when first database
node object is added in the browser tree.
* Domains
* Foreign tables
* FTS Configuration
* FTS Dictionary, and
* Functions
Icons for these modules needs to be shown in the dependents list.
procedure node.
This patch also includes other fixes related 'procedure' node as below:
* Generate correct statement for dropping procedure.
* Fetch the missing schema name for the EXEC script.
* Removed the 'DROP CASCADE' menu options, as it is not supported by
* Hide the security tab for the objects under the catalog schema.
Patched by Surinder Kumar, vastly improved by me.
* Make the securtiy label across all the nodes, using the same backbone
model across the nodes, and make changes in the backend code for the
* Added 'catalog' as parent type for the domain, procedure nodes.
* Proper initialization of the FTS Configuration, FTS Parser, FTS
Dictionary, FTS Template Nodes.
* Proper Indentation in collection.js
* Moved the Columns, and Constraint to its repective tabs.
* Ensure all the labels only have a capital letter on the first word
(except for keywords or acronyms).
* Resolve the typo in string - 'System table'.
* Error messages on fields should not be shown unless the field loses
focus and has an error.
* "General" section should have a limited subset of information.
* Variables grids should not be on the Security tab.
* Fixes the field labels that imply a question.
* Privileges controls on the Properties lists should be in a "Security"
Apart from review comments improved few other areas too:
* Used in-place DepsCell functionality for columns in both index, and
type node.
* Improved the error handling in constraint nodes.
* Added create, alert SQL Help for nodes associated with the table node.
file control selection button.
All our views are inherited from the Backform.Form (a extended
Backbone.View), which has an tag element set to 'form'. The default
action for a button in form is to submit the data, and that results into
undesirable redirection within our Views. We can resolve the issue of
redirection by setting 'preventDefault' to true in the click event
object on that button. But - we may use the button control within our
view in future, and that will have the similar behaviour. Keeping that
in mind, we set the default tag to 'div' instead of 'form' for all our
- Rename file/folder not working in list view.
- Selection folder only should not allow to select file.
- Ui changes in table list to match with the pgadmin color styles.
- Custom STORAGE_DIR path don't list files/folders when opened in window
- Code cleanup, formatting & did proper commenting.
- In file selection mode, the value typed in text box not setting into
backbone model.
- Removed create file code, it should be handled on module using it.
- Written a common function to make ajax request, instead of writing
individual functions for same task.
- Table, Column, Index and Trigger (Author:- Murtuza Zabuawala)
- Constraints Primary Key/Unique/Check/Foreign Key/Exclusion
with integration into Table node (Author:- Harshal Dhumal)
- Rule (Author:- Surinder Kumar)
- Vacuum Control (Initial patch by Surinder Kumar and further enhancement by Murtuza)
In order to resolve the issue, set the height, width of the area (div)
under the wcFrame. wcIFrame consider the height, and width of this
container to determine the height, width & position of the iframe.
tree nodes.
Each individual node is responsible for introducing the 'canDrop'
function/flag to decide whether the 'Delete/Drop' context menu should be
In commit-id: 26aa5607ad, 'obj.canDrop'
was set to true in the 'pgBrowser.Node' in delete callback, just to make
the server-group droppable, which is wrong, as all the nodes are
getting affected because of this change in a wrong way.
To fix the issue, added the 'canDrop' function in the server-group node.
Apart from them, also added restriction for not allowing to delete the
default server-group.
Also, handled the same restriction at the server end.
Changed its colour for better attendtion.
Reduced the margin-bottom for the backform-tab, so that - we can see the
control well in the properties dialog.
i.e. vacuum, analyze, reindex, cluster.
Tweaked by Ashesh for:
* Integrate it with the background process executor, and observer.
* Changed the UI for operation selection from select2 to custom radio
* Made it consistent with other tools like backup, restore, etc.
Tweaked by Ashesh Vashi as below:
- Integrated it with the background process executor, and observer.
- Improved the message format of the backup module messages.
- Created an item in TODO list to list down the objects in the selected
backup file.
Tweaked by Ashesh Vashi to integrate the backgroud process, and also
with some improvements as stated below:
* Resolved an issue loading existing preference.
* Improved the background process observer/executor for supporting
detalied view.
* Added the utility path preferences in the ServerType class.
Current implementation changes the schema name, whenever we chance the
name, which is wrong. We should have not change the schema for this
Thanks Fahar Abbas for reporting.
operation like backup, restore, etc within it.
* improvised the color combination of the background process logger.
* Removed an unnecessary print statement from the
get_storage_directory(..) function, also return None if STORAGE_DIR
is set to None.
* Do not show the drives on windows, if STORAGE_DIR is set.
* Do not show non-applicable buttons, whenever no files/directory
present in the storage directory.
* Showing dimmer under the warning messages for replace/delete.
* Select file type other than 'All Files' in create/replace mode.
Tweaked a bit by Ashesh.
1) Grant wizard close issue.
2) Moved grant wizard specific css from wizard.css to grant_wizard.css
3) removed 'ajs_content' css from wizard.css causing padding issue in alertify dialog
We will be using the external utilities like pg_dump, pg_dumpall,
pg_restore in background. pgAdmin 4 can be run as a CGI script, hence -
it is not good idea to run those utility in a controlled environment.
The process executor will run them in background, and we will execute
the process executor in detached mode.
Now that - the process executor runs in detached mode, we need an
observer, which will look at the status of the processes. It also reads
output, and error logs on demand.
Thanks - Surinder for helping in some of the UI changes.
selection, creation, upload/download files/directories resides on the
server side.
This will be useful for file selection/creation for different server
side utilites like pg_dump, pg_dumpall, pg_restore.
into an error, and does not call the callback - 'success/fail'
And, that will not close the property dialog in those cases.
Reported by Harshal Dhumal.
Current implementation keeps the cursor object in the 'g' (current
request context) object identified by the connection-id.
But - it fails to identify a different connection object request, when
we have same database name in different database server, it does not
able to identify it as separate request, Hence - now we will use
server-id qualified identifier for the same object.
Thanks Neel Patel for pointing out the issue.
There are times, a module is loaded multiple times, and returns same set
of CSS files mulitple times, in order to avoid loading the same file
multiple times, we will create a set out of the list of CSS files.
required by its javascript module.
This will allow us to load the javascript modules as a static file, and
not as a Jinja2 template. This will increase the load time, as it will
decrease number of templates to be processed during loading those
While accessing the configuration database from multiple session, it
results in to the error - OperationError, because - sqlite locks all the
database, and does not allow to access it simultaneously. We added the
timeout to give some time window for accessing it simultaneously.
- The button bar be moved out into an HTML template
- create.sql should perhaps be renamed to insert.sql
- The "Add Row" button only works if you're on the last page of the resultset.
- Use one wcDocker instead of two
- Added support of code folding
- Removed the "lineWrapping" option from the codemirror textarea because
it was creating issue in the code folding.
- Handle the values while depositing during debugging.
- Properly handle the Array values while saving it to sqlite database
and displayed in input dialog.
- SQL code folding was not supported in codemirror so added the same.
will always have latest data related to that type of node. Also, fixed
the cache_level for different node types.
This commit also contains fixes for the following issue:
* In extension module - use the 'node-list-by-name' instead of using a
custom 'node-ajax-options' control, and removed redundant template
schemas from it.
* When we tries to destroy the select2 object from
Select2Cell/Select2Control while releasing the properties view,
sometimes select2 can not find the instance related it for some
unknown reason. Hence - before removing it we will check for manual
instance existance using $.data('select2').
* When we traverse through the browser tree nodes very quickly, it tries
to remove the object before it gets created completely, and results
into an exception.
* Icon in the select2 drop down list was not visible due to some CSS
Apart of that, we will generate two new browser events -
'pgadmin-node:created:<NODE-TYPE>', 'pgadmin-node:updated:<NODE-TYPE>'
whenever a new node is created, or an existing node will be updated.
Introduced a class 'noclose'. Then - menu-item having this class will
not propograte the events to its parent, hence - it will not be closed.
Some of the CSS applicable only to the immediate buttons only, and not
the grand-children.
DriverRegistry is executed second time.
Also, initialize the driver before registering different blueprints,
which uses those driver inside them.
Thanks Khushboo for reporting the issue.
the CAST module. Make the changes in the CAST module too for the
changes done in the NodeAjaxOptionsControl in the commit-id:
We've changed the signature (arguments) of the 'options' & 'transform'
Also, remove the CodeMirror object for better clean up process.
When a SQL control/tab is rendered in a hidden element, it does not
render really well. Because - it rely on the height, and width of the
container to count the gutten position, and margin, and other elements.
Hence - whenever the tab, panel becomes visible, we will refresh the
Also - fixed few CSS specifically for the preferences dialog.
Returning the sorted preferences from the server, so that - it lists
down in correct order.
due to internal 'set' function call from the internal 'reset' function.
We will stop the session management, before doing any clean up for
ignoring such events.
Select2 does not allow to scroll any of the parent container once it was
opened, and if it was not properly closed.
Also, resolved an issue - existing selection was not working, while
re-rendering the Select2Cell.
- Renaming or changing the schema for a shell type should not be allowed.
- I'm allowed to try to add ACL entries or security labels to an
existing shell type. This should be disallowed.
- Changing the schema on a (non-shell) type doesn't work - the type
name is omitted, e.g.
SET SCHEMA pemhistory;
Which should be:
ALTER TYPE pem.foo
SET SCHEMA pemhistory;
on the object everytime, it hits the buttons, and the callback functions
are being executed. The original implementation was not using the same
panel, when it was recalled from other function. And, results into
unexpected behaviour like not able to work with Edit object again.
Thanks Murtuza for reporting the issue.
Removed the use of separate editor for both of these cell types. There
were two instance of select2 were getting created in the Select2Cell,
one in the Select2Cell itself, and another in Select2CellEditor. And,
loosing the focus mysteriously, and making the scrollbar in the property
dialog non-responsive.
Also, modified the NodeAjaxOptionsCell to use the above logic, and
removed its own version of render function to make it consitent across
the system.
This patch [changes sent by Murtuza] also includes improvisation in the
DeleteCell, and ObjectCell, which will honour now 'canRemoveRow', and
''canEditRow' respective properties of Column.