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title |
Writing a New Topic |
{% capture overview %} This page shows how to create a new topic for the Kubernetes docs. {% endcapture %}
{% capture prerequisites %} Create a fork of the Kubernetes documentation repository as described in Creating a Documentation Pull Request. {% endcapture %}
{% capture steps %}
Choosing a page type
As you prepare to write a new topic, think about which of these page types is the best fit for your content:
Task | A task page shows how to do a single thing, typically by giving a short sequence of steps. Task pages have minimal explanation, but often provide links to conceptual topics that provide related background and knowledge. |
Tutorial | A tutorial page shows how to accomplish a goal that is larger than a single task. Typically a tutorial page has several sections, each of which has a sequence of steps. For example, a tutorial might provide a walkthrough of a code sample that illustrates a certain feature of Kubernetes. Tutorials can include surface-level explanations, but should link to related concept topics for deep explanations. |
Concept | A concept page explains some aspect of Kubernetes. For example, a concept page might describe the Kubernetes Deployment object and explain the role it plays as an application is deployed, scaled, and updated. Typically, concept pages don't include sequences of steps, but instead provide links to tasks or tutorials. |
Each page type has a template that you can use as you write your topic. Using templates helps ensure consistency among topics of a given type.
Choosing a title and filename
Choose a title that has the keywords you want search engines to find.
Create a filename that uses the words in your title separated by hyphens.
For example, the topic with title
Using an HTTP Proxy to Access the Kubernetes API
has filename http-proxy-access-api.md
. You don't need to put
"kubernetes" in the filename, because "kubernetes" is already in the
URL for the topic, for example:
Adding the topic title to the front matter
In your topic, put a title
field in the
front matter.
The front matter is the YAML block that is between the
triple-dashed lines at the top of the page. Here's an example:
title: Using an HTTP Proxy to Access the Kubernetes API
Choosing a directory
Depending on your page type, put your new file in a subdirectory of one of these:
- /docs/tasks/
- /docs/tutorials/
- /docs/concepts/
You can put your file in an existing subdirectory, or you can create a new subdirectory.
Creating an entry in the table of contents
Depending page type, create an entry in one of these files:
- /_data/tasks.yaml
- /_data/tutorials.yaml
- /_data/concepts.yaml
Here's an example of an entry in /_data/tasks.yaml:
- docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-volume-storage.md
Including code from another file
To include a code file in your topic, place the code file in the Kubernetes
documentation repository, preferably in the same directory as your topic
file. In your topic file, use the include
{% include code.html language="<LEXERVALUE>" file="<RELATIVEPATH>" ghlink="/<PATHFROMROOT>" %}
is the language in which the file was written. This must be a value supported by Rouge.<RELATIVEPATH>
is the path to the file you're including, relative to the current file, for example,gce-volume.yaml
is the path to the file relative to root, for example,docs/tutorials/stateful-application/gce-volume.yaml
Here's an example of using the include
{% include code.html language="yaml" file="gce-volume.yaml" ghlink="/docs/tutorials/stateful-application/gce-volume.yaml" %}
Showing how to create an API object from a configuration file
If you need to show the reader how to create an API object based on a configuration file, place the configuration file in the Kubernetes documentation repository, preferably in the same directory as your topic file.
In your topic, show this command:
kubectl create -f https://k8s.io/<PATHFROMROOT>
is the path to the configuration file relative to root,
for example, docs/tutorials/stateful-application/gce-volume.yaml
Here's an example of a command that creates an API object from a configuration file:
kubectl create -f https://k8s.io/docs/tutorials/stateful-application/gce-volume.yaml
For an example of a topic that uses this technique, see Running a Single-Instance Stateful Application.
Adding images to a topic
Put image files in the /images
directory. The preferred
image format is SVG.
{% endcapture %}
{% capture whatsnext %}
- Learn about using page templates.
- Learn about staging your changes.
- Learn about creating a pull request. {% endcapture %}
{% include templates/task.md %}