91 lines
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91 lines
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title: kubectl create secret docker-registry
## kubectl create secret docker-registry
Create a secret for use with a Docker registry
### Synopsis
Create a new secret for use with Docker registries.
Dockercfg secrets are used to authenticate against Docker registries.
When using the Docker command line to push images, you can authenticate to a given registry by running
$ docker login DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --username=DOCKER_USER --password=DOCKER_PASSWORD --email=DOCKER_EMAIL'.
That produces a ~/.dockercfg file that is used by subsequent 'docker push' and 'docker pull' commands to authenticate to the registry.
When creating applications, you may have a Docker registry that requires authentication. In order for the nodes to pull images on your behalf, they have to have the credentials. You can provide this information by creating a dockercfg secret and attaching it to your service account.
kubectl create secret docker-registry NAME --docker-username=user --docker-password=password --docker-email=email [--docker-server=string] [--from-literal=key1=value1] [--dry-run]
### Examples
# If you don't already have a .dockercfg file, you can create a dockercfg secret directly by using:
kubectl create secret docker-registry my-secret --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --docker-username=DOCKER_USER --docker-password=DOCKER_PASSWORD --docker-email=DOCKER_EMAIL
### Options
--docker-email string Email for Docker registry
--docker-password string Password for Docker registry authentication
--docker-server string Server location for Docker registry (default "https://index.docker.io/v1/")
--docker-username string Username for Docker registry authentication
--dry-run If true, only print the object that would be sent, without sending it.
--generator string The name of the API generator to use. (default "secret-for-docker-registry/v1")
--no-headers When using the default or custom-column output format, don't print headers.
-o, --output string Output format. One of: json|yaml|wide|name|custom-columns=...|custom-columns-file=...|go-template=...|go-template-file=...|jsonpath=...|jsonpath-file=... See custom columns [http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/kubectl-overview/#custom-columns], golang template [http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/#pkg-overview] and jsonpath template [http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/jsonpath].
--output-version string Output the formatted object with the given group version (for ex: 'extensions/v1beta1').
--save-config If true, the configuration of current object will be saved in its annotation. This is useful when you want to perform kubectl apply on this object in the future.
--schema-cache-dir string If non-empty, load/store cached API schemas in this directory, default is '$HOME/.kube/schema' (default "~/.kube/schema")
-a, --show-all When printing, show all resources (default hide terminated pods.)
--show-labels When printing, show all labels as the last column (default hide labels column)
--sort-by string If non-empty, sort list types using this field specification. The field specification is expressed as a JSONPath expression (e.g. '{.metadata.name}'). The field in the API resource specified by this JSONPath expression must be an integer or a string.
--template string Template string or path to template file to use when -o=go-template, -o=go-template-file. The template format is golang templates [http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/#pkg-overview].
--validate If true, use a schema to validate the input before sending it (default true)
### Options inherited from parent commands
--alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
--as string Username to impersonate for the operation
--certificate-authority string Path to a cert. file for the certificate authority
--client-certificate string Path to a client certificate file for TLS
--client-key string Path to a client key file for TLS
--cluster string The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use
--context string The name of the kubeconfig context to use
--insecure-skip-tls-verify If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.
--log-backtrace-at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
--log-dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
--logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
--match-server-version Require server version to match client version
-n, --namespace string If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request
--password string Password for basic authentication to the API server
--request-timeout string The length of time to wait before giving up on a single server request. Non-zero values should contain a corresponding time unit (e.g. 1s, 2m, 3h). A value of zero means don't timeout requests. (default "0")
-s, --server string The address and port of the Kubernetes API server
--stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2)
--token string Bearer token for authentication to the API server
--user string The name of the kubeconfig user to use
--username string Username for basic authentication to the API server
-v, --v Level log level for V logs
--vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 13-Dec-2016