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layout: blog
title: "OPA Gatekeeper:Kubernetes 的策略和管理"
date: 2019-08-06
slug: OPA-Gatekeeper-Policy-and-Governance-for-Kubernetes
layout: blog
title: "OPA Gatekeeper: Policy and Governance for Kubernetes"
date: 2019-08-06
slug: OPA-Gatekeeper-Policy-and-Governance-for-Kubernetes
**Authors:** Rita Zhang (Microsoft), Max Smythe (Google), Craig Hooper (Commonwealth Bank AU), Tim Hinrichs (Styra), Lachie Evenson (Microsoft), Torin Sandall (Styra)
**作者:** Rita Zhang (Microsoft), Max Smythe (Google), Craig Hooper (Commonwealth Bank AU), Tim Hinrichs (Styra), Lachie Evenson (Microsoft), Torin Sandall (Styra)
The [Open Policy Agent Gatekeeper](https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper) project can be leveraged to help enforce policies and strengthen governance in your Kubernetes environment. In this post, we will walk through the goals, history, and current state of the project.
可以从项目 [Open Policy Agent Gatekeeper](https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper) 中获得帮助,在 Kubernetes 环境下实施策略并加强治理。在本文中,我们将逐步介绍该项目的目标,历史和当前状态。
The following recordings from the Kubecon EU 2019 sessions are a great starting place in working with Gatekeeper:
* [Intro: Open Policy Agent Gatekeeper](https://youtu.be/Yup1FUc2Qn0)
* [Deep Dive: Open Policy Agent](https://youtu.be/n94_FNhuzy4)
以下是 Kubecon EU 2019 会议的录音,帮助我们更好地开展与 Gatekeeper 合作:
* [简介:开放策略代理 Gatekeeper](https://youtu.be/Yup1FUc2Qn0)
* [深入研究:开放策略代理](https://youtu.be/n94_FNhuzy4)
## Motivations
If your organization has been operating Kubernetes, you probably have been looking for ways to control what end-users can do on the cluster and ways to ensure that clusters are in compliance with company policies. These policies may be there to meet governance and legal requirements or to enforce best practices and organizational conventions. With Kubernetes, how do you ensure compliance without sacrificing development agility and operational independence?
## 出发点
如果您所在的组织一直在使用 Kubernetes,您可能一直在寻找如何控制终端用户在集群上的行为,以及如何确保集群符合公司政策。这些策略可能需要满足管理和法律要求,或者符合最佳执行方法和组织惯例。使用 Kubernetes,如何在不牺牲开发敏捷性和运营独立性的前提下确保合规性?
For example, you can enforce policies like:
* All images must be from approved repositories
* All ingress hostnames must be globally unique
* All pods must have resource limits
* All namespaces must have a label that lists a point-of-contact
* 所有镜像必须来自获得批准的存储库
* 所有入口主机名必须是全局唯一的
* 所有 Pod 必须有资源限制
* 所有命名空间都必须具有列出联系的标签
Kubernetes allows decoupling policy decisions from the API server by means of [admission controller webhooks](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/extensible-admission-controllers/) to intercept admission requests before they are persisted as objects in Kubernetes. [Gatekeeper](https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper) was created to enable users to customize admission control via configuration, not code and to bring awareness of the cluster’s state, not just the single object under evaluation at admission time. Gatekeeper is a customizable admission webhook for Kubernetes that enforces policies executed by the [Open Policy Agent (OPA)](https://www.openpolicyagent.org), a policy engine for Cloud Native environments hosted by CNCF.
在接收请求被持久化为 Kubernetes 中的对象之前,Kubernetes 允许通过 [admission controller webhooks](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/extensible-admission-controllers/) 将策略决策与 API 服务器分离,从而拦截这些请求。[Gatekeeper](https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper) 创建的目的是使用户能够通过配置(而不是代码)自定义控制许可,并使用户了解群集的状态,而不仅仅是针对评估状态的单个对象,在这些对象准许加入的时候。Gatekeeper 是 Kubernetes 的一个可定制的许可 webhook ,它由 [Open Policy Agent (OPA)](https://www.openpolicyagent.org) 强制执行, OPA 是 Cloud Native 环境下的策略引擎,由 CNCF 主办。
## Evolution
Before we dive into the current state of Gatekeeper, let’s take a look at how the Gatekeeper project has evolved.
## 发展
在深入了解 Gatekeeper 的当前情况之前,让我们看一下 Gatekeeper 项目是如何发展的。
* Gatekeeper v1.0 - Uses OPA as the admission controller with the kube-mgmt sidecar enforcing configmap-based policies. It provides validating and mutating admission control. Donated by Styra.
* Gatekeeper v2.0 - Uses Kubernetes policy controller as the admission controller with OPA and kube-mgmt sidecars enforcing configmap-based policies. It provides validating and mutating admission control and audit functionality. Donated by Microsoft.
* Gatekeeper v3.0 - The admission controller is integrated with the [OPA Constraint Framework](https://github.com/open-policy-agent/frameworks/tree/master/constraint) to enforce CRD-based policies and allow declaratively configured policies to be reliably shareable. Built with kubebuilder, it provides validating and, eventually, mutating (to be implemented) admission control and audit functionality. This enables the creation of policy templates for [Rego](https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/how-do-i-write-policies/) policies, creation of policies as CRDs, and storage of audit results on policy CRDs. This project is a collaboration between Google, Microsoft, Red Hat, and Styra.
* Gatekeeper v1.0 - 使用 OPA 作为带有 kube-mgmt sidecar 的许可控制器,用来强制执行基于 configmap 的策略。这种方法实现了验证和转换许可控制。贡献方:Styra
* Gatekeeper v2.0 - 使用 Kubernetes 策略控制器作为许可控制器,OPA 和 kube-mgmt sidecar 实施基于 configmap 的策略。这种方法实现了验证和转换准入控制和审核功能。贡献方:Microsoft
* Gatekeeper v3.0 - 准入控制器与 [OPA Constraint Framework](https://github.com/open-policy-agent/frameworks/tree/master/constraint) 集成在一起,用来实施基于 CRD 的策略,并可以可靠地共享已完成声明配置的策略。使用 kubebuilder 进行构建,实现了验证以及最终转换(待完成)为许可控制和审核功能。这样就可以为 [Rego](https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/how-do-i-write-policies/) 策略创建策略模板,将策略创建为 CRD 并存储审核结果到策略 CRD 上。该项目是 Google,Microsoft,Red Hat 和 Styra 合作完成的。

## Gatekeeper v3.0 Features
Now let’s take a closer look at the current state of Gatekeeper and how you can leverage all the latest features. Consider an organization that wants to ensure all objects in a cluster have departmental information provided as part of the object’s labels. How can you do this with Gatekeeper?
## Gatekeeper v3.0 的功能
现在我们详细看一下 Gatekeeper 当前的状态,以及如何利用所有最新的功能。假设一个组织希望确保集群中的所有对象都有 department 信息,这些信息是对象标签的一部分。如何利用 Gatekeeper 完成这项需求?
### Validating Admission Control
Once all the Gatekeeper components have been [installed](https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper) in your cluster, the API server will trigger the Gatekeeper admission webhook to process the admission request whenever a resource in the cluster is created, updated, or deleted.
During the validation process, Gatekeeper acts as a bridge between the API server and OPA. The API server will enforce all policies executed by OPA.
### 验证许可控制
在集群中所有 Gatekeeper 组件都 [安装](https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper) 完成之后,只要集群中的资源进行创建、更新或删除,API 服务器将触发 Gatekeeper 准入 webhook 来处理准入请求。
在验证过程中,Gatekeeper 充当 API 服务器和 OPA 之间的桥梁。API 服务器将强制实施 OPA 执行的所有策略。
### Policies and Constraints
With the integration of the OPA Constraint Framework, a Constraint is a declaration that its author wants a system to meet a given set of requirements. Each Constraint is written with Rego, a declarative query language used by OPA to enumerate instances of data that violate the expected state of the system. All Constraints are evaluated as a logical AND. If one Constraint is not satisfied, then the whole request is rejected.
### 策略与 Constraint
结合 OPA Constraint Framework,Constraint 是一个声明,表示作者希望系统满足给定的一系列要求。Constraint 都使用 Rego 编写,Rego 是声明性查询语言,OPA 用 Rego 来枚举违背系统预期状态的数据实例。所有 Constraint 都遵循逻辑 AND。假使有一个 Constraint 不满足,那么整个请求都将被拒绝。
Before defining a Constraint, you need to create a Constraint Template that allows people to declare new Constraints. Each template describes both the Rego logic that enforces the Constraint and the schema for the Constraint, which includes the schema of the CRD and the parameters that can be passed into a Constraint, much like arguments to a function.
For example, here is a Constraint template CRD that requires certain labels to be present on an arbitrary object.
在定义 Constraint 之前,您需要创建一个 Constraint Template,允许大家声明新的 Constraint。每个模板都描述了强制执行 Constraint 的 Rego 逻辑和 Constraint 的模式,其中包括 CRD 的模式和传递到 enforces 中的参数,就像函数的参数一样。
例如,以下是一个 Constraint 模板 CRD,它的请求是在任意对象上显示某些标签。
apiVersion: templates.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: ConstraintTemplate
name: k8srequiredlabels
kind: K8sRequiredLabels
listKind: K8sRequiredLabelsList
plural: k8srequiredlabels
singular: k8srequiredlabels
# Schema for the `parameters` field
type: array
items: string
- target: admission.k8s.gatekeeper.sh
rego: |
package k8srequiredlabels
deny[{"msg": msg, "details": {"missing_labels": missing}}] {
provided := {label | input.review.object.metadata.labels[label]}
required := {label | label := input.parameters.labels[_]}
missing := required - provided
count(missing) > 0
msg := sprintf("you must provide labels: %v", [missing])
Once a Constraint template has been deployed in the cluster, an admin can now create individual Constraint CRDs as defined by the Constraint template. For example, here is a Constraint CRD that requires the label `hr` to be present on all namespaces.
在集群中部署了 Constraint 模板后,管理员现在可以创建由 Constraint 模板定义的单个 Constraint CRD。例如,这里以下是一个 Constraint CRD,要求标签 `hr` 出现在所有命名空间上。
apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: K8sRequiredLabels
name: ns-must-have-hr
- apiGroups: [""]
kinds: ["Namespace"]
labels: ["hr"]
Similarly, another Constraint CRD that requires the label `finance` to be present on all namespaces can easily be created from the same Constraint template.
类似地,可以从同一个 Constraint 模板轻松地创建另一个 Constraint CRD,该 Constraint CRD 要求所有命名空间上都有 `finance` 标签。
apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: K8sRequiredLabels
name: ns-must-have-finance
- apiGroups: [""]
kinds: ["Namespace"]
labels: ["finance"]
As you can see, with the Constraint framework, we can reliably share Regos via the Constraint templates, define the scope of enforcement with the match field, and provide user-defined parameters to the Constraints to create customized behavior for each Constraint.
如您所见,使用 Constraint framework,我们可以通过 Constraint 模板可靠地共享 rego,使用匹配字段定义执行范围,并为 Constraint 提供用户定义的参数,从而为每个 Constraint 创建自定义行为。
### Audit
The audit functionality enables periodic evaluations of replicated resources against the Constraints enforced in the cluster to detect pre-existing misconfigurations. Gatekeeper stores audit results as `violations` listed in the `status` field of the relevant Constraint. --->
### 审核
根据群集中强制执行的 Constraint,审核功能可定期评估复制的资源,并检测先前存在的错误配置。Gatekeeper 将审核结果存储为 `violations`,在相关 Constraint 的 `status` 字段中列出。
apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: K8sRequiredLabels
name: ns-must-have-hr
- apiGroups: [""]
kinds: ["Namespace"]
labels: ["hr"]
auditTimestamp: "2019-08-06T01:46:13Z"
- enforced: true
id: gatekeeper-controller-manager-0
- enforcementAction: deny
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"hr"}'
name: default
- enforcementAction: deny
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"hr"}'
name: gatekeeper-system
- enforcementAction: deny
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"hr"}'
name: kube-public
- enforcementAction: deny
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"hr"}'
name: kube-system
### Data Replication
Audit requires replication of Kubernetes resources into OPA before they can be evaluated against the enforced Constraints. Data replication is also required by Constraints that need access to objects in the cluster other than the object under evaluation. For example, a Constraint that enforces uniqueness of ingress hostname must have access to all other ingresses in the cluster.
### 数据复制
审核要求将 Kubernetes 复制到 OPA 中,然后才能根据强制的 Constraint 对其进行评估。数据复制同样也需要 Constraint,这些 Constraint 需要访问集群中除评估对象之外的对象。例如,一个 Constraint 要强制确定入口主机名的唯一性,就必须有权访问集群中的所有其他入口。
To configure Kubernetes data to be replicated, create a sync config resource with the resources to be replicated into OPA. For example, the below configuration replicates all namespace and pod resources to OPA.
对 Kubernetes 数据进行复制,请使用复制到 OPA 中的资源创建 sync config 资源。例如,下面的配置将所有命名空间和 Pod 资源复制到 OPA。
apiVersion: config.gatekeeper.sh/v1alpha1
kind: Config
name: config
namespace: "gatekeeper-system"
- group: ""
version: "v1"
kind: "Namespace"
- group: ""
version: "v1"
kind: "Pod"
## Planned for Future
The community behind the Gatekeeper project will be focusing on providing mutating admission control to support mutation scenarios (for example: annotate objects automatically with departmental information when creating a new resource), support external data to inject context external to the cluster into the admission decisions, support dry run to see impact of a policy on existing resources in the cluster before enforcing it, and more audit functionalities.
## 未来计划
Gatekeeper 项目背后的社区将专注于提供转换许可控制,可以用来支持转换方案(例如:在创建新资源时使用 department 信息自动注释对象),支持外部数据以将集群外部环境加入到许可决策中,支持试运行以便在执行策略之前了解策略对集群中现有资源的影响,还有更多的审核功能。
If you are interested in learning more about the project, check out the [Gatekeeper](https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper) repo. If you are interested in helping define the direction of Gatekeeper, join the [#kubernetes-policy](https://openpolicyagent.slack.com/messages/CDTN970AX) channel on OPA Slack, and join our [weekly meetings](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A1-Q-1OMw3QODs1wT6eqfLTagcGmgzAJAjJihiO3T48/edit) to discuss development, issues, use cases, etc.
如果您有兴趣了解更多有关该项目的信息,请查看 [Gatekeeper](https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper) 存储库。如果您有兴趣帮助确定 Gatekeeper 的方向,请加入 [#kubernetes-policy](https://openpolicyagent.slack.com/messages/CDTN970AX) OPA Slack 频道,并加入我们的 [周会](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A1-Q-1OMw3QODs1wT6eqfLTagcGmgzAJAjJihiO3T48/edit) 一同讨论开发、任务、用例等。