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Use the following syntax to run milvus-distributed commands from your terminal window:

milvus-distributed [command] [server type] [flags]


$ MILVUS_CONF_PATH=/path/to/milvus-distributed/configs milvus-distributed run master

where command, server type, and flags are:

command: Specifies the operation that you want to perform on server, for example run, status, stop

server type: Specifies the server type, server type are:

  • master
  • msgstream
  • proxyservice
  • proxynode
  • queryservice
  • querynode
  • dataservice
  • datanode
  • indexservice
  • indexnode
  • standalone

flags: Specifies optional flags. For example, you can use the -f or --config flags to specify the configuration file.

Getting help You can get help for CLI tool using the --help flag, or -h for short.

$ milvus-distributed run master --help


The table below lists the environment variables that you can use to configure the milvus-distributed tool.

Variable Description Default
MILVUS_CONF_PATH Milvus configuration path /milvus-distributed/configs