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Debugging Init Containers

{% capture overview %}

This page shows how to investigate problems related to the execution of Init Containers.

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{% capture prerequisites %}

  • You should be familiar with the basics of Init Containers.
  • You should have a Pod you want to debug that uses Init Containers. The example command lines below refer to the Pod as <pod-name> and the Init Containers as <init-container-1> and <init-container-2>.

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{% capture steps %}

Checking the status of Init Containers

The Pod status will give you an overview of Init Container execution:

kubectl get pod <pod-name>

For example, a status of Init:1/2 indicates that one of two Init Containers has completed successfully:

<pod-name>   0/1       Init:1/2   0          7s

See Understanding Pod status for more examples of status values and their meanings.

Getting details about Init Containers

You can see detailed information about Init Container execution by running:

kubectl describe pod <pod-name>

For example, a Pod with two Init Containers might show the following:

Init Containers:
    Container ID:    ...
    State:           Terminated
      Reason:        Completed
      Exit Code:     0
      Started:       ...
      Finished:      ...
    Ready:           True
    Restart Count:   0
    Container ID:    ...
    State:           Waiting
      Reason:        CrashLoopBackOff
    Last State:      Terminated
      Reason:        Error
      Exit Code:     1
      Started:       ...
      Finished:      ...
    Ready:           False
    Restart Count:   3

You can also access the Init Container statuses programmatically by reading the status.initContainerStatuses field on the Pod Spec:

{% raw %}

kubectl get pod nginx --template '{{.status.initContainerStatuses}}'

{% endraw %}

This will return the same information as above, but in raw JSON format.

Accessing logs from Init Containers

You can access logs for an Init Container by passing its Container name along with the Pod name:

kubectl logs <pod-name> -c <init-container-2>

If your Init Container runs a shell script, it helps to enable printing of commands as they're executed. For example, you can do this in Bash by running set -x at the beginning of the script.

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{% capture discussion %}

Understanding Pod status

A Pod status beginning with Init: summarizes the status of Init Container execution. The table below describes some example status values that you might see while debugging Init Containers.

Status Meaning
Init:N/M The Pod has M Init Containers, and N have completed so far.
Init:Error An Init Container has failed to execute.
Init:CrashLoopBackOff An Init Container has failed repeatedly.

A Pod with status Pending has not yet begun executing Init Containers. A Pod with status PodInitializing or Running has already finished executing Init Containers.

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