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layout: blog
title: '欢迎参加在上海举行的贡献者峰会'
date: 2019-06-11
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layout: blog
title: 'Join us at the Contributor Summit in Shanghai'
date: 2019-06-11
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**Author**: Josh Berkus (Red Hat)
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<!-- For the second year, we will have [a Contributor Summit event](https://www.lfasiallc.com/events/contributors-summit-china-2019/) the day before [KubeCon China](https://events.linuxfoundation.cn/events/kubecon-cloudnativecon-china-2019/) in Shanghai. If you already contribute to Kubernetes or would like to contribute, please consider attending and [register](https://www.lfasiallc.com/events/contributors-summit-china-2019/register/). The Summit will be held June 24th, at the Shanghai Expo Center (the same location where KubeCon will take place), and will include a Current Contributor Day as well as the New Contributor Workshop and the Documentation Sprints. -->
连续第二年,我们将在 [KubeCon China](https://events.linuxfoundation.cn/events/kubecon-cloudnativecon-china-2019/) 之前举行一天的 [贡献者峰会](https://www.lfasiallc.com/events/contributors-summit-china-2019/)。
不管您是否已经是一名 Kubernetes 贡献者,还是想要加入社区队伍,贡献一份力量,都请考虑[注册](https://www.lfasiallc.com/events/contributors-summit-china-2019/register/)参加这次活动。
这次峰会将于六月 24 号,在上海世博中心(和 KubeCon 的举办地点相同)举行,
<!-- ### Current Contributor Day -->
### 现有贡献者活动
<!-- After last year's Contributor Day, our team received feedback that many of our contributors in Asia and Oceania would like content for current contributors as well. As such, we have added a Current Contributor track to the schedule. -->
<!-- While we do not yet have a full schedule up, the topics covered in the current contributor track will include: -->
<!-- * How to write a KEP (Kubernetes Enhancement Proposal)
* Codebase and repository review
* Local Build & Test troubleshooting session
* Guide to Non-Code Contribution opportunities
* SIG-Azure face-to-face meeting
* SIG-Scheduling face-to-face meeting
* Other SIG face-to-face meetings as we confirm them -->
* 如何撰写 Kubernetes 改进议案 (KEP)
* 代码库研习
* 本地构建以及测试调试
* 不写代码的贡献机会
* SIG-Azure 面对面交流
* SIG-Scheduling 面对面交流
* 其他兴趣小组的面对面机会
<!-- The schedule will be on [the Community page](https://github.com/kubernetes/community/tree/master/events/2019/06-contributor-summit) once it is complete. -->
<!-- If your SIG wants to have a face-to-face meeting at Kubecon Shanghai, please contact [Josh Berkus](mailto:jberkus@redhat.com). -->
如果您的 SIG 想要在 Kubecon Shanghai 上进行面对面的交流,请联系 [Josh Berkus](mailto:jberkus@redhat.com)。
<!-- ### New Contributor Workshop -->
### 新贡献者工作坊
<!-- Students at [last year's New Contributor Workshop](/blog/2018/12/05/new-contributor-workshop-shanghai/) (NCW) found it to be extremely valuable, and the event helped to orient a few of the many Asian and Pacific developers looking to participate in the Kubernetes community. -->
这项活动也帮助、引导了很多亚洲和大洋洲的开发者更多地参与到 Kubernetes 社区之中。
<!-- > "It's a one-stop-shop for becoming familiar with the community." said one participant. -->
> “这次活动可以让人一次快速熟悉社区。”其中的一位参与者提到。
<!-- If you have not contributed to Kubernetes before, or have only done one or two things, please consider [enrolling](https://www.lfasiallc.com/events/contributors-summit-china-2019/register/) in the NCW. -->
如果您之前从没有参与过 Kubernetes 的贡献,或者只是做过一次或两次贡献,都请考虑[注册参加](https://www.lfasiallc.com/events/contributors-summit-china-2019/register/)新贡献者工作坊。
<!-- > "Got to know the process from signing CLA to PR and made friends with other contributors." said another. -->
> “熟悉了从 CLA 到 PR 的整个流程,也认识结交了很多贡献者。”另一位开发者提到。
<!-- ### Documentation Sprints -->
### 文档小组活动
<!-- Both old and new contributors on our Docs Team will spend a day both improving our documentation and translating it into other languages. If you are interested in having better documentation, fully localized into Chinese and other languages, please [sign up](https://www.lfasiallc.com/events/contributors-summit-china-2019/register/) to help with the Doc Sprints. -->
<!-- ### Before you attend -->
### 参与之前
<!-- Regardless of where you participate, everyone at the Contributor Summit should [sign the Kubernetes Contributor License Agreement](https://git.k8s.io/community/CLA.md#the-contributor-license-agreement) (CLA) before coming to the conference. You should also bring a laptop suitable for working on documentation or code development. -->
不论您参与的是哪一项活动,所有人都需要在到达贡献者峰会前签署 [Kubernetes CLA](https://git.k8s.io/community/CLA.md#the-contributor-license-agreement)。