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wal package is the basic defination of wal interface of milvus streamingnode. wal use to implement the final wal service.

Project arrangement

  • wal
    • /: only define exposed interfaces.
    • /adaptor/: adaptors to implement wal interface from walimpls interface
    • /utility/: A utility code for common logic or data structure.
    • /: define the underlying message system interfaces need to be implemented.
    • /registry/: A static lifetime registry to regsiter new implementation for inverting dependency.
    • /helper/: A utility used to help developer to implement walimpls conveniently.
    • /impls/: A official implemented walimpls sets.

Lifetime Of Interfaces

  • OpenerBuilder has a static lifetime in a programs:
  • Opener keep same lifetime with underlying resources (such as mq client).
  • WAL keep same lifetime with underlying writer of wal, and it's lifetime is always included in related Opener.
  • Scanner keep same lifetime with underlying reader of wal, and it's lifetime is always included in related WAL.

Add New Implemetation Of WAL

developper who want to add a new implementation of wal should implements the package interfaces. following interfaces is required:

  • walimpls.OpenerBuilderImpls
  • walimpls.OpenerImpls
  • walimpls.ScannerImpls
  • walimpls.WALImpls

OpenerBuilderImpls create OpenerImpls; OpenerImpls creates WALImpls; WALImpls create ScannerImpls. Then register the implmentation of walimpls.OpenerBuilderImpls into package.

import ""

var _ OpenerBuilderImpls = b{};

All things have been done.


import ""

name := "your builder name"
var yourCh *options.PChannelInfo

opener, err := registry.MustGetBuilder(name).Build()
if err != nil {
ctx := context.Background()
logger, err := opener.Open(ctx, wal.OpenOption{
    Channel: yourCh  
if err != nil {


package adaptor is used to adapt walimpls and wal together. common wal function should be implement by it. Such as:

  • lifetime management
  • interceptor implementation
  • scanner wrapped up
  • write ahead cache implementation