Custom `jsonRender` that encodes JSON data directly into the response
stream, it uses less memory since it does not buffer the entire JSON
structure before sending it, unlike `c.JSON` in `HTTPReturn`, which
serializes the JSON fully in memory before writing it to the response.
Benchmark testing shows that, using the custom render incurs no
performance loss and reduces memory consumption by nearly 50%.
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
issue: ##36621
- For simple types in a struct, add "string" to the JSON tag for
automatic string conversion during JSON encoding.
- For complex types in a struct, replace "int64" with "string."
Signed-off-by: jaime <>
issue: #33285
- Modify the proto of consumer of streaming service.
- Make VChannel as a required option for streaming
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
Make the parameter input method consistent with miluvs-client.
Signed-off-by: lixinguo <>
Co-authored-by: lixinguo <>
# Main Goals
1. Create and describe collections with geospatial fields, enabling both
client and server to recognize and process geo fields.
2. Insert geospatial data as payload values in the insert binlog, and
print the values for verification.
3. Load segments containing geospatial data into memory.
4. Ensure query outputs can display geospatial data.
5. Support filtering on GIS functions for geospatial columns.
# Solution
1. **Add Type**: Modify the Milvus core by adding a Geospatial type in
both the C++ and Go code layers, defining the Geospatial data structure
and the corresponding interfaces.
2. **Dependency Libraries**: Introduce necessary geospatial data
processing libraries. In the C++ source code, use Conan package
management to include the GDAL library. In the Go source code, add the
go-geom library to the go.mod file.
3. **Protocol Interface**: Revise the Milvus protocol to provide
mechanisms for Geospatial message serialization and deserialization.
4. **Data Pipeline**: Facilitate interaction between the client and
proxy using the WKT format for geospatial data. The proxy will convert
all data into WKB format for downstream processing, providing column
data interfaces, segment encapsulation, segment loading, payload
writing, and cache block management.
5. **Query Operators**: Implement simple display and support for filter
queries. Initially, focus on filtering based on spatial relationships
for a single column of geospatial literal values, providing parsing and
execution for query expressions.
6. **Client Modification**: Enable the client to handle user input for
geospatial data and facilitate end-to-end testing.Check the modification
in pymilvus.
Signed-off-by: tasty-gumi <>
Related to #36102
Previous PR #36107 add grpc inteceptor to observe rpc stats. Using same
strategy, this pr add gin middleware to observer restful v2 rpc stats.
Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>
issue: #36621
1. Add API to access task runtime metrics, including:
- build index task
- compaction task
- import task
- balance (including load/release of segments/channels and some leader
tasks on querycoord)
- sync task
2. Add a debug model to the webpage by using debug=true or debug=false
in the URL query parameters to enable or disable debug mode.
Signed-off-by: jaime <>
Relatedt #36887
DirectFoward streaming delete will cause memory usage explode if the
segments number was large. This PR add batching delete API and using it
for direct forward implementation.
Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>
1. support isClusteringKey in restful api;
2. throw err if passed invalid 'enableDynamicField' params
3. parameters in indexparams are not processed properly, related with
Signed-off-by: lixinguo <>
Co-authored-by: lixinguo <>
Support the new RESTful URL for retrieving/describing import progress:
Deprecate the old URL: `/v2/vectordb/jobs/import/get_progress`.
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
issue: #35821
After collection loaded, if we need to increase/decrease collection's
replica, we need to release and load it again.
milvus offers 4 solution to update loaded collection's replica, this PR
aims to dynamic change the replica number without release, and after
replica number changed, milvus will execute load replica or release
replica in async, and the replica loaded status can be checked by
getReplicas API.
Notice that if set too much replicas than querynode can afford,the new
replica won't be loaded successfully until enough querynode joins.
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
Related to #36102
This PR use newly added `grpcSizeStatsHandler` to reduce calling
`proto.Size` since the request & response size info is recorded by grpc
Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>
Related to #35927
There are serveral issue this PR addresses:
- Use `ResetTraceConfig` method instead init one in update event handler
- Implement dynamic stats.Handler to receive tracing config update event
- Update `enable_trace` flag when `ResetTraceConfig` is invoked
- Change `enable_trace` to `std::atomic<bool>` in case of data race
Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>
issue: #33744
This PR includes the following changes:
1. Added a new task type to the task scheduler in datacoord: stats task,
which sorts segments by primary key.
2. Implemented segment sorting in indexnode.
3. Added a new field `FieldStatsLog` to SegmentInfo to store token index
Signed-off-by: Cai Zhang <>
issue: #33285
- using streaming service in insert/upsert/flush/delete/querynode
- fixup flusher bugs and refactor the flush operation
- enable streaming service for dml and ddl
- pass the e2e when enabling streaming service
- pass the integration tst when enabling streaming service
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
Related to #35767
prometheus counter cannot add negative value
when response is not written(say timeout/network broken) panicking may
happen if not check
Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>
issue: #33285
- support transaction on single wal.
- last confirmed message id can still be used when enable transaction.
- add fence operation for segment allocation interceptor.
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
issue: #33285
- move streaming related proto into pkg.
- add v2 message type and change flush message into v2 message.
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
issue: #33285
- implement streaming service client.
- implement producing and consuming service client by streaming coord
client and streaming node client.
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
issue: #33285
- register streaming coord service into datacoord.
- add new streaming node role.
- add global static switch to enable streaming service or not.
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
1. Move the common modules of streamingNode and dataNode to flushcommon
2. Add new GetVChannels interface for rootcoord
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
issue: #31224#34374
for query api:
1. param filter is not requried
2. param limit is useless while outputFields = [count(*)]
add hook about grpc call
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
Due to the removal of injection and syncSegments from the compaction, we
need to ensure that no compaction is successfully executed during the
rolling upgrade. This PR renames Compaction to CompactionV2, with the
following effects:
- New datacoord + old datanode: Utilizes the CompactionV2 interface,
resulting in the datanode error "CompactionV2 not implemented," causing
compaction to fail;
- Old datacoord + new datanode: Utilizes the CompactionV1 interface,
resulting in the datanode error "CompactionV1 not implemented," causing
compaction to fail.
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
issue: #32698
This PR add two rest api for component stop and status check:
1. `/management/stop?role=querynode` can stop the specified component
2. `/management/check/ready?role=rootcoord` can check whether the target
component is serviceable
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
issue: #33099#32837#32419
1. len(search result) may be nq * topk, we need return all rather than
2. the in restful response payload keep the same with milvus error code
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #29419
also re-enabled an e2e test using restful api, which is previously
disabled due to
In restful api, the accepted json formats of sparse float vector are:
* `{"indices": [1, 100, 1000], "values": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]}`
* {"1": 0.1, "100": 0.2, "1000": 0.3}
for accepted indice and value range, see
Signed-off-by: Buqian Zheng <>
issue: #33220
use dbName as part of privilege entity, so
1. grant / revoke a privilege need dbName
2. we can describe the privileges of the role which belong to one
special database
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
Query slot of compaction in datanode, and transfer the control logic for
limiting compaction tasks from datacoord to the datanode.
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
Set `UseDefaultConsistency` to true so that restv2 read API shall use
collection consistency level setting correctly.
Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>
issue: #32466
this PR enhance that when shard location changed, update proxy's shard
leader cache. in case of query node failover case, proxy can find
replica recover
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
issue: #32225#31978#32360
1. v1 can only accept one vector, but v2 accept list of vectors #32225
2. cannot get dbName from AliasReq #31978
3. enhance: [restful v2]support config DB-Name in the http header #32360
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #30647
- Add declarative resource group api
- Add config for resource group management
- Resource group recovery enhancement
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
issue: #31176
1. cannot get dbName correctly while describe alias #31978
2. return a valid json string even if the user doesn't have the whole
privileges to describe collection #31635
3. rename IndexParam.IndexConfig to IndexParam.Params
4. FieldSchema.ElementTypeParams, IndexParam.Params can not only accept
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #29507
Notice that api_testonly.go files should be guarded by compiler tag
`test`, so that production build rules don't compile them and these APIs
don't get misused.
Signed-off-by: yiwangdr <>