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# Create Index
`Index system` is the core part of `Milvus`, which is used to speed up the searches, this document introduces which components are involved in `Create Index`,and what these components do.
The execution flow of `Create Index` is shown in the following figure:

1. Firstly, `SDK` starts a `CreateIndex` request to `Proxy` via `Grpc`, the `proto` is defined as follows:
service MilvusService {
rpc CreateIndex(CreateIndexRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
message CreateIndexRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1; // must
string db_name = 2;
string collection_name = 3; // must
string field_name = 4; // must
repeated common.KeyValuePair extra_params = 5; // must
2. When received the `CreateIndex` request, the `Proxy` would wrap this request into `CreateIndexTask`, and push this task into `DdTaskQueue` queue. After that, `Proxy` would call method of `WatiToFinish` to wait until the task finished.
type task interface {
TraceCtx() context.Context
ID() UniqueID // return ReqID
SetID(uid UniqueID) // set ReqID
Name() string
Type() commonpb.MsgType
BeginTs() Timestamp
EndTs() Timestamp
SetTs(ts Timestamp)
OnEnqueue() error
PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error
Execute(ctx context.Context) error
PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error
WaitToFinish() error
Notify(err error)
type createIndexTask struct {
ctx context.Context
rootCoord types.RootCoord
result *commonpb.Status
3. There is a background service in `Proxy`, this service would get the `CreateIndexTask` from `DdTaskQueue`, and execute it in three phases.
- `PreExecute`, do some static checking at this phase, such as check if the index param is legal, etc.
- `Execute`, at this phase, `Proxy` would send `CreateIndex` request to `RootCoord` via `Grpc`, and wait the response, the `proto` is defined as the follow:
service RootCoord {
rpc CreateIndex(milvus.CreateIndexRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
- `PostExecute`, `CreateIndexTask` does nothing at this phase, and return directly.
4. `RootCoord` would wrap the `CreateIndex` request into `CreateIndexReqTask`, and then call function `executeTask`. `executeTask` would return until the `context` is done or `CreateIndexReqTask.Execute` returned.
type reqTask interface {
Ctx() context.Context
Type() commonpb.MsgType
Execute(ctx context.Context) error
Core() *Core
type CreateIndexReqTask struct {
Req *milvuspb.CreateIndexRequest
5. According to the index type and index parameters, `RootCoord` lists all the `Segments` that need to be indexed on this `Collection`. `RootCoord` would only check those `Segments` which have been flushed at this stage. We will describe how to deal with those newly added segments and growing segments later.
6. For each `Segment`, `RootCoord` would start a `Grpc` request to `DataCoord` to get `Binlog` paths of that `Segment`, the `proto` is defined as following
service DataCoord {
rpc GetInsertBinlogPaths(GetInsertBinlogPathsRequest) returns (GetInsertBinlogPathsResponse) {}
message GetInsertBinlogPathsRequest {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
int64 segmentID = 2;
message GetInsertBinlogPathsResponse {
repeated int64 fieldIDs = 1;
repeated internal.StringList paths = 2;
common.Status status = 3;
7. After getting the `Segment`'s `Binlog` paths, `RootCoord` would send a `Grpc` request to `IndexCoord`,
ask `IndexCoord` to build index on this `Segment`, the `proto` is defined as the follow:
service IndexCoord {
rpc BuildIndex(BuildIndexRequest) returns (BuildIndexResponse){}
message BuildIndexRequest {
int64 indexBuildID = 1;
string index_name = 2;
int64 indexID = 3;
repeated string data_paths = 5;
repeated common.KeyValuePair type_params = 6;
repeated common.KeyValuePair index_params = 7;
message BuildIndexResponse {
common.Status status = 1;
int64 indexBuildID = 2;
8. The execution flow of `BuildIndex` on `IndexCoord` is shown in the following figure

9. `IndexCoord` would wrap the `BuildIndex` request into `IndexAddTask`, then alloc a global unique ID as `IndexBuildID`, and write this `Segment`'s `index mate` into `IndexCoord`'s `metaTable`. When finish these operations, `IndexCoord` would send response to `RootCoord`, the response includes the `IndexBuildID`.
10. When `RootCoood` receives the `BuildIndexResponse`, it would extract the `IndexBuildID` from the response, update `RootCoord`'s `metaTable`, then send responses to `Proxy`.
11. There is a background service, `assignTaskLoop`, in `IndexCoord`. `assignTaskLoop` would call `GetUnassignedTask` periodically, the default interval is 3s. `GetUnassignedTask` would list these segments whose `index meta` has been updated, but index has not been created yet.
12. The previous step has listed the segments whose index has not been created, for each those segments, `IndexCoord` would call `PeekClient` to get an available `IndexNode`, and send `CreateIndex` request to this `IndexNode`. The `proto` is defined as follows.
service IndexNode {
rpc CreateIndex(CreateIndexRequest) returns (common.Status){}
message CreateIndexRequest {
int64 indexBuildID = 1;
string index_name = 2;
int64 indexID = 3;
int64 version = 4;
string meta_path = 5;
repeated string data_paths = 6;
repeated common.KeyValuePair type_params = 7;
repeated common.KeyValuePair index_params = 8;
13. When receive `CreateIndex` request, `IndexNode` would wrap this request into `IndexBuildTask`, and push this task into `IndexBuildQueue`, then send response to `IndexCoord`
14. There is a background service, `indexBuildLoop`, in the `IndexNode`. `indexBuildLoop` would call `scheduleIndexBuildTask` to get a `IndexBuildTask` from `IndexBuildQueue`, and then start another `goroutine` to build index and update meta.
_Note_: `IndexNode` will not notify the `QueryCoord` to load the index files, if a user wants to speed up search by these index files, he should call `ReleaseCollection` firstly, then call `LoadCollection` to load these index files.
15. As mentioned earlier, `RootCoord` would only search on these flushed segments on `CreateIndex` request, the following figure show how to deal with the newly added segments.

16. When a segment has been flushed, `DataCoord` would notify `RootCoord` via `SegmentFlushCompleted`, the `proto` is defined as follows:
service RootCoord {
rpc SegmentFlushCompleted(data.SegmentFlushCompletedMsg) returns (common.Status) {}
message SegmentFlushCompletedMsg {
common.MsgBase base = 1;
SegmentInfo segment = 2;
message SegmentInfo {
int64 ID = 1;
int64 collectionID = 2;
int64 partitionID = 3;
string insert_channel = 4;
int64 num_of_rows = 5;
common.SegmentState state = 6;
int64 max_row_num = 7;
uint64 last_expire_time = 8;
internal.MsgPosition start_position = 9;
internal.MsgPosition dml_position = 10;
repeated FieldBinlog binlogs = 11;
17. If an user has called `CreateIndex` on this `Collection`, then when `RootCoord` receives `SegmentFlushCompleted` request, it would extract the `SegmentID` from the request, and send a `GetInsertBinlogPaths` request to `DataCoord` to get the `Binlog` paths, finally `RootCoord` would send a `BuildIndex` request to `IndexCoord` to notify `IndexCoord` to build index on this segment.
18. The `Grpc` call of `SegmentFlushCompleted` might failed due to network problem or some others, so how to create index if the `Grpc` failed ? The following figure show the solution.

19. There is a background service, `checkFlushedSegmentLoop`, in `RootCoord`. `checkFlushedSegmentLoop` would periodically check whether there is a segment that needs to be created index but has not been created, the default interval is `10 minutes`, and call `DataCoord` and `IndexCoord`'s service to create index on these segments.
20. In `Milvus 2.0`, `Create Index` is an asynchronous operation, so the `SDK` needs to send `GetIndexStates` request to `IndexCoord` periodically to check if the index has been created, the `proto` is defined as follow.
service IndexCoord {
rpc GetIndexStates(GetIndexStatesRequest) returns (GetIndexStatesResponse) {}
message GetIndexStatesRequest {
repeated int64 indexBuildIDs = 1;
message GetIndexStatesResponse {
common.Status status = 1;
repeated IndexInfo states = 2;
message IndexInfo {
common.IndexState state = 1;
int64 indexBuildID = 2;
int64 indexID = 3;
string index_name = 4;
string reason = 5;
enum IndexState {
IndexStateNone = 0;
Unissued = 1;
InProgress = 2;
Finished = 3;
Failed = 4;