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title: " Kubernetes 社区指导委员会选举结果 "
date: 2017-10-05
slug: kubernetes-community-steering-committee-election-results
url: /blog/2017/10/Kubernetes-Community-Steering-Committee-Election-Results
title: " Kubernetes Community Steering Committee Election Results "
date: 2017-10-05
slug: kubernetes-community-steering-committee-election-results
url: /blog/2017/10/Kubernetes-Community-Steering-Committee-Election-Results
Beginning with the announcement of Kubernetes 1.0 at OSCON in 2015, there has been a concerted effort to share the power and burden of leadership across the Kubernetes community.
自 2015 年 OSCON 发布 Kubernetes 1.0 以来,大家一直在共同努力,在 Kubernetes 社区中共同分享领导力和责任。
With the work of the Bootstrap Governance Committee, consisting of Brandon Philips, Brendan Burns, Brian Grant, Clayton Coleman, Joe Beda, Sarah Novotny and Tim Hockin - a cross section of long-time leaders representing 5 different companies with major investments of talent and effort in the Kubernetes Ecosystem - we wrote an initial [Steering Committee Charter](https://github.com/kubernetes/steering/blob/master/charter.md) and launched a community wide election to seat a Kubernetes Steering Committee.
在 Brandon Philips、Brendan Burns、Brian Grant、Clayton Coleman、Joe Beda、Sarah Novotny 和 Tim Hockin 组成的自举治理委员会的工作下 - 代表 5 家不同公司的长期领导者,他们对 Kubernetes 生态系统进行了大量的人才投资和努力 - 编写了初始的[指导委员会章程](https://github.com/kubernetes/steering/blob/master/charter.md),并发起了一次社区选举,以选举 Kubernetes 指导委员会成员。
To quote from the Charter -
引用章程 -
_The initial role of the steering committee is to **instantiate the formal process for Kubernetes governance**. In addition to defining the initial governance process, the bootstrap committee strongly believes that **it is important to provide a means for iterating** the processes defined by the steering committee. We do not believe that we will get it right the first time, or possibly ever, and won’t even complete the governance development in a single shot. The role of the steering committee is to be a live, responsive body that can refactor and reform as necessary to adapt to a changing project and community._
_指导委员会的最初职责是**实例化 Kubernetes 治理的正式过程**。除定义初始治理过程外,指导委员会还坚信**提供一种方法来迭代指导委员会定义的方法很重要**。我们不相信我们会在第一次或以后把这些做好,也不会一口气完成治理开发工作。指导委员会的作用是成为一个积极响应的机构,可以根据需要进行重构和改造,以适应不断变化的项目和社区。
This is our largest step yet toward making an implicit governance structure explicit. Kubernetes vision has been one of an inclusive and broad community seeking to build software which empowers our users with the portability of containers. The Steering Committee will be a strong leadership voice guiding the project toward success.
这是将我们隐式治理结构明确化的最大一步。Kubernetes 的愿景一直是成为一个包容而广泛的社区,用我们的软件带给用户容器的便利性。指导委员会将是一个强有力的引领声音,指导该项目取得成功。
The Kubernetes Community is pleased to announce the results of the 2017 Steering Committee Elections. **Please congratulate Aaron Crickenberger, Derek Carr, Michelle Noorali, Phillip Wittrock, Quinton Hoole and Timothy St. Clair** , who will be joining the members of the Bootstrap Governance committee on the newly formed Kubernetes Steering Committee. Derek, Michelle, and Phillip will serve for 2 years. Aaron, Quinton, and Timothy will serve for 1 year.
Kubernetes 社区很高兴地宣布 2017 年指导委员会选举的结果。 **请祝贺 Aaron Crickenberger、Derek Carr、Michelle Noorali、Phillip Wittrock、Quinton Hoole 和 Timothy St. Clair**,他们将成为新成立的 Kubernetes 指导委员会的自举治理委员会成员。Derek、Michelle 和 Phillip 将任职 2 年。Aaron、Quinton、和 Timothy 将任职 1 年。
This group will meet regularly in order to clarify and streamline the structure and operation of the project. Early work will include electing a representative to the CNCF Governing Board, evolving project processes, refining and documenting the vision and scope of the project, and chartering and delegating to more topical community groups.
该小组将定期开会,以阐明和简化项目的结构和运行。早期的工作将包括选举 CNCF 理事会的代表,发展项目流程,完善和记录项目的愿景和范围,以及授权和委派更多主题社区团体。
Please see [the full Steering Committee backlog](https://github.com/kubernetes/steering/blob/master/backlog.md) for more details.