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## 10. Master
#### 10.1 Interfaces (RPC)
| RPC | description |
| :----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| CreateCollection | create a collection base on schema statement |
| DropCollection | drop a collection |
| HasCollection | whether or not a collection exists |
| DescribeCollection | show a collection's schema and its descriptive statistics |
| ShowCollections | list all collections |
| CreatePartition | create a partition |
| DropPartition | drop a partition |
| HasPartition | whether or not a partition exists |
| DescribePartition | show a partition's name and its descriptive statistics |
| ShowPartitions | list a collection's all partitions |
| AllocTimestamp | allocate a batch of consecutive timestamps |
| AllocID | allocate a batch of consecutive IDs |
| AssignSegmentID | assign segment id to insert rows (master determines which segment these rows belong to) |
| GetSysConfigs | get system configurations |
| | |
#### 10.2 Master Instance
type Master interface {
tso timestampOracle // timestamp oracle
ddScheduler ddRequestScheduler // data definition request scheduler
metaTable metaTable // in-memory system meta
collManager collectionManager // collection & partition manager
segManager segmentManager // segment manager
* Timestamp allocation
Master serves as a centrol clock of the whole system. Other components (i.e. Proxy) allocates timestamps from master via RPC *AllocTimestamp*. All the timestamp allocation requests will be handled by the timestampOracle singleton. See section 4.2 for the details about timestampOracle.
* Request Scheduling
* System Meta
* Collection Management
* Segment Management
#### 10.3 Data definition Request Scheduler
###### 10.2.1 Task
Master receives data definition requests via grpc. Each request (described by a proto) will be wrapped as a task for further scheduling. The task interface is
type task interface {
Type() ReqType
Ts() Timestamp
Execute() error
WaitToFinish() error
Notify() error
A task example is as follows. In this example, we wrap a CreateCollectionRequest (a proto) as a createCollectionTask. The wrapper need to implement task interfaces.
``` go
type createCollectionTask struct {
req *CreateCollectionRequest
cv int chan
// Task interfaces
func (task *createCollectionTask) Type() ReqType
func (task *createCollectionTask) Ts() Timestamp
func (task *createCollectionTask) Execute() error
func (task *createCollectionTask) Notify() error
func (task *createCollectionTask) WaitToFinish() error
###### 10.2.3 Scheduler
type ddRequestScheduler struct {
reqQueue *task chan
ddStream *MsgStream
func (rs *ddRequestScheduler) Enqueue(task *task) error
func (rs *ddRequestScheduler) schedule() *task // implement scheduling policy
In most cases, a data definition task need to
* update system's meta data (via $metaTable$),
* and synchronize the data definition request to other related system components so that the quest can take effect system wide.
#### 10.4 Meta Table
###### 10.4.1 Meta
* Tenant Meta
message TenantMeta {
uint64 id = 1;
uint64 num_query_nodes = 2;
repeated string insert_channel_ids = 3;
string query_channel_id = 4;
* Proxy Meta
``` protobuf
message ProxyMeta {
uint64 id = 1;
common.Address address = 2;
repeated string result_channel_ids = 3;
* Collection Meta
message CollectionMeta {
uint64 id=1;
schema.CollectionSchema schema=2;
uint64 create_time=3;
repeated uint64 segment_ids=4;
repeated string partition_tags=5;
* Segment Meta
message SegmentMeta {
uint64 segment_id=1;
uint64 collection_id =2;
string partition_tag=3;
int32 channel_start=4;
int32 channel_end=5;
uint64 open_time=6;
uint64 close_time=7;
int64 num_rows=8;
###### 10.4.2 KV pairs in EtcdKV
"tenant/$tenantId" string -> tenantMetaBlob string
"proxy/$proxyId" string -> proxyMetaBlob string
"collection/$collectionId" string -> collectionMetaBlob string
"segment/$segmentId" string -> segmentMetaBlob string
Note that *tenantId*, *proxyId*, *collectionId*, *segmentId* are unique strings converted from int64.
*tenantMeta*, *proxyMeta*, *collectionMeta*, *segmentMeta* are serialized protos.
###### 10.4.3 Meta Table
type metaTable struct {
kv kv.Base // client of a reliable kv service, i.e. etcd client
tenantId2Meta map[UniqueId]TenantMeta // tenant id to tenant meta
proxyId2Meta map[UniqueId]ProxyMeta // proxy id to proxy meta
collId2Meta map[UniqueId]CollectionMeta // collection id to collection meta
collName2Id map[string]UniqueId // collection name to collection id
segId2Meta map[UniqueId]SegmentMeta // segment id to segment meta
tenantLock sync.RWMutex
proxyLock sync.RWMutex
ddLock sync.RWMutex
func (meta *metaTable) AddTenant(tenant *TenantMeta) error
func (meta *metaTable) DeleteTenant(tenantId UniqueId) error
func (meta *metaTable) AddProxy(proxy *ProxyMeta) error
func (meta *metaTable) DeleteProxy(proxyId UniqueId) error
func (meta *metaTable) AddCollection(coll *CollectionMeta) error
func (meta *metaTable) DeleteCollection(collId UniqueId) error
func (meta *metaTable) HasCollection(collId UniqueId) bool
func (meta *metaTable) GetCollectionByName(collName string) (*CollectionMeta, error)
func (meta *metaTable) AddPartition(collId UniqueId, tag string) error
func (meta *metaTable) HasPartition(collId UniqueId, tag string) bool
func (meta *metaTable) DeletePartition(collId UniqueId, tag string) error
func (meta *metaTable) AddSegment(seg *SegmentMeta) error
func (meta *metaTable) GetSegmentById(segId UniqueId)(*SegmentMeta, error)
func (meta *metaTable) DeleteSegment(segId UniqueId) error
func (meta *metaTable) CloseSegment(segId UniqueId, closeTs Timestamp, num_rows int64) error
func NewMetaTable(kv kv.Base) (*metaTable,error)
*metaTable* maintains meta both in memory and *etcdKV*. It keeps meta's consistency in both sides. All its member functions may be called concurrently.
* *AddSegment(seg \*SegmentMeta)* first update *CollectionMeta* by adding the segment id, then it adds a new SegmentMeta to *kv*. All the modifications are done transactionally.
#### 10.5 System Time Synchronization
###### 10.5.1 Time Tick Barrier
* Soft Time Tick Barrier
<img src="/Users/grt/Project/grt/milvus-distributed/docs/developer_guides/figs/soft_time_tick_barrier.png" width=500>
type softTimeTickBarrier struct {
peer2LastTt map[UniqueId]Timestamp
minTtInterval Timestamp
lastTt Timestamp
outTt chan Timestamp
ttStream *MsgStream
ctx context.Context
func (ttBarrier *softTimeTickBarrier) GetTimeTick() (Timestamp,error)
func (ttBarrier *softTimeTickBarrier) Start() error
func newSoftTimeTickBarrier(ctx context.Context, ttStream *MsgStream, peerIds []UniqueId, minTtInterval Timestamp) *softTimeTickBarrier
* Hard Time Tick Barrier
<img src="/Users/grt/Project/grt/milvus-distributed/docs/developer_guides/figs/hard_time_tick_barrier.png" width=420>
type hardTimeTickBarrier struct {
peer2Tt map[UniqueId]List
outTt chan Timestamp
ttStream *MsgStream
ctx context.Context
func (ttBarrier *hardTimeTickBarrier) GetTimeTick() (Timestamp,error)
func (ttBarrier *hardTimeTickBarrier) Start() error
func newHardTimeTickBarrier(ctx context.Context, ttStream *MsgStream, peerIds []UniqueId) *softTimeTickBarrier
###### 10.5.1 Time Synchronization Message Producer
<img src="/Users/grt/Project/grt/milvus-distributed/docs/developer_guides/figs/time_sync_msg_producer.png" width=700>
type TimeTickBarrier interface {
GetTimeTick() (Timestamp,error)
Start() error
type timeSyncMsgProducer struct {
proxyTtBarrier TimeTickBarrier // softTimeTickBarrier
WriteNodeTtBarrier TimeTickBarrier //hardTimeTickBarrier
dmSyncStream *MsgStream // insert & delete
k2sSyncStream *MsgStream
ctx context.Context
func (syncMsgProducer *timeSyncMsgProducer) SetProxyTtStreams(proxyTt *MsgStream, proxyIds []UniqueId)
func (syncMsgProducer *timeSyncMsgProducer) SetWriteNodeTtStreams(WriteNodeTt *MsgStream, writeNodeIds []UniqueId)
func (syncMsgProducer *timeSyncMsgProducer) SetDmSyncStream(dmSyncStream *MsgStream)
func (syncMsgProducer *timeSyncMsgProducer) SetK2sSyncStream(k2sSyncStream *MsgStream)
func (syncMsgProducer *timeSyncMsgProducer) Start() error
func (syncMsgProducer *timeSyncMsgProducer) Close() error
func newTimeSyncMsgProducer(ctx context.Context) *timeSyncMsgProducer error
#### 10.6 System Statistics
###### 10.6.1 Query Node Statistics
message SegmentStats {
int64 segment_id = 1;
int64 memory_size = 2;
int64 num_rows = 3;
bool recently_modified = 4;
message QueryNodeStats {
int64 id = 1;
uint64 timestamp = 2;
repeated SegmentStats seg_stats = 3;
#### 10.7 Segment Management
type assignment struct {
MemSize int64
AssignTime time.Time
type segmentStatus struct {
assignments []*assignment
type collectionStatus struct {
openedSegment []UniqueID
type SegmentManagement struct {
segStatus map[UniqueID]*SegmentStatus
collStatus map[UniqueID]*collectionStatus
func NewSegmentManagement(ctx context.Context) *SegmentManagement
###### 10.7.1 Assign Segment ID to Inserted Rows
Master receives *AssignSegIDRequest* which contains a list of *SegIDRequest(count, channelID, collectionName, partitionTag)* from Proxy. Segment Manager will assign the opened segments or open a new segment if there is no enough space, and Segment Manager will record the allocated space which can be reallocated after a expire duration.
func (segMgr *SegmentManager) AssignSegmentID(segIDReq []*internalpb.SegIDRequest) ([]*internalpb.SegIDAssignment, error)
#### 10.8 System Config
// examples of keys:
// "/pulsar/ip"
// "/pulsar/port"
// examples of key_prefixes:
// "/proxy"
// "/msg_stream/insert"
message SysConfigRequest {
repeated string keys = 1;
repeated string key_prefixes = 2;
message SysConfigResponse {
repeated string keys = 1;
repeated string values = 2;
type SysConfig struct {
etcdKV *etcd
etcdPathPrefix string
func (conf *SysConfig) InitFromFile(filePath string) (error)
func (conf *SysConfig) GetByPrefix(keyPrefix string) ([]string, error)
func (conf *SysConfig) Get(keys []string) ([]string, error)
configuration examples in etcd:
key: root_path/config/master/address
value: "localhost"
key: root_path/config/proxy/timezone
value: "UTC+8"