849 lines
33 KiB
849 lines
33 KiB
title: 使用 ConfigMap 配置 Pod
content_template: templates/task
weight: 150
name: tasks
weight: 50
<!-- ---
title: Configure a Pod to Use a ConfigMap
content_template: templates/task
weight: 150
name: tasks
weight: 50
--- -->
{{% capture overview %}}
<!-- ConfigMaps allow you to decouple configuration artifacts from image content to keep containerized applications portable. This page provides a series of usage examples demonstrating how to create ConfigMaps and configure Pods using data stored in ConfigMaps. -->
ConfigMap 允许您将配置文件与镜像文件分离,以使容器化的应用程序具有可移植性。该页面提供了一系列使用示例,这些示例演示了如何使用存储在 ConfigMap 中的数据创建 ConfigMap 和配置 Pod。
{{% /capture %}}
{{% capture prerequisites %}}
{{< include "task-tutorial-prereqs.md" >}} {{< version-check >}}
{{% /capture %}}
{{% capture steps %}}
<!-- ## Create a ConfigMap
You can use either `kubectl create configmap` or a ConfigMap generator in `kustomization.yaml` to create a ConfigMap. Note that `kubectl` starts to support `kustomization.yaml` since 1.14. -->
## 创建 ConfigMap
您可以在 `kustomization.yaml` 中使用 `kubectl create configmap` 或 ConfigMap 生成器来创建ConfigMap。注意,从 1.14 版本开始, `kubectl` 开始支持 `kustomization.yaml`。
<!-- ### Create a ConfigMap Using kubectl create configmap -->
### 使用 kubectl 创建 ConfigMap
<!-- Use the `kubectl create configmap` command to create configmaps from [directories](#create-configmaps-from-directories), [files](#create-configmaps-from-files), or [literal values](#create-configmaps-from-literal-values): -->
在[目录](#create-configmaps-from-directories), [文件](#create-configmaps-from-files), 或者[文字值](#create-configmaps-from-literal-values)中使用 `kubectl create configmap` 命令创建configmap:
kubectl create configmap <map-name> <data-source>
<!-- where \<map-name> is the name you want to assign to the ConfigMap and \<data-source> is the directory, file, or literal value to draw the data from. -->
其中, \<map-name> 是要分配给 ConfigMap 的名称,\<data-source> 是要从中提取数据的目录,文件或者文字值。
<!-- The data source corresponds to a key-value pair in the ConfigMap, where -->
数据源对应于 ConfigMap 中的 key-value (键值对)
<!-- * key = the file name or the key you provided on the command line, and
* value = the file contents or the literal value you provided on the command line. -->
* key = 您在命令行上提供的文件名或者密钥
* value = 您在命令行上提供的文件内容或者文字值
<!-- You can use [`kubectl describe`](/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands/#describe) or
[`kubectl get`](/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands/#get) to retrieve information
about a ConfigMap. -->
您可以使用[`kubectl describe`](/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands/#describe)或者
[`kubectl get`](/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands/#get)检索有关 ConfigMap 的信息。
<!-- #### Create ConfigMaps from directories
You can use `kubectl create configmap` to create a ConfigMap from multiple files in the same directory. -->
#### 根据目录创建 ConfigMap
<!-- You can use `kubectl create configmap` to create a ConfigMap from multiple files in the same directory.
For example: -->
你可以使用 `kubectl create configmap` 从同一目录中的多个文件创建 ConfigMap。
# Create the local directory
# Download the sample files into `configure-pod-container/configmap/` directory
# Create the configmap
# 创建本地目录
mkdir -p configure-pod-container/configmap/
# 将样本文件下载到 `configure-pod-container/configmap/` 目录
wget https://kubernetes.io/examples/configmap/game.properties -O configure-pod-container/configmap/game.properties
wget https://kubernetes.io/examples/configmap/ui.properties -O configure-pod-container/configmap/ui.properties
# 创建 configmap
kubectl create c game-config --from-file=configure-pod-container/configmap/
<!-- combines the contents of the `configure-pod-container/configmap/` directory -->
合并 `configure-pod-container/configmap/` 目录的内容
<!-- into the following ConfigMap: -->
进入以下 ConfigMap 中:
kubectl describe configmaps game-config
<!-- where the output is similar to this: -->
Name: game-config
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
game.properties: 158 bytes
ui.properties: 83 bytes
<!-- The `game.properties` and `ui.properties` files in the `configure-pod-container/configmap/` directory are represented in the `data` section of the ConfigMap. -->
`configure-pod-container/configmap/` 目录中的 `game.properties` 和 `ui.properties` 文件在 ConfigMap 的 `data` 部分中表示。
kubectl get configmaps game-config -o yaml
<!-- The output is similar to this: -->
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
creationTimestamp: 2016-02-18T18:52:05Z
name: game-config
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "516"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/game-config
uid: b4952dc3-d670-11e5-8cd0-68f728db1985
game.properties: |
ui.properties: |
<!-- #### Create ConfigMaps from files -->
#### 根据文件创建 ConfigMap
<!-- You can use `kubectl create configmap` to create a ConfigMap from an individual file, or from multiple files.
For example, -->
您可以使用 `kubectl create configmap` 从单个文件或多个文件创建 ConfigMap。
kubectl create configmap game-config-2 --from-file=configure-pod-container/configmap/game.properties
<!-- would produce the following ConfigMap: -->
将产生以下 ConfigMap:
kubectl describe configmaps game-config-2
<!-- where the output is similar to this: -->
Name: game-config-2
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
game.properties: 158 bytes
<!-- You can pass in the `--from-file` argument multiple times to create a ConfigMap from multiple data sources. -->
您可以传入多个 `--from-file` 参数,从多个数据源创建 ConfigMap。
kubectl create configmap game-config-2 --from-file=configure-pod-container/configmap/game.properties --from-file=configure-pod-container/configmap/ui.properties
<!-- Describe the above `game-config-2` configmap created -->
描述上面创建的 `game-config-2` configmap
kubectl describe configmaps game-config-2
<!-- The output is similar to this: -->
Name: game-config-2
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
game.properties: 158 bytes
ui.properties: 83 bytes
<!-- Use the option `--from-env-file` to create a ConfigMap from an env-file, for example: -->
使用 `--from-env-file` 选项从环境文件创建 ConfigMap,例如:
<!-- ```shell
# Env-files contain a list of environment variables.
# These syntax rules apply:
# Each line in an env file has to be in VAR=VAL format.
# Lines beginning with # (i.e. comments) are ignored.
# Blank lines are ignored.
# There is no special handling of quotation marks (i.e. they will be part of the ConfigMap value)).
# Download the sample files into `configure-pod-container/configmap/` directory
wget https://kubernetes.io/examples/configmap/game-env-file.properties -O configure-pod-container/configmap/game-env-file.properties
# The env-file `game-env-file.properties` looks like below
cat configure-pod-container/configmap/game-env-file.properties
allowed="true" -->
# 环境文件包含环境变量列表。
# 语法规则:
# env 文件中的每一行必须为 VAR = VAL 格式。
# 以#开头的行(即注释)将被忽略。
# 空行将被忽略。
# 引号没有特殊处理(即它们将成为 ConfigMap 值的一部分)。
# 将样本文件下载到 `configure-pod-container/configmap/` 目录
wget https://kubernetes.io/examples/configmap/game-env-file.properties -O configure-pod-container/configmap/game-env-file.properties
# env文件 `game-env-file.properties` 如下所示
cat configure-pod-container/configmap/game-env-file.properties
# 注释及其上方的空行将被忽略
kubectl create configmap game-config-env-file \
<!-- would produce the following ConfigMap: -->
将产生以下 ConfigMap:
kubectl get configmap game-config-env-file -o yaml
<!-- where the output is similar to this: -->
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
creationTimestamp: 2017-12-27T18:36:28Z
name: game-config-env-file
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "809965"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/game-config-env-file
uid: d9d1ca5b-eb34-11e7-887b-42010a8002b8
allowed: '"true"'
enemies: aliens
lives: "3"
<!-- When passing `--from-env-file` multiple times to create a ConfigMap from multiple data sources, only the last env-file is used: -->
当使用多个 `--from-env-file` 来从多个数据源创建 ConfigMap 时,仅仅最后一个 env 文件有效:
<!-- ```shell
# Download the sample files into `configure-pod-container/configmap/` directory
wget https://k8s.io/examples/configmap/ui-env-file.properties -O configure-pod-container/configmap/ui-env-file.properties
# Create the configmap
kubectl create configmap config-multi-env-files \
--from-env-file=configure-pod-container/configmap/game-env-file.properties \
``` -->
# 将样本文件下载到 `configure-pod-container/configmap/` 目录
wget https://k8s.io/examples/configmap/ui-env-file.properties -O configure-pod-container/configmap/ui-env-file.properties
# 创建 configmap
kubectl create configmap config-multi-env-files \
--from-env-file=configure-pod-container/configmap/game-env-file.properties \
<!-- would produce the following ConfigMap: -->
将产生以下 ConfigMap:
kubectl get configmap config-multi-env-files -o yaml
<!-- where the output is similar to this: -->
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
creationTimestamp: 2017-12-27T18:38:34Z
name: config-multi-env-files
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "810136"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/config-multi-env-files
uid: 252c4572-eb35-11e7-887b-42010a8002b8
color: purple
how: fairlyNice
textmode: "true"
<!-- #### Define the key to use when creating a ConfigMap from a file -->
#### 定义从文件创建 ConfigMa p时要使用的密钥
<!-- You can define a key other than the file name to use in the `data` section of your ConfigMap when using the `--from-file` argument: -->
您可以在使用 `--from-file` 参数时,在 ConfigMap 的 `data` 部分中定义除文件名以外的其他键:
kubectl create configmap game-config-3 --from-file=<my-key-name>=<path-to-file>
<!-- where `<my-key-name>` is the key you want to use in the ConfigMap and `<path-to-file>` is the location of the data source file you want the key to represent. -->
`<my-key-name>` 是您要在 ConfigMap 中使用的密钥, `<path-to-file>` 是您想要键表示数据源文件的位置。
<!-- For example: -->
kubectl create configmap game-config-3 --from-file=game-special-key=configure-pod-container/configmap/game.properties
<!-- would produce the following ConfigMap: -->
将产生以下 ConfigMap:
kubectl get configmaps game-config-3 -o yaml
<!-- where the output is similar to this: -->
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
creationTimestamp: 2016-02-18T18:54:22Z
name: game-config-3
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "530"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/game-config-3
uid: 05f8da22-d671-11e5-8cd0-68f728db1985
game-special-key: |
<!-- #### Create ConfigMaps from literal values -->
#### 根据文字值创建 ConfigMap
<!-- You can use `kubectl create configmap` with the `--from-literal` argument to define a literal value from the command line: -->
您可以将 `kubectl create configmap` 与 `--from-literal` 参数一起使用,从命令行定义文字值:
kubectl create configmap special-config --from-literal=special.how=very --from-literal=special.type=charm
<!-- You can pass in multiple key-value pairs. Each pair provided on the command line is represented as a separate entry in the `data` section of the ConfigMap. -->
您可以传入多个键值对。命令行中提供的每对在 ConfigMap 的 `data` 部分中均表示为单独的条目。
kubectl get configmaps special-config -o yaml
<!-- The output is similar to this: -->
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
creationTimestamp: 2016-02-18T19:14:38Z
name: special-config
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "651"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/special-config
uid: dadce046-d673-11e5-8cd0-68f728db1985
special.how: very
special.type: charm
<!-- ### Create a ConfigMap from generator -->
#### 根据生成器创建 ConfigMap
<!-- `kubectl` supports `kustomization.yaml` since 1.14.
You can also create a ConfigMap from generators and then apply it to create the object on
the Apiserver. The generators
should be specified in a `kustomization.yaml` inside a directory. -->
自 1.14 开始, `kubectl` 开始支持 `kustomization.yaml`。
您还可以从生成器创建 ConfigMap,然后将其应用于 Apiserver 创建对象。生成器应在目录内的 `kustomization.yaml` 中指定。
<!-- #### Generate ConfigMaps from files -->
#### 根据文件生成 ConfigMap
<!-- For example, to generate a ConfigMap from files `configure-pod-container/configmap/kubectl/game.properties`
# Create a kustomization.yaml file with ConfigMapGenerator
cat <<EOF >./kustomization.yaml
- name: game-config-4
- configure-pod-container/configmap/kubectl/game.properties
``` -->
例如,要从 `configure-pod-container/configmap/kubectl/game.properties` 文件生成一个 ConfigMap
# 使用 ConfigMapGenerator 创建 kustomization.yaml 文件
cat <<EOF >./kustomization.yaml
- name: game-config-4
- configure-pod-container/configmap/kubectl/game.properties
<!-- Apply the kustomization directory to create the ConfigMap object. -->
使用 kustomization 目录创建 ConfigMap 对象
kubectl apply -k .
configmap/game-config-4-m9dm2f92bt created
<!-- You can check that the ConfigMap was created like this: -->
您可以检查 ConfigMap 是这样创建的:
kubectl get configmap
game-config-4-m9dm2f92bt 1 37s
kubectl describe configmaps/game-config-4-m9dm2f92bt
Name: game-config-4-m9dm2f92bt
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration:
Events: <none>
<!-- Note that the generated ConfigMap name has a suffix appended by hashing the contents. This ensures that a
new ConfigMap is generated each time the content is modified. -->
请注意,生成的 ConfigMap 名称具有通过对内容进行散列而附加的后缀,这样可以确保每次修改内容时都会生成新的 ConfigMap。
<!-- #### Define the key to use when generating a ConfigMap from a file -->
#### 定义从文件生成 ConfigMap 时要使用的密钥
<!-- You can define a key other than the file name to use in the ConfigMap generator.
For example, to generate a ConfigMap from files `configure-pod-container/configmap/kubectl/game.properties`
with the key `game-special-key` -->
您可以定义一个非文件名的键,在 ConfigMap 生成器中使用。例如,使用 `game-special-key` 从 `configure-pod-container / configmap / kubectl / game.properties` 文件生成 ConfigMap。
<!-- ```shell
# Create a kustomization.yaml file with ConfigMapGenerator
cat <<EOF >./kustomization.yaml
- name: game-config-5
- game-special-key=configure-pod-container/configmap/kubectl/game.properties
``` -->
# 使用 ConfigMapGenerator 创建 kustomization.yaml 文件
cat <<EOF >./kustomization.yaml
- name: game-config-5
- game-special-key=configure-pod-container/configmap/kubectl/game.properties
<!-- Apply the kustomization directory to create the ConfigMap object. -->
使用 Kustomization 目录创建 ConfigMap 对象。
kubectl apply -k .
configmap/game-config-5-m67dt67794 created
<!-- #### Generate ConfigMaps from Literals -->
#### 从文字值生成 ConfigMap
<!-- To generate a ConfigMap from literals `special.type=charm` and `special.how=very`,
you can specify the ConfigMap generator in `kusotmization.yaml` as -->
要从文字 `special.type=charm` 和 `special.how=very` 生成 ConfigMap,可以在 `kusotmization.yaml` 中将 ConfigMap 生成器指定。
<!-- ```shell
# Create a kustomization.yaml file with ConfigMapGenerator
cat <<EOF >./kustomization.yaml
- name: special-config-2
- special.how=very
- special.type=charm
``` -->
# 使用 ConfigMapGenerator 创建 kustomization.yaml 文件
cat <<EOF >./kustomization.yaml
- name: special-config-2
- special.how=very
- special.type=charm
<!-- Apply the kustomization directory to create the ConfigMap object. -->
使用 Kustomization 目录创建 ConfigMap 对象。
kubectl apply -k .
configmap/special-config-2-c92b5mmcf2 created
<!-- ## Define container environment variables using ConfigMap data -->
## 使用 ConfigMap 数据定义容器环境变量
<!-- ### Define a container environment variable with data from a single ConfigMap -->
### 使用单个 ConfigMap 中的数据定义容器环境变量
<!-- 1. Define an environment variable as a key-value pair in a ConfigMap: -->
1. 在 ConfigMap 中将环境变量定义为键值对:
kubectl create configmap special-config --from-literal=special.how=very
<!-- 2. Assign the `special.how` value defined in the ConfigMap to the `SPECIAL_LEVEL_KEY` environment variable in the Pod specification. -->
2. 将 ConfigMap 中定义的 `special.how` 值分配给 Pod 规范中的 `SPECIAL_LEVEL_KEY` 环境变量。
{{< codenew file="pods/pod-single-configmap-env-variable.yaml" >}}
<!-- Create the Pod: -->
创建 Pod:
kubectl create -f https://kubernetes.io/examples/pods/pod-single-configmap-env-variable.yaml
<!-- Now, the Pod's output includes environment variable `SPECIAL_LEVEL_KEY=very`. -->
现在,Pod 的输出包含环境变量 `SPECIAL_LEVEL_KEY=very`。
<!-- ### Define container environment variables with data from multiple ConfigMaps -->
### 使用来自多个 ConfigMap 的数据定义容器环境变量
<!-- * As with the previous example, create the ConfigMaps first. -->
* 与前面的示例一样,首先创建 ConfigMap。
{{< codenew file="configmap/configmaps.yaml" >}}
<!-- Create the ConfigMap: -->
创建 ConfigMap:
kubectl create -f https://kubernetes.io/examples/configmap/configmaps.yaml
<!-- * Define the environment variables in the Pod specification. -->
* 在 Pod 规范中定义环境变量。
{{< codenew file="pods/pod-multiple-configmap-env-variable.yaml" >}}
<!-- Create the Pod: -->
创建 Pod:
kubectl create -f https://kubernetes.io/examples/pods/pod-multiple-configmap-env-variable.yaml
<!-- Now, the Pod's output includes environment variables `SPECIAL_LEVEL_KEY=very` and `LOG_LEVEL=INFO`. -->
现在,Pod 的输出包含环境变量 `SPECIAL_LEVEL_KEY=very` 和 `LOG_LEVEL=INFO`。
<!-- ## Configure all key-value pairs in a ConfigMap as container environment variables -->
## 将 ConfigMap 中的所有键值对配置为容器环境变量
{{< note >}}
<!-- This functionality is available in Kubernetes v1.6 and later. -->
Kubernetes v1.6 和更高版本提供了此功能。
{{< /note >}}
<!-- * Create a ConfigMap containing multiple key-value pairs. -->
* 创建一个包含多个键值对的 ConfigMap。
{{< codenew file="configmap/configmap-multikeys.yaml" >}}
<!-- Create the ConfigMap: -->
创建 ConfigMap:
kubectl create -f https://kubernetes.io/examples/configmap/configmap-multikeys.yaml
<!-- * Use `envFrom` to define all of the ConfigMap's data as container environment variables. The key from the ConfigMap becomes the environment variable name in the Pod. -->
* 使用 `envFrom` 将所有 ConfigMap 的数据定义为容器环境变量,ConfigMap 中的键成为 Pod 中的环境变量名称。
{{< codenew file="pods/pod-configmap-envFrom.yaml" >}}
<!-- Create the Pod: -->
创建 Pod:
kubectl create -f https://kubernetes.io/examples/pods/pod-configmap-envFrom.yaml
<!-- Now, the Pod's output includes environment variables `SPECIAL_LEVEL=very` and `SPECIAL_TYPE=charm`. -->
现在,Pod 的输出包含环境变量 `SPECIAL_LEVEL=very` 和 `SPECIAL_TYPE=charm`。
<!-- ## Use ConfigMap-defined environment variables in Pod commands -->
## 在 Pod 命令中使用 ConfigMap 定义的环境变量
<!-- You can use ConfigMap-defined environment variables in the `command` section of the Pod specification using the `$(VAR_NAME)` Kubernetes substitution syntax. -->
您可以使用 `$(VAR_NAME)` Kubernetes 替换语法在 Pod 规范的 `command` 部分中使用 ConfigMap 定义的环境变量。
<!-- For example, the following Pod specification -->
例如,以下 Pod 规范
{{< codenew file="pods/pod-configmap-env-var-valueFrom.yaml" >}}
<!-- created by running -->
kubectl create -f https://kubernetes.io/examples/pods/pod-configmap-env-var-valueFrom.yaml
<!-- produces the following output in the `test-container` container: -->
在 `test-container` 容器中产生以下输出:
very charm
<!-- ## Add ConfigMap data to a Volume -->
## 将 ConfigMap 数据添加到一个容器中
<!-- As explained in [Create ConfigMaps from files](#create-configmaps-from-files), when you create a ConfigMap using ``--from-file``, the filename becomes a key stored in the `data` section of the ConfigMap. The file contents become the key's value. -->
如[根据文件创建ConfigMap](#create-configmaps-from-files)中所述,当您使用 ``--from-file`` 创建 ConfigMap 时,文件名成为存储在 ConfigMap 的 `data` 部分中的密钥,文件内容成为密钥的值。
<!-- The examples in this section refer to a ConfigMap named special-config, shown below. -->
本节中的示例引用了一个名为 special-config 的 ConfigMap,如下所示:
{{< codenew file="configmap/configmap-multikeys.yaml" >}}
<!-- Create the ConfigMap: -->
创建 ConfigMap:
kubectl create -f https://kubernetes.io/examples/configmap/configmap-multikeys.yaml
<!-- ### Populate a Volume with data stored in a ConfigMap -->
### 使用存储在 ConfigMap 中的数据填充容器
<!-- Add the ConfigMap name under the `volumes` section of the Pod specification.
This adds the ConfigMap data to the directory specified as `volumeMounts.mountPath` (in this case, `/etc/config`).
The `command` section references the `special.level` item stored in the ConfigMap. -->
在 Pod 规范的 `volumes` 部分下添加 ConfigMap 名称。
这会将 ConfigMap 数据添加到指定为 `volumeMounts.mountPath` 的目录(在本例中为`/etc/config`)。
`command` 引用存储在 ConfigMap 中的 `special.level`。
{{< codenew file="pods/pod-configmap-volume.yaml" >}}
<!-- Create the Pod: -->
kubectl create -f https://kubernetes.io/examples/pods/pod-configmap-volume.yaml
<!-- When the pod runs, the command `ls /etc/config/` produces the output below: -->
运行命令 `ls /etc/config/` 产生下面的输出:
{{< caution >}}
<!-- If there are some files in the `/etc/config/` directory, they will be deleted. -->
如果在 `/etc/config/` 目录中有一些文件,它们将被删除。
{{< /caution >}}
<!-- ### Add ConfigMap data to a specific path in the Volume -->
### 将 ConfigMap 数据添加到容器中的特定路径
<!-- Use the `path` field to specify the desired file path for specific ConfigMap items.
In this case, the `SPECIAL_LEVEL` item will be mounted in the `config-volume` volume at `/etc/config/keys`. -->
使用 `path` 字段为特定的 ConfigMap 项目指定所需的文件路径。
在这种情况下, `SPECIAL_LEVEL` 将安装在 `/etc/config/keys` 目录下的 `config-volume` 容器中。
{{< codenew file="pods/pod-configmap-volume-specific-key.yaml" >}}
<!-- Create the Pod: -->
kubectl create -f https://kubernetes.io/examples/pods/pod-configmap-volume-specific-key.yaml
<!-- When the pod runs, the command `cat /etc/config/keys` produces the output below: -->
当 pod 运行时,命令 `cat /etc/config/keys` 产生以下输出:
{{< caution >}}
<!-- Like before, all previous files in the `/etc/config/` directory will be deleted. -->
和以前一样,`/etc/config/` 目录中的所有先前文件都将被删除。
{{< /caution >}}
<!-- ### Project keys to specific paths and file permissions -->
### 项目密钥以指定路径和文件权限
<!-- You can project keys to specific paths and specific permissions on a per-file
basis. The [Secrets](/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/#using-secrets-as-files-from-a-pod) user guide explains the syntax. -->
您可以将密钥映射到每个文件的特定路径和特定权限。[Secrets](/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/#using-secrets-as-files-from-a-pod) 用户指南说明了语法。
<!-- ### Mounted ConfigMaps are updated automatically -->
### 挂载的 ConfigMap 将自动更新
<!-- When a ConfigMap already being consumed in a volume is updated, projected keys are eventually updated as well. Kubelet is checking whether the mounted ConfigMap is fresh on every periodic sync. However, it is using its local ttl-based cache for getting the current value of the ConfigMap. As a result, the total delay from the moment when the ConfigMap is updated to the moment when new keys are projected to the pod can be as long as kubelet sync period + ttl of ConfigMaps cache in kubelet. -->
更新已经在容器中使用的 ConfigMap 时,最终也会更新映射键。Kubelet 实时检查是否在每个定期同步中都更新已安装的 ConfigMap。它使用其基于本地 ttl 的缓存来获取 ConfigMap 的当前值。结果,从更新 ConfigMap 到将新密钥映射到 Pod 的总延迟可以与 ConfigMap 在 kubelet 中缓存的 kubelet 同步周期 ttl 一样长。
{{< note >}}
<!-- A container using a ConfigMap as a [subPath](/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#using-subpath) volume will not receive ConfigMap updates. -->
使用 ConfigMap 作为子路径[subPath](/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#using-subpath)的容器将不会收到 ConfigMap 更新。
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<!-- ## Understanding ConfigMaps and Pods -->
## 了解 ConfigMap 和 Pod
<!-- The ConfigMap API resource stores configuration data as key-value pairs. The data can be consumed in pods or provide the configurations for system components such as controllers. ConfigMap is similar to [Secrets](/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/), but provides a means of working with strings that don't contain sensitive information. Users and system components alike can store configuration data in ConfigMap. -->
ConfigMap API 资源将配置数据存储为键值对。数据可以在 Pod 中使用,也可以提供系统组件(如控制器)的配置。ConfigMap 与 [Secrets](/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/)类似,但是提供了一种使用不包含敏感信息的字符串的方法。用户和系统组件都可以在 ConfigMap 中存储配置数据。
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<!-- ConfigMaps should reference properties files, not replace them. Think of the ConfigMap as representing something similar to the Linux `/etc` directory and its contents. For example, if you create a [Kubernetes Volume](/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/) from a ConfigMap, each data item in the ConfigMap is represented by an individual file in the volume. -->
ConfigMap 应该引用属性文件,而不是替换它们。可以将 ConfigMap 表示为类似于 Linux `/etc` 目录及其内容的东西。例如,如果您从 ConfigMap 创建[Kubernetes Volume](/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/),则 ConfigMap 中的每个数据项都由该容器中的单个文件表示。
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<!-- The ConfigMap's `data` field contains the configuration data. As shown in the example below, this can be simple -- like individual properties defined using `--from-literal` -- or complex -- like configuration files or JSON blobs defined using `--from-file`. -->
ConfigMap 的 `data` 字段包含配置数据。如下例所示,它可以很简单 -- 就像使用 `--from-literal` -- 定义的单个属性一样,也可以很复杂 -- 例如使用 `--from-file` 定义的配置文件或 JSON blob。
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
creationTimestamp: 2016-02-18T19:14:38Z
name: example-config
namespace: default
# example of a simple property defined using --from-literal
example.property.1: hello
example.property.2: world
# example of a complex property defined using --from-file
example.property.file: |-
<!-- ### Restrictions -->
### 限制规定
<!-- - You must create a ConfigMap before referencing it in a Pod specification (unless you mark the ConfigMap as "optional"). If you reference a ConfigMap that doesn't exist, the Pod won't start. Likewise, references to keys that don't exist in the ConfigMap will prevent the pod from starting. -->
- 在 Pod 规范中引用它之前,必须先创建一个 ConfigMap(除非将 ConfigMap 标记为"可选")。如果引用的 ConfigMap 不存在,则 Pod 将不会启动。同样,对 ConfigMap 中不存在的键的引用将阻止容器启动。
<!-- - If you use `envFrom` to define environment variables from ConfigMaps, keys that are considered invalid will be skipped. The pod will be allowed to start, but the invalid names will be recorded in the event log (`InvalidVariableNames`). The log message lists each skipped key. For example: -->
- 如果您使用 `envFrom` 从 ConfigMap 中定义环境变量,那么将忽略被认为无效的键。可以启动 Pod,但无效名称将记录在事件日志中(InvalidVariableNames)。日志消息列出了每个跳过的键。例如:
kubectl get events
<!-- The output is similar to this: -->
0s 0s 1 dapi-test-pod Pod Warning InvalidEnvironmentVariableNames {kubelet,} Keys [1badkey, 2alsobad] from the EnvFrom configMap default/myconfig were skipped since they are considered invalid environment variable names.
<!-- - ConfigMaps reside in a specific [namespace](/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/). A ConfigMap can only be referenced by pods residing in the same namespace. -->
- ConfigMaps reside in a specific [命令空间](/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/). A ConfigMap can only be referenced by pods residing in the same namespace.
ConfigMap 驻留在特定的[命令空间](/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/)中。ConfigMap 只能由位于相同命令空间中的 Pod 引用。
<!-- - Kubelet doesn't support the use of ConfigMaps for pods not found on the API server. This includes pods created via the Kubelet's `--manifest-url` flag, `--config` flag, or the Kubelet REST API. -->
- Kubelet 不支持将 ConfigMap 用于未在 API 服务器上找到的 Pod。这包括通过 Kubelet 的 `--manifest-url` 参数,`--config` 参数或者 Kubelet REST API 创建的容器。
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<!-- These are not commonly-used ways to create pods. -->
这些不是创建 pods 的常用方法。
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<!-- * Follow a real world example of [Configuring Redis using a ConfigMap](/docs/tutorials/configuration/configure-redis-using-configmap/). -->
* 遵循[使用ConfigMap配置Redis](/docs/tutorials/configuration/configure-redis-using-configmap/)的真实案例。
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