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## 6. Proxy
<img src="./figs/proxy.png" width=700>
#### 6.0 Proxy Service Interface
type ProxyService interface {
RegisterNode(ctx context.Context, request *proxypb.RegisterNodeRequest) (*proxypb.RegisterNodeResponse, error)
InvalidateCollectionMetaCache(ctx context.Context, request *proxypb.InvalidateCollMetaCacheRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
* *MsgBase*
type MsgBase struct {
MsgType MsgType
MsgID UniqueID
Timestamp uint64
SourceID UniqueID
* *RegisterNode*
type Address struct {
Ip string
Port int64
type RegisterNodeRequest struct {
Base *commonpb.MsgBase
Address string
Port int64
type InitParams struct {
NodeID UniqueID
StartParams []*commonpb.KeyValuePair
type RegisterNodeResponse struct {
InitParams *internalpb.InitParams
Status *commonpb.Status
* *InvalidateCollectionMetaCache*
type InvalidateCollMetaCacheRequest struct {
Base *commonpb.MsgBase
DbName string
CollectionName string
#### 6.1 Proxy Node Interface
type Proxy interface {
InvalidateCollectionMetaCache(ctx context.Context, request *proxypb.InvalidateCollMetaCacheRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
* *InvalidateCollectionMetaCache*
type InvalidateCollMetaCacheRequest struct {
Base *commonpb.MsgBase
DbName string
CollectionName string
#### 6.2 Milvus Service Interface
Proxy also implements Milvus Service interface to receive client grpc call.
type MilvusService interface {
CreateCollection(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.CreateCollectionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
DropCollection(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.DropCollectionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
HasCollection(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.HasCollectionRequest) (*milvuspb.BoolResponse, error)
LoadCollection(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.LoadCollectionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
ReleaseCollection(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.ReleaseCollectionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
DescribeCollection(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.DescribeCollectionRequest) (*milvuspb.DescribeCollectionResponse, error)
GetCollectionStatistics(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.CollectionStatsRequest) (*milvuspb.CollectionStatsResponse, error)
ShowCollections(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.ShowCollectionRequest) (*milvuspb.ShowCollectionResponse, error)
CreatePartition(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.CreatePartitionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
DropPartition(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.DropPartitionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
HasPartition(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.HasPartitionRequest) (*milvuspb.BoolResponse, error)
LoadPartitions(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.LoadPartitonRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
ReleasePartitions(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.ReleasePartitionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
GetPartitionStatistics(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.PartitionStatsRequest) (*milvuspb.PartitionStatsResponse, error)
ShowPartitions(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.ShowPartitionRequest) (*milvuspb.ShowPartitionResponse, error)
CreateIndex(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.CreateIndexRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
DescribeIndex(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.DescribeIndexRequest) (*milvuspb.DescribeIndexResponse, error)
GetIndexState(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.IndexStateRequest) (*milvuspb.IndexStateResponse, error)
DropIndex(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.DropIndexRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
Insert(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.InsertRequest) (*milvuspb.InsertResponse, error)
Search(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.SearchRequest) (*milvuspb.SearchResults, error)
Flush(ctx context.Context, request *milvuspb.FlushRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
GetDdChannel(ctx context.Context, request *commonpb.Empty) (*milvuspb.StringResponse, error)
GetQuerySegmentInfo(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.QuerySegmentInfoRequest) (*milvuspb.QuerySegmentInfoResponse, error)
GetPersistentSegmentInfo(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.PersistentSegmentInfoRequest) (*milvuspb.PersistentSegmentInfoResponse, error)
* *CreateCollection*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *DropCollection*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *HasCollection*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *LoadCollection*
type LoadCollectionRequest struct {
Base *commonpb.MsgBase
DbName string
CollectionName string
* *ReleaseCollection*
type ReleaseCollectionRequest struct {
Base *commonpb.MsgBase
DbName string
CollectionName string
* *DescribeCollection*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *GetCollectionStatistics*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *ShowCollections*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *CreatePartition*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *DropPartition*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *HasPartition*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *LoadPartitions*
type CollectionSchema struct {
Name string
Description string
AutoID bool
Fields []*FieldSchema
type LoadPartitonRequest struct {
Base *commonpb.MsgBase
DbID UniqueID
CollectionID UniqueID
PartitionIDs []UniqueID
Schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema
* *ReleasePartitions*
type ReleasePartitionRequest struct {
Base *commonpb.MsgBase
DbName string
CollectionName string
PartitionNames []string
* *GetPartitionStatistics*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *ShowPartitions*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *CreateIndex*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *DescribeIndex*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *DropIndex*
See *Master API* for detailed definitions.
* *Insert*
type InsertRequest struct {
Base *commonpb.MsgBase
DbName string
CollectionName string
PartitionName string
RowData []Blob
HashKeys []uint32
type InsertResponse struct {
Status *commonpb.Status
RowIDBegin int64
RowIDEnd int64
* *Search*
type SearchRequest struct {
Base *commonpb.MsgBase
DbName string
CollectionName string
PartitionNames []string
Dsl string
PlaceholderGroup []byte
type SearchResults struct {
Status commonpb.Status
Hits byte
* *Flush*
type FlushRequest struct {
Base *commonpb.MsgBase
DbName string
CollectionName string
* *GetPersistentSegmentInfo*
type PersistentSegmentInfoRequest struct{
Base *commonpb.MsgBase
DbName string
CollectionName string
type SegmentState int32
const (
SegmentState_SegmentNone SegmentState = 0
SegmentState_SegmentNotExist SegmentState = 1
SegmentState_SegmentGrowing SegmentState = 2
SegmentState_SegmentSealed SegmentState = 3
SegmentState_SegmentFlushed SegmentState = 4
type PersistentSegmentInfo struct {
SegmentID UniqueID
CollectionID UniqueID
PartitionID UniqueID
OpenTime Timestamp
SealedTime Timestamp
FlushedTime Timestamp
NumRows int64
MemSize int64
State SegmentState
type PersistentSegmentInfoResponse struct{
infos []*milvuspb.SegmentInfo
#### 6.1 Proxy Instance
type Proxy struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel func()
wg sync.WaitGroup
initParams *internalpb.InitParams
ip string
port int
stateCode internalpb.StateCode
rootCoordClient RootCoordClient
indexCoordClient IndexCoordClient
dataCoordClient DataCoordClient
queryCoordClient QueryCoordClient
sched *TaskScheduler
tick *timeTick
idAllocator *allocator.IDAllocator
tsoAllocator *allocator.TimestampAllocator
segAssigner *SegIDAssigner
manipulationMsgStream msgstream.MsgStream
queryMsgStream msgstream.MsgStream
msFactory msgstream.Factory
// Add callback functions at different stages
startCallbacks []func()
closeCallbacks []func()
func (node *NodeImpl) Init() error
func (node *NodeImpl) Start() error
func (node *NodeImpl) Stop() error
func (node *NodeImpl) AddStartCallback(callbacks ...func())
func (node *NodeImpl) waitForServiceReady(ctx context.Context, service Component, serviceName string) error
func (node *NodeImpl) lastTick() Timestamp
func (node *NodeImpl) AddCloseCallback(callbacks ...func())
func (node *NodeImpl) SetRootCoordClient(cli RootCoordClient)
func (node *NodeImpl) SetIndexCoordClient(cli IndexCoordClient)
func (node *NodeImpl) SetDataCoordClient(cli DataCoordClient)
func (node *NodeImpl) SetProxyCoordClient(cli ProxyCoordClient)
func (node *NodeImpl) SetQueryCoordClient(cli QueryCoordClient)
func NewProxyImpl(ctx context.Context, factory msgstream.Factory) (*NodeImpl, error)
#### Global Parameter Table
type GlobalParamsTable struct {
NetworkPort int
IP string
NetworkAddress string
MasterAddress string
PulsarAddress string
RocksmqPath string
ProxyID UniqueID
TimeTickInterval time.Duration
InsertChannelNames []string
DeleteChannelNames []string
K2SChannelNames []string
SearchChannelNames []string
SearchResultChannelNames []string
ProxySubName string
ProxyTimeTickChannelNames []string
DataDefinitionChannelNames []string
MsgStreamTimeTickBufSize int64
MaxNameLength int64
MaxFieldNum int64
MaxDimension int64
DefaultPartitionName string
DefaultIndexName string
var Params ParamTable
#### 6.2 Task
``` go
type task interface {
TraceCtx() context.Context
ID() UniqueID // return ReqID
SetID(uid UniqueID) // set ReqID
Name() string
Type() commonpb.MsgType
BeginTs() Timestamp
EndTs() Timestamp
SetTs(ts Timestamp)
OnEnqueue() error
PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error
Execute(ctx context.Context) error
PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error
WaitToFinish() error
Notify(err error)
#### 6.2 Task Scheduler
* Base Task Queue
type TaskQueue interface {
utChan() <-chan int
UTEmpty() bool
utFull() bool
addUnissuedTask(t task) error
FrontUnissuedTask() task
PopUnissuedTask() task
AddActiveTask(t task)
PopActiveTask(ts Timestamp) task
getTaskByReqID(reqID UniqueID) task
TaskDoneTest(ts Timestamp) bool
Enqueue(t task) error
type baseTaskQueue struct {
unissuedTasks *list.List
activeTasks map[Timestamp]task
utLock sync.Mutex
atLock sync.Mutex
maxTaskNum int64
utBufChan chan int
sched *TaskScheduler
*AddUnissuedTask(task \*task)* will put a new task into *unissuedTasks*, while maintaining the list by timestamp order.
*TaskDoneTest(ts Timestamp)* will check both *unissuedTasks* and *unissuedTasks*. If no task found before *ts*, then the function returns *true*, indicates that all the tasks before *ts* are completed.
* Data Definition Task Queue
type ddTaskQueue struct {
lock sync.Mutex
func (queue *ddTaskQueue) Enqueue(task *task) error
func newDdTaskQueue() *ddTaskQueue
Data definition tasks (i.e. *CreateCollectionTask*) will be put into *DdTaskQueue*. If a task is enqueued, *Enqueue(task \*task)* will set *Ts*, *ReqId*, *ProxyId*, then push it into *queue*. The timestamps of the enqueued tasks should be strictly monotonically increasing. As *Enqueue(task \*task)* will be called in parallel, setting timestamp and queue insertion need to be done atomically.
* Data Manipulation Task Queue
type dmTaskQueue struct {
func (queue *dmTaskQueue) Enqueue(task *task) error
func newDmTaskQueue() *dmTaskQueue
Insert tasks and delete tasks will be put into *DmTaskQueue*.
If a *insertTask* is enqueued, *Enqueue(task \*task)* will set *Ts*, *ReqId*, *ProxyId*, *SegIdAssigner*, *RowIdAllocator*, then push it into *queue*. The *SegIdAssigner* and *RowIdAllocator* will later be used in the task's execution phase.
* Data Query Task Queue
type dqTaskQueue struct {
func (queue *dqTaskQueue) Enqueue(task *task) error
func newDqTaskQueue() *dqTaskQueue
Queries will be put into *DqTaskQueue*.
* Task Scheduler
``` go
type taskScheduler struct {
DdQueue TaskQueue
DmQueue TaskQueue
DqQueue TaskQueue
idAllocator *allocator.IDAllocator
tsoAllocator *allocator.TimestampAllocator
wg sync.WaitGroup
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
msFactory msgstream.Factory
func (sched *taskScheduler) scheduleDdTask() *task
func (sched *taskScheduler) scheduleDmTask() *task
func (sched *taskScheduler) scheduleDqTask() *task
func (sched *TaskScheduler) getTaskByReqID(collMeta UniqueID) task
func (sched *TaskScheduler) processTask(t task, q TaskQueue)
func (sched *taskScheduler) Start() error
func (sched *taskScheduler) TaskDoneTest(ts Timestamp) bool
func NewTaskScheduler(ctx context.Context, idAllocator *allocator.IDAllocator, tsoAllocator *allocator.TimestampAllocator,
factory msgstream.Factory) (*TaskScheduler, error)
*scheduleDdTask()* selects tasks in a FIFO manner, thus time order is garanteed.
The policy of *scheduleDmTask()* should target on throughput, not tasks' time order. Note that the time order of the tasks' execution will later be garanteed by the timestamp & time tick mechanism.
The policy of *scheduleDqTask()* should target on throughput. It should also take visibility into consideration. For example, if an insert task and a query arrive in a same time tick and the query comes after insert, the query should be scheduled in the next tick thus the query can see the insert.
*TaskDoneTest(ts Timestamp)* will check all the three task queues. If no task found before *ts*, then the function returns *true*, indicates that all the tasks before *ts* are completed.
* Statistics
// ActiveComponent interfaces
func (sched *taskScheduler) Id() String
func (sched *taskScheduler) Status() Status
func (sched *taskScheduler) Clean() Status
func (sched *taskScheduler) Restart() Status
func (sched *taskScheduler) heartbeat()
// protobuf
message taskSchedulerHeartbeat {
string id
uint64 dd_queue_length
uint64 dm_queue_length
uint64 dq_queue_length
uint64 num_dd_done
uint64 num_dm_done
uint64 num_dq_done
#### 6.3 Time Tick
* Time Tick
``` go
type timeTick struct {
lastTick Timestamp
currentTick Timestamp
wallTick Timestamp
tickStep Timestamp
syncInterval Timestamp
tsAllocator *TimestampAllocator
scheduler *taskScheduler
ttStream *MessageStream
ctx context.Context
func (tt *timeTick) Start() error
func (tt *timeTick) synchronize() error
func newTimeTick(ctx context.Context, tickStep Timestamp, syncInterval Timestamp, tsAllocator *TimestampAllocator, scheduler *taskScheduler, ttStream *MessageStream) *timeTick
*Start()* will enter a loop. On each *tickStep*, it tries to send a *TIME_TICK* typed *TsMsg* into *ttStream*. After each *syncInterval*, it sychronizes its *wallTick* with *tsAllocator* by calling *synchronize()*. When *currentTick + tickStep < wallTick* holds, it will update *currentTick* with *wallTick* on next tick. Otherwise, it will update *currentTick* with *currentTick + tickStep*.
* Statistics
// ActiveComponent interfaces
func (tt *timeTick) ID() String
func (tt *timeTick) Status() Status
func (tt *timeTick) Clean() Status
func (tt *timeTick) Restart() Status
func (tt *timeTick) heartbeat()
// protobuf
message TimeTickHeartbeat {
string id
uint64 last_tick