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Create Index

Index system is the core part of Milvus, which is used to speed up the searches, this document introduces which components are involved in Create Index,and what these components do.

The execution flow of Create Index is shown in the following figure:


  1. Firstly, SDK starts a CreateIndex request to Proxy via Grpc, the proto is defined as follows:
service MilvusService {

    rpc CreateIndex(CreateIndexRequest) returns (common.Status) {}


message CreateIndexRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1; // must
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3; // must
  string field_name = 4; // must
  repeated common.KeyValuePair extra_params = 5; // must
  1. When received the CreateIndex request, the Proxy would wrap this request into CreateIndexTask, and push this task into DdTaskQueue queue. After that, Proxy would call method of WatiToFinish to wait until the task finished.
type task interface {
	TraceCtx() context.Context
	ID() UniqueID       // return ReqID
	SetID(uid UniqueID) // set ReqID
	Name() string
	Type() commonpb.MsgType
	BeginTs() Timestamp
	EndTs() Timestamp
	SetTs(ts Timestamp)
	OnEnqueue() error
	PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error
	Execute(ctx context.Context) error
	PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error
	WaitToFinish() error
	Notify(err error)

type createIndexTask struct {
	ctx       context.Context
	rootCoord types.RootCoord
	result    *commonpb.Status
  1. There is a background service in Proxy, this service would get the CreateIndexTask from DdTaskQueue, and execute it in three phases.

    • PreExecute, do some static checking at this phase, such as check if the index param is legal, etc.
    • Execute, at this phase, Proxy would send CreateIndex request to RootCoord via Grpc, and wait the response, the proto is defined as the follow:
        service RootCoord {
           rpc CreateIndex(milvus.CreateIndexRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
    • PostExecute, CreateIndexTask does nothing at this phase, and return directly.
  2. RootCoord would wrap the CreateIndex request into CreateIndexReqTask, and then call function executeTask. executeTask would return until the context is done or CreateIndexReqTask.Execute returned.

type reqTask interface {
	Ctx() context.Context
	Type() commonpb.MsgType
	Execute(ctx context.Context) error
	Core() *Core

type CreateIndexReqTask struct {
	Req *milvuspb.CreateIndexRequest
  1. According to the index type and index parameters, RootCoord lists all the Segments that need to be indexed on this Collection. RootCoord would only check those Segments which have been flushed at this stage. We will describe how to deal with those newly added segments and growing segments later.

  2. For each Segment, RootCoord would start a Grpc request to DataCoord to get Binlog paths of that Segment, the proto is defined as following

service DataCoord {

    rpc GetInsertBinlogPaths(GetInsertBinlogPathsRequest) returns (GetInsertBinlogPathsResponse) {}



message GetInsertBinlogPathsRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  int64 segmentID = 2;

message GetInsertBinlogPathsResponse {
  repeated int64 fieldIDs = 1;
  repeated internal.StringList paths = 2;
  common.Status status = 3;

  1. After getting the Segment's Binlog paths, RootCoord would send a Grpc request to IndexCoord, ask IndexCoord to build index on this Segment, the proto is defined as the follow:
service IndexCoord {

  rpc BuildIndex(BuildIndexRequest) returns (BuildIndexResponse){}


message BuildIndexRequest {
  int64 indexBuildID = 1;
  string index_name = 2;
  int64 indexID = 3;
  repeated string data_paths = 5;
  repeated common.KeyValuePair type_params = 6;
  repeated common.KeyValuePair index_params = 7;

message BuildIndexResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  int64 indexBuildID = 2;

  1. The execution flow of BuildIndex on IndexCoord is shown in the following figure


  1. IndexCoord would wrap the BuildIndex request into IndexAddTask, then alloc a global unique ID as IndexBuildID, and write this Segment's index mate into IndexCoord's metaTable. When finish these operations, IndexCoord would send response to RootCoord, the response includes the IndexBuildID.

  2. When RootCoood receives the BuildIndexResponse, it would extract the IndexBuildID from the response, update RootCoord's metaTable, then send responses to Proxy.

  3. There is a background service, assignTaskLoop, in IndexCoord. assignTaskLoop would call GetUnassignedTask periodically, the default interval is 3s. GetUnassignedTask would list these segments whose index meta has been updated, but index has not been created yet.

  4. The previous step has listed the segments whose index has not been created, for each those segments, IndexCoord would call PeekClient to get an available IndexNode, and send CreateIndex request to this IndexNode. The proto is defined as follows.

service IndexNode {

  rpc CreateIndex(CreateIndexRequest) returns (common.Status){}


message CreateIndexRequest {
  int64 indexBuildID = 1;
  string index_name = 2;
  int64 indexID = 3;
  int64 version = 4;
  string meta_path = 5;
  repeated string data_paths = 6;
  repeated common.KeyValuePair type_params = 7;
  repeated common.KeyValuePair index_params = 8;
  1. When receive CreateIndex request, IndexNode would wrap this request into IndexBuildTask, and push this task into IndexBuildQueue, then send response to IndexCoord

  2. There is a background service, indexBuildLoop, in the IndexNode. indexBuildLoop would call scheduleIndexBuildTask to get a IndexBuildTask from IndexBuildQueue, and then start another goroutine to build index and update meta.

Note: IndexNode will not notify the QueryCoord to load the index files, if an user wants to speed up search by these index files, he should call ReleaseCollection firstly, then call LoadCollection to load these index files.

  1. As mentioned earlier, RootCoord would only search on these flushed segments on CreateIndex request, the following figure show how to deal with the newly added segments.


  1. When a segment has been flushed, DataCoord would notify RootCoord via SegmentFlushCompleted, the proto is defined as follow:
service RootCoord {

  rpc SegmentFlushCompleted(data.SegmentFlushCompletedMsg) returns (common.Status) {}


message SegmentFlushCompletedMsg {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  SegmentInfo segment = 2;

message SegmentInfo {
  int64 ID = 1;
  int64 collectionID = 2;
  int64 partitionID = 3;
  string insert_channel = 4;
  int64 num_of_rows = 5;
  common.SegmentState state = 6;
  int64 max_row_num = 7;
  uint64 last_expire_time = 8;
  internal.MsgPosition start_position = 9;
  internal.MsgPosition dml_position = 10;
  repeated FieldBinlog binlogs = 11;

  1. If an user has called CreateIndex on this Collection, then when RootCoord receives SegmentFlushCompleted request, it would extract the SegmentID from the request, and send a GetInsertBinlogPaths request to DataCoord to get the Binlog paths, finally RootCoord would send a BuildIndex request to IndexCoord to notify IndexCoord to build index on this segment.

  2. The Grpc call of SegmentFlushCompleted might failed due to network problem or some others, so how to create index if the Grpc failed ? The following figure show the solution.


  1. There is a background service, checkFlushedSegmentLoop, in RootCoord. checkFlushedSegmentLoop would periodically check whether there is a segment that needs to be created index but has not been created, the default interval is 10 minutes, and call DataCoord and IndexCoord's service to create index on these segments.

  2. In Milvus 2.0, Create Index is an asynchronous operation, so the SDK needs to send GetIndexStates request to IndexCoord periodically to check if the index has been created, the proto is defined as follow.

service IndexCoord {

  rpc GetIndexStates(GetIndexStatesRequest) returns (GetIndexStatesResponse) {}


message GetIndexStatesRequest {
  repeated int64 indexBuildIDs = 1;

message GetIndexStatesResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  repeated IndexInfo states = 2;

message IndexInfo {
  common.IndexState state = 1;
  int64 indexBuildID = 2;
  int64 indexID = 3;
  string index_name = 4;
  string reason = 5;

enum IndexState {
    IndexStateNone = 0;
    Unissued = 1;
    InProgress = 2;
    Finished = 3;
    Failed = 4;