
22 KiB

6. Root Coordinator

6.1 Root Coordinator Interface

type RootCoord interface {

	// DDL request
  // CreateCollection notifies RootCoord to create a collection
	CreateCollection(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.CreateCollectionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
	// DropCollection notifies RootCoord to drop a collection
	DropCollection(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.DropCollectionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
  // HasCollection notifies RootCoord to check a collection's existence at specified timestamp
	HasCollection(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.HasCollectionRequest) (*milvuspb.BoolResponse, error)
  // DescribeCollection notifies RootCoord to get all information about this collection at specified timestamp
	DescribeCollection(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.DescribeCollectionRequest) (*milvuspb.DescribeCollectionResponse, error)
  // ShowCollections notifies RootCoord to list all collection names and other info in database at specified timestamp
	ShowCollections(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.ShowCollectionsRequest) (*milvuspb.ShowCollectionsResponse, error)
	// CreatePartition notifies RootCoord to create a partition
  CreatePartition(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.CreatePartitionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
  // DropPartition notifies RootCoord to drop a partition
	DropPartition(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.DropPartitionRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
  // HasPartition notifies RootCoord to check if a partition with specified name exists in the collection
	HasPartition(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.HasPartitionRequest) (*milvuspb.BoolResponse, error)
  // ShowPartitions notifies RootCoord to list all partition names and other info in the collection
	ShowPartitions(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.ShowPartitionsRequest) (*milvuspb.ShowPartitionsResponse, error)

	//index builder service
  // CreateIndex notifies RootCoord to create an index for the specified field in the collection
	CreateIndex(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.CreateIndexRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)
  // DescribeIndex notifies RootCoord to get specified index information for specified field
	DescribeIndex(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.DescribeIndexRequest) (*milvuspb.DescribeIndexResponse, error)
  // DropIndex notifies RootCoord to drop the specified index for the specified field
	DropIndex(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.DropIndexRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)

	//global timestamp allocator
  // AllocTimestamp notifies RootCoord to alloc timestamps
	AllocTimestamp(ctx context.Context, req *rootcoordpb.AllocTimestampRequest) (*rootcoordpb.AllocTimestampResponse, error)
  // AllocID notifies RootCoord to alloc IDs
	AllocID(ctx context.Context, req *rootcoordpb.AllocIDRequest) (*rootcoordpb.AllocIDResponse, error)
  // UpdateChannelTimeTick notifies RootCoord to update each Proxy's safe timestamp
	UpdateChannelTimeTick(ctx context.Context, req *internalpb.ChannelTimeTickMsg) (*commonpb.Status, error)

	// DescribeSegment notifies RootCoord to get specified segment information in the collection
	DescribeSegment(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.DescribeSegmentRequest) (*milvuspb.DescribeSegmentResponse, error)
	// ShowSegments notifies RootCoord to list all segment ids in the collection or partition
	ShowSegments(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.ShowSegmentsRequest) (*milvuspb.ShowSegmentsResponse, error)
	// ReleaseDQLMessageStream notifies RootCoord to release and close the search message stream of specific collection.
	ReleaseDQLMessageStream(ctx context.Context, in *proxypb.ReleaseDQLMessageStreamRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error)

  // SegmentFlushCompleted notifies RootCoord that specified segment has been flushed
  SegmentFlushCompleted(ctx context.Context, in *datapb.SegmentFlushCompletedMsg) (*commonpb.Status, error)
  // GetMetrics notifies RootCoord to collect metrics for specified component
  GetMetrics(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest) (*milvuspb.GetMetricsResponse, error)
  • MsgBase
type MsgBase struct {
	MsgType   MsgType
	MsgID	    UniqueID
	Timestamp Timestamp
	SourceID  UniqueID
  • CreateCollection
type CreateCollectionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	Schema         []byte
    ShardsNum      int32
  • DropCollection
type DropCollectionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
  • HasCollection
type HasCollectionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
    TimeStamp      Timestamp
  • DescribeCollection
type DescribeCollectionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	CollectionID   UniqueID
    TimeStamp      Timestamp

type CollectionSchema struct {
	Name        string
	Description string
	AutoID      bool
	Fields      []*FieldSchema

type DescribeCollectionResponse struct {
	Status       *commonpb.Status
	Schema       *schemapb.CollectionSchema
	CollectionID UniqueID
  • ShowCollections
type ShowCollectionsRequest struct {
	Base   *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName string
    Timestamp Timestamp
    Type ShowCollectionsType

type ShowCollectionResponse struct {
	Status          *commonpb.Status
	CollectionNames []string
    CollectionIds   []UniqueID
  • CreatePartition
type CreatePartitionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	PartitionName  string
  • DropPartition
type DropPartitionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	PartitionName  string
  • HasPartition
type HasPartitionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	PartitionName  string
  • ShowPartitions
type ShowPartitionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	CollectionID   UniqueID

type ShowPartitionResponse struct {
	Status         *commonpb.Status
	PartitionNames []string
	PartitionIDs   []UniqueID
  • DescribeSegment
type DescribeSegmentRequest struct {
	Base         *commonpb.MsgBase
	CollectionID UniqueID
	SegmentID    UniqueID

type DescribeSegmentResponse struct {
	Status      *commonpb.Status
	IndexID     UniqueID
	BuildID     UniqueID
	EnableIndex bool
  • ShowSegments
type ShowSegmentsRequest struct {
	Base         *commonpb.MsgBase
	CollectionID UniqueID
	PartitionID  UniqueID

type ShowSegmentsResponse struct {
	Status     *commonpb.Status
	SegmentIDs []UniqueID
  • ReleaseDQLMessageStream
type ReleaseDQLMessageStreamRequest struct {
	Base         *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbID         UniqueID
	CollectionID UniqueID

  • CreateIndex
type CreateIndexRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	FieldName      string
	ExtraParams    []*commonpb.KeyValuePair
  • DescribeIndex
type DescribeIndexRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	FieldName      string
	IndexName      string

type IndexDescription struct {
	IndexName string
	IndexID   UniqueID
	Params    []*commonpb.KeyValuePair
	FieldName string

type DescribeIndexResponse struct {
	Status            *commonpb.Status
	IndexDescriptions []*IndexDescription
  • DropIndex
type DropIndexRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	FieldName      string
	IndexName      string
  • AllocTimestamp
type AllocTimestampRequest struct {
	Base  *commonpb.MsgBase
	Count uint32

type AllocTimestampResponse struct {
	Status    *commonpb.Status
	Timestamp UniqueID
	Count     uint32
  • AllocID
type AllocIDRequest struct {
	Base  *commonpb.MsgBase
	Count uint32

type AllocIDResponse struct {
	Status *commonpb.Status
	ID     UniqueID
	Count  uint32
  • UpdateChannelTimeTick
type ChannelTimeTickMsg struct {
	Base             *commonpb.MsgBase
	ChannelNames     []string
	Timestamps       []Timestamp
	DefaultTimestamp Timestamp

6.2 Dd (Data definitions) Message

RC would put Dd Message into the DML MsgSteams

  • BaseMsg
type BaseMsg struct {
	Ctx            context.Context
	BeginTimestamp Timestamp
	EndTimestamp   Timestamp
	HashValues     []uint32
	MsgPosition    *MsgPosition
  • CreateCollectionMsg
type CreateCollectionRequest struct {
	Base                 *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName               string
	CollectionName       string
	DbID                 UniqueID
	CollectionID         UniqueID
	Schema               []byte
	VirtualChannelNames  []string
	PhysicalChannelNames []string

type CreateCollectionMsg struct {
  • DropCollectionMsg
type DropCollectionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	DbID           UniqueID
	CollectionID   UniqueID

type DropCollectionMsg struct {
  • CreatePartitionMsg
type CreatePartitionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	PartitionName  string
	DbID           UniqueID
	CollectionID   UniqueID
	PartitionID    UniqueID

type CreatePartitionMsg struct {
  • DropPartitionMsg
type DropPartitionRequest struct {
	Base           *commonpb.MsgBase
	DbName         string
	CollectionName string
	PartitionName  string
	DbID           UniqueID
	CollectionID   UniqueID
	PartitionID    UniqueID

type DropPartitionMsg struct {

6.3 Create Index automatically

RootCoord would notify IndexCoord(Index Coordinator) to build index automatically when the segment has been flushed.

6.4 RootCoord Instance

type Core struct {
	MetaTable *metaTable
	//id allocator
	IDAllocator       func(count uint32) (typeutil.UniqueID, typeutil.UniqueID, error)
	IDAllocatorUpdate func() error

	//tso allocator
	TSOAllocator       func(count uint32) (typeutil.Timestamp, error)
	TSOAllocatorUpdate func() error

	//inner members
	ctx     context.Context
	cancel  context.CancelFunc
	etcdCli *clientv3.Client
	kvBase  *etcdkv.EtcdKV

	//setMsgStreams, send time tick into dd channel and time tick channel
	SendTimeTick func(t typeutil.Timestamp) error

	//setMsgStreams, send create collection into dd channel
	SendDdCreateCollectionReq func(ctx context.Context, req *internalpb.CreateCollectionRequest, channelNames []string) error

	//setMsgStreams, send drop collection into dd channel, and notify the proxy to delete this collection
	SendDdDropCollectionReq func(ctx context.Context, req *internalpb.DropCollectionRequest, channelNames []string) error

	//setMsgStreams, send create partition into dd channel
	SendDdCreatePartitionReq func(ctx context.Context, req *internalpb.CreatePartitionRequest, channelNames []string) error

	//setMsgStreams, send drop partition into dd channel
	SendDdDropPartitionReq func(ctx context.Context, req *internalpb.DropPartitionRequest, channelNames []string) error

	// if RootCoord create segment, DataCoord will put segment msg into this channel
	DataCoordSegmentChan <-chan *ms.MsgPack

	// if segment flush completed, data node would put segment msg into this channel
	DataNodeFlushedSegmentChan <-chan *ms.MsgPack

	//get binlog file path from data service,
	CallGetBinlogFilePathsService func(segID typeutil.UniqueID, fieldID typeutil.UniqueID) ([]string, error)
	CallGetNumRowsService         func(segID typeutil.UniqueID, isFromFlushedChan bool) (int64, error)

	//call index builder's client to build index, return build id
	CallBuildIndexService func(ctx context.Context, binlog []string, field *schemapb.FieldSchema, idxInfo *etcdpb.IndexInfo) (typeutil.UniqueID, error)
	CallDropIndexService  func(ctx context.Context, indexID typeutil.UniqueID) error

	NewProxyClient func(sess *sessionutil.Session) (types.Proxy, error)

	//query service interface, notify query service to release collection
	CallReleaseCollectionService func(ctx context.Context, ts typeutil.Timestamp, dbID typeutil.UniqueID, collectionID typeutil.UniqueID) error

	//dd request scheduler
	ddReqQueue chan reqTask //dd request will be push into this chan

	//dml channels
	dmlChannels *dmlChannels

	//Proxy manager
	proxyManager *proxyManager

	// proxy clients
	proxyClientManager *proxyClientManager

	// channel timetick
	chanTimeTick *timetickSync

	//time tick loop
	lastTimeTick typeutil.Timestamp

	//states code
	stateCode atomic.Value

	//call once
	initOnce  sync.Once
	startOnce sync.Once
	//isInit    atomic.Value

	session     *sessionutil.Session
	sessCloseCh <-chan bool

	msFactory ms.Factory

6.5 Data definition Request Scheduler

6.5.1 Task

RootCoord receives data definition requests via grpc. Each request (described by a proto) will be wrapped as a task for further scheduling. The task interface is

type reqTask interface {
	Ctx() context.Context
	Type() commonpb.MsgType
	Execute(ctx context.Context) error
	WaitToFinish() error
	Notify(err error)

A task example is as follows. In this example, we wrap a CreateCollectionRequest (a proto) as a createCollectionTask. The wrapper need to implement task interfaces.

type CreateCollectionReqTask struct {
	Req *milvuspb.CreateCollectionRequest

// Task interfaces
func (t *CreateCollectionReqTask) Ctx() context.Context
func (t *CreateCollectionReqTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType
func (t *CreateCollectionReqTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
func (t *CreateCollectionReqTask) WaitToFinish() error
func (t *CreateCollectionReqTask) Notify(err error)

In most cases, a data definition task need to

  • update system's meta data (via metaTable),
  • send DD Message into related DML MsgStream, so that the Data Node and Query Node would take it

6.6 Meta Table

6.6.1 Meta
  • Tenant Meta
message TenantMeta {
  uint64 id = 1;
  uint64 num_query_nodes = 2;
  repeated string insert_channel_names = 3;
  string query_channel_name = 4;
  • Proxy Meta
message ProxyMeta {
  uint64 id = 1;
  common.Address address = 2;
  repeated string result_channel_names = 3;
  • Collection Meta
message PartitionInfo {
  string partition_name = 1;
  int64 partitionID = 2;
  repeated int64 segmentIDs = 3;

message IndexInfo {
  string index_name = 1;
  int64 indexID = 2;
  repeated common.KeyValuePair index_params = 3;

message FieldIndexInfo{
  int64 filedID = 1;
  int64 indexID = 2;

message CollectionInfo {
  int64 ID = 1;
  schema.CollectionSchema schema = 2;
  uint64 create_time = 3;
  repeated int64 partitionIDs = 4;
  repeated FieldIndexInfo field_indexes = 5;
  repeated string virtual_channel_names = 6;
  repeated string physical_channel_names = 7;
  • Segment Meta
message SegmentIndexInfo {
  int64 segmentID = 1;
  int64 fieldID = 2;
  int64 indexID = 3;
  int64 buildID = 4;
  bool enable_index = 5;
6.6.2 KV pairs in EtcdKV
"tenant/$tenantId" string -> tenantMetaBlob string
"proxy/$proxyId" string -> proxyMetaBlob string
"collection/$collectionId" string -> collectionInfoBlob string
"partition/$collectionId/$partitionId" string -> partitionInfoBlob string
"index/$collectionId/$indexId" string -> IndexInfoBlob string
"segment-index/$collectionId/$indexId/$partitionId/$segmentId" -> segmentIndexInfoBlog string

Note that tenantId, proxyId, collectionId, partitionId, indexId, segmentId are unique strings converted from int64.

tenantMetaBlob, proxyMetaBlob, collectionInfoBlob, partitionInfoBlob, IndexInfoBlob, segmentIndexInfoBlog are serialized protos.

6.6.3 Meta Table
type metaTable struct {
	txn             kv.TxnKV                                                        // client of a reliable txnkv service, i.e. etcd client
	snapshot        kv.SnapShotKV                                                   // client of a reliable snapshotkv service, i.e. etcd client
	tenantID2Meta   map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.TenantMeta                             // tenant id to tenant meta
	proxyID2Meta    map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.ProxyMeta                              // proxy id to proxy meta
	collID2Meta     map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.CollectionInfo                         // collection_id -> meta
	collName2ID     map[string]typeutil.UniqueID                                    // collection name to collection id
	collAlias2ID    map[string]typeutil.UniqueID                                    // collection alias to collection id
	partID2SegID    map[typeutil.UniqueID]map[typeutil.UniqueID]bool                // partition_id -> segment_id -> bool
	segID2IndexMeta map[typeutil.UniqueID]map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.SegmentIndexInfo // collection_id/index_id/partition_id/segment_id -> meta
	indexID2Meta    map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.IndexInfo                              // collection_id/index_id -> meta

	tenantLock sync.RWMutex
	proxyLock  sync.RWMutex
	ddLock     sync.RWMutex

func NewMetaTable(kv kv.SnapShotKV) (*metaTable, error)

func (mt *metaTable) AddTenant(te *pb.TenantMeta) (typeutil.Timestamp, error)
func (mt *metaTable) AddProxy(po *pb.ProxyMeta) (typeutil.Timestamp, error)
func (mt *metaTable) AddCollection(coll *pb.CollectionInfo, part *pb.PartitionInfo, idx []*pb.IndexInfo, ddOpStr func(ts typeutil.Timestamp) (string, error)) (typeutil.Timestamp, error)
func (mt *metaTable) DeleteCollection(collID typeutil.UniqueID, ddOpStr func(ts typeutil.Timestamp) (string, error)) (typeutil.Timestamp, error)
func (mt *metaTable) HasCollection(collID typeutil.UniqueID, ts typeutil.Timestamp) bool
func (mt *metaTable) GetCollectionByID(collectionID typeutil.UniqueID, ts typeutil.Timestamp) (*pb.CollectionInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetCollectionByName(collectionName string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) (*pb.CollectionInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetCollectionBySegmentID(segID typeutil.UniqueID) (*pb.CollectionInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) ListCollections(ts typeutil.Timestamp) (map[string]typeutil.UniqueID, error)
func (mt *metaTable) ListCollectionVirtualChannels() []string
func (mt *metaTable) ListCollectionPhysicalChannels() []string
func (mt *metaTable) AddPartition(collID typeutil.UniqueID, partitionName string, partitionID typeutil.UniqueID, ddOpStr func(ts typeutil.Timestamp) (string, error)) (typeutil.Timestamp, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetPartitionByName(collID typeutil.UniqueID, partitionName string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) (pb.PartitionInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) HasPartition(collID typeutil.UniqueID, partitionName string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) bool
func (mt *metaTable) DeletePartition(collID typeutil.UniqueID, partitionName string, ddOpStr func(ts typeutil.Timestamp) (string, error)) (typeutil.Timestamp, typeutil.UniqueID, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetPartitionByID(collID typeutil.UniqueID, partitionID typeutil.UniqueID, ts typeutil.Timestamp) (pb.PartitionInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) AddSegment(segInfos []*datapb.SegmentInfo, msgStartPos string, msgEndPos string) (typeutil.Timestamp, error)
func (mt *metaTable) AddIndex(segIdxInfos []*pb.SegmentIndexInfo, msgStartPos string, msgEndPos string) (typeutil.Timestamp, error)
func (mt *metaTable) DropIndex(collName, fieldName, indexName string) (typeutil.Timestamp, typeutil.UniqueID, bool, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetSegmentIndexInfoByID(segID typeutil.UniqueID, filedID int64, idxName string) (pb.SegmentIndexInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetFieldSchema(collName string, fieldName string) (schemapb.FieldSchema, error)
func (mt *metaTable) IsSegmentIndexed(segID typeutil.UniqueID, fieldSchema *schemapb.FieldSchema, indexParams []*commonpb.KeyValuePair) bool
func (mt *metaTable) GetNotIndexedSegments(collName string, fieldName string, idxInfo *pb.IndexInfo) ([]typeutil.UniqueID, schemapb.FieldSchema, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetIndexByName(collName, indexName string) (pb.CollectionInfo, []pb.IndexInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) GetIndexByID(indexID typeutil.UniqueID) (*pb.IndexInfo, error)
func (mt *metaTable) AddFlushedSegment(segID typeutil.UniqueID) error
  • metaTable maintains meta both in memory and etcdKV. It keeps meta's consistency in both sides. All its member functions may be called concurrently.

  • for HasCollection, GetCollectionByID, GetCollectionByName, ListCollections, if the argument of ts is none-zero, then metaTable would return the meta on the timestamp of ts; if ts is zero, metaTable would return the latest meta

6.7 System Time Synchronization

type timetickSync struct {
	core          *Core
	lock          sync.Mutex
	proxyTimeTick map[typeutil.UniqueID]*channelTimeTickMsg
	sendChan      chan map[typeutil.UniqueID]*channelTimeTickMsg

	// record ddl timetick info
	ddlLock  sync.RWMutex
	ddlMinTs typeutil.Timestamp
	ddlTsSet map[typeutil.Timestamp]struct{}

func newTimeTickSync(core *Core) *timetickSync

func (t *timetickSync) UpdateTimeTick(in *internalpb.ChannelTimeTickMsg) error
func (t *timetickSync) AddProxy(sess *sessionutil.Session)
func (t *timetickSync) DelProxy(sess *sessionutil.Session)
func (t *timetickSync) GetProxy(sess []*sessionutil.Session)
func (t *timetickSync) StartWatch()
func (t *timetickSync) SendChannelTimeTick(chanName string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error
func (t *timetickSync) GetProxyNum()
func (t *timetickSync) GetChanNum() int