mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
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7.6 KiB
8. Message Stream
8.2 Message Stream Service API
type Client interface {
CreateChannels(req CreateChannelRequest) (CreateChannelResponse, error)
DestoryChannels(req DestoryChannelRequest) error
DescribeChannels(req DescribeChannelRequest) (DescribeChannelResponse, error)
- CreateChannels
type OwnerDescription struct {
Role string
Address string
//Token string
DescriptionText string
type CreateChannelRequest struct {
OwnerDescription OwnerDescription
NumChannels int
type CreateChannelResponse struct {
ChannelNames []string
- DestoryChannels
type DestoryChannelRequest struct {
ChannelNames []string
- DescribeChannels
type DescribeChannelRequest struct {
ChannelNames []string
type ChannelDescription struct {
ChannelName string
Owner OwnerDescription
type DescribeChannelResponse struct {
Descriptions []ChannelDescription
A.3 Message Stream
- Overview

- Interface
// Msg
type MsgType uint32
const {
kInsert MsgType = 400
kDelete MsgType = 401
kSearch MsgType = 500
kSearchResult MsgType = 1000
kSegStatistics MsgType = 1100
kTimeTick MsgType = 1200
kTimeSync MsgType = 1201
type TsMsg interface {
SetTs(ts Timestamp)
BeginTs() Timestamp
EndTs() Timestamp
Type() MsgType
Marshal(*TsMsg) interface{}
Unmarshal(interface{}) *TsMsg
type MsgPosition {
ChannelName string
MsgID string
TimestampFilter Timestamp
type MsgPack struct {
BeginTs Timestamp
EndTs Timestamp
Msgs []TsMsg
StartPositions []MsgPosition
EndPositions []MsgPosition
type RepackFunc(msgs []* TsMsg, hashKeys [][]int32) map[int32] *MsgPack
// Unmarshal
// Interface
type UnmarshalFunc func(interface{}) *TsMsg
type UnmarshalDispatcher interface {
Unmarshal(interface{}, msgType commonpb.MsgType) (msgstream.TsMsg, error)
type UnmarshalDispatcherFactory interface {
NewUnmarshalDispatcher() *UnmarshalDispatcher
// Proto & Mem Implementation
type ProtoUDFactory struct {}
func (pudf *ProtoUDFactory) NewUnmarshalDispatcher() *UnmarshalDispatcher
type MemUDFactory struct {}
func (mudf *MemUDFactory) NewUnmarshalDispatcher() *UnmarshalDispatcher
// MsgStream
// Interface
type MsgStream interface {
AsProducer(channels []string)
AsConsumer(channels []string, subName string)
Produce(*MsgPack) error
Broadcast(*MsgPack) error
Consume() *MsgPack // message can be consumed exactly once
Seek(mp *MsgPosition) error
type MsgStreamFactory interface {
NewMsgStream() *MsgStream
NewTtMsgStream() *MsgStream
// Pulsar
type PulsarMsgStreamFactory interface {}
func (pmsf *PulsarMsgStreamFactory) NewMsgStream() *MsgStream
func (pmsf *PulsarMsgStreamFactory) NewTtMsgStream() *MsgStream
// RockMQ
type RmqMsgStreamFactory interface {}
func (rmsf *RmqMsgStreamFactory) NewMsgStream() *MsgStream
func (rmsf *RmqMsgStreamFactory) NewTtMsgStream() *MsgStream
// PulsarMsgStream
type PulsarMsgStream struct {
client *pulsar.Client
repackFunc RepackFunc
producers []*pulsar.Producer
consumers []*pulsar.Consumer
unmarshal *UnmarshalDispatcher
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) Start() error
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) Close() error
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) AsProducer(channels []string)
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) AsConsumer(channels []string, subName string)
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) Produce(msgs *MsgPack) error
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) Broadcast(msgs *MsgPack) error
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) Consume() (*MsgPack, error)
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) Seek(mp *MsgPosition) error
func (ms *PulsarMsgStream) SetRepackFunc(repackFunc RepackFunc)
func NewPulsarMsgStream(ctx context.Context, pulsarAddr string, bufferSize int64) *PulsarMsgStream
type PulsarTtMsgStream struct {
client *pulsar.Client
repackFunc RepackFunc
producers []*pulsar.Producer
consumers []*pulsar.Consumer
unmarshal *UnmarshalDispatcher
inputBuf []*TsMsg
unsolvedBuf []*TsMsg
msgPacks []*MsgPack
func (ms *PulsarTtMsgStream) Start() error
func (ms *PulsarTtMsgStream) Close() error
func (ms *PulsarTtMsgStream) AsProducer(channels []string)
func (ms *PulsarTtMsgStream) AsConsumer(channels []string, subName string)
func (ms *PulsarTtMsgStream) Produce(msgs *MsgPack) error
func (ms *PulsarTtMsgStream) Broadcast(msgs *MsgPack) error
func (ms *PulsarTtMsgStream) Consume() *MsgPack //return messages in one time tick
func (ms *PulsarTtMsgStream) Seek(mp *MsgPosition) error
func (ms *PulsarTtMsgStream) SetRepackFunc(repackFunc RepackFunc)
func NewPulsarTtMsgStream(ctx context.Context, pulsarAddr string, bufferSize int64) *PulsarTtMsgStream
// RmqMsgStream
type RmqMsgStream struct {
client *rockermq.RocksMQ
repackFunc RepackFunc
producers []string
consumers []string
subName string
unmarshal *UnmarshalDispatcher
func (ms *RmqMsgStream) Start() error
func (ms *RmqMsgStream) Close() error
func (ms *RmqMsgStream) AsProducer(channels []string)
func (ms *RmqMsgStream) AsConsumer(channels []string, subName string)
func (ms *RmqMsgStream) Produce(msgs *MsgPack) error
func (ms *RmqMsgStream) Broadcast(msgs *MsgPack) error
func (ms *RmqMsgStream) Consume() (*MsgPack, error)
func (ms *RmqMsgStream) Seek(mp *MsgPosition) error
func (ms *RmqMsgStream) SetRepackFunc(repackFunc RepackFunc)
func NewRmqMsgStream(ctx context.Context) *RmqMsgStream
type RmqTtMsgStream struct {
client *rockermq.RocksMQ
repackFunc RepackFunc
producers []string
consumers []string
subName string
unmarshal *UnmarshalDispatcher
func (ms *RmqTtMsgStream) Start() error
func (ms *RmqTtMsgStream) Close() error
func (ms *RmqTtMsgStream) AsProducer(channels []string)
func (ms *RmqTtMsgStream) AsConsumer(channels []string, subName string)
func (ms *RmqTtMsgStream) Produce(msgs *MsgPack) error
func (ms *RmqTtMsgStream) Broadcast(msgs *MsgPack) error
func (ms *RmqTtMsgStream) Consume() (*MsgPack, error)
func (ms *RmqTtMsgStream) Seek(mp *MsgPosition) error
func (ms *RmqTtMsgStream) SetRepackFunc(repackFunc RepackFunc)
func NewRmqTtMsgStream(ctx context.Context) *RmqTtMsgStream
A.4 RocksMQ
RocksMQ is a RocksDB-based messaging/streaming library.
// All the following UniqueIDs are 64-bit integer, which is combined with timestamp and increasing number
type ProducerMessage struct {
payload []byte
type ConsumerMessage struct {
msgID UniqueID
payload []byte
type IDAllocator interface {
Alloc(count uint32) (UniqueID, UniqueID, error)
AllocOne() (UniqueID, error)
UpdateID() error
// Every collection has its RocksMQ
type RocksMQ struct {
store *gorocksdb.DB
kv kv.Base
idAllocator IDAllocator
produceMu sync.Mutex
consumeMu sync.Mutex
func (rmq *RocksMQ) CreateChannel(channelName string) error
func (rmq *RocksMQ) DestroyChannel(channelName string) error
func (rmq *RocksMQ) CreateConsumerGroup(groupName string) error
func (rmq *RocksMQ) DestroyConsumerGroup(groupName string) error
func (rmq *RocksMQ) Produce(channelName string, messages []ProducerMessage) error
func (rmq *RocksMQ) Consume(groupName string, channelName string, n int) ([]ConsumerMessage, error)
func (rmq *RocksMQ) Seek(groupName string, channelName string, msgID MessageID) error
func NewRocksMQ(name string, idAllocator IDAllocator) (*RocksMQ, error)
A.4.1 Meta (stored in Etcd)
// channel meta
"$(channel_name)/begin_id", UniqueID
"$(channel_name)/end_id", UniqueID
// consumer group meta
"$(group_name)/$(channel_name)/current_id", UniqueID
A.4.2 Data (stored in RocksDB)
- data
"$(channel_name)/$(unique_id)", []byte