@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Wilbert van de Ridder
Licensed under the MIT @license.
table.backgrid {
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
.backgrid .resizeHandler {
width: 16px;
height: 100%;
margin-left: -8px;
top: 0;
position: absolute;
cursor: col-resize;
z-index: 2;
.backgrid .resizeHandler.grid-draggable {
opacity: 1;
width: 1px;
margin-left: 0px;
background-color: #000;
.backgrid .resizeHandler .grid-draggable-cursor {
cursor: col-resize;
width: 100px;
margin-left: -50px;
height: 100%;
@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Fortes Solutions
Licensed under the MIT @license.
(function (root, factory) {
// CommonJS
if (typeof exports == "object") {
module.exports = factory(require("underscore"), require("backgrid"));
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['underscore', 'backgrid'], factory);
// Browser
else {
factory(root._, root.Backgrid);
}(this, function (_, Backgrid) {
"use strict";
// Adds width support to columns
Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumns = Backbone.View.extend({
/** @property */
tagName: "colgroup",
* Initializer
* @param options
initialize: function (options) {
this.grid = options.grid;
// Attach event listeners once on render
this.listenTo(this.grid.header, "backgrid:header:rendered", this.render);
this.listenTo(this.grid.columns, "width:auto", this.setWidthAuto);
this.listenTo(this.grid.columns, "width:fixed", this.setWidthFixed);
this.listenTo(this.grid, "backgrid:refresh", this.setColToActualWidth);
this.listenTo(this.grid.collection, "add remove reset", this.setColToActualWidth);
* Adds sizeable columns using <col> elements in a <colgroup>
* @returns {Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumns}
render: function () {
var view = this;
view.grid.columns.each(function (col) {
if (typeof col.get("renderable") == "undefined" || col.get("renderable")) {
var $colEl = $("<col>").appendTo(view.$el).attr("data-column-cid", col.cid);
var colWidth = col.get("width");
var colMinWidth = col.get("minWidth");
var colMaxWidth = col.get("maxWidth");
if (colWidth && colWidth != "*") {
if (colMinWidth && colWidth < colMinWidth) {
colWidth = colMinWidth;
if (colMaxWidth && colWidth > colMaxWidth) {
colWidth = colMaxWidth;
// Add data attribute to column cells
if (view.grid.header.headerRows) {
_.each(view.grid.header.headerRows, function(row) {
_.each(row.cells, function(cell) {
cell.$el.attr("data-column-cid", cell.column.cid);
else {
_.each(view.grid.header.row.cells, function(cell) {
cell.$el.attr("data-column-cid", cell.column.cid);
// Trigger event
return this;
* Gets a <col> element belonging to given model
* @param colModel Backgrid.Column
* @returns {*|JQuery|any|jQuery}
* @private
getColumnElement: function (colModel) {
return this.$el.find('col[data-column-cid="' + colModel.cid + '"]');
* Get the column width of given model
* @param colModel Backgrid.Column
* @returns {Integer}
* @private
getHeaderElementWidth: function(colModel) {
return this.grid.header.$el.find("th[data-column-cid='" + colModel.cid + "']").outerWidth();
* Sets a width of the given column to "*" (auto)
* @param colModel Backgrid.Column
* @private
setWidthAuto: function (colModel) {
// Get column element
var $colElement = this.getColumnElement(colModel);
// Save width
colModel.set("width", "*");
// Set column width to auto
$colElement.css("width", "");
* Sets a width of the given column to a fixed width defined in the model.
* @param colModel Backgrid.Column
* @private
setWidthFixed: function (colModel) {
// Get column element
var $colElement = this.getColumnElement(colModel);
// Get width of header element
var width = this.getHeaderElementWidth(colModel);
// Set column width to the original width
$colElement.css("width", width);
// Save width
colModel.set("width", width);
* Updates the view's <col> elements to current width
* @private
setColToActualWidth: function() {
var view = this;
var changed = false;
_.each(view.grid.header.row.cells, function(cell) {
var $colEl = view.getColumnElement(cell.column);
if (cell.column.get("width") !== "*") {
changed = changed || $colEl.width() == cell.$el.outerWidth();
if (changed) {
// Makes column resizable; requires Backgrid.Extension.sizeAbleColumns
Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumnsHandlers = Backbone.View.extend({
minWidthDynamicColumns: 80,
* Initializer
* @param options
initialize: function (options) {
this.sizeAbleColumns = options.sizeAbleColumns;
this.grid = this.sizeAbleColumns.grid;
this.columns = this.grid.columns;
this.header = this.grid.header;
this.saveColumnWidth = options.saveColumnWidth;
if (options.minWidthDynamicColumns != null) {
this.minWidthDynamicColumns = options.minWidthDynamicColumns;
* Adds handlers to resize the columns
* @returns {Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumnsHandlers}
render: function () {
var view = this;
// For now, loop tds in first row
_.each(view.headerElements, function (columnEl, index) {
// Get matching col element
var $column = $(columnEl);
var columnModelCid = $"column-cid");
var $col = view.sizeAbleColumns.$el.find("col[data-column-cid=" + columnModelCid + "]");
var columnModel = view.columns.get({ cid: columnModelCid});
if (columnModel && columnModel.get("resizeable")) {
// Create helper elements
var $resizeHandler = $("<div></div>")
.attr("data-column-index", index)
var $resizeHandlerHelper = $("<div></div>")
// Make draggable
$resizeHandler.on("mousedown", function (e) {
var startX = Math.round($resizeHandler.offset().left);
var $doc = $(document);
var handlerNonDragSize = $resizeHandler.outerWidth();
// Set class
// Follow the mouse
var mouseMoveHandler = function (evt) {
// Check for constraints
var minWidth = columnModel.get("minWidth");
if (!minWidth || minWidth < 20) {
minWidth = 20;
var maxWidth = columnModel.get("maxWidth");
var newLeftPos = evt.pageX;
var currentWidth = columnModel.get("width");
var newWidth = currentWidth + (newLeftPos - startX) - handlerNonDragSize / 2;
if (minWidth && newWidth <= minWidth) {
newLeftPos = startX - (currentWidth - minWidth) + handlerNonDragSize / 2;
if (maxWidth && newWidth >= maxWidth) {
newLeftPos = startX + maxWidth - currentWidth + handlerNonDragSize / 2;
// Apply mouse change to handler
left: newLeftPos
$doc.on("mousemove", mouseMoveHandler);
// Add handler to listen for mouseup
var mouseUpHandler = function (evt) {
// Cleanup
$"mouseup", mouseUpHandler);
$"mousemove", mouseMoveHandler);
// Adjust column size
var stopX = Math.round($resizeHandler.offset().left);
var offset = (startX - stopX);
var oldWidth = $column.outerWidth();
var newWidth = oldWidth - offset;
// Save width and trigger events
if (newWidth != oldWidth) {
if (view.saveColumnWidth) {
// Save updated width
columnModel.set("width", newWidth, {silent: true});
// Trigger event
columnModel.trigger("resize", columnModel, newWidth, oldWidth, offset);
$doc.on("mouseup", mouseUpHandler);
// Position drag handlers
return this;
* Disable automatic width for all columns and set the current width as the new width
* @returns {undefined}
_disableAutoWithColumns: function () {
// Check if we have an autosize column, if so, trigger resize on it as well
var autoWidthColumns = this.columns.filter(function (column) {
return column.get('width') == '*' && column.get('name') != '__spacerColumn';
for (var i = 0; i < autoWidthColumns.length; i++) {
var autoWidthColumn = autoWidthColumns[i];
// find the corresponding header element to determine width and cid from
var $headerElement;
for (var j = 0; j < this.headerElements.length; j++) {
$headerElement = $(this.headerElements[j]);
if ($headerElement.hasClass(autoWidthColumn.get('name'))) {
var outerWidth = $headerElement.outerWidth();
var columnModelCid = $"column-cid");
this.sizeAbleColumns.$el.find("col[data-column-cid=" + columnModelCid + "]").width(outerWidth);
var column = this.columns.get({ cid: columnModelCid});
if (this.saveColumnWidth) {
column.set('width', outerWidth, {silent: true});
column.trigger('resize', column, outerWidth);
* Helper function to prevent event propagation
* @param e {Event}
* @private
_stopEvent: function (e) {
if (e.stopPropagation) {
if (e.preventDefault) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
* Add listeners
* @private
attachEvents: function () {
var view = this;
view.listenTo(view.columns, "change:resizeable", view.render);
view.listenTo(view.columns, "resize width:auto width:fixed add remove", view.checkSpacerColumn);
view.listenTo(view.grid.collection, "backgrid:colgroup:updated", view.updateHandlerPosition);
view.listenTo(view.grid.collection, "backgrid:colgroup:changed", function () {
// Wait for callstack to be cleared
_.defer(function () {
this.resizeEvtHandler = _.debounce(_.bind(view.updateHandlerPosition, view), 250);
$(window).on("resize", this.resizeEvtHandler);
* Checks whether a spacer column is nessecary. This is the case when widths are set on all columns and it's smaller
* that the grid element width.
* @private
checkSpacerColumn: function () {
var view = this;
var spacerColumn = _.first(view.columns.where({name: "__spacerColumn"}));
var autoColumns = view.columns.filter(function (col) {
return col.get("width") == "*" && col.get("name") != "__spacerColumn";
// Check if there is a column with auto width, if so, no need to do anything
if (_.isEmpty(autoColumns)) {
var totalWidth = view.columns.reduce(function (memo, num) {
// count 0 pixels for the spacer column
var colWidth = (num.get("width") == "*") ? 0 : num.get("width");
return memo + colWidth;
}, 0);
var gridWidth = view.grid.$el.width();
if (gridWidth > totalWidth) {
// The grid is larger than the cumulative column width, we need a spacer column
if (!spacerColumn) {
// Create new column model
view.columns.add(view.getSpacerColumn(), {silent: true});
else {
if (spacerColumn) {
view.columns.remove(spacerColumn, {silent: true});
var columnsWidth = this.columns.reduce(function (memo, column) {
return memo + (column.get('width') == '*' ? this.minWidthDynamicColumns : column.get('width'));
}, 0, this);
// min width on columns does not work, therefore place the min width on the table itself
this.grid.$el.css('min-width', columnsWidth + 'px');
* Returns a spacer column definition
* @returns Object
* @private
getSpacerColumn: function() {
return Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumns.spacerColumnDefinition;
* Updates the position of the handlers
* @private
updateHandlerPosition: function () {
var view = this;
_.each(view.headerElements, function (columnEl, index) {
var $column = $(columnEl);
// Get handler for current column and update position
view.$el.children().filter("[data-column-index='" + index + "']")
.css("left", $column.position().left + $column.outerWidth());
* Find the current header elements and stores them
setHeaderElements: function () {
var self = this;
var rows = self.grid.header.headerRows || [self.grid.header.row];
self.headerCells = [];
// Loop all rows
_.each(rows, function (row) {
// Loop cells of row
_.each(row.cells, function (cell) {
var columnModel = self.columns.get({cid: cell.column.cid});
if (!_.isEmpty(columnModel)) {
$el: cell.$el,
el: cell.el,
column: columnModel
// Sort cells
var headerCells = _.sortBy(self.headerCells, function (cell) {
return self.columns.indexOf(cell.column);
// Filter cells
self.headerCells = _.filter(headerCells, function(cell) {
return cell.column.get("renderable") === true ||
typeof cell.column.get("renderable") === "undefined";
self.headerElements =, function (cell) {
return cell.el;
remove: function() {
$(window).off("resize", this.resizeEvtHandler);
* Sample definition for the spacer column
Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumns.spacerColumnDefinition = {
name: "__spacerColumn",
label: "",
editable: false,
cell: Backgrid.StringCell,
width: "*",
nesting: [],
resizeable: false,
sortable: false,
orderable: false,
displayOrder: 9999
return Backgrid;
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/backgrid/backgrid-select-all.css' if config.DEBUG else 'css/backgrid/backgrid-select-all.min.css')}}"/>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/backgrid/backgrid-paginator.css' if config.DEBUG else 'css/backgrid/backgrid-paginator.min.css')}}"/>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/backgrid/backgrid-filter.css' if config.DEBUG else 'css/backgrid/backgrid-filter.min.css')}}"/>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/backgrid/backgrid-sizeable-columns.css')}}"/>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/select2/select2.css' if config.DEBUG else 'css/select2/select2.min.css')}}"/>
<!-- View specified stylesheets -->
@ -73,6 +74,9 @@
"backgrid.filter": {
"deps": ['backgrid']
"backgrid.sizeable.columns": {
"deps": ['backgrid']
"bootstrap.switch": {
"deps": ['jquery', 'bootstrap'],
"exports": 'jQuery.fn.bootstrapSwitch'
@ -122,6 +126,7 @@
"": "{{ url_for('static', filename='js/backgrid/' + ('backgrid-select-all' if config.DEBUG else 'backgrid-select-all.min')) }}",
"backgrid.paginator": "{{ url_for('static', filename='js/backgrid/' + ('backgrid-paginator' if config.DEBUG else 'backgrid-paginator.min')) }}",
"backgrid.filter": "{{ url_for('static', filename='js/backgrid/' + ('backgrid-filter' if config.DEBUG else 'backgrid-filter.min')) }}",
"backgrid.sizeable.columns": "{{ url_for('static', filename='js/backgrid/backgrid-sizeable-columns') }}",
"backbone.undo": "{{ url_for('static', filename='js/' + ('backbone.undo' if config.DEBUG else 'backbone.undo.min')) }}",
"pgadmin.backgrid": "{{ url_for('static', filename='js/backgrid/backgrid.pgadmin') }}",
'pgadmin.backform': "{{ url_for('static', filename='js/backform.pgadmin') }}",
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ define(
'codemirror/addon/fold/foldgutter', 'codemirror/addon/fold/foldcode',
'codemirror/addon/hint/show-hint', 'codemirror/addon/hint/sql-hint',
'codemirror/addon/fold/pgadmin-sqlfoldcode', 'backgrid.paginator',
'wcdocker', 'pgadmin.file_manager'
'backgrid.sizeable.columns', 'wcdocker', 'pgadmin.file_manager'
$, _, S, alertify, pgAdmin, Backbone, Backgrid, CodeMirror, pgExplain
@ -427,8 +427,12 @@ define(
// Create Collection of Backgrid columns
var columnsColl = new Backgrid.Columns(columns);
var $data_grid = self.$el.find('#datagrid');
var grid = self.grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: columns,
columns: columnsColl,
collection: collection,
className: "backgrid table-bordered",
row: SqlEditorCustomRow
@ -447,7 +451,7 @@ define(
// Render the grid
// Render the paginator
@ -455,6 +459,51 @@ define(
// Render the client side filter
var sizeAbleCol = new Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumns({
collection: collection,
columns: columnsColl,
grid: self.grid
// Add resize handlers
var sizeHandler = new Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumnsHandlers({
sizeAbleColumns: sizeAbleCol,
grid: self.grid,
saveColumnWidth: true
// sizeHandler should render only when table grid loaded completely.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
// Initialized table width 0 still not calculated
var table_width = 0;
// Listen to resize events
function(columnModel, newWidth, oldWidth, offset) {
var $grid_el = $data_grid.find('table'),
tbl_orig_width = $grid_el.width(),
offset = oldWidth - newWidth,
tbl_new_width = tbl_orig_width - offset;
if (table_width == 0) {
table_width = tbl_orig_width
// Table new width cannot be less than original width
if (tbl_new_width >= table_width) {
$($grid_el).css('width', tbl_new_width + 'px');
else {
// reset if calculated tbl_new_width is less than original
// table width
tbl_new_width = table_width;
$($grid_el).css('width', tbl_new_width + 'px');
// Forcefully sorting by the first column.
if (columns.length > 1) {
@ -520,37 +569,97 @@ define(
name: "start_time",
label: "Date",
cell: "string",
editable: false
editable: false,
resizeable: true
}, {
name: "query",
label: "Query",
cell: "string",
editable: false
editable: false,
resizeable: true
}, {
name: "row_affected",
label: "Rows affected",
cell: "integer",
editable: false
editable: false,
resizeable: true
}, {
name: "total_time",
label: "Total Time",
cell: "string",
editable: false
editable: false,
resizeable: true
}, {
name: "message",
label: "Message",
cell: "string",
editable: false
editable: false,
resizeable: true
// Create Collection of Backgrid columns
var columnsColl = new Backgrid.Columns(columns);
var $history_grid = self.$el.find('#history_grid');
var grid = self.history_grid = new Backgrid.Grid({
columns: columns,
columns: columnsColl,
collection: history_collection,
className: "backgrid table-bordered"
// Render the grid
var sizeAbleCol = new Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumns({
collection: history_collection,
columns: columnsColl,
grid: self.history_grid
// Add resize handlers
var sizeHandler = new Backgrid.Extension.SizeAbleColumnsHandlers({
sizeAbleColumns: sizeAbleCol,
grid: self.history_grid,
saveColumnWidth: true
// sizeHandler should render only when table grid loaded completely.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
// re render sizeHandler whenever history panel tab becomes visible
self.history_panel.on(wcDocker.EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGED, function(ev) {
// Initialized table width 0 still not calculated
var table_width = 0;
// Listen to resize events
function(columnModel, newWidth, oldWidth, offset) {
var $grid_el = $history_grid.find('table'),
tbl_orig_width = $grid_el.width(),
offset = oldWidth - newWidth,
tbl_new_width = tbl_orig_width - offset;
if (table_width == 0) {
table_width = tbl_orig_width
// Table new width cannot be less than original width
if (tbl_new_width >= table_width) {
$($grid_el).css('width', tbl_new_width + 'px');
else {
// reset if calculated tbl_new_width is less than original
// table width
tbl_new_width = table_width;
$($grid_el).css('width', tbl_new_width + 'px');
// Callback function for Add New Row button click.
@ -1358,20 +1467,34 @@ define(
// Create column label.
// To show column label and data type in multiline,
// The elements should be put inside the div.
// Create column label and type.
var column_label = document.createElement('div'),
label_text = document.createElement('div'),
column_type = document.createElement('span'),
col_label = '',
col_type = '';
label_text.innerText =;
var type = pg_types[c.type_code][0];
var col_label =;
if (!is_primary_key)
col_label += ' ' + type;
col_type += ' ' + type;
col_label += ' [PK] ' + type;
col_type += ' [PK] ' + type;
if (c.precision == null) {
if (c.internal_size > 0)
col_label += '(' + c.internal_size + ')';
col_type += ' (' + c.internal_size + ')';
col_label += '(' + c.precision + ',' + c.scale + ')';
col_type += ' (' + c.precision + ',' + c.scale + ')';
column_type.innerText = col_type;
// Set values of column label and its type
// Identify cell type of column.
switch(type) {
@ -1394,12 +1517,33 @@ define(
var col = {
name :,
label: col_label,
label: column_label.innerHTML,
cell: col_cell,
can_edit: self.can_edit,
editable: self.is_editable
editable: self.is_editable,
resizeable: true,
headerCell: Backgrid.HeaderCell.extend({
render: function () {
// Add support for HTML element in column title
var column = this.column,
sortable = Backgrid.callByNeed(column.sortable(), column, this.collection),
label = $("<a>").append(column.get("label")).append("<b class='sort-caret'></b>");
} else {
var header_column = document.createElement('div');
label = header_column.appendChild(column.get("label"));
return this;
Reference in New Issue