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reference Node Status 80

The status of a node in Kubernetes is a critical aspect of managing a Kubernetes cluster. In this article, we'll cover the basics of monitoring and maintaining node status to ensure a healthy and stable cluster.

Node status fields

A Node's status contains the following information:

You can use kubectl to view a Node's status and other details:

kubectl describe node <insert-node-name-here>

Each section of the output is described below.


The usage of these fields varies depending on your cloud provider or bare metal configuration.

  • HostName: The hostname as reported by the node's kernel. Can be overridden via the kubelet --hostname-override parameter.
  • ExternalIP: Typically the IP address of the node that is externally routable (available from outside the cluster).
  • InternalIP: Typically the IP address of the node that is routable only within the cluster.


The conditions field describes the status of all Running nodes. Examples of conditions include:

{{< table caption = "Node conditions, and a description of when each condition applies." >}}

Node Condition Description
Ready True if the node is healthy and ready to accept pods, False if the node is not healthy and is not accepting pods, and Unknown if the node controller has not heard from the node in the last node-monitor-grace-period (default is 50 seconds)
DiskPressure True if pressure exists on the disk size—that is, if the disk capacity is low; otherwise False
MemoryPressure True if pressure exists on the node memory—that is, if the node memory is low; otherwise False
PIDPressure True if pressure exists on the processes—that is, if there are too many processes on the node; otherwise False
NetworkUnavailable True if the network for the node is not correctly configured, otherwise False
{{< /table >}}

{{< note >}} If you use command-line tools to print details of a cordoned Node, the Condition includes SchedulingDisabled. SchedulingDisabled is not a Condition in the Kubernetes API; instead, cordoned nodes are marked Unschedulable in their spec. {{< /note >}}

In the Kubernetes API, a node's condition is represented as part of the .status of the Node resource. For example, the following JSON structure describes a healthy node:

"conditions": [
    "type": "Ready",
    "status": "True",
    "reason": "KubeletReady",
    "message": "kubelet is posting ready status",
    "lastHeartbeatTime": "2019-06-05T18:38:35Z",
    "lastTransitionTime": "2019-06-05T11:41:27Z"

When problems occur on nodes, the Kubernetes control plane automatically creates taints that match the conditions affecting the node. An example of this is when the status of the Ready condition remains Unknown or False for longer than the kube-controller-manager's NodeMonitorGracePeriod, which defaults to 50 seconds. This will cause either an taint, for an Unknown status, or a taint, for a False status, to be added to the Node.

These taints affect pending pods as the scheduler takes the Node's taints into consideration when assigning a pod to a Node. Existing pods scheduled to the node may be evicted due to the application of NoExecute taints. Pods may also have {{< glossary_tooltip text="tolerations" term_id="toleration" >}} that let them schedule to and continue running on a Node even though it has a specific taint.

See Taint Based Evictions and Taint Nodes by Condition for more details.

Capacity and Allocatable

Describes the resources available on the node: CPU, memory, and the maximum number of pods that can be scheduled onto the node.

The fields in the capacity block indicate the total amount of resources that a Node has. The allocatable block indicates the amount of resources on a Node that is available to be consumed by normal Pods.

You may read more about capacity and allocatable resources while learning how to reserve compute resources on a Node.


Describes general information about the node, such as kernel version, Kubernetes version (kubelet and kube-proxy version), container runtime details, and which operating system the node uses. The kubelet gathers this information from the node and publishes it into the Kubernetes API.


Heartbeats, sent by Kubernetes nodes, help your cluster determine the availability of each node, and to take action when failures are detected.

For nodes there are two forms of heartbeats:

  • updates to the .status of a Node
  • Lease objects within the kube-node-lease {{< glossary_tooltip term_id="namespace" text="namespace">}}. Each Node has an associated Lease object.

Compared to updates to .status of a Node, a Lease is a lightweight resource. Using Leases for heartbeats reduces the performance impact of these updates for large clusters.

The kubelet is responsible for creating and updating the .status of Nodes, and for updating their related Leases.

  • The kubelet updates the node's .status either when there is change in status or if there has been no update for a configured interval. The default interval for .status updates to Nodes is 5 minutes, which is much longer than the 40 second default timeout for unreachable nodes.
  • The kubelet creates and then updates its Lease object every 10 seconds (the default update interval). Lease updates occur independently from updates to the Node's .status. If the Lease update fails, the kubelet retries, using exponential backoff that starts at 200 milliseconds and capped at 7 seconds.