120 lines
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120 lines
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title: Portable Multi-Node Cluster
## Prerequisites
The only thing you need is a linux machine with **Docker 1.10.0 or higher**
## Overview
This guide will set up a 2-node Kubernetes cluster, consisting of a _master_ node which hosts the API server and orchestrates work
and a _worker_ node which receives work from the master. You can repeat the process of adding worker nodes an arbitrary number of
times to create larger clusters.
Here's a diagram of what the final result will look like:

### Bootstrap Docker
This guide uses a pattern of running two instances of the Docker daemon:
1) A _bootstrap_ Docker instance which is used to start `etcd` and `flanneld`, on which the Kubernetes components depend
2) A _main_ Docker instance which is used for the Kubernetes infrastructure and user's scheduled containers
This pattern is necessary because the `flannel` daemon is responsible for setting up and managing the network that interconnects
all of the Docker containers created by Kubernetes. To achieve this, it must run outside of the _main_ Docker daemon. However,
it is still useful to use containers for deployment and management, so we create a simpler _bootstrap_ daemon to achieve this.
### Versions supported
v1.2.x and v1.3.x are supported versions for this deployment.
v1.3.0 alphas and betas might work, but be sure you know what you're doing if you're trying them out.
### Multi-arch solution
Yeah, it's true. You may run this deployment setup seamlessly on `amd64`, `arm`, `arm64` and `ppc64le` hosts.
See this tracking issue for more details: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/17981
v1.3.0 ships with support for amd64, arm and arm64. ppc64le isn't supported, due to a bug in the Go runtime, `hyperkube` (only!) isn't built for the stable v1.3.0 release, and therefore this guide can't run it. But you may still run Kubernetes on ppc64le via custom deployments.
hyperkube was pushed for ppc64le at versions `v1.3.0-alpha.3` and `v1.3.0-alpha.4`, feel free to try them out, but there might be some unexpected bugs.
### Options/configuration
The scripts will output something like this when starting:
+++ [0611 12:50:12] K8S_VERSION is set to: v1.3.0
+++ [0611 12:50:12] ETCD_VERSION is set to: 2.2.5
+++ [0611 12:50:12] FLANNEL_VERSION is set to: 0.5.5
+++ [0611 12:50:12] FLANNEL_IPMASQ is set to: true
+++ [0611 12:50:12] FLANNEL_NETWORK is set to:
+++ [0611 12:50:12] FLANNEL_BACKEND is set to: udp
+++ [0611 12:50:12] RESTART_POLICY is set to: unless-stopped
+++ [0611 12:50:12] MASTER_IP is set to:
+++ [0611 12:50:12] ARCH is set to: amd64
+++ [0611 12:50:12] NET_INTERFACE is set to: eth0
Each of these options are overridable by `export`ing the values before running the script.
## Setup the master node
The first step in the process is to initialize the master node.
Clone the `kube-deploy` repo, and run `master.sh` on the master machine _with root_:
$ git clone https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-deploy
$ cd kube-deploy/docker-multinode
$ ./master.sh
First, the `bootstrap` docker daemon is started, then `etcd` and `flannel` are started as containers in the bootstrap daemon.
Then, the main docker daemon is restarted, and this is an OS/distro-specific tasks, so if it doesn't work for your distro, feel free to contribute!
Lastly, it launches `kubelet` in the main docker daemon, and the `kubelet` in turn launches the control plane (apiserver, controller-manager and scheduler) as static pods.
## Adding a worker node
Once your master is up and running you can add one or more workers on different machines.
Clone the `kube-deploy` repo, and run `worker.sh` on the worker machine _with root_:
$ git clone https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-deploy
$ cd kube-deploy/docker-multinode
$ export MASTER_IP=${SOME_IP}
$ ./worker.sh
First, the `bootstrap` docker daemon is started, then `flannel` is started as a container in the bootstrap daemon, in order to set up the overlay network.
Then, the main docker daemon is restarted and lastly `kubelet` is launched as a container in the main docker daemon.
## Addons
kube-dns and the dashboard are deployed automatically with v1.3.0
### Deploy DNS manually for v1.2.x
Just specify the architecture, and deploy via these commands:
# Possible options: amd64, arm, arm64 and ppc64le
$ export ARCH=amd64
# If the kube-system namespace isn't already created, create it
$ kubectl get ns
$ kubectl create namespace kube-system
$ sed -e "s/ARCH/${ARCH}/g;" skydns.yaml | kubectl create -f -
### Test if DNS works
Follow [this link](https://releases.k8s.io/release-1.2/cluster/addons/dns#how-do-i-test-if-it-is-working) to check it out.