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layout: blog
title: "2019 指导委员会选举结果"
date: 2019-10-03
slug: 2019-steering-committee-election-results
layout: blog
title: "2019 Steering Committee Election Results"
date: 2019-10-03
slug: 2019-steering-committee-election-results
**Authors**: Bob Killen (University of Michigan), Jorge Castro (VMware),
Brian Grant (Google), and Ihor Dvoretskyi (CNCF)
**作者**:Bob Killen (University of Michigan), Jorge Castro (VMware),
Brian Grant (Google), and Ihor Dvoretskyi (CNCF)
The [2019 Steering Committee Election] is a landmark milestone for the
Kubernetes project. The initial bootstrap committee is graduating to emeritus
and the committee has now shrunk to its final allocation of seven seats. All
members of the Steering Committee are now fully elected by the Kubernetes
[2019 指导委员会选举][2019 Steering Committee Election] 是 Kubernetes 项目的重要里程碑。最初的自助委员会正逐步退休,现在该委员会已缩减到最后分配的 7 个席位。指导委员会的所有成员现在都由 Kubernetes 社区选举产生。
Moving forward elections will elect either 3 or 4 people to the committee for
two-year terms.
接下来的选举将选出 3 到 4 名委员,任期两年。
## **Results**
The Kubernetes Steering Committee Election is now complete and the following
candidates came ahead to secure two-year terms that start immediately
(in alphabetical order by GitHub handle):
## 选举结果
Kubernetes 指导委员会选举现已完成,以下候选人提前获得立即开始的两年任期 (按 GitHub handle 的字母顺序排列) :
* **Christoph Blecker ([@cblecker]), Red Hat**
* **Derek Carr ([@derekwaynecarr]), Red Hat**
* **Nikhita Raghunath ([@nikhita]), Loodse**
* **Paris Pittman ([@parispittman])**, **Google**
They join Aaron Crickenberger ([@spiffxp]), Google; Davanum Srinivas ([@dims]),
VMware; and Timothy St. Clair ([@timothysc]), VMware, to round out the committee.
The seats held by Aaron, Davanum, and Timothy will be up for election around
this time next year.
他们加入了 Aaron Crickenberger ([@spiffxp]), Google;Davanum Srinivas ([@dims]),VMware; and Timothy St. Clair ([@timothysc]), VMware,使得委员会更圆满。Aaron、Davanum 和 Timothy 占据的这些席位将会在明年的这个时候进行选举。
## Big Thanks!
* Thanks to the initial bootstrap committee for establishing the initial
project governance and overseeing a multi-year transition period:
## 诚挚的感谢!
* 感谢最初的引导委员会创立了最初项目的管理并监督了多年的过渡期:
* Joe Beda ([@jbeda]), VMware
* Brendan Burns ([@brendandburns]), Microsoft
* Clayton Coleman ([@smarterclayton]), Red Hat
* Brian Grant ([@bgrant0607]), Google
* Tim Hockin ([@thockin]), Google
* Sarah Novotny ([@sarahnovotny]), Microsoft
* Brandon Philips ([@philips]), Red Hat
* And also thanks to the other Emeritus Steering Committee Members. Your
prior service is appreciated by the community:
* 同样感谢其他的已退休指导委员会成员。社区对你们先前的服务表示赞赏:
* Quinton Hoole ([@quinton-hoole]), Huawei
* Michelle Noorali ([@michelleN]), Microsoft
* Phillip Wittrock ([@pwittrock]), Google
* Thanks to the candidates that came forward to run for election. May we always
have a strong set of people who want to push the community forward like yours
in every election.
* Thanks to all 377 voters who cast a ballot.
* And last but not least…Thanks to Cornell University for hosting [CIVS]!
* 感谢参选的候选人。 愿在每次选举中,我们都能拥有一群像您一样推动社区向前发展的人。
* 感谢所有投票的377位选民。
* 最后,感谢康奈尔大学举办的 [CIVS]!
## Get Involved with the Steering Committee
You can follow along with Steering Committee [backlog items] and weigh in by
filing an issue or creating a PR against their [repo]. They meet bi-weekly on
[Wednesdays at 8pm UTC] and regularly attend Meet Our Contributors. They can
also be contacted at their public mailing list [steering@kubernetes.io].
Steering Committee Meetings:
## 参与指导委员会
你可以跟进指导委员会的 [代办事项][backlog items],通过提出问题或者向 [仓库][repo] 提交一个 pr 。他们每两周一次,在 [UTC 时间周三晚上 8 点][Wednesdays at 8pm UTC] 会面,并定期与我们的贡献者见面。也可以通过他们的公共邮件列表 [steering@kubernetes.io] 联系他们。
* [YouTube Playlist]
* [YouTube 播放列表][YouTube Playlist]
[2019 Steering Committee Election]: https://git.k8s.io/community/events/elections/2021
[@cblecker]: https://github.com/cblecker
[@derekwaynecarr]: https://github.com/derekwaynecarr
[@nikhita]: https://github.com/nikhita
[@parispittman]: https://github.com/parispittman
[@spiffxp]: https://github.com/spiffxp
[@dims]: https://github.com/dims
[@timothysc]: https://github.com/timothysc
[@jbeda]: https://github.com/jbeda
[@brendandburns]: https://github.com/brendandburns
[@smarterclayton]: https://github.com/smarterclayton
[@bgrant0607]: https://github.com/bgrant0607
[@thockin]: https://github.com/thockin
[@sarahnovotny]: https://github.com/sarahnovotny
[@philips]: https://github.com/philips
[@quinton-hoole]: https://github.com/quinton-hoole
[@michelleN]: https://github.com/michelleN
[@pwittrock]: https://github.com/pwittrock
[CIVS]: https://civs.cs.cornell.edu/
[backlog items]: https://github.com/kubernetes/steering/projects/1
[repo]: https://github.com/kubernetes/steering
[Wednesdays at 8pm UTC]: https://github.com/kubernetes/steering
[steering@kubernetes.io]: mailto:steering@kubernetes.io
[YouTube Playlist]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL69nYSiGNLP1yP1B_nd9-drjoxp0Q14qM