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{% capture overview %} This page shows how to connect various logging solutions to a Juju deployed cluster. {% endcapture %} {% capture prerequisites %} This page assumes you have a working Juju deployed cluster. {% endcapture %}

{% capture steps %}

Connecting Datadog

Datadog is a SaaS offering which includes support for a range of integrations, including Kubernetes and ETCD. While the solution is SAAS/Commercial, they include a Free tier which is supported with the following method. To deploy a full Kubernetes stack with Datadog out of the box, do:

juju deploy canonical-kubernetes-datadog

Installation of Datadog

To start, deploy the latest version Datadog from the Charm Store:

juju deploy datadog

Configure Datadog with your api-key, found in the Datadog dashboard. Replace XXXX with your API key.

juju configure datadog api-key=XXXX

Finally, attach datadog to all applications you wish to monitor. For example, kubernetes-master, kubernetes-worker, and etcd:

juju add-relation datadog kubernetes-worker
juju add-relation datadog kubernetes-master
juju add-relation datadog etcd

Connecting Elastic stack

The Elastic stack, formally "ELK" stack, refers to Elastic Search and the suite of tools to facilitate log aggregation, monitoring, and dashboarding. To deploy a full Kubernetes stack with elastic out of the box, do:

juju deploy canonical-kubernetes-elastic

New install of ElasticSearch

To start, deploy the latest version of ElasticSearch, Kibana, Filebeat, and Topbeat from the Charm Store:

This can be done in one command as:

juju deploy beats-core

However, if you wish to customize the deployment, or proceed manually, the following commands can be issued:

juju deploy elasticsearch
juju deploy kibana
juju deploy filebeat
juju deploy topbeat

juju add-relation elasticsearch kibana
juju add-relation elasticsearch topbeat
juju add-relation elasticsearch filebeat

Finally, connect filebeat and topbeat to all applications you wish to monitor. For example, kubernetes-master and kubernetes-worker:

juju add-relation kubernetes-master topbeat
juju add-relation kubernetes-master filebeat
juju add-relation kubernetes-worker topbeat
juju add-relation kubernetes-worker filebeat

Existing ElasticSearch cluster

In the event an ElasticSearch cluster already exists, the following can be used to connect and leverage it instead of creating a new, separate, cluster. First deploy the two beats, filebeat and topbeat

juju deploy filebeat
juju deploy topbeat

Configure both filebeat and topbeat to connect to your ElasticSearch cluster, replacing with the IP address in your setup.

juju configure filebeat elasticsearch=
juju configure topbeat elasticsearch=

Follow the above instructions on connect topbeat and filebeat to the applications you wish to monitor.

Connecting Nagios

Nagios utilizes the Nagions Remote Execution Protocol (NRPE) as an agent on each node to derive machine level details of the health and applications.

New install of Nagios

To start, deploy the latest version of the Nagios and NRPE charms from the store:

juju deploy nagios
juju deploy nrpe

Connect Nagios to NRPE

juju add-relation nagios nrpe

Finally, add NRPE to all applications deployed that you wish to monitor, for example kubernetes-master, kubernetes-worker, etcd, easyrsa, and kubeapi-load-balancer.

juju add-relation nrpe kubernetes-master
juju add-relation nrpe kubernetes-worker
juju add-relation nrpe etcd
juju add-relation nrpe easyrsa
juju add-relation nrpe kubeapi-load-balancer

Existing install of Nagios

If you already have an existing Nagios installation, the nrpe-external-master charm can be used instead. This will allow you to supply configuration options that map your existing external Nagios installation to NRPE. Replace with the IP address of the nagios instance.

juju deploy nrpe-external-master
juju configure nrpe-external-master nagios_master=

Once configured, connect nrpe-external-master as outlined above. {% endcapture %}

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