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Mapping from dockercli to crictl reference 10

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crictl is a command-line interface for {{<glossary_tooltip term_id="cri" text="CRI">}}-compatible container runtimes. You can use it to inspect and debug container runtimes and applications on a Kubernetes node. crictl and its source are hosted in the cri-tools repository.

This page provides a reference for mapping common commands for the docker command-line tool into the equivalent commands for crictl.

Mapping from docker CLI to crictl

The exact versions for the mapping table are for docker CLI v1.40 and crictl v1.19.0. This list is not exhaustive. For example, it doesn't include experimental docker CLI commands.

{{< note >}} The output format of crictl is similar to docker CLI, despite some missing columns for some CLI. Make sure to check output for the specific command if your command output is being parsed programmatically. {{< /note >}}

Retrieve debugging information

{{< table caption="mapping from docker cli to crictl - retrieve debugging information" >}}

docker cli crictl Description Unsupported Features
attach attach Attach to a running container --detach-keys, --sig-proxy
exec exec Run a command in a running container --privileged, --user, --detach-keys
images images List images  
info info Display system-wide information  
inspect inspect, inspecti Return low-level information on a container, image or task  
logs logs Fetch the logs of a container --details
ps ps List containers  
stats stats Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics Column: NET/BLOCK I/O, PIDs
version version Show the runtime (Docker, ContainerD, or others) version information  
{{< /table >}}

Perform Changes

{{< table caption="mapping from docker cli to crictl - perform changes" >}}

docker cli crictl Description Unsupported Features
create create Create a new container  
kill stop (timeout = 0) Kill one or more running container --signal
pull pull Pull an image or a repository from a registry --all-tags, --disable-content-trust
rm rm Remove one or more containers  
rmi rmi Remove one or more images  
run run Run a command in a new container  
start start Start one or more stopped containers --detach-keys
stop stop Stop one or more running containers  
update update Update configuration of one or more containers --restart, --blkio-weight and some other resource limit not supported by CRI.
{{< /table >}}

Supported only in crictl

{{< table caption="mapping from docker cli to crictl - supported only in crictl" >}}

crictl Description
imagefsinfo Return image filesystem info
inspectp Display the status of one or more pods
port-forward Forward local port to a pod
pods List pods
runp Run a new pod
rmp Remove one or more pods
stopp Stop one or more running pods
{{< /table >}}