issue: #33285
- move streaming related proto into pkg.
- add v2 message type and change flush message into v2 message.
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
issue: #33285
- implement streaming service client.
- implement producing and consuming service client by streaming coord
client and streaming node client.
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
issue: #33285
- register streaming coord service into datacoord.
- add new streaming node role.
- add global static switch to enable streaming service or not.
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
1. Move the common modules of streamingNode and dataNode to flushcommon
2. Add new GetVChannels interface for rootcoord
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
issue: #31224#34374
for query api:
1. param filter is not requried
2. param limit is useless while outputFields = [count(*)]
add hook about grpc call
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
Due to the removal of injection and syncSegments from the compaction, we
need to ensure that no compaction is successfully executed during the
rolling upgrade. This PR renames Compaction to CompactionV2, with the
following effects:
- New datacoord + old datanode: Utilizes the CompactionV2 interface,
resulting in the datanode error "CompactionV2 not implemented," causing
compaction to fail;
- Old datacoord + new datanode: Utilizes the CompactionV1 interface,
resulting in the datanode error "CompactionV1 not implemented," causing
compaction to fail.
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
issue: #32698
This PR add two rest api for component stop and status check:
1. `/management/stop?role=querynode` can stop the specified component
2. `/management/check/ready?role=rootcoord` can check whether the target
component is serviceable
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
issue: #33099#32837#32419
1. len(search result) may be nq * topk, we need return all rather than
2. the in restful response payload keep the same with milvus error code
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #29419
also re-enabled an e2e test using restful api, which is previously
disabled due to
In restful api, the accepted json formats of sparse float vector are:
* `{"indices": [1, 100, 1000], "values": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]}`
* {"1": 0.1, "100": 0.2, "1000": 0.3}
for accepted indice and value range, see
Signed-off-by: Buqian Zheng <>
issue: #33220
use dbName as part of privilege entity, so
1. grant / revoke a privilege need dbName
2. we can describe the privileges of the role which belong to one
special database
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
Query slot of compaction in datanode, and transfer the control logic for
limiting compaction tasks from datacoord to the datanode.
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
Set `UseDefaultConsistency` to true so that restv2 read API shall use
collection consistency level setting correctly.
Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>
issue: #32466
this PR enhance that when shard location changed, update proxy's shard
leader cache. in case of query node failover case, proxy can find
replica recover
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
issue: #32225#31978#32360
1. v1 can only accept one vector, but v2 accept list of vectors #32225
2. cannot get dbName from AliasReq #31978
3. enhance: [restful v2]support config DB-Name in the http header #32360
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #30647
- Add declarative resource group api
- Add config for resource group management
- Resource group recovery enhancement
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
issue: #31176
1. cannot get dbName correctly while describe alias #31978
2. return a valid json string even if the user doesn't have the whole
privileges to describe collection #31635
3. rename IndexParam.IndexConfig to IndexParam.Params
4. FieldSchema.ElementTypeParams, IndexParam.Params can not only accept
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #29507
Notice that api_testonly.go files should be guarded by compiler tag
`test`, so that production build rules don't compile them and these APIs
don't get misused.
Signed-off-by: yiwangdr <>
issue: #29261
This PR Add restful api for devops to execute rolling upgrade, including
suspend/resume balance and manual transfer segments/channels.
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
fix: [restful v2] create a collection with vector field name
1. quickly create collection, create an index on the vector field #31149
2. valid consistencyLevel is needed, while create a collection
3. show collection's properties and aliases #31180
4. list aliase for one collection, default is the whole database
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #28491
after querycoord restart, it will pull a new target, which include
channel and segment list. when segments loaded on querynode has reached
the target, the collection could provide search/query. but if segment
list changes by time, ater querycoord pull a new target, it will takes a
few minutes to catch up the target's segment distribution. and before
that, query/search will fail due to lack of segments.
This PR save the current loaded target to meta storein querycoord's stop
progress, and recover it when query coord starts, to speed up the target
recovery time.
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
1. complete the output of describe collection #31180
2. add a new parameter `params` for create collection #31181#31149
3. create index according to indexConfig while create collection #31199
4. autoID: false while create a collection quickly, take upsert into
5. polish error information while search without annsField #31010
fix: [restful v1] insert / upsert with default partitionName JIRA-4952
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
1. The Import APIs now provide detailed progress information for each
imported file, including details such as file name, file size, progress,
and more.
2. The APIs now return the collection name and the completion time.
3. Other modifications include changing jobID to jobId and other similar
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
See also #31103
This PR add `listIndexes` API for datacoor server to list all indexes
for provided collection.
Comparing to the existing `DescribeIndex` API, the new one does NOT
check the segment index building progress to ease the burden when
invoking it
Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>
issue: #20553
This PR add retry on all interface which belong to indexcoord in milvus
2.2 and. move to data coord in milvus 2.3, to prevent meet
`unimplemented` error during rolling upgrade from milvus 2.2 to 2.3.
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
issue: #30980#22837
2.3 pr: #30873
should use GetBFloat16Field, GetBfloat16Field rather than GetBinaryField
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
This PR introduces novel managerial roles for importv2:
1. ImportMeta: To manage all the import tasks;
2. ImportScheduler: To process tasks and modify their states;
3. ImportChecker: To ascertain the completion of all tasks and instigate
relevant operations.
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
1. add coordinator graceful stop timeout to 5s
2. change the order of datacoord component while stop
3. change querynode grace stop timeout to 900s, and we should
potentially change this to 600s when graceful stop is smooth
issue: #30310
also see pr: #30306
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
bug list
1. element data type is needed while create a collection with an array
field #30638
2. spelling mistake about metricsType #30643
3. new collection enable dynamic field / auto id as user defined #30665
4. convert rowCount from string to int #30661
5. try it's best to create a new collection #30652
6. int64 percious #20415
7. insert into collection which has multi vector fields #30674
8. cannot rename a collection to other database #30700
9. update the request body of "indexes/create" #30769
10. got [] while list indexes of a collection which has no index #30722
11. restful need encode password before call
CreateCredential/UpdateCredential #30730
12. some parameters missed the required label #30737
13.define the field to be or not to be a partition key while create a
collection #30797
enhance: support opentelemetry
enhance: support dataType: Float16Vector & BFloat16Vector #22837
enhance: describe collection will show the field is partition key or not
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #30715
- Bug: Set nil struct pointer to describe nil interface.
Panic with segment violation when calling method on this nil struct
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
issue: #28521#29732
1. list collection's import jobs
2. create a new import job
3. get the progress of an import job
1. mix the order of dbName & collectionName #29728
2. trace log keep the same as v1
3. support traceID
4. azure precheck, blob name cannot end with / #29703
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
the proxy miss-returned nil while failed to listen the port, then the
server continues to run but we can't connect to service
Signed-off-by: yah01 <>
issue: #30102#30225
we should read MetricType from SearchResult,
because query node never
1. read metricType from LoadMeta
2. store to collection
3. set SearchRequest.MetricType
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #30000
related to: [milvus-proto
1. replace collSchema.AutoID with primaryField.AutoID
2. show `enableDynamic` & `enableDynamicField` at the same time
3. avoid data race about the access to metacache
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
See also #29113
The collection schema is crucial when performing search/query but some
of the information is calculated for every request.
This PR change schema field of cached collection info into a utility
`schemaInfo` type to store some stable result, say pk field,
partitionKeyEnabled, etc. And provided field name to id map for
search/query services.
Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>
issue: #29494
1. link with install path's libblob-chunk-manager
2. performance of `ShouldBindWith` is better than `ShouldBindBodyWith`
3. the middleware shouldn't read the unrefreshed parameter repeatly
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
support enable/disable mmap for index, the user could alter the index's
mode by `AlterIndex` method
Signed-off-by: yah01 <>
Signed-off-by: yah01 <>
issue: #28960 [milvus-proto
add new configuration: builtinRoles
user can define roles in config file: `milvus.yaml`
there is an example:
1. db_ro, only have read privileges, include load
2. db_rw, read and write privileges, include create/drop/rename
3. db_admin, not only read and write privileges, but also user
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #29004
add a new parameter: `params`, which is a map[string]float64;
but now only 2 valid item: radius + range_filter;
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #28781#28329
1. There is no need to call `DescribeCollection`, if the collection's
schema is found in the globalMetaCache
2. did `GetProperties` to check the access to Azure Blob Service while
construct the ChunkManager
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
/kind bug
to #28579#28504
1. replace enableDynamic with enableDynamicField
2. cgo directly link to milvus_storage
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
Compaction plan result contained one segment for one plan. For l0
compaction would write to multiple segments, this PR expand the segments
number in plan results and refactor some names for readibility.
- Name refactory: - CompactionStateResult -> CompactionPlanResult -
CompactionResult -> CompactionSegment
See also: #27606
Signed-off-by: yangxuan <>
We found lots of connection reset & canceled due to recent retry change
Current implementation resets connection no matter what the error code is
To sync behavior to previous retry, skip reset connection only if cancel error happens too much.
Also adds a config item for minResetInterval for grpc reset connection
Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>