
182 lines
8.2 KiB

title: Scheduling Profiles
content_template: templates/concept
weight: 20
{{% capture overview %}}
{{< feature-state for_k8s_version="v1.18" state="alpha" >}}
A scheduling Profile allows you to configure the different stages of scheduling
in the {{< glossary_tooltip text="kube-scheduler" term_id="kube-scheduler" >}}.
Each stage is exposed in a extension point. Plugins provide scheduling behaviors
by implementing one or more of these extension points.
You can specify scheduling profiles by running `kube-scheduler --config <filename>`,
using the component config APIs
([`v1alpha1`]({{< param "fullversion" >}}/config/v1alpha1?tab=doc#KubeSchedulerConfiguration)
or [`v1alpha2`]({{< param "fullversion" >}}/config/v1alpha2?tab=doc#KubeSchedulerConfiguration)).
The `v1alpha2` API allows you to configure kube-scheduler to run
[multiple profiles](#multiple-profiles).
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## Extension points
Scheduling happens in a series of stages that are exposed through the following
extension points:
1. `QueueSort`: These plugins provide an ordering function that is used to
sort pending Pods in the scheduling queue. Exactly one queue sort plugin
may be enabled at a time.
1. `PreFilter`: These plugins are used to pre-process or check information
about a Pod or the cluster before filtering.
1. `Filter`: These plugins are the equivalent of Predicates in a scheduling
Policy and are used to filter out nodes that can not run the Pod. Filters
are called in the configured order.
1. `PreScore`: This is an informational extension point that can be used
for doing pre-scoring work.
1. `Score`: These plugins provide a score to each node that has passed the
filtering phase. The scheduler will then select the node with the highest
weighted scores sum.
1. `Reserve`: This is an informational extension point that notifies plugins
when resources have being reserved for a given Pod.
1. `Permit`: These plugins can prevent or delay the binding of a Pod.
1. `PreBind`: These plugins perform any work required before a Pod is bound.
1. `Bind`: The plugins bind a Pod to a Node. Bind plugins are called in order
and once one has done the binding, the remaining plugins are skipped. At
least one bind plugin is required.
1. `PostBind`: This is an informational extension point that is called after
a Pod has been bound.
1. `UnReserve`: This is an informational extension point that is called if
a Pod is rejected after being reserved and put on hold by a `Permit` plugin.
## Scheduling plugins
The following plugins, enabled by default, implement one or more of these
extension points:
- `DefaultTopologySpread`: Favors spreading across nodes for Pods that belong to
{{< glossary_tooltip text="Services" term_id="service" >}},
{{< glossary_tooltip text="ReplicaSets" term_id="replica-set" >}} and
{{< glossary_tooltip text="StatefulSets" term_id="statefulset" >}}
Extension points: `PreScore`, `Score`.
- `ImageLocality`: Favors nodes that already have the container images that the
Pod runs.
Extension points: `Score`.
- `TaintToleration`: Implements
[taints and tolerations](/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/).
Implements extension points: `Filter`, `Prescore`, `Score`.
- `NodeName`: Checks if a Pod spec node name matches the current node.
Extension points: `Filter`.
- `NodePorts`: Checks if a node has free ports for the requested Pod ports.
Extension points: `PreFilter`, `Filter`.
- `NodePreferAvoidPods`: Scores nodes according to the node
{{< glossary_tooltip text="annotation" term_id="annotation" >}}
Extension points: `Score`.
- `NodeAffinity`: Implements
[node selectors](/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector)
and [node affinity](/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#node-affinity).
Extension points: `Filter`, `Score`.
- `PodTopologySpread`: Implements
[Pod topology spread](/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-topology-spread-constraints/).
Extension points: `PreFilter`, `Filter`, `PreScore`, `Score`.
- `NodeUnschedulable`: Filters out nodes that have `.spec.unschedulable` set to
Extension points: `Filter`.
- `NodeResourcesFit`: Checks if the node has all the resources that the Pod is
Extension points: `PreFilter`, `Filter`.
- `NodeResourcesBallancedAllocation`: Favors nodes that would obtain a more
balanced resource usage if the Pod is scheduled there.
Extension points: `Score`.
- `NodeResourcesLeastAllocated`: Favors nodes that have a low allocation of
Extension points: `Score`.
- `VolumeBinding`: Checks if the node has or if it can bind the requested
{{< glossary_tooltip text="volumes" term_id="volume" >}}.
Extension points: `Filter`.
- `VolumeRestrictions`: Checks that volumes mounted in the node satisfy
restrictions that are specific to the volume provider.
Extension points: `Filter`.
- `VolumeZone`: Checks that volumes requested satisfy any zone requirements they
might have.
Extension points: `Filter`.
- `NodeVolumeLimits`: Checks that CSI volume limits can be satisfied for the
Extension points: `Filter`.
- `EBSLimits`: Checks that AWS EBS volume limits can be satisfied for the node.
Extension points: `Filter`.
- `GCEPDLimits`: Checks that GCP-PD volume limits can be satisfied for the node.
Extension points: `Filter`.
- `AzureDiskLimits`: Checks that Azure disk volume limits can be satisfied for
the node.
Extension points: `Filter`.
- `InterPodAffinity`: Implements
[inter-Pod affinity and anti-affinity](/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity).
Extension points: `PreFilter`, `Filter`, `PreScore`, `Score`.
- `PrioritySort`: Provides the default priority based sorting.
Extension points: `QueueSort`.
- `DefaultBinder`: Provides the default binding mechanism.
Extension points: `Bind`.
You can also enable the following plugins, through the component config APIs,
that are not enabled by default:
- `NodeResourcesMostAllocated`: Favors nodes that have a high allocation of
Extension points: `Score`.
- `RequestedToCapacityRatio`: Favor nodes according to a configured function of
the allocated resources.
Extension points: `Score`.
- `NodeResourceLimits`: Favors nodes that satisfy the Pod resource limits.
Extension points: `PreScore`, `Score`.
- `CinderVolume`: Checks that OpenStack Cinder volume limits can be satisfied
for the node.
Extension points: `Filter`.
- `NodeLabel`: Filters and / or scores a node according to configured
{{< glossary_tooltip text="label(s)" term_id="label" >}}.
Extension points: `Filter`, `Score`.
- `ServiceAffinity`: Checks that Pods that belong to a
{{< glossary_tooltip term_id="service" >}} fit in a set of nodes defined by
configured labels. This plugin also favors spreading the Pods belonging to a
Service across nodes.
Extension points: `PreFilter`, `Filter`, `Score`.
## Multiple profiles
When using the component config API v1alpha2, a scheduler can be configured to
run more than one profile. Each profile has an associated scheduler name.
Pods that want to be scheduled according to a specific profile can include
the corresponding scheduler name in its `.spec.schedulerName`.
By default, one profile with the scheduler name `default-scheduler` is created.
This profile includes the default plugins described above. When declaring more
than one profile, a unique scheduler name for each of them is required.
If a Pod doesn't specify a scheduler name, kube-apiserver will set it to
`default-scheduler`. Therefore, a profile with this scheduler name should exist
to get those pods scheduled.
{{< note >}}
Pod's scheduling events have `.spec.schedulerName` as the ReportingController.
Events for leader election use the scheduler name of the first profile in the
{{< /note >}}
{{< note >}}
All profiles must use the same plugin in the QueueSort extension point and have
the same configuration parameters (if applicable). This is because the scheduler
only has one pending pods queue.
{{< /note >}}
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* Learn about [scheduling](/docs/concepts/scheduling/kube-scheduler/)
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